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RO Manual Summary

Treat Franchisees like a Brand Ambassadors to promote Essar Fuel Station.

MS/HSD are one of the refined products that has been distilled out from the refinery. According
to Government of India, MS/HSD should have to sustain some standards such as Euro norms,
Bharat Stage Emission norm like BS-III MS, BS-IV MS and BS-III HSD, BS-IV HSD.

Norms (For 2/3 wheelers-MS)

Bharat Stage-I
Bharat Stage-II
Bharat Stage-III
Bharat Stage-I
Bharat Stage-II
Bharat Stage-III


CO (Carbon monoxide) (g/km)


(HC+Nox) (g/km)



Retail Outlet Infrastructure:Retail Outlet (RO) generally consists of equipments like:Dispensing Units: - The equipments that are used to dispense the MS/HSD to the customers via
a rubber hose that is connected through a coupling.
Underground Storage Tanks: - These are the storage tanks, built inside the floor level to store
the inventory or we say the MS/HSD products. There are Mild Steel Storage tank and Fiber
Reinforced Storage tank.
Safety Equipments:- Safety equipments such as DCP fire extinguisher, CO2 fire extinguishers,
Fire Safety Buckets etc.
Canopy: - It is one of the essential roof equipment that is been used to cover the forecourt area
and also for long vision to the customer.
TOTEM: - It is one of the essential equipment that is used to provide the awareness about the
price of the product.

Sales Room Building: - It is used in two ways i.e. one as office and other as a Sales Room Lube
Dispensing Unit (SLDU).

Retail Outlet Management:Indenting: - A Process to order for products like MS, HSD in KL (Kilo Liters) via franchisee
portal i.e. . A Franchisee can order for a product by its CMS (Customer
Management System) code and registered mobile number. It is secured by generating OTP that is
only be received to franchisee mobile number. Thus this process is also know a generation of
Secondary Sales & Inventory: - The portal also provide a facility to enter opening stock and
closing stock of MS, HSD and Lube in KL.
Franchisee Help Desk:- For any problems, queries etc. franchisee can register his/her
complaints to the help desk, where t6here will a generation of a complaint id and an alert will
also be generated.
After Generation of Indent, the franchise has to wait for the arrival of the Tank Truck (TT)
i.e. the required amount of the qualitative product to the retail outlet.

Retail Outlet Management:After the arrival of the Tank Truck (TT), the franchisee has to follow SOP (Standard
Operation Procedure) i.e.:- Decantation Process which is the process of unloading of the
product at the Retail Outlet. The Following steps are given below:-

Parking of the TT: - Facing towards the Egress (If possible). There should be the plain surface and secure the vehicles via a wooden block and hand
brakes. Switch off the engine and the master switch of the TT.
Checking of the TT documents: - Invoice (Tank Lorry Number, Date and Time of the issue of the product by depot, number of the compartments and
the required amount of the products into it, Density @15 degree C, Loading Temperature, Serial number.
PESO: - License issued by CCOE (Chief Controller of Explosive) that is to be renewed with in very year.

Checking of the RC of the Vehicle, Insurance Check, Calibration Chart (Certificate) checking should be done of the TT.
Safety: - Fire extinguisher should be kept at the place and also provide the earth to the TT via thick wire that is properly attach on TT and pole in order
to remove the static charges
Checking of the Seals number (Sequence of the Seals). Release the Valve (Leaver) that is to be open with a crack sound
Water test of the TT should be done by applying the paste at the bottom of the dip rod.
Oil test should also be done by applying the Oil paste at the Dip Level.
Top Density check of the Product @15 degree C.
Bottom Density Check of the product @15 degree C via ASTM 53B table.
Take out 20 liters of the product from each pipe of the valve of the TT and conduct a Visual check.
Then take a composite Density @ 15 degree C via ASTM 53B table and check with the density that is given at the Invoice of the TT.
For MS the Density will lie in between 700-750 kg/m3 for BS3 and 750-800 Kg/m3 for BS4. In case for the HSD the density will lie in between
800-850 kg/m3 via ASTM 53B table @15 degree C. The variable that can be taken is +/- 3Kg/m3 of the density.
Whatman filter paper number2 should also be used to check the quality of the MS. It is the time for the quantity check now, thus conduct a Dip test
for TT. Determine the shortage

Top up the product that we have earlier discharge from the bottom of the valve of TT.
Checking the UST (Underground Storage Tank) stock via Dip Test.
Also take a Totalizer reading before stopping the sale at the Retail outlet for initializing of the Decantation Process.
Now the time has come to start the process of the Decantation. Therefore connect the rubber hose (Thick) with the releasing valve of the TT to the
UST valve.
After the process and empty of TT, checking should be done for the remaining product. Milking Process should be applied and at last flame proof
Troch is to be used to see the inside product. (Caution: - Do not use the Flameproof Troch in case when there is product in any of the compartments
of TT).

