Attachment Report Final

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I Julio Kajakata declare that all the information written in this report has been prepared in
accordance with the academic ethical conduct rules.
I have written this document based on the truth and I have highlighted all the duties and
activities I have undertook during my period as an intern at Newlands Distributors and its
group companies (Healthyard, Newads, Absolute Systems and Femury Heights)


I thank the lord almighty for the wonderful and memorable period with my new family at
Newlands Distributors and its group accounts.
My gratitude goes to CUT academic staff that has impacted me with knowledge and has been
assisting me during my industrial attachment. It is from their valuable support that I managed
to enjoy my attachment and gained some experience during my internship.
I give many thanks to Newlands Distributors and its group accounts staff for their companion
and support during my period as an intern. They allowed me to be part of their family. I also
extend my gratitude to Linnet (Accounted), Florence Mandipira my Supervisor and Mary
Mangwende (Managing Director) and all the sales team.
I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family members, especially my
parents for their support throughout my internship.
I owe the successful period of my intern to all those people who were constantly beside me,
advising and supporting me during my period of training.


This document gives a summary of the experience I had as an assistant financial

administrator of Newlands Distributors and its group accounts. The duration