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BUS 310

Girish Thakur
Strategic Compensation in


Case Study

Women and The Labyrinth of Leadership

1) Is it only a Question of Time?
No, I dont think so.

Women empowerment is something that many countries are working on from a

very long time and only few have gained success in this area and the rest are still
struggling to implement it. Gender equality has been identified as a theme
integrated into all of Canadas international development programs & policies.
Gender equality is still out of reach for most women worldwide. Women continue
to have fewer rights, lower education & health status, less income & less access
to resources and decision-making than men. If equitable & sustainable progress
is to be achieved, womens status must be improved, their rights must be
respected, & their contributions must be recognized. (Global Affairs Canada,

Psychologists suggest that one of the root causes of this problem is the clash
between two sets of associations: communal & agentic. Women are associated
with communal qualities, which convey a concern for the compassionate
treatment of others & generally women are regarded as affectionate, friendly,
helpful, kind sensitive & gentle. (Eagly & Carli, 2007, p.3). However men are
associated with agentic qualities which convey assertion & control. Men are
usually considered aggressive, ambitious, dominant & forceful. In general these
agentic traits are associated in most peoples mind with effective leadership.
(Eagly & Carli, 2007, p.3).

We think that women are emotionally compassionate and have soft corner
towards others but it doesnt mean that they lack leadership skills. When it comes
to family, women play a major role in managing it. They take ownership and work
hard in holding the family together in difficult times, also raise the kids and do
other house related chores. This shows that women do have leadership skills.

In order to eradicate this gender based inequality, we have to change individual

perception. Changing perception is about changing mindset of people which
takes lots of efforts. We have to educate everyone and also the coming
generation about the negative effects of gender bias. Only then we will be able to
make a change.

Strategic Compensation in Canada


Women and The Labyrinth of Leadership

2) Have women hit the glass ceiling?

I agree with Eagly that this is a very wrong use of the metaphor in the given
situation. When women enter small or big corporate organizations there is a
hierarchy that they have to follow in order to reach to the top level or for that
matter it can be any level, right from an entry level position to CEO level position,
the point in case is that women progressively drop out at various stages/ranks of
the hierarchy. Women face barriers imposed by the organization which prevents
them from entering the subsequent superior position. (Eagly & Carli, 2007). I
absolutely do not resonate with the idea of using this metaphor as I strongly
believe that women face barriers to succeed at all the ranks in the hierarchy &
not just only when they reach near the glass ceiling.

All the organizations, irrespective of their size should eradicate the gender
discrimination and provide equal support to men and women when it comes to
career growth and other organizational benefits.

3) There is no pay equity legislation in BC, does this impact the future of
women and pay equity for all?

Yes it does impacts the future of women and pay equity for all. It was shocking &
surprising for me to find out that there is not pay equity legislation in BC, although
it is already enacted in Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island,
Nova Scotia & Quebec. Also it is surprising to find out that Government of
Canada has Pay equity program but only for federally regulated sectors, which
accounts for only 6% of all Canadian workers. (Government of Canada, 2016). I
believe it is a duty of British Columbians to start campaigns for Pay Equity
legislation in BC & push the BC Government to think about this situation. I truly
believe that enacting Pay Equity legislation is the first & the most important step
to take to see the positive changes in the pay structure of equally qualified men &
women in different organizations.

Strategic Compensation in Canada


Women and The Labyrinth of Leadership


Canadian Pay Equity requirements. (2016). Retrieved from
Eagly, Alice H. & Carli, Linda L. (2007, September). Women and the labyrinth of
leadership. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Eagly A. (2011, June 27). The glass ceiling" is misleading [Video file]. Retrieved from

Long, J.R. (2014). Strategic compensation in Canada (Rev. 5th ed). Toronto, Ontario:
Nelson Education.

Pay Equity. (2016). Retrieved from

Womens economic empowerment. (2016). Retrieved from

Strategic Compensation in Canada


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