Reasons For Ending Slavery

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Slave Petition to the House of Representatives in Massachusetts Bay

The American nation has made immense strides in the protection of the rights of
minorities. Since the abolition of slavery, members of the black community have been
granted rights that range from the right to vote and freedom of movement. The success
that former slaves have recorded has been the result of efforts from lobby groups and
human rights activists. The petition to the House of Representative is one such instance.
This petition forms the subject of this essay. The essay offers a look into the arguments in
the petition and references to the Declaration of Independence. The essay concludes with
a description of personal take on the argument that I found to be most effective.
Reasons for Ending Slavery
The parties who petitioned the House of Representatives in Massachusetts Bay based
their petition on several reasons. One of the reasons that they cited in their pursuit of an
end to slavery was that slavery was a violation of the states constitution which held that
all men are born equal and free. The petitioners also sought an end to slavery with the
reason that slavery went against the Christian principles on which the American nation
was founded. The petitioners also called for an end to slavery arguing that the practice
was a violation of laws of nature and that slavery went against principles of humanity.
References to the Declaration of Independence
The petition makes references to certain provisions in the Declaration of Independence.
These include the mention of the fact that all men are equal. One of the pillars of the
Declaration of Independence is the provision for the equality of all men and this was
echoed in the petition to end slavery. The petition also makes mention of the Christian
principles on which the American nation was founded and which were being violated
through slavery. The Declaration of Independence mentions that all men are bound by
godly principles. The petition also cited natural laws that are mentioned in the
Declaration of Independence in its demand for an end to slavery.
Most Convincing Argument
I found the argument that all men are born equal to be the most convincing in the calls for
an end to slavery. The petition holds that slavery is a blatant violation of the principle of
equality of all men. I believe that all men are indeed equal and that no man should be
subjected to the conditions that were endured by slaves. The principle of equality of man
demands that all men be allowed to pursue happiness as enshrined in the Declaration of
Independence. The equality of man is also provided for in major religions such as
Christianity whose principles form the founding blocks for the American nation.
The essay has sought to offer insights into the petition to end slavery. The petition makes
a compelling case for an end to poverty. The arguments employed in the petition range
from the fact all men are born equal and that slavery is a violation of the Christian
principles that form the foundation of the American nation. The argument that all men are
equal is the most convincing as it is.

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