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Worksheet – Philosophy of Science

Allahu alim - All knowledge from Allah

How did Dr Amir Faizol define knowledge from the Islamic perspective?
All knowledge always makes us closer to Allah

Knowledge in Islam, makes someone became closer to Allah. What is the verse and
Give the dalil

Reason Allah create mankind - to give them knowledge

Two things given by Allah - wealth given by destiny

- knowledge given by effort

Write one Quran dalil that encourages us to acquire knowledge.

Surah Al-Alaq

How to get knowledge and Baraqah?

By sincerely acquiring knowledge and teach it to other people.

What is the first step to have faith?

To acquire knowledge.

What is the dalil that proves knowledge is the fundamental aspect of worshipping Allah
and becoming a believer.
(Surah Al-Haj , Ayat 71)

What is the analogy of people who has knowledge and people who have no knowledge?

What is the similarity of all the prophets that made them become messengers of Allah?
All of them were given knowledge before they could become a messenger

Which Islamic great scholar who walked 30 thousand miles to seek Hadith?
Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal

List all the7 requirements to get knowledge according to Quran that were mentioned by
Dr. Amir Faisol.
2. Khusyah
3. Great Desire
4. To get a level of better understanding
5. Avoiding Taqlid
6. Implementing the knowledge
7. Teaching Others

Why Imam Ghazali compare knowledge to running water?

Because water can only flow downstream. Similarly, only humble people can easily
acquire the knowledge

What is the meaning of Khusyiah?


What is the importance of acquiring a better level of understanding?

So we can practice the knowledge without doubt or hesitation and with full confidence.

What does Taqlid mean?

Following someone or set rules without having strong understanding of his act.

What kinds of Ulama’ that were mentioned by Dr Amir Faizol?

1. Mukhlisun Ulama but ignorant, sincere in getting and teaching knowledge but
ignorance to his environment.
2. Mukhlisun Ulama but supportive to all people regardless of their personalities, bad or
good. Can be used by bad guys
3. Good ulama and try to do Amar Ma’aruf Munkar but only emphasizes on ritual things.
4. Ulama Fujjar , bad ulama because use his knowledge to support crimes and bad
5.Good Ulama – really understand the knowledge of Islam and understand the need of
people around him.

What is the serious problem that Muslims face today that was mentioned by Dr. Farid
We tend to look
Why did the rejection of religion or Christian happen during the Medieval Age?
People believed Science the only criterion of the truth..

List down the three important channels of knowledge in Islam from the lowest to the
highest level?
1. Senses (Lowest)
2. Reason or Aqal
3. True Report – Khabar Sodiq , report from somebody or scholars which are true

What are the two kinds of true reports?

Mutawatir and Khabar Sodiq that come from the prophets
How does the Western world look and accept science different from the Islam does?
The Western world doesn’t regard True Report as one of the sources of Science and they
just regard Senses and Reasons.

In Islam , knowledge must be based on truth and certainty but the Western , beginning the
Modern Science, doubt become one aspect of knowledge.

In Islam we start seeking knowledge with Yaqin but for western people, they start with
doubt. (Syak)

What are three level of certainty in Islam

1.Ilmu yaqin- certainty based on nearly knowledge
2. Ainul Yaqin – Certainty based on observation
4. Haqqul Yaqin – Certainty based on experience

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