Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

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Violeta Robles
Elas Garza
Ana Rodrguez
Ana Laura

Competencia genrica:

Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.
Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y
habilidades con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.
Competencia disciplinar:
11. SE comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lgico, oral
o escrito, congruente con la situacin comunicativa.

In this activity you will perform a role play to describe cause-effect everyday situations.
1. Read the following short dialogues. Write on the line the everyday situation each
one refers to: a health problem, house chores, school activities, work activities,
recreational activities, or accidents.
Dialogue 1
Susan: I want to go to the movies to laugh.
Peter: If you want to laugh, you may want to watch a comedy film.
Everyday situation: Recreational activity.
Dialogue 2
Rick: I ate too much last night. I dont feel well.
Bob: You can drink some Chamomile tea if you have a stomach ache.
Everyday situation: Health problem.
Dialogue 3
Carol: I have to call my costumers but I need to get home early.
Wade: If you want to leave, you might call just a few customers today.
Everyday situation: Work activity.
Dialogue 4
Daughter: Im going out with Tony tonight but I have to do the dishes and dress up.
Mom: You should do the dishes first if you dont want to get dirty.
Everyday situation: Recreational activity.
2. Work in teams.

4. Write a dialogue that includes all the team members.

Violeta: Hey guys! How are you?
Arturo: Fine!
Laura: Too good!
Ana: Bad.
Violeta: Why?
Arturo: Yeah, what happens?
Ana: I don't go to the concert of my band favorite.
Laura: Why?
Ana: My mom would not let me go.
Violeta: If you want to go, you can manage your home to let you go.
Arturo: You might wash the dishes; clean the kitchen and laundry if you want to go.
Laura: if you go to the concert, you can must do all this.
Ana: Oh, thanks guys, I'll do everything Io was told me to go, see you.

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