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‘A PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF A NEW CONCEPT JN SUSPENSION BRIDGES A Project Presented to the Department of Civil Engineering Brigham Young University: Tn Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirenents for the Degree Master of Science by Traja C. Cecy August 1985 This Project, by Traja C. Cecy, is accepted in its present form by the Department of Civil Engineering of Brigham Young University as satisfying the project requirement for the degree of Master of Science. oo aa) vere Bd - 2 T= VIVE = 75.25 bie ‘The same problem modeled in FRAME.BYU provides identical results for the tension foree in the eable. However, if an additional loed of 6 kips is applied, the program calculates T 13 kips instead of T = 97.2 ips. The dlference being that the program doesnot take into consideration the change in length of cable caused by the unit strain multiplied by the length. Reference [7 ] shows how the final sag of the cable is equal to 4.65 ‘whereas the program provides 6.251 feet. 4 From the discussion in this chapter and from the two examples above, one is Ted to the conclusion that although the programs were not suitable for the computation of deflections, ANSR-I not even getting the final results because of the tremendous change in geometry, FRAME.BYU still provided enough information to proceed with the analysis, A linear analysis certainly is not the most preferred method, since s suspension bridge has a marked nonlinear behavior. However, it was felt that for the purposes of a preliminary design, and due to the absence of program ‘whieh accounts for the change in length of cables, a linear program was acceptable, CHAPTER FOUR MEMBER PROPERTIES AND GEOMETRIES, AND LOADS ‘This chapter describes the properties and dimensions of all members of the standard suspension bridge. Also described ite the computation of dead and live loads. ‘The members are those of the final design, except for the stiffening girders which were further optimized by changing the flanges cros-seetional area. ‘Those members were found to be adequate to resist stresses from ead, live, and impact loads, The stresses were further checked against the sllowable stresses prescribed in the 1084 AASIITO Specifications All structural steel is AGS Grade 50, with Fy = 50 ksi, E 20,000 ksi, The reinforcing steel for the concrete deck is Grade 60 and the conerete has a 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi. The cables are Grade 270 and the allowable stress was considered 100 ksi, in order to insure a factor of safety of 25, ‘The reader is referred to Chapter Five and appendices A through D for the final design and configuration of the bridge deck. Table 4.1 summarizes the section properties. 25 6 Table 4.1 Member Properties. Section Ares Ta tb os (ing) (ina) (An) (ina) stringer 20.325 1640 = S F. Beam se 337801660 395400 carder 3261933002000 2178700 Tower 693 1290000 201000 16632000000 Bridge Deck. The bridge deck is composed of an &in thick concrete slab acting compositely with the seven W24 x 55 stringers [8] plus a cover plate of 6 x 11/16 in, The stringers rest on foot beams, which are spaced 40 feet apart and were designed as built-up sections. The floor beams connect to the girder webs, which in vurn transfer the loads tothe main cables through the suspenders. Figure 4.1 shows a erose-section of the bridge deck. Note that the stiffening girders do not support the concrete slab directly. The inside of the top flanges are embedded in the concrete in order to provide lateral support to the girder Manges. Figure 42 shows a cross-section of a typical stringer acting compositely with the concrete slab. Figure 4.3 shows a cross-section of a floor beam, Figure 4.4 shows a cross-section of the stiffening geder [Note that the cross-section shown was used in the computer analysis and then it was modified according to the bending moments, ano Se I : T T I Swing Foor Brame (40 0.0) Siesing Cider }__— «n. —______ Figure 4.1 Cross-Section of The Bridge Deck. Stent Connectors wate Figure 4.2 Cross-Section of a Composite Stringer. 28 Png te yee = uM wes ae aye Flange 14 Figure 4.3 Cross-Section of a Floor Beam. Flange 2022" suns pe x2aye Figure 44 Cross-Section of Stiffening Girder. 