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MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR® | STEP II" PROFILE a “TUG STEVESON September 20,2016 Naomi LGuenk, PhO Jean M,Kumimerom, PhD 0 re x PROFILE Imbti, sns-snicos Tree movearon | sree "NG STEVESON Your Myers-Briggs® Step II Profile gives you information about your personalty type based on your answers tothe MBTI* assessment. frst indicates your Step I results— your reported four-letter type. Next it shows your Step I results-your expression of five facets for each of the four Step | preference pars. Your Step I” Results ESTPs ten to be eangoing.adapabie action ote eal. They Ie on-the-spot probe song, They dont werry ‘much about ne ftare but rth enoy whats happening now. They preter actions to lang explanation. They are most comer ith es things tat can be handed sen apart. and putogeter ‘Your reported Myers-Brigs personality type est? Your preferences Extraversion | Sensing | Thinklng | Perceiving © wmovs60H © wru709 @ rencewne ‘The enath of thelines onthe prteence clay index bl rach above shawshaw leah of content you chose. one prterence over the otrerin each ps The longe the ne, he mere atten you anawers inate alpen, ne ‘the mere ty atte METI azexzment hs accurately reflected your peterence, ESTP [ESTP people look for facts and rules to explain things. They prefer to use logic (thinking) frst and facts (sensing) second in their decision making. They will use these ‘processes to judge and react to people around them as well as to themselves. Because ESTP rely so heavily on ftcts (sensing), they tend to be logical, analytical, impersonal, objectively critical, and not likely tobe convinced by anything not firmly based in reasoning Asextraverts, ESTP’ use their thinking process to manage and control as much of the world around them as possible. They like tobe in postions of command. ESTP's have thinking pattern governed by analysis and loge; therefore they, like Me. Spock, frequently find a large portion ofthe human race illogical. Ii difficult for ESTP's to see any sense to needs differing widely from their own. However, when they realize that something matters & lotto someone, this becomes a fact and is usually accepted as a responsibilty. Since ESTP's believe that personal and public conduct should be governed by log, ‘they control their own conduct in this manner in so far as is possible, They have a definite formula for life and in order to change, they must change their formula. This is often painful for them, ESTP's are perceptive types and are in some danger of neglecting judgment and failing to do necessary things to meet deadlines (i.e. procrastination), However, one ‘outstanding trait of ESTP's is economy of effort ~ an asst if they develop the judging ‘process and can know how much effor is needed and do what the situation cals for without fuss or wasted motion. Itis imperative that ESTP's develop their judging processes or the economy of effort hecomes laziness and nothing of importance gets done. Since ESTP's view life with sensing rather than intuition, they are primarily interested {in facts and realities perceived through the five senses. ESTP's tend to be matter-of-fact, realistic, and at times painfully direct since they are not particulary sensitive tothe feelings ‘of others, Although ESTP's can be practical, they must balance their perception process ‘with judgment in order to be most efficient. ESTP's are more curious about new things than bout new ideas, and will eagerly pursue the tangible and avoid the abstract. ESTP's prefer jobs where results are immediate, visible, and tangible, They are interested in high salaried, status jobs. Because feeling, the direct rival of thinking, isthe ESTP’ least developed and least ‘manageable process, it may build up pressure and explode ingppropriately. ‘Therefore, ESTPs need to make sure they develop positive outlets for their feelings, particularly through expressing appreciation for others. Thinkers are naturally critical and find it difficult { appreciation. This ean make them seem aggressive and overbearing to the sensitive feling types, However, ESTP's can put feling into their life formulas and develop it effectively. They will find this process an asset in both their professional and personal relationships. " at PROFILE ‘wwasevescn bt, seres-snicas ree movcaroR® | stern sri ‘Your Step II” Results “The ras that flow show your Step ess -yeur expression of ve faces or each ofthe Step preference pas Be aware that pretrence is roar than fs facets and so youre facet cores dort 344 up 1 900" Se Preterence cote “Th eth o ch ineon the gaps shows how constenty you che one feet ple aver the ott The lange the tne he cere your preterences a mat pole, Sores of 2-Sths ar an the sre dea ou" Se | preerance deste Jmpeference els, Scores of 2-Son the oppose seo your Step | preference cate out of preference reat ‘Scores and oe in the misrone anc ten mean astuatenlo ted us tether pole, econ i scene. yrausustic i guer {eee Settee SEES Meu a Bg PROFILE mlsEVSON THINKING @ |g HEIN ompussonsre Eisctagesre i PROFILE wa stevsa IMbtL_ srens-anics ree movearoR® | sr = Interpreter’s Summary ‘on Ca) Sevin:Gea) ng oan) ——— cn S FACET SCORES AND THE AVERAGE RANGE OF SCORES FOR OTHER ESTP “The bars onthe graph below show the average range of score that occured forthe ESTPsin the US rational sol, “The brs how scores hat ae 1 + Sanda devaton a the mean. The vera ne each bar shows ESTP ean score The told numbers show the respondent co ° cnet 5 1 omer ° oucto congmnegaet ‘once ‘moron ase oucra ° “nae 3 a einen ° ommoms g secommoonnc a oo our vale = Polarity nde 73 ‘Tre oltre wenger 00 100 sows he caratency of responder ae soe in aro Mos as ‘octet caisson conan ase at ao ware ty {enontage or aralane sb stent Soe uch pte ayer Number of Omited Responset:?

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