After the Decantation process, flush the pipeline i.e. flush out 100 KL of the product either via medium of sale or by bucket

After the whole process check the density of the product @15 degree C, via ASTM 53B and this density will know as Reference Density

Sampling procedure should also be done with the TT product, i.e. 4 samples of 1liters each of MS to be taken for record basis. 2 of the MS samples
should to be kept with the Franchisee and other 2 to be handed over to the TT driver. In Case of the HSD, 2 samples of 1 Liters should be taken.
Samples should be taken in the Aluminum jar and to be sealed properly and then to be put in a wooden box with a seal on it as well.

Nozzle Test: - This test is done to check the quantity of the product that is been delivered to the
customer. Thus for this a Weights and Measure Stamped Aluminum jar is been provided to every
retail outlet with a weep hole at top of it. In this case we have to pour 5 liters of MS or HSD in to
it and at exact 5 Liters that weep hole will start to weep automatically. According to the MDPC
(Market Discipline Procedural Code) by Essar the variance or variation allowed is 15ml.

Safety at Retail Outlet:

No smoking
2 DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) Fire Extinguisher of 10 Kg each is too kept with each
Dispensing unit.
1 CO2 Fire Extinguisher of 4.5 KG is to be kept in the electrical room
2 Sand Buckets is to be kept, that is to be filled with the dry and loose sand on the DU.
No Mobile phone at the Forecourt Sales Area.

Daily Operations at the Retail outlet:

Totalizer Reading to be taken on the regular basis by the franchisee representative.

Quantity check by Dip Test, Nozzle test is to be conduct on regular basis. In case of the
variation between the meter reading and the stock reading allowed is:-

Annual Average Sale

If less than 600 kl
If more than 600 kl

MS (Motor Spirit)
0.75% of meter sales
0.60% of meter sales

HSD (High Speed Diesel )

0.25% of meter sales
0.20% of meter sales

Quality Check should also be taken by density check and what man no2 filter paper test
in case of MS only.

Properties of the MS (Motor Spirit) VS HSD (High Speed Diesel) fuels:Particulars

Density @15 Degree C
Flash Point (It is the minimum
temperature at which the
hydrocarbon starts to produce
vapors to support combustion
when ignited)
Pour Point( It is the minimum
temperature at which the
hydrocarbon will pose problem
to flow below it)

MS (Motor Spirit)
700-750 Kg/m3 for BS3 and
750-800 Kg/m3 for BS4
-17 degree C

HSD (High Speed Diesel )

800-850 Kg/m3

-40 degree C

-30 degree C

35 degree C

Octane Number( It is to



measure the anti-knocking

property of the gasoline fuel)
Cetane Number( It is to
measure the ignition delay of
the diesel fuel)



Flammability Range

Lower and narrow


Lowe and narrow


Vapor Pressure

Increase with the increase in


Calorific Value


Moderately increases

Various Act at the Retail outlets:-

Petroleum Act
Public Protection Act
A.P Petroleum Act
Consumer Protection Act
Weights and Measure Act
Income Tax Act
Food and Adulteration Act
Essential Commodity Act
Labor Act
Sales Tax Act
Minimum wages Act
Package Commodities Act

Loss Factors at the Retail Outlet:

Due to the change of the climate

Loss via transportation of the product via TT
Excess delivery from dispensing pump
Loss due to the leakage
Pilferage loss ( Stealing of the Product at the Franchisee Outlet)

Malpractices at the Fuel Station:

Adulteration (Mixing)
Pilferage (Stealing)


Stock variation
Unauthorized Exchange
Unauthorized selling
Unauthorized possession
Unauthorized purchase
Short Delivery
Sale of the off specification Product

Petroleum Rules 2002:- (Some Rules)

Rule 3:- Restriction on Dispatch or Delivery of the petroleum, i.e. nobody can dispatch or
deliver the petroleum in India until it has the authorized Storage License.
Rule 4:- Approval of Containers:- there should be an approval form the Chief Controller for
the containers i.e. for 1litres of Class A product (MS and LPG) and 5 Liters of Class B (HSD)
and Class C (Lubricants etc.)
Rule 9:- Prevention of Escape of Petroleum: - Petroleum shall be protected from draining into
water, rivers etc.
Rule 10:- Prohibition of employment of children at retail outlet: - No child under 18 years
will be employed as per rules.
Rule 11:- Prohibition of Smoking , Fires and Lights:- There would be no smoking, lightning
of the match sticks, using of the ordinary torches, mobile phones etc. in the forecourt sale area.
Rule 12:- Special Precaution of Accidents: - A complete care would be take off, so that nobody
will try to do any suicide, or any accident that will result in the explosion at the retail outlet.
Rule 102:- Restriction of Electric Installations and Apparatus: - There would be no electric
transformers or any heavy electric wire lines passing the fore court sales area, in order to avoid
the explosion.
Rule 103:- Hazardous Area: - The area will be deemed as a hazardous area because of the
products such as MS, HSD, lubricants etc. thus having low flash point below 65 degree C.
Rule 115:- Precaution against corrosion: - All electric equipments and apparatus should be
kept corrosion free my proper maintenance.
Rule 148:- Renewal of License: - The license should only be renewed by the concerned
authority that is empowered to issue the license. The License should be renewed with in the end
of every year.
Rule 151:- Refusal of License: - The Refusal of the license should be on the written documents.
Submitted By:Eshan Maheshwari

TSM-T (Bengaluru)

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