20 ‘Towers. Each tower has an approximate A shape and has an angle of about 391 degrees with the vertical plane. ‘This was necessary to insure that the top would be vertical withthe stifening girders, so the suspenders would be vertical, The towers were assumed to have constant erose-seetion from the supports up to and including the top cross besm, Figure 45 shows a cross-section of the tower Figure 45 Cross-Section of Tower Main Cables. The mais ables have constant cross-section throughout the bridge. The maximum sag at midspan is 126 feet. ‘The metallic cross sectional area is 55 sq-ia, and is composed of Parallel Wire Strands of .196, in diameter each ‘The tower saddles provide the support for the cables on the towers and also provide a smooth change in direction of the cables from the upward thrust of the side span to the downward plunge of the main 30 span [9]. Figure 46 shows how the cables are placed in the saddles. ‘The strands form a hexagon in either of two configurations, with the flat top and bottom oF the fat side to side Figure 4.6 Placement of Cables in the Saddles of the George Washington and Golden Gate Bridges. at An example of eable bents are shown in Figure 4.7 [10 }. They were not considered in the design of the bridge. but they can be designed as ‘a beam-column element, Figure 4.7 Cable Bents on the lowa-Ilinois Bridge. Suspender Cables. The initial metallic area use in the program was 2.0 sqrin., and it was decided to use one 6 x 19 Class ( wire strand core ) with, metallic area of 2.17 sqrin., and 2 1/8 inches diameter [ 10 }, as shown in Figure 48. Figure 48. Side View of Suspender. ‘The cable connections are beyond the scope of the thesis and, 32 therefore, not diseussed here. A wide variety of eable connections are used, ‘and it depends on the bridge and on the construetor which type(s) are to be used. LOADS. ‘The loads were applied as point loads on the deck at the points where the suspenders were connected to the stiffening girders, The dead loads are the ones caused by the self weight of the structure and are as follows. Parapet: 0.39 k/ft (40 ft) 56k Deck: (8/12)1126.6711(0.15 kef¥oft = 1067 k Stringer: (7/2)beams(0.055k/tH wore = TT Plates: (7/2)plates(0.014k/te}O = = 20K Floor beams: (54/14(0.49ket/27ft = 5.0K Girders: (106/144)(0.49kef soft ‘Other: ( suspenders, braces, ete. ) 68k Total 158.2 k ‘The live loads were also applied as point loads on the girders, and were taken as the equivalent lane loading prescribed by AASHTO of 610 lb/ft, ‘The live loads, multiplied by the reduction factor of 0.5, for four or more lanes, and by the panel length of 40 fect, resulted in a panel point Toad of 38.4 kips. 38 Several live loading situations were selected as the ones that could possibly have any controling elect on the bridge [1]. Appendix B contains a series of gures which describe the positioning of such loads. Caseload 10 isa combination of dead snd lve loads running over the entire length of the bridge. This was done with the intention of obtaining the maximum tension force in the main eables, CHAPTER FIVE RESULTS AND FINAL DESIGN ‘The results obtained from FRAME.BYU were compiled and were used for the final design of the stiffening girders, towers, main eables, and suspenders. The presentation of final results and design of the members was done together for each set of members, Stiffening Girders Details of calculations are presented in Appendix D. The basic assumption is that the girder is only stressed by live loads. Nine live loading situations ( Appendix E ) were analyzed, and the maximum moments and shears at each panel point were compiled, in order to obtain the design values ‘The nodal point live load applied was 38.4 kips ( Chapter 4 ) Since the suspenders provide flexible supports vhroughout the girder, the recommended values for impact prescribed by AASHTO would be far to conservative, Therefore, all moments were increased by an arbitrary value of 5.0 %, in order to acount for impact To the positive moments, it was decided to add the equivalent rigid moment of the dead load of the stifening girder, as a simple beam spanning 40 feet, which amounts to 791 ft-kips. To all shears, a panel point 4 35 dead load of 158 was added, Any errors with the above procedure is om the side of safety. Table 5.1 summarizes those values and indicates which load case controlled a particular point. Due to symmetry, only one balf of one girder was designed, which runs from the end of the bridge ( node 201 ) up to the center ( midway between nodes 220-921 ) Table 5.1 Summary of Maximum Moments and Shears Panel Moments Case Final Shears Case Final Point (£t-k) Moments (Ieips) Shears (fk) (clps) 201 ° 0. S18 130 202 1269 82323, 1302 i 203 166682540, ia) im 204 349022356 388 192 208 a1 71958 a8 192 206 1095 79a 3304 ist 207-1802, 21892 5307 za 208 -15640 «2 ~16191 1452 303 209-9649 210131 1262 286 2100-46192 ~4850 062 264 211-3700 3 -3885 87 2 245 212-4863 «3 -5106 67 2 225, 2130-57842 -6073 a2 205, 214 7595-18766 oa 215. 