Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards - Quizlet

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

Bates Chapter 4

9/28/16, 10:13 PM

65 terms by quizlette888466

Causes of weight loss

GI diseases, endocrine disorders (DM,

hyperthyroidism, adrenal insuciency);
chronic infections; malignancy; chronic
cardiac, pulmonary or renal failure;
depression; and anorexia nervosa or


Common sx of despression and anxiety

states, but also consider infections (such
as hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis)
endocrine disorders( hypothyroidism,
adrenal insuciency, DM); heart failure;
chronic disease of the lungs, kidneys, or
liver; electrolyte imbalance; moderate to
severe anemia; malignancies; nutritional
defects, and medications.


Dierent from fatigue, especially if

localized in a neuroanatomical pattern,
suggests possible neuropathy or

Fever, chills, & night sweats

Recurrent skaking chills suggest more

extreme swings in temperature and
systemic bacteremia

Night sweats

Feelings of heat and sweating also

accompany menopause; also occurs in TB
and malignancy

Cardiac or respiratory distress

Clutching the chest, pallor, diaphoresis,

labored breathing, wheezing, cough


Wincing, sweating, protectiveness of

painful area

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

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anxious face, fidgety movements, cold

and moist palms, inexpressive or flat
aect, poor eye contact


excess clothing may reflect cold

intolerance of hypothyroidism, hide skin
rash or needle marks, mask anorexia, or
signal personal lifestyle preferences

Facial expression

the stare of hyperthyroidism; the immobile

face of parkinsonism; the flat or sad aect
of depression

Odors of body/breath

alcohol, acetone (diabetes), pulmoanary

infections, uremia, or liver failure

Preferred posture

preference for sitting up in left-sided heart

failure, and leaning foward with arms
braced in chronic obstructive pulmonary


fast, frequent movements of

hyperthyroidism, slowed activity of


short stature in Turner's syndrome,

childhood renal failure, achondroplastic
and hypopituaritary dwarfism, long limbs
in hypogonadism and Marfan's syndrome,
height loss in osteoporosis and vertebral
compression fractures.


truncal fat with relatively thin limbs in

cusing's syndrome and metabolic

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

9/28/16, 10:13 PM

Causes of weight loss

malignancy, diabetes mellitus,

hyperthyroidism, chronic infections,
depressions, diuersis, and successful
dieting, weight change of >5% body
weight in 6 month period, drugs can
cause weight loss: anticonvulsants,
antidepressants, levodopa, digoxin,
metformin, and thyroid medication.

Ausculatory gap

a silent internal that may be present

between the systolic and diastolic
pressures; may lead to serious
underestimation of systolic pressure; can
be associated with arterial stiness and
atherosclerotic disease

Isolated systolic hypertension

Treatment in pts 60 years or older reduces

total mortality and both mortality and
complications from CV disease, 110/70
could be normal but could also indicated
significant hypotension if past pressures
have been high.

Coarctation of the aorta

Narrowing of thoracic aorta, usually

proximal but sometimes distal to left
subclavian artery

Coractation of aorta and occlusive aortic


Distinguished by hypertension in the

upper extremities and low bp in the legs
and by diminished or delayed femoral


prolonged expiration

Orthostatic (postural) hypotension

A fall in systolic pressure of 20 mmHg or

more, especially when accompanied by
symptoms and tachycardia; causes
includes drugs, moderate or severe
weight loss, prolonged bed rest, and
diseases of the ANS.

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

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Cause of fever

infections, trauma such as surgery or crush

injuries, malignancy, blood disorders such
as acute hemolytic anemia, drug
reactions, and immune disorders such as
collagen vascular disease

Atrial fibrillation

Palpations of an irregularly irregular


Four A's to monitor pt outcomes

Analgescia, Activities of daily living,

Adverse eects, Aberrant drug-related

Turner's syndrome

very short stature

Marfan's syndrome

long limbs in comparasion with trunk


height loss

Fast frequent movement


slowed activity



leaning forward with arms braced

Left sided heart failure

preference for sitting up

Cardiac distress

clutching the chest, pallow, diaphoresis,

labored breathing, wheezing, cough


wincing, sweating, protectiveness of

painful areas, facial grimacing, unusual
posture favoring one limb over the other

