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Extraordinary Exam

A) Sketch the dividing streamlines of a potential flow consisting on a uniform stream of velocity U1 in the
direction of the positive x-axis, a doublet of intensity M = U1 a2 and = 0 located at t = 0, and a source of
intensity Q = 2U1 a at t = 2a. HINT: you can take the roots of the polynomial x3 x2 x + 2 = 0 to be
equal to 1.2, 1.1 + i0.6 and 1.1 i0.6.
(1 point)

B) Within the framework of the thin airfoil theory, obtain the expression of the increment of cl produced by
a LE flap, as a function of the location of the hinge and the deflection of the flap.
(1 point)

C) Consider a NACA 0012 airfoil. At zero angle of attack and low velocity (M1 = 0) the minimum of the
pressure coefficient is equal to -0.4. Compute the critical Mach number of the airfoil. In order to increase the
critical Mach number, do we need a thiner or thicker airfoil? Why?
(1 point)

D) Sketch the cp (x) distribution on the upper surface of an airfoil with a long separation bubble in a pre-stall
angle of attack. Which airfoils are more prone to have this kind of separation?
(1 point)

Dept. of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering



Extraordinary Exam

E) Consider an airfoil with camber line

zc (x)

c x/c
c 1/3(1


0 < x/c < 1/4

1/4 < x/c < 1

and negligible thickness. The cruise condition for this airfoil is M1 =

5 and = 5 .

1. Compute the value of c that is necessary to have the centre of pressure at x = c when the airfoil flies at
cruise conditions.
(1 point)
2. Obtain the cp distribution on the upper surface of the airfoil when the airfoil is flying at M1 > 1. Express
the result as a function of both M1 and .
(1 point)
3. Compute
the angle of attack as a function of M1 , so that cl = 0.35 for the complete range of M1 =
[0, 5]. Is there any range of M1 where you do not trust your results? Explain why.
(1 point)

F) Consider a wing with an elliptical planform and thin symmetric airfoils. When the wing is moving at
velocity U1 and at an angle of attack at the central section equal to zero, (/2) = 0, the distribution of
circulation is

() = bU1
sin(3) .
Take b = 10m and AR = 10.
1. Compute dCL /d, CL and CD,i .

(1 point)

2. Compute the geometrical twist of the wing.

(1 point)

3. If the maximum lift coefficient of the symmetric airfoils forming the wing is cl,max = 1.5, determine when
() and where (y) does the stall begin.
(1 point)

Dept. of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering


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