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Bryan Chen
English 12 Period 4
20 August 2016
My Changing Identity
Identity is the fact,concept, and belief of a person. Many concepts are tied to identity,
such as gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. However, there is one concept that is
given to an individual at birth and stays with them throughout their life, which are referred to as
names. Names, they are given to them by their parents, by the people who will always love them
through hardships and tough times.There are many different first name that identifies a person,
but there is one part of your name that is similar to others. That is your surname or last name that
differentiate you from others but represents which family you are a part of. It gives the person
their identity tieing them to a family to show they are one of them. It is a powerful factor that
helps you develop into your future.
Many individuals are given their rightful names. However I deviated from the majority,
my surname was different from my parents. I have no idea or clue of who or where my biological
father is or what he was like. My step-father who I have been calling as my real Dad took me
in at an extremely young age. As a result, my step-father is my actual father figure, for I actually
know what he looks like, his past, his personality, and his values. I was an abnormality among
others in our society because of this. My surname being different from my father, unlike the
other kids in our society. As a result, it put me in a difficult situation which left me wondering
who I should look up to as my own father figure. I have wondered if I should refer to him as my
step-dad or my dad. He provided me with the care a father would provide to their biological child

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throughout my entire life. Providing me with food, a roof above my head, warm clothing
through the harsh winters in LA, and a bed to sleep on through the chilly nights with warm
covers. He cared for me whenever I was injured, I remember one time he carried me back to our
home when I received an injury while I was playing outside. He has been there for me as my
father throughout my entire life, there was never a moment when he was not there for me.
So one day I brought up a question and asked him why our surname was different unlike
the other kids who shared surnames with their fathers, and I asked if it can be changed. He
responded with if you are willing to do so it can. When I was in third grade at the age of eight,
my parents and I went to go change my name at the city hall, from Bryan Van Hao Pham, to what
I am currently known as today to my precious friends and family, Bryan Chen. Having my last
name changed was the last step to finally show the world my identity as the son of Tom Chen.
While my friends and my mother as well as the other constituents of my identity, such as gender,
race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation helped with shaping the person I am today. The one who I
could credit with making the most influence on my identity would be my father. Although some
may call me unfortunate, I feel fortunate that I even had a father figure in my life. I am truly
grateful for what my father has done for me in these past seventeen and a half years, by just
being there for me and supporting me through all the rough times that I have experienced.

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