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Task A
1. Starting at row 3 on a new spreadsheet, enter the data from the Property Listing
sheet provided;
Save the file appropriately starting or ending with your initials or name
In addition to the Property Name, Location and Floor Size, the spreadsheet should
include the following for each property:
Owner Name (2 columns). The current first and last name of the registered
owner of the property
Type The design or style of the property. Ie. Apartment, Town-House, Condo,
Duplex or Detached
Ensure that your data is compliant with the following:
Make sure that you have at least four (4) properties of each type, i.e. at least

four apartments, at least four town-houses, etc.

Each property should be registered under a different owner;

no two

properties should have the same owner

2. After your last column, add two new columns named Price/SqM and Total Price
3. In the Price/SqM column, enter the cost of a square meter of floor-size. Prices
should be either $900, $1000, $1100 or $1200. (You should use each price at least
four times)
4. In the Total Price column, calculate the total price of each property.

5. Add a new column after Total Price to hold a fee to take care of the property.
Choose a suitable name for this column using 1 or 2 words.

This fee will be a

monthly charge. It should be less than 1 tenth of the total price of the property.
Enter different fees for each property

6. Under the Property Name column, type the phrase No. of Listings. Under the
column with the owner names, use a function to display the number of properties
in your table.
7. Below the Total Price column calculate the total price of all the properties in
the table. Below this answer, calculate the average price per property. Add an
appropriate label to the left of each of the 2 values.
8. Below the Floor Size column, 1 row below No. of listings, use a function to find the
average size of the properties (in sq meters). Display the average to 1 decimal
9. Name the sheet tab, Listings.

Landscape the sheet.

Add borders to all

cells from row 3. Bold the column names


Copy the Listings sheet to two new sheets in the same file. Name the sheet

tabs Sorted Listings and Taxes respectively.

On each of the 3 sheets, type the sheet name in A1 and format each title

Create a named range using only the records of this table. That is from row 3

to the last property record.

Select only columns Property Name to

_______________. Name the range Export.


Create a column chart to show the first 6 last names along with the total price


the monthly caring fee for each property. (2 bars per property) The chart

should be appropriately labeled with a chart title, axis titles and a legend to the
left. Your graph should be 2 dimensional only with a white background and have
1 bar for size and 1 bar for price. (No 3D charts)

Create a simple 3D or 2D pie chart to show the total price for the first 5

properties on the Listings sheet. For each slice show the Property Name, the total

price and the percentage the total represents in the group of 5. Add a suitable title
and remove the legend or key.

(No fancy charts)

Task B
(Use the Sorted Listings sheet for the following section)

Delete all the rows below the last property.

Add a footer to the Sorted Listings sheet, with the sheet name and your

initials in the center.


In a single action, sort this sheet by Type (in ascending order) then by Floor Size

(in descending order)


Create an advanced filter to show all rows with Detached properties whose

Price/SqM is $1100 or more.

Task C
(Use the Taxes sheet for the following section)

Each property incurs a government tax of 15% of the total price. Add a column

to your sheet to display the tax on each property. Use a formula to calculate the
tax, bearing in mind that the tax percentage may change from year to year.

Each property is classified based on the pricing of the floor space. A property is

considered Premium if the price per square meter is greater than $1000.
Otherwise, it is labeled Standard. Add a column named Class to the table and use
it to display this information efficiently.

Insert the following property into the table:

A condo owned by Amy David, located at Mountain View.
The property is named Atlantic Sunrise and has 280 meters of floor space.

Place this information in the table and complete the record. The new property
should neither be placed first nor last on your list. Format this row to make it stand

The real estate agency has a sales target of $6,250,000. In an appropriate area

on the spreadsheet, calculate the difference between the sales target and the
combined total price of all the properties for sale. Label this value.


Convert all monetary values to currency.


Display the sheet so that it shows most of the columns on the 1 st page or on a

single page.

Print all 3 data sheets and the 2 graphs.

Print also the formula sheet for the

Taxes sheet only

Sheets should be formatted for printing on letter sized paper (ie.


Use Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri font.

Use font size 11 or 12 for the tables.
Formula sheet fonts should be no smaller than size 10.

Use plain tables with borders around each cell. Do NOT color your tables

Tiny print will NOT be

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