Anxiety or depresssion

anxious face, fidgety movements, cold

and moist palms, flat aect, poor eye
contact, teary, weepy, anxious looking, at
risk for hurting self or others


masked face (immobile)

Narrow cu size

BP will read high

Larger cu size

the bp will read low on a small arm and

high on a large arm


>100 bpm

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

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<60 bpm

Subclavian steel syndrome, aortic


Pressure dierence >10-15 mmHg

Isolated systolic hypertension

systolic bp >140 mmHg and diastolic <90



extreme elevation in temperature >106

degrees Faren.


abnormally low temperature below 95


Causes of fever

infection, trauma, injuries, malignancy,

blood disorders, drug rxns, and immune
disorders such as collagen vascular

Causes of weight gain

edema- extravascular fluid retention from

conditions like heart failure, nephrotic
syndrome, and liver failure. Many drugs
cause weight gain: tricyclic
antidepressants, insulin and sulonylurea,
contraceptives, glucocorticoids, and pre
gestational steroids; mirtazapine and
parozetine; gabapentin and valproate,
and propranolol.


poverty, old age, social isolation, physical

disability, emotional or mental impairment
lack of teeth, ill fitting dentures,
alcoholism and drug abuse

Four steps to promote optimal weight and


1. measure BMI and waist circumference,

identify risk of overweight and obesity and
establish additional risk factors for heart
disease and obesity-related diseases 2.
assess dietary intake 3. assess the patient's
motivation to change (Prochaska model)
4. provide counseling about nutrition and

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Bates Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet

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BMI ranges

<18.5 underweight
18.5-24.9 - healthy weight
25-29.9- overweight
Obesity I- 30-34.9
Obesity II-35-39.9
Extreme obesity III- >40

Sodium intake

My plate <2300 mg/day

AHA Institute of medicine <1,500 mg/day

10 tips to a great plate

balance calories, eat less, avoid oversized

portions, eat nutrient-densefoods more
often, make half the plate fruits and
vegetables, switch to fat-free or low-fat
milk, make half of grain intake whole
grains, eat foods high in solids fats, salt
and added sugars less often.

Problems taking BP

cu too large- low BP

cu too small- high BP
arm too high- lower BP
arm too low- higher BP
pulseless due to occlusive diseaseTakayasu arteritis, giant cell arteritis, or

Abnormal Korotko sounds

sounds never disappear- aortic

diminished sounds- venous congestion,
gives high or low BP readings
Dierence between arm and leg BP- steal
syndrome and aortic dissection.

BP readings

Normal <120/<80
Prehypertension 120-139/80-89
Stage 1 hypertension 140-159/90-99
Stage 2 hypertension >160/>100
If diabetes or renal disease <130/<80

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exposure to cold, other predisposing

causes paralysis, interference with
vasoconstriction from sepsis or excess
alcohol, starvation, hypothyroidism, and
hypoglycemia. Older adults are more

Nociceptive (somatic pain)

painlinked to tissue damage to the skin

musculoskeletal system or viscera

Neuropathic pain

is a direct consequence of a lesion or

disease aecting the somatosensory

central sensitization

alteration of the CNS processing of

seastion leading to amplification of pain


involved the many factors that influence

the patient's report of pain- psychiatric
conditions, cultural norms, social support

idiopathic pain

pain without an identifiable etiology

stages of change model and assessing


1. pre-contemplation- unaware of problem

no interest in change
2. contemplation- aware of problem
beginning to think of changing
3. preparation- realizes benefits of making
changes and thinking about how to
4. action- actively taking steps toward
maintenance- initial treatment goals

recommended diet change for pt with


increase foods high in potassiumpotatoes, whit beans, beet greens,

spinach, bananas, plantains, tomato sauce
decrease foods high in sodium- canned
food, pretzels, potato chips, processed
foods, batter fried foods, table salt

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Cheyne-stokes breathing

periods of deep breathing alternate with

periods of apnea. Children and aging
people show this pattern while sleeping.
Other causes heart failure, uremia, drug
induced respiratory depression nd brain

Obstructive breathing

prolonged expiration- COPD patients

ataxic breathing (biot's breathing)

characterized by unpredictable
irregularity. Shallow/deep/apenic periods
etc. Caused by respiratory depression and
brain damage.

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