215 8654029878 33 206 216 99330210171 0 3 198, 27 846729681 42 192 216 m63 2 a312 542 22 219 su3 2 6160 732 231 220, 426335288 si 2 249 36 ‘The girder was divided into five different sections (changing only the flange cross-sectional areas ), according to the final design moment Values from Table 5.1, in order to reduce the amount of stecl. It was decided to change girder cross-sections midway between panel points, in order to provide uniformity, See Figure 5.1 for side view of girder and dimensions. SS. dipeeeaL a wa ee tm Figure 5.1 Side View of Stiffening Girder. Section I spans from node 201 { end support } to midway between points 206 and 207, for a total length of 220 feet. The maximum moment in the section is 2540 ft-kips. and the flanges chosen were ( top and bottom ) 12° x 1.3/8", which provide a total resisting moment of 5875 ft-kips ( see Table 5.2 }. Such a margin is not economical, but since the adjacent section has 24° x 23/4" flanges. it was decided not to splice members which had width and depth ratios greater than 2 a7 Section Il spans from midway between nodes 208-207 to midway between nodes 209-210, for a total length of 120 feet, and is in the negative moment region. The flange cross-sections 24° x 2.3/4", provide a resisting moment of 16520 ft-kips Section III spans from nodes 200-210 to 213-214, for a total length of 160 fect, and is alo in the negative moment region, Flanges with 10° x 1 1/8" were chosen, which provide a resisting moment of 6210 f-kips. Section IV spans from 213-214 to 218-219, for a total length of 200 feet. and is in the positive moment region. Flanges were chosen to be 20° x 17/8", providing o resisting moment of 10300 ft-ips. Lastly, section V spans from 218219 to 220-221, for a total length of 80 feet. The 16° x 1 1/8" anges provide a resisting moment of 0210 Fhips. Table 5.2 Properties and Resisting Moments of Section Cross-sections Parameter Sec. I Sec. IT Sec. III Sec. IV. Sec. V Flange Size (inxin) 12 3/8 24x2 3/4 6x1 1/8 20x1 7/8 6x1 1/8 Moment of Inertia 126919372570 135590 230326 135590 (ina) c (Gn) 49.375 50.75 49.128 49.875 49,125 Design Moments 2540-16191, 6073 10172 6160 (fe-k) Resisting Moment, Elanges bfe © 20 8.7 8.7 4 n 5875-16520 6210 10390 6210 14 38 Mi Cables ‘The maximum tension in the main cables was in the member immediately off the tower towards midspan, Total load was used, and a total axial force of 5800 kips was obtained, A cross-sectional area of ed 200/100 = 53 sa was required, and a final metallic area of 55 savin. was provided in the analysis. Parallel Wire Strands were to be used, which hhad a diameter of .196 inches. Chapter four provides further details of saddles and eable bents. Suspenders ‘The maximum force in the suspenders was 203 kips, Thus, a cross-sectional area of 208/100 = 2.08 2g-in. was required. In the program, an area of 2.0 sq-in was used and the final eable was a 6 x 19 Class ( wire strand core ) which has a metallic area of 2.17 sq-in and 2 1/8 diameter. See Figure 4.8 for a side view of the cable. ‘Towei ‘The towers were analyzed as a frame having moments and axial forces acting on it. Since lateral loads were not employed in the analysis, no attempt was made to optimize the tower. It will have constant cross section until further analysis is performed, The reactions were found at the tower supports, and are as follows: Pom 307 tips 30 0 ips, My = 08 potion According to the AASHTO Specifications, the slendemess ratio (KL / 1) for al primary compression members shall not exceed 120 [5:52 | ‘The slenderness ratio of the towers, considering the maximum unbraced length ( Lu ) equal to 146 feet, and the constant K = 8, is computed about VE Beene eeaweee ‘Thus, the slenderness ratios are: Osta? 1/8 ant ee This steel 1s placed at the top of the slab Just under the main reinforcement steel. st APPENDIX B DESIGN OF STEEL STRINGERS ‘The following appendix provides detailed computations of the bridge steel stringers design. Also contained are the assumed data pertaining to the