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a page analysis

The article, dinosaur discovery a world first and it hails from

Australia, presents an external discovery which allows us to
learn more about the history of our world and how life
dispersed and evolved. There is a shift within the article from
lively description of the dinosaur to a more detailed and
substantiated explanation of the discoverys significance in the
latter half. At the beginning of the article, the dinosaur is
described as a large and unique creature as there is repetition
of long within the quote long-legged, long-necked and longtailed hippopotamus. The description also emphasises its
distinctiveness as the dinosaur is compared to a giraffe and
hippopotamus, through the adjectives stumpy and wide.
There is also speculation of this dinosaur being a new species
as there is also repetition of new throughout the article. The
dates highlight the age of the dinosaur 95 million years old
and also how incredible this discovery is as it is the third most
complete dinosaur discovered in Australia. The facts and use of
scientific jargon, sauropod and genus, reinforce the validity
of the report and support the discovery of a new dinosaur. The
article references an expert, Dr Poropat, further validating the
importance of the discovery of a new dinosaur as it could affirm
the uniqueness of Australias fauna. Hence, this article, allows
us to learn more about the origination and evolution of life
within our world.

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