Lesson Plan and Observation: Alverno College

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ED 321
Candidate: Sarah Fadness

Check One: 1st Observation X

Cooperating Teacher: Katie Kabelowsky

Date: October 28, 2015

School: New Berlin West Middle/High School

Number of Students: 26
Grade: 7

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, DiagnosisWTS:

1,7DISP: Respect Responsibility)
Demonstrates knowledge of content and pedagogy
Chooses and creates learning experiences based on appropriate
Selects services or resources, e.g., media, technology, materials, to
reinforce instruction
Quiet down

2nd Observation

Subject(s): Social Studies-Geography

Evidence (Candidate

Detailed lesson plan including step by process for implementation of

lesson. All important components of effective lesson planning included.
Clear understanding of content and specific conceptCanadas Natural
Learning Objective provided and explicitly statedStudents will be able to
explain how people in Canadas five regions make a living including
different economic activity.
Have a student say a loud what they are expected to do or have them tell
their shoulder partner vs. any questions about what you are expected to
Be sure to save enough time in each lesson to summarize/provide a quick
recap what happened in class and the learning that occurred. Connect the
summary to the learning objective for the lesson.



x Proficient


Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

0210 ED

WTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect, Responsibility)

Reinforces a learning community in which individual differences are
respected and in which students work collaboratively and independently
Plans for and delivers motivational instruction by relating lessons to
students interest, providing student choice, questioning and investigation
Organizes, allocates, and manages resources of time, space, activities
and attention to engage students productively
Maximizes the amount of class time spent in learning by creating
expectations and procedures for communication and behavior

Good rapport with students. Appears very comfortable teaching and

interacting with them. Connected with students by asking them about their
experiences in traveling to some of these places or if they know something
about the places
Students work in groupsassigned easily by forming the groups according
to rows (saves on lose of instructional time forming groups).
Thanks students for sharing
Discipline strategies used throughout, e.g. to get Sids attentionsaid
Sidhes trying to answer your question about the core region, Mason is
trying to answer a question or shareso lets all be respectful, asked
students if they were ready to begin, to get Anthony to sit down, Anthony,
so you just feel like dancing today?,
Used cards with students names on them to get to know students and call
on them by their name
Comfortably circulates around the roommoving up and down the aisles
to present. Walked to back of room as group presented/explained
answersgood way of acknowledging your interest in what they are
Provides appropriate praiseawesome and respectful language when
disciplining students, e.g. Anthony, want to have a seat?Thank you,
Are we ready to move on? Sid, are we ok?
Acknowledged students comment about starting wardidnt dismiss her.
Good sense of what is going on around you. Dismisses kids to bathroom
without a lot of notice and attention. good. Student askedsaid of
course and continued instruction. Noticed students not paying attention in
back of room toward window and walked toward them.
Ensure that you have all students attention (or at least they are all quiet)
before giving instruction, direction, etc. If not, you will find yourself having
to repeat or students will begin task and ask you what they should be
Be sure to have students speak louder or repeat/paraphrase their
points/comments for them so the other students can hear, e.g. when you
asked Thomas. want to repeat one more time, louder or when you said,
thats a pretty good answerbut we didnt hear it, e.g. student in back
(girl) about license plate, couldnt hear her.

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Youll want to include additional strategies (see PBIS) for quieting students
down shhhhh doesnt really work, not very effective over time.
Additionally, youll want to have a repertoire of strategies to get their
attention back. You did use Ill wait until you guys are ready, and Im
ready whenever you all are, but youll want to use it regularly and get
comfortable waiting.
Consider dimming your lights slightly when projecting on screen


x Proficient


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative

InteractionWTS: 2,3,4,5,6,7DISP: Respect Responsibility)
Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion and thoughtful
responses in reading, writing and other media
Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning and discussion
techniques to challenge and support student thinking
Actively engages students in meaningful learning
Adjusts instruction to meet student needs and styles in order to enhance
Varies her/his role in the instructional process in relation to the content
and purposes of instruction
Communicates with sensitivity to cultural and gender differences

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Fun facts about Canada, short videowonderful, very effective
remembermiddle school learner like and need visuals, concrete
examples of a concept. (Time/length of video very appropriate for the
Told of a fact you found interestingcould ask a couple of students to
share out about a fact they found interesting to engage them more and
make class more student-centered.
Students worked in cooperative groupseach a Region. Using the rows to
put students in groups is an effective and efficient process
Academic Language/Vocabulary addressedregions, natural resources,
urban, rural
Getting them movingwas effective and did in an orderly fashion.
Effective use of the Smart Board.
Very well done ppt/slides to answer questions, explain concept
Well done visuals of fox, hare, example and diagram about fishing
(ecosystem overfishing)

Story about Aunt, snow, driving with chains on tires, sea turtle on beach
during your vacation effective in providing a real-life examples from your
life to support concept
Take advantage of /plan for more opportunities for students to explain to
each other in small groups or to a partner during your lecture section of the
classe.g. why overfishing is an issue. Give students more time to talk
to each othernot just answer questions for you. Incorporate more small
group work/learning during the 80 minutes.

Review of the Map of Canada for CT--Not sure if good use of time to
review the way you didput them in groups/partners to share answers
with each otherHow could you do this differently to engage all students,
even though most were following along?


x Proficient


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 8,9

DISP: Respect, Reflection)
Uses appropriate formal and informal assessment strategies that are
linked to lesson objectives
Monitors the impact of teaching on student learning, modifying plans and
instruction accordingly

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Not clear on what the actual assessment wasstudents answering the

questions about their region or the Chapter 3 vocabulary packet.
Review your assessment learning to incorporate more effective ways of
checking for student understanding instead of Did everyone get that? or
Does that make sense? When asking these questions as a large group
you are not sure that everyone does.


x Emerging/Proficient ____Distinctive
Evidence (Candidate)

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative

InteractionWTS: 10DISP: Collaboration, Communication)
Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher and
Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional demeanor
Reflects on own performance in relation to Alverno Education Abilities and
WI Teacher Standards

Professional disposition and dress

Relaxed and professional demeanor
Works very well with Cooperating Teacher in planning lessons.
Listens intently to feedback from CT and Supervisor and Sarah indicates
how much she has grown and learned from working with her CT, Ms.
Provides detailed description of performance in self-assessment of lesson
and clearly states strengths and areas for improvement.


____Emerging x Proficient


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Summary Statement and Areas to Concentrate on Improving:

Successful completion of first lesson for observation. Sarah, demonstrated proficient teaching as a field placement student according to the domains of teaching
listed above. Her strengths are her use of real-world examples, diagnosis, sincere interest in her students learning the content, and building effective
teaching/learning relationships with her students. See, included in each domain aboveareas for improvement.

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate


x Proficient


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

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