mentioned structure, First, a typical interior stringer was designed, followed by a typical exterior stringer. The stringers were considered simply supported at the floor beams and were designed as composite steel beam and conerete eck. 82 INITIAL DATA Span: sesees 40 feet Loading: sessessesseseeseeseeseesetseseeseeseese AASHTO HS-20 Lanest vsssssessesessseseesessessessesseses @ lanes of traffic Yield strength of steel seseesesssseeserees 50000 psi Parapet ee = 0.39 k/te Modular ratio (n) See 8 Number of cycles + 2,000,000 Composite with concrete deck No shoring Service load design See Figure 4.1 for geometry: A design of a typical interior stringer is shown first Dead load A + no composite action. Slab: ( 8.0 / 12 )8.0(0.15) 0.80. k/te Haunch: ("2 x 0.15) / 12 01025 Kyte Steel ( beam, diaphragm), assumed 01135 k/te Wa= 0.960 K/te Dead load B+ composite action equally distributed to all beams. Parapet: (0.39 x 2) / 7 stringers O.aan Kyte Asphalt: 0.25 [53.33 ~ 2(2.667)) o.i7t Kyte Wo = 0,283 K/te Moment dead load A + Ma = 0.96 x ( 40") /8 192 k-fe Moment dead load Bt Ne = 0.203 x ( 40") / 8 = 86.618 Distribution factor: 5 / 5.5 = 8.0/5.5 1.455 Maximum Live lead moment: ( reduced 0.75 - 4 lanes ) Ma = ( 449.8 / 2 wheels )2.455(0.75) ras kote Impact percentage: 1 = 50 / (40 +225) = 0.203, Use 0.20 M (a) = 245 x 2.3 = masicte Effective flange width for composite action: ‘he miniaun o Gehver vo center of bess = ‘Ot G2 cines thickness of slab = 22(8/22) at use 8 fe Transforaed width of flange: for n= 8, Sx 12 / n= 8(12/8) - 12 tn for an = 24, Sx 12 / Sn = 8(12/28) ain Required Se = M (141) / Eb = 218.5(12/27) = 142 ina Try W24 x 62 with 6 x 3/4 Plate Sx = 129 ina 33 COMPUTATION OF SECTION PROPERTIES SECTION BREA, Y ay aw To BEAM 16.200 -11.875 -190.92 22501350 PLATE 4.125 23.914 -98.65 23890 sum 20.325 -289.57 4609 1350 YI = 289.87 / 20.325 = -14.25 In It = 5959 - 4125 = 1834 ing With slab at SLAB 32 3 160 ‘800 i SUM = 52.325 -129.57 sqo9 | 1s21 Yih = 7129.57 / 52.325 = 2.48 in T't = 6930-321 = 6609 in With slab at n=8 SLAB 96 5 480 2400212 SUM = 116.325 190.43 70091862 v 190.43 / 116.325 = 1.64 tn rit = e971 - 312 = 8559 ind Weight of beam + plate = 55 + 490(6) (11/16)/ 144= 69 1b/ft 69 ib/ft < 135 lb/ft Assumed, OK. 55 COMPUTATION OF BENDING STRESSES IN STEEL AND CONCRETE L. Steel Stress in Tension (maximum in bottom fiber): Fea = 192(12)10.01 / 1834 12.58 kst Feb = 56.6(12)21.78 / 6609 = 2.24 kel, Fe(14T) = 318.5(12)25.9 / 8559 12.87 ket SUM = 26.40 ksi < 27 kei OK = Steel Stress in Compression: Fea = 12.58 (14.25) / 10.01 27.92 ket Feb = 2,24(2.48) / 21.78 = 0.26 ket Fe (#1) = 11.57(1.64) / 25.90 0.73 kst SUM = 10.90 kel < 27 ket 0« 3. Concrete Stress in Compression: 56.6 (12) 11.48 / 6609(27) Fo(1+1) = 316.5(22)7.36 / 8559(8) 0 Feb 0.05 ket ovat ket, SUM = 0.46 Kel < 1.6 ket 0K Since the stresses are less then the permissible stresses by the Code, the W24 x 55 is to be used with the 6 x 11/16 bottom plate. DEFLECTION 16 (1-455)=23.3k 23.3k | | “| Se tI 15.1 k 1.5 i Figure B.1 Location of Wheels For Deflection Computation 55 31.5(6)=189 k-#e et Figure B.2 Lead diagram for conjugate bean RL = { 302(20) (2/2) (25(2#2/3)] + 302 (24) (21/2) (6+14(2/3)]+ + 109(24) (2/2) [6+24(1/3)] + 1€9(6) (2/2)6(2/2) 3/40 = = 3726.5 kete2 EI D= 3736.5(20)~302 (20/3) (20/2) = 54597 K-fe2 un D= 54597(1720) / (2900x0559) - 0.98 18 Allowable D = L / 800 = 40(12)/800 = 0.60 sn ‘Total D (1+I) = 0,38(1.3) = 0.49 in < 0.60 in allowable ox COMPUTATION OF SHEAR STRESSES Live load wheel distribution factors: Rear Axle 1+ (2/8) + (4/8) Other Axles $/5.5 = 8/5.5 1. Shear at End of Bean: va = 0.96(40)/2 vb = 0.283(40)/2 VL = { 16(1.25)+ [26 (24/40) +4(12/40)] J x 1.455(0.75) Impact: 50/(40+125) = 0.303, Use 1 Range of Shear (1+I) = 32.8(0-300) 2, Range of Shear at 6 ft from End of Beam: w [ 16 (34/40) +16 (20/40) +4(6/40) Ix x 1.455 (0.75) Impact = 50/(34¥125) = 0.314, Use 1 sv (L4T)= 24.2(2.3) -V = [ 4(94/40)~4 12.455 (0.75 Impact = -v(14t)= (-0.7)2.3 Range of Shear (1+I) = 31.5-(-0.9) 3. Range of Shear at 12 ft from End of Beam: w [16 (28/40) #36 (34/40) 12.455 (0.75) Inpact = 50/(28+125) = 0.327, Use I svarn= 16.30..3) 1.13 ksi 0K DEVELOPMENT OF COVER PLATE BASED ON WELD STRENGTH Strength of cover plate: 6 (11/16) 27ks1 101 & Strength of tyo 1/4-in fillet welds: 6a 2(1/4) (0.707) (27.6) = 8.22 k/Im Since one half of the total theoretical length of cover plate te 14-£t, the required development length of 17.85 inches 1s adequately met. DESIGN OF STUD SHEAR CONNECTORS: 1, Design for Fatigue: Use 5x 7/8 studs, b/d > 4.0, 2,000,000 cycles. tr = d= 7850(7/8)" . 6010 tb Since the cover plate runs the vhole length of the bean, ‘the section properties are constant throughout. Spacing (S) = nde/Sr = nZrI/¥eQ = 6.01nT/¥rQ= —8.01n/sr where: n = number of studs per row For n = 2, use 12.02/Sr TABLE BS Variable Spacing of Shear Connectors Diet. from ve 1 CaaS. 8 support (ee) (i) (4nd) (43) (kn) (an) ° 42.6 8559-37788 6 a2la 85593771438 2 2816 85593771126 9.5 CL. 28.6 88893771126 9.S Method 1: (equal spacing throughout length of bean Average Ve = (42.6428.6)/2 Average 1/9 = (5767/272 + 6859/377)/2 Spacing(S) = nérI / Vr = = 2(6.01) 21.95/35.6 says fof rows = L(12)/S +1 = 40(12)/7 +1 = Use 70 rows at 7.0-in spacing: start studs at 2.0-in center line of support. Method 2: (variable spacing, see Table 5-5 ) 12 spacings at 6.0 in. =6 fe - 0 in 9 spacings at 8.0 In. = 6 ft - 0 in 10 spacings at 9.0 in, = 7 ft - 6 in Starting at 6 in. from supporte, Lt requires 63 studs for a total of 126. 2, Design for Uitiaate Strengths =P osu were P Se the snalter of PY and PY! BY = aaty = (06.206(33/16)359 Pr = 0.as(t"ebe where, b= ettective flange widen 22 SISSNS CAO Pr" = 0,05(4)96(@) : Use P su = 0.ad = tp.a(7/e} SBBAREaTaBOR) 175000 N= 1016/(0.85007.9) = 21.5 35.6 k 21.95 74 An 7.0 in 70 rows from the rows of 1016 k 2611 k 1016 k 37.9 k say 32 6 Thus 32x4 = 128 studs, which is more than 126 required for variable spacing but less than 140 required for equal spacing. Therefore, use studs as required for equal spacing, 1.e., 70 rows at 7.0-in. spacing, starting the first row at 2.0 Inches from the supports, for a total of 140 studs. DESIGN OF EXTERIOR STRINGER Dead load A + no composite action. Slabs (8.0/12) 10.67 (0-15) 10-67/ (2x8) 0.711 K/te Baunch: (1/12) 2/0.18 01028 K/fe Steel ( beam, diaphragm ), assumed 0.094 k/te Wa = 0,890 k/te Dead load B+ composite action equally distributed to ‘ail beans. Parapet: (0.39 x 2) / 7 stringers o.3a1 Kyte Asphalt: 0.25 (53.33 ~ 2(2.667)] om Kyte we 0.283 k/tt Moment dead load A Ma = 0.83 x (40°) / a 166 kote Moment dead load 8 M> = 0,283 x (a0) sa 56.6 kote Distribution factor: Maximum of: 5.5/5 =5.5/8.0 = 0.688 S / [4+(0.25)8) = 8 / [4+(0.25)8) 2.333 Use 1,333 Maximum Live load moment: ( reduced 0.75 - 4 lanes ) ML = (449.8 / 2 wheels )1.333(0.75) 225 kf Impact percentage: 1 = 50 / (40+ 125) 0.303, Use 0.30, M (LeI) = 225 1.3 292.5 kote Since the moments of the exterior stringers are less than the moments of the interior stringers, the exterior stringers are designed to have the same dimensions and properties as the Interior ones. See Figure 4.2 for stringer cross-section. 8 APPENDIX C DESIGN OF FLOOR BEAMS ‘The following appendix provides detailed computations of the bridge steel floor beams design. Also contained are the assumed data pertaining to ‘the mentioned structure, The floor beams support all stringers and are welded conto the stiffening girders. They span 54 fect center to center and are spaced 40 fect apart. They were designed as built-up steel girders. Load Pactor Design Method was used, DESIGN OF FLOOR BEAMS ‘The floor beans were designed as simply supported at the sti- ffening girders. This was justified by considering that the stiffening girders are susceptible to torsional rotations and fairly large displacenents within the elastic range. ‘The floor beans span 54 feet from center to center of the webs of the stiffening girders and are spaced 40 feet avay from each other. The material properties are identical as the stringers. The stringers Impose concentrated loads on the floor beams be- cause of the weight of the concrete deck and their oun weight. plus the dead weight of the floor beans. See figure C.1 for Moment, Shear, Deflection, and Free Body alagrans. Although the pictures and diagrams were obtained through the use of the draxing capabilities of the FRAME.BYU computer pro gram, for the purpose of illustration all hand calculations are shown here, which should be compared vith the results gi- ven by FRAME.BYU. DEAD LOADS: Ls Interior Stringers: Stringers: (0.055+6(5/8) (0.49/144)]40 = 2.7 stab: (2/12) 8 (40)0.150 = 32.0 k Asphalt: (1.5/12)8(40)0.150 . 60k Diaphragm: (0.024) 8(2) - 0.6 sum = 43k 69 0 2. Floor Beam: (assured) = 0.20 K/ee 3. Exterior Stringers: Stringers: [0.055+6(5/8) (0.49/144)}40 = 27k Slab: (8/12)6.67(40)0.150 = 26.7 Asphalt: (1.5/12)4(40)0.150 = 3.0 x Diaphrages: (0.034)8(1) . 0.3K Parapet: (0-38)40 = 16k sm = 342k BENDING ABOUT THE A AXIS FREE BODY DIAGRAM M9 49 4.8 448 443 4120 34,9 2,0008-1 i co sae | ° guy at 142.0 4a sis 1.430862 SiR ~1.4308623 eg ig ar as Gate . — BENDA MOMENT -t.0728+a] oe ges gape maar ts aioe 9 | | oo | — 1.1806-1) . fee io a ie Figure C.1 Monent, Shear, Deflection, and Free Body Diagrams ‘for Floor Bean. n LIVE LOAD: 4 lanes See figure C.1 for the calculation of the wheel load "w" which 1s used to compute the end reactions of the floor beam due to the live load as shown in figure C.2. 4k 16k 16K a |< 40 re >< 40 re —_+| R= 16 + (16 + 4/405 29k = Figure ¢.2 Caieulation of wheel load "W". allel <3 ce | R = 116 kips igure C.3 Computation of reaction due to live loads w = 29 k ma = [126(9) + 87(6) + 58(4) + 29(6)]0.75 = 1479 fe-kips (ist) = 1479(2.3) 1923 te-kips Ma = (1974 + 2,67(1923)]1.3 = 6740 te-kips Required Zx = 6740(12) /50 1618 in3. The floor beans are designed as plate girders. Min. web thickness: D/140 = 48/140 = 0.34 in. Use tw = 3/8in n ‘Try section plates: 18" x1" See figure C.4. Plate: 18" x 1" 43" x 3/8" Plate: 16" x 1" Figure C.4 Initial trial size of floor bean. LIVE LOAD SHEARS To compute the live load Shear the beam was divided into four lanes of traffic of width equal to 12 feet each, and the trucks were placed at a distance of two feet from the edge of each lane as in figure C.5. eee Rl = 117.4 kips Rr = 109 Kips Figure C.5 Placenent of vheels for shear calculations. w= 29(2.3) (0.75) = 28.3 kips Rr = 28,3(5¢11+1762329+35+41447) /54 109 kips RL = 28,3(7+1319+25+31+37+43049) /54 = 117.4 Kips CHECK OF FATIGUE STRESS Eetimated number of cycles: 2,000,000 M (1 + 1) = 1923 fe-kips. w/t According te the Code, this plate girder only has welds in the fer 1923(12) 25 / 25068 = 23.0 ket categories A and B, which have allovable stresses of 24 and 18 kei respectively for redundant load path. Thus, new flange cross-section is tried: 20" x 11/4". New fsr = 1970 (12) (25.25) / 33782 17.6 ksi CHECK FOR COMPACT SECTION bi /tf=10/1.25= 8>7.2 xc 4/4 = 50.5 / 1375 = 135 > 59 nc ‘Thue, use non-compact section: Ma = EyS = By(I/C) = 50(33782/25.25) 5515 ft-k > 3754!-K Projecting compression flange: b'/t < 2200 / 10 / 1.25 = 8 < 2200 / (50000 = 9.84 ox Web thickness: D / tw < 150 48 / .375 = 128 < 150 OK Spacing of lateral bracing for compression flange: Lb < 20000Af / Fy 4 = 20000(25) / 50(48) = 208" 17 foot Compression flanges are restrained at stringer locations. which are located 6.0 feet apart < 17 feet. ox Maximum shear force: Vv = 117.4 k at support (live + Impact) roisootw / D = 101800(3/8) / 48 = 111 kips < 117.4 Kips. 0.SazyDew = 0.58 (50)48(0.375) = 522 Kips > 117.4 kips. ox n % Thus, transverse stiffeners are required. t=DEV / 7500, Fv vfmet, V = (7500) & / D V = (7500x0.375) 0.375 / 48 = 61798 Ibs, Say 62 Kips Thus, stiffeners can be omitted where shear < 62 kips. DESIGN OF TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS for girders without longitudinal stiffeners: D/tw < 163 Se b= 40" or 1aso0/pli (v= 14500 f6x0.575 ATTA00 = 67 in. a bt /t < 2600 / fy 2600 / [so000 = 11.6 2 + 0/30 = 2 + 48/30 = 3.6 In. But preferably not less than b/4=20 /4=5.0 in. Thus, use 5.0 In. wide stiffener. Minimum Cross-Sectional Area A= (0.18BDtw(1-C) (V/Vu) ~ 18% IY where, B= 2.4 for single plates c = 18000 (0.37548), [2+ (48/48) ]/50000 - 0.3 0.589 vp = 0.SFyDew = 0.58(50) (48) (0.375) 522 kips 0.87(1-C) vu = vie + ————— 1 + (€0/>)| 0.87 (4-0.589) 822 o.sag +] 499 Kips 1 + (48/49) 6 a [ 0-15 (2.4) 48 (3/8) (1-0-589) (117.4/439) -18 (3/8)" 1.0 A= -1,82 in2, Actual area = 5(7/16) = 2.19 1n2 ox Minimum T= dofwl , vhere J = 2.5(D/do) - 2 > 0.5 J = 2.5(48/48) -2 = 0.5 Thus, I = 48(7/16)' 0.5 = 2.01 ind Actual I= (7/16) (5° /3 = 18.2 in > 2.01 ind OK Stiffeners are only necessary up to the point vhere shear 1s less than 62 Kips; Shear 1s equal to $8 Kips at 15 feet from supports. Use one single stiffener every 48 inches up to 16 feet from each end for a total of eight 5" x 7/16" x 47" stiffeners (leave 1/2" for cope on each end of stiffener close to web) « WELDING OF FLANGES TO WEB Maximum material thickness: 1 1/4 in. Minimum size of fillet weld: 5/16 in. Shear per inch v = VO/T Vax = 143 + 117-4 260.4 kips at supports. = AY = 20(2.25) (24 + 1.2572) = 616 ind. v = 260.4 (626) /33782 = 4.75 kips/in. Ev = 0.27Fu = 0.27(65) 17.6 ket. Strength of two 5/16 in fillet welds: 2 (5/16) (0.707) (17.6) = 7-8 kel > 4.75 kst ox DEFLECTION DUE TO LIVE LOAD + IMPACT P = 29(2.3)0.75 = 28.3 kips Allowable y = L / 600 = $4(12)/800 = 0.81 in. ¥ = 0,0355PL /EI = 0,0355(28.3) (54x12) /29000 (33782) = = 0.279 in < 0.81 in ‘Teanmverne oer every Af sn Figure C.6 Spacing of Stiffeners and Beam Dimensiens. See Figure 4.3 for cross-section of floor bean. ox. %6 APPENDIX D DESIGN OF STIFFENING GIRDERS ‘The following appendix provides detailed computations of the bridge steel stifening girders design, Since the girders do not support the concrete deck directly ( loads are transferred through the floor beams ), there is no composite action in the postive moment region. Top and bottom flanges have same cross-sectional dimensions in a given section. Section 1 is designed in details and the remsining sections are presented in tabular form along with Section 1. The stiffeners are made of A36 steel. DESIGN OF STIFFENING GIRDERS Due to the symmetry on both axis, only one half of one girder 4s designed here. This half spans from the end of the bridge (node 201) up to the center line, for a total length of 760 feet. Maximum values for Moments and Shears were obtained from the analysis of several leading conditions which are described in Appendix E. Figure D.1 shows the dimensions of the girder web and the flanges for all five sections, and Figure D.2 shows the spa~ eing and size of transverse stiffeners between panel points 201-202, wich are typical for #11 sections. The bearing stiffeners at the ends of the bridge are also shown and the bearing stiffeners at the tovers have the following dimensions for heigth and width: 11" x 11/16". See Figure 5.1 for side view of one half length of girder. fete three te] Figure D.1 Spacing of Transverse stiffeners. ® n DESIGN OF SECTION 1 1. Design of Girder Cross-Section Minimum web thickness: D/1M0 = 96/140 = 0.6857" < 0.6875" given. ox Web shear stress: V/Aw = 192/96(0.6875) = 3.0 ksi < 12.0 ket oK b/t = 12 / 1.378 = 8.7 < 20 ( for grade SO ) ox 2. Design of Intermediate Stifteners Fv = V// Dew = 192000/96 (0.6875) 2909 pet t= Dv /7s00 = 96/2808 7500 = 0.6904" > 0.6875" Thus, need stiffeners. 2.1 Spacing of Stiffeners = 12000ew / (Fv) = 11000(0.6875) / (2909) 140" The firet tvo stiffeners mist be placed at a maximum distance of 140/2 = 70". Three other stiffeners are to be pla~ ced every 96", All single stiffeners are placed on the inside of the girder web. See Figure D.2. 2.2 Stifteners Dimensions Minimum wide 2+ 0/30 = 2 + 96/20 = 5.2" but not < b/4 = 12/4 = 3.0" Use 5.25 in. Minimum thickness: 5.25/16 = 0.328" Use 3/8 in. Actual I= [(3/8) (5.25) (1/3) 18 ina. 5+ 25 (D/4) ~ 20 = 25 ( 96/96) - 20 = 5.0 ind. 3 2 Minimum I = do tw J / 10.92 = 96 (0.6875) 5 / 10.92 = = 14.3 ina < 18.0 ind ox See Figure D.2 80 [~s aya" beget -— +" hiner piace Figure D.2 Top view of web plate and traneverse stiffener. 3, Design of Bearing Stiffeners 2. Basing StiEteers at Tower Eocattona R= 202 + 206 = 569 Kips. Using a single stittener on each side, the wavinum width 1 cotpited wat Maxima Wiens 24/2 ~ 0.6875/2 = 11.66" Try 11.0 Jn. Minimum thickness: (61/32) VE capa RPS 1.04 ‘Try 11/16 in. Bearing area on flange: (11-0.5,cope) (1 1/16)2 = 22.3125 ind. fo = R/A = 589/22.3125 = 26.4 kei < 29.0 ksi = Fo ox Fb = 0.88 = 0.8(36) = 29.0 ket. 3.4.1 Check Stiffeners for column strength T= [(2 1/16) (22 + 0.6875) 1/22) 2034 ind. A= 22(1 1/16) + 12.375(0.6875) 31.9 ind. See Figure D.3 <—_ 22.6875" __> aetw = 16(.6875) 12.375 v Figure D.3. Effective area of bearing stiffener. 31 fa=R/ A= 589 / 31.9 = 18.5 Ket ( too large} Approximate required area: A = 589/16.7 35.3in2. Approximate t = [35.3 - 12.375 (0.6875)]/22 = 1.2178 tn. Try 11/4 in. Thus, A= 22(1.25) + 12.375(0.6975) = 36.0 And. I = 1,25(22.6875)* /12 = 126 ind. ra fi7a =fae7e = 5.81 An Fa = 16980 - 0.53(K1/ry = 16980 ~ 0.53(0.75%96/5.81)" 16810 pst. fa = 589 / 36 = 16.4 kei < 16.8 kst ox 3.1.2 Design of Welding. Fillet Welds-Flange to Web. Maximum material thickness: 2 3/4 in. Minimum size of fillet weld: 1/2 in. Shear per incht v= VQ/ I Vnax = 303 Kips. Q = AY = 24(2.75) (48 + 2.75/2) = 3259 ina. 1 = 372,570 ind. v = 303(3259) / 372,570 = 2.65 ktps/in. Fv = 0.27Eu = 0.27(70) = 18.9 k/in > 2.65 k/in. OK 3.2 Bearing Stiffeners at End Supports R= 202 Kips at end supports. Using a single stiffener on each side, the maximum width 1s computed as: Maximum width: 12/2 - 0.6875/2 = 5.66" Try $ 1/41n. 82 Minimum thickness: (b'/12) FY/33 = (6/12) [36733 = 1522 tn Try 3/4 In. Bearing area on flange: (8.25-0.5,cope) (3/4) (2) = 7.12 in. f= R/A = 202/7.125 = 28.4 Kot < 29.0 ket = Fo ox Fb = 0.8Fy = 0.8(36) = 29.0 ket. 3.2.1 Check Stiffeners for column strength 1 = [(3/4) (10.5 + 0.6875) 1 (1/12) 28 int. A = 10.25(9/4) + 12.375(0.6875) 16.2 ind. fe =R/A= 202 /16.2= 12.5 ket r= fi7x = feere.2 2.33 tn. Fa = 16980 - 0.53(Ki/r}" = = 16980 - 0.53(0.75x96/2.33) = 16380 psi. fa = 12.5 kei < 16.8 ket ox 3.2.2 Design of Welding. Fillet Welds-Flange to Web. Maximum material thickness: 1 3/8 in. Minimum eize of fillet weld: 5/16 in. Shear per inc! v=VQ/T Vmax = 202 kips @ 1 = 128,919 ing. AY = 12(1.375) (48 + 1.375/2) = 803 ind. y = 202 (803) / 128,919 = 1.26 kips/in. Fy = 0.27Fu = 0.27(70) = 18.9 k/in > 1.26 k/tn. OK es APPENDIX E LIVE LOADING CONDITIONS ANALYZED ‘The following appendix provides detailed explanations of all the live loading conditions analyzed in this thesis. ‘These are the most significant conditions for Suspension Bridges in order to obtain the worst conditions for Moments and Shears CASE i: Main span partially loaded from left end, sidespans unloaded. snnennennee Be Figure E-1 Live Load Case 1 CASE 2 Main span partially loaded from right end, sidespans fully loaded. Henne Aenea avennene Figure E-2 Live Load Case 2 CASE 3: Main span partially loaded near center, sidespans unloaded. eHenneHeD Figure E-3 Live Load Case 3 CASE 4: Main span partially loaded from each end, sidespans fully loaded. aenneeas [aeennn® aennete aaneeHee Figure E-4 Live Load Case 4 CASE St one side span fully loaded. astnente Figure E-5 Live Load Case 5 CASE 6: Main span and one sidespan fully loaded. HAeRRHEHORHAHRHHEHAE atannete Eigure E-6 Live Load Case 6 as 86 CASE 7 Left sidespan partially loaded from tower end. aa Figure E-7 Live Load Case 7 CASE 8: Left sidespan partially leaded from anchorage end. Main span and right side span fully loaded. ates [phebHsHaeHHEHERHEHAOHOn| HamHONH Figure E-8 Live Load Case 8 CASE 9: Main span fully loaded from left end, sidespans unleaded. sHHanHENNeROEHARHERHEHS Elgure E-9 Live Load Case 9 ‘TOTAL LOAD AL spans, for max. tension In cables sveerreer| rerrrrrstrrrrrrrrrrrT7T| lrrrrrrrr Figure E-10 Live Load Case 10 87 APPENDIX F STANDARD SUSPENSION BRIDGE INPUT FOR FRAME.BYU ‘The following appendix provides the input for the FRAME.BYU computer program for the Suspension Bridge analyzed in this thesis, 89 ey ones 2080 8 ay 0 ome xrotty om ote extn gar teett @ tv a ote exipeetay seer 10 a gee extemtiy oor teint eae 2 83 883: 838338328883 2 SESSESRGSESERE°SE: toe 9 18:08 986 Aypanein Page 18 SgE828 08808888 | of aaeese az ggugegaaegagiag gS SSRRRRREES gegygaguangsnnengesaseszzee Sa355a" for 918508 H86 Appeactn rage 12 tee 9 18:08 088 Aypencine Page 1 6 SRSRRRRARSRASARERRSS ERE: os tas appnate 95 6 APPENDIX G ANSWERS OF CASE LOADING 10 FOR STANDARD BRIDGE, ‘The following appendix provides the answers obtained from the FRAME.BYU program for the load condition CASE 10 [Appendix E}, where All loads are applied over all spans in order to obtain maximum cable forces ‘This is presented here as an example of all the loading situations, since it would be redundant to include all of them in this thesis, FRAME,BYU computer program for the Suspension Bridge analyzed in this thesis. BEREEEES AERTS: 38838888888: 388888: 3328: 38: s gauessgsessesae 28 i a a ag2363: SSTNTAIEESS: fetes gocredde aaer ars ete 3555825 2 ee sene at 382: aitti aeaea: br otea psnreedty geen attr @ po 338: 3 e888 sr odea psneeeday set fn efeg porrpedey guar att © atv 106 pune at APPENDIX INPUT GEOMETRY FOR THE NEW BRIDGE, ‘The following appendix provides the geometry input for the new bridge for the FRAME.BYU program. The loading input is the same as for the regular 108 Boma wximndey seer ast 6 atv B88 ASHRRRSSRRERY RR 108 ern eat we at uo ARRSRRRRSAARASARRRARARSRRRRAS SSS SS 202282: fe omer wextontéy ones a sgutuseausee, m : i : : L 4 m ov ofegwerveedéy sett aint eat fea wry son 3 bt oma weedy event 8 ty Hr otegaereeey gent evs ea Aye 14:40 1605 Appetsn Page 16 oe 9 14:40 006 panei rage 13 ue us 2 8 LELSLECLEL EEE EE ay ome wexroadey ESS2383828828928; 3 MeL iitetiirs su ePec srxtpadty sont ons 8 ay sab Appendage 18 0b Aypentin Page 17 wr ous geggeaag err uy? to 9 14:48 1905 fppanein Page 20 f g epee ene cee eee eee a : 8 : i ie z aye 0 14:48 1085 appetites 24 us RRRRRRESERRE: ns

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