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Events Calendar
1922 January 2003
Source Water Protection
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Contact: American Water Works
6666 W. Quincy Avenne
Denver, CO 80235, USA
Tel: +1 303 794 7711
Fax: +1 303 794 3951

25 February 2003
Environment and Energy
2003 Conference and
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Contact: Christine Chapman,
Exhibition Sales Manager
PennWell Corp, PennWell House,
Horseshoe Hill, Upshire,
Essex EN9 3SR, UK
Tel: +44 1992 656 631
Fax: +44 1992 656 704

46 March 2003
Water & Wastewater Europe
Nice, France
Contact: Koula Karayianni
Exhibition Sales Manager
PennWell Corp, PennWell House,

Horseshoe Hill, Upshire,

Essex EN9 3SR, UK
Tel: +44 1992 656 631
Fax: +44 1992 656 704

1013 March 2003

Water China 2003
Guangzhou (Canton), PR China
Contact: MEREBO Messe Marketing
Hellbrookstrasse 86, 22305 Hamburg,
Tel: +49 40 6087 6926
Fax: +49 40 6087 6927

1820 March 2003

9th Aachen Membrane
Aachen, Germany
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Meier
Institut fr Verfahrenstechnik (IVT) der
RWTH Aachen, Turmstrae 46, D-52056,
Aachen, Germany
Tel: +49 241 80 95428
Fax: +49 241 80 92252

2830 March 2003

7th International Water
Technology Conference

Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous
Transport through polymer inclusion membranes
(PIMs) was found as the effective and selective
method of Cr(VI) anions removal from chloride
acidic aqueous solutions. The optimal PIMs content was as follows: 41 wt% of cellulose triacetate as
the support, 23 wt% of tri-n-octylamine as the
ionic carrier, and 36 wt% of o-nitrophenyl pentyl
ether as the plasticizer. The results obtained show a
linear decrease of permeability coefficient and initial flux values with source phase pH increase. Also,
a linear decrease of initial flux in loglog scale with
an increase in Cr(VI) concentration was observed.
The value of slope of this relationship was found to
be 0.96, which indicates a first order of Cr(VI)
reaction with tri-n-octylamine at membrane/aqueous source interface. Transport of Cr(VI) through
PIMs reduces the concentration of Cr(VI) in
source aqueous phase from 1.0 to 0.0028 ppm,
which is below the permissible limit in drinking
water in Poland. Competitive transport of Cr(VI),
Cd(II), Zn(II) and Fe(III) from acidic aqueous
solution across PIMs was found to be efficient for
Cr(VI) (99%) and Cd(II) (99%).
C.A. Kozlowski, W. Walkowiak: Water Research
36(19) 48704876 (November 2002).

Membrane Technology December 2002

Contact: Prof. Magdy Abou Rayan
Conference Secretary General,
Mansoura University, Faculty of
Engineering, El-Mansoura 35516, Egypt
Tel/Fax: +20 (3) 5920641

711 April 2003

Water Berlin 2003
Berlin Trade Fair and Exhibition
Complex, Berlin, Germany
Contact: Benjamin Sanders, Project
Messe Berlin North America, 701
Kenmore Avenue, Suite 220,
Fredericksburg, VA 22401, USA
Tel: +1 540 372 3777
Fax: +1 540 372 1414

9 April 2003
4th International Conference
on Membrane Bioreactors
(MBR 4)
Cranfield, UK
Contact: The Short Course Office,
Cranfield University
Tel: +44 1234 754176

Effects of coagulant residuals on

polyamide membrane performance
Pretreatment may constitute up to one-fourth
of the total costs of a membrane desalting facility. By using preexisting conventional filtration
plants for pretreatment, significant cost savings
may be realized. However, coagulant residuals
from the pretreatment process may negatively
affect reverse osmosis (RO) membrane performance. Various RO membranes were tested at
three different treatment plants in southern
California, using either aluminium sulphate
(alum) or ferric chloride coagulants and chloramines. Repeated testing using alum with multiple RO elements revealed rapid deterioration
in specific flux (up to 60% over 100 h of operation), as well as progressive reductions in salt
rejection (typically 34% over 500 h of operation). Microscopic analysis of the fouled membranes revealed that the foulants were primarily
aluminium hydroxide and aluminium silicate
materials. In contrast to the RO data for alum
coagulation, which showed declining membrane flux, the specific flux data using ferric
chloride and chloramines increased over time
for all membranes. Salt rejection decreased significantly during testing of each membrane.
These data suggest that the RO membranes
were physically degrading over time. The RO
membranes may have been degraded by residual
iron catalyzing a chlorineamide reaction on
the membrane surface, despite the fact that
chlorine was present as chloramines.

Fax: +44 1234 751206


48 May 2003
Desalination and the
Environment: Fresh Water
for All
St Julians, Malta
Contact: Miriam Balaban
European Desalination Society, Science
and Technology Park of Abruzzo, Via
Antica Arischia 1, 67100 LAquila,
Tel: +39 0862 3475 308
Fax: +39 0862 3475 213

1720 June 2003

American Filtration &
Separations Society 16th
Annual Conference and
Reno, Nevada, USA
Contact: Kathleen Hemming
Conference Coordinator
AFS Society, 252 N. Washington Street,
Suite A, Falls Church, VA 22046, USA
Tel: +1 703 538 1000
Fax: +1 703 538 6305

C.J. Gabelich, T.I. Yun, B.M. Coffey, I.H. Suffet:

Desalination 150(1) 1530 (10 October 2002).

A new method for measuring the

membrane fouling potential
The silt density index (SDI) and modified
fouling index (MFI) characterization methods
are well known for the evaluation of membrane fouling potential of dispersed particulate matter (suspended solids, colloids) in a
feed. The SDI and MFI methods, however,
reduce the overall and very complex fouling
phenomena into a one-number value, on
which the interpretation of the fouling potential of the feed is based. Considering such a
one-number characteristic, a significant
amount of information from the fouling measurement (data) is lost. In this paper, a concept
is introduced in order to preserve such information and supplement the existing indexes.
The proposed method measures, processes and
presents data in a specific format. To illustrate
the concept, some results are shown from measurements on three types of feed. Future systematic research will also include the measurement on some model feeds with, for example,
well characterized dispersions for comparison
purposes. However, based on the contents of
this paper, a discussion on the method could
be initiated.
E. Brauns, E. Van Hoof, B. Molenberghs, C.
Dotremont, W. Doyen, R. Leysen: Desalination
150(1) 3143 (10 October 2002).


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