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{preguntas al grupo}
Good morning everybody my name is Martha and she is my friend Diana and we will
explain the wh questions or interrogatives in English.
You can pass please and write some interrogative you know. (Pasar a los alumnos para
que escriban algunos interrogativos que se acuerden).
Explicaremos los interrogativos escritos.
Darles ejemplos de los wh questions hacindoles algunas preguntas.

How many brothers or sisters do you have?

Who do you live with?
Where do you live?
When do you wake up?
What did you do yesterday?
Which color do you like, blue or red?
Whose is this?
Why are you happy?

Martha: Hello, Martha, What do you do?

Diana: I work in a library.
Martha: Really? Thats good. What type of books do you read?
Diana: I often read horror stories.
Martha: What days do you work?
Diana: I work three days a week.
Martha: Are you married?
Diana: Yes, I am.
Martha: What does your husband do?
Diana: He works as a policeman.
Martha: How often do you do exercise?
Diana: sometimes, I do exercises four times a week. But, I usually exercises only twice a
Martha: Where do you like going on holiday?
Diana: We rarely go on holiday. However, we like going to the mountains if we can.

Martha: Thank you very much for answering my questions.

Diana: You're welcome

Se pasara a alguno de los alumnos a que completen la pregunta colocando la wh

The structure for wh in simple present is:

Wh + Aux. do/does + subject + verb in s. f + complement + ?

we are going to explain with some examples the formulation of questions.

{Explicaremos con algunos ejemplos las formulaciones de preguntas}
David likes salsa
What does David like?

Wendy is a nurse
What does Wendy do?
>> the first ten to finish correctly will gain a candy {Los diez primeros en terminar este
ejercicio ganaran un dulce. }

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

1. Julia likes pop-music.
2. Maria comes from Spain.
3. They play in the garden.
4. Rick rides his bike.
5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays.
6. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.
7. Joe repairs his bike.
8. Robin drives his car carefully.
9. Peter runs with his dog every day.
10. Eric goes to Italy for a holiday.


1. What does Julia like?

2. Where does Maria come from?
3. Where do they play?
4. Who rides his bike?
5. When do you go to the cinema?
6. Why do you go to Mallorca?
7. What does Joe repair?
8. How does Robin drive his car?
9. When does Peter run?
10. What does Eric do?
this is all. some question?
*Se da por finalizada la exposicion*

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