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Students will be able explain how people in Canadas five regions

make a living including the different economic activity.
A.7.5 Identify and compare the natural resource bases of different
states and regions in the United States and elsewhere in the world,
using a statistical atlas, aerial photographs, satellite images, and
computer databases


(Total & Specific)


Question sheet on how life is different in various regions in



60 minutes

Introduction (8 minutes):
Last night, you all did vocab for 3.7. We will go over vocab if
necessary. This chapter has all been about Canada. How
many regions in the book does it say Canada has? What are
the five regions? I know in chapter 2 in the book, it talked
about land and natural resources based off of a map of
What are some different land and natural
Today we are going to talk about natural
resources and how people make a living in Canada.

Participation (15 minutes)

I will explain to students that we are now doing an activity to
see the difference in land use in Canada. On the wall you
will find the five regions.
Can someone remind me what
the five regions are again? I am going to tell you a land
resource and after I say it, I want you to walk to the region
that you believe uses this resource more than the others.
First question: What region do you think uses hunting
and gathering the most? (Northern Region)
- We will then go over who all stood there and
why. When they are wrong, they will go have a

After, I will tell the students about my grandpa who was stationed

in Canada when he was in the army. He was stationed in Northern

Canada in a small village where people hunted their food daily. It
was very rural. Can someone tell me what rural means again? In
the village he lived among inuits who are native to the area. Up in
the northern part of Canada, the population is not a big because of
the weather and cold. Then there are not as many places to get
jobs, so people are not being attracted to the northern part. So
when I think of Canada, I tend to think of my grandpa and the
small village he would tell me about. He always would say if I
thought Wisconsin was cold, I should see northern Canada in
Second question: What region do you think has the
most commercial fishing? (Atlantic Region)

We will go over who stood there and why. When

they are wrong, they will go have a seat.

Third Question: Where would you find buildings that

look like castles? (Pacific)
Fourth Question: Where is the largest producer of
hydroelectric power? (Core)
Fifth Question: More than half of Canadas minerals
are mined here...coal, copper, zinc, and uranium.
Sixth Question: Where was overfishing an issue?
To wrap participation up:
Each of the five regions in Canada has different natural
resources. Just like Canada, the US has five regions such as the
Midwest, Northest, Southeast, Southwest, and West.
In the
Wisconsin and the Midwest, we do a lot of farming. Canada has
different resources that fit where they are geographically. Forestry
tends to be throughout the center of Canada because trees and
plants grow better there.
Does anyone have any questions about Canadas resources?

Practice (30 minutes)

You will be divided up into five groups, one group for each
region. I want you to use page 60 in the text to look at the
On a sheet of paper, answer the following questions
about your life in the region. Write your answer in complete
sentences. Your answers will vary.

A) What is your name?

B) In what region do you live?
C) What language or languages do you speak at
home and in school?
D) What does your family do to make a living?
E) What is the climate like where you live?
F) What do people where you live do for fun in the
Just a reminder that in your groups you are all writing about the
same region, but you have to each do one individually.
After, volunteers may share what they wrote and the region they


(2 minutes)


Natural resources

Does anyone have any questions about land and resources?

Can someone explain to me the difference between urban and
Is New Berlin more urban or rural compared to Milwaukee?

Give more examples if needed

Help individually
Walk around offering assistance


Sarah Fadness
Date: 10.28.15
Content Area(s)



Extra questions as a review if extra time:

1. James and Marie live very different lives with James living in the
Northern region and Marie in the Core region. How do you think their
parents jobs differ due to where each of them live?

2. In the text on page 61 it says, Many people in the territories believe

that there are undiscovered precious minerals still to be found in the
Northern region. Why do you think that is?
3. What is the main reason that not many people live in the Northern
4. How does the cold climate in Canada affect forestry?
5. What is the difference between urban and rural?
6. In 3.8 it says most people in Canada work in service industries, what
does that mean?
(Service for people not goods)

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