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Project 1: Video/ DVD Analysis

"Training day movie"

SummaryTaking place in the inner streets of Los Angeles, in the early 2000s. First scene opens up with
one of the two main characters officer Jake Hoyt waking up extremely early and nervous for his
first day of training to try become a narcotics officer.The next scene is one of the most important
scenes in the movie it takes place in a restaurant this is where he meets Alonzo ( Denzel
Washington),right off the bat Alonzo is labeled as a deviant character and you can tell that they
are completely different characters with different mind sets. Alonzo isn't your average narcotics
officer but on the other end officer Hoyt is an average scared rookie officer.Through out the
movie Alonzo clearly reveals himself as a officer who has his own agenda and own set of
rules.Hoyt through out the movie is tested with ethical decision making on whether what alonzo
is doing is right or wrong. Alonzo is an aggressive controlling character that has Hoyt question
his own self and own action. Hoyt sees the other side of the badge, that even though Alonzo is
the top DEA officer in all of Los Angeles, he sees Alonzo be completely corrupt and immoral to
many civilians.Although it might seem take a minute to catch,Alonzo already has the day
planned out, there's more to his daily actions then may seem at the beginning of the movie
about 25 percent into the movie Alonzo uses lots of ethos and some how convinces officer Hoyt
to use drugs and then when Hoyt threatens to "snitch" on Alonzo, Alonzo says "it's not what you
know, it's what you can prove".Towards the ending of the movie you get the sense of the fast life
and rules Alonzo lives by starts to catch up with him because all the people that Alonzo did bad
turn an eye when Alonzo needs is in danger and he ends up dying.


How sociologist Comte,Durkhiem and Marx would view "Training Day"

Auguste Comte- thought the view of Comte he would see that officer Hoyt as a person going
through a change that now Hoyt is a officer and there are rules that come with but but follow
the morally right thing to do but is conflicted with the way Alonzo does things.

Karl Marx- through the view of Karl marx, he'd see the movie and interoperate it to be bigger
than the two main character Hoyt and Alonzo but see all of the cities characters as evenly
contributors to the story.Alonzo and Hoyt in Karl Marx view would probably be considered the
higher social class because they are officers and would use there power to black mail the drug
dealers and small crime members in the streets.Karl Marx would probably label the other small
crime characters as lower social class. From the economical point and struggle, Alonzo uses his
position as a officer to take advantage and black mail and make money as opposed to the small
crime characters committing crime to make money.

Emile Durhiem- the way Emile would view this movie in a perspective that people like Alonzo
and Hoyt have a certain characteristics that are important because it's a sense of balance.Emile
would consider Alonzo as a criminal and not a officer and the role that Hoyt is the officer that
cleans of Alonzo off the streets.
Most represented sociological paradigm
In my option Symbolic Interactionism is the most represented Sociological paradigm because
through out the movie Hoyt changes and he changes more and more every time he hangs out
with Alonzo and he changes accordingly to what Alonzo is has done . Hoyt develops and
changes the more they interact .In the begging of the movie he didn't consider Alonzo as of a


deviant person but through out the movie changes his mind on whether Alonzo's "street justice"
is the right thing.Hoyt ultimately gets a taste of what is it like to be an officer on duty and gets his
own perspective every time he interacts with the other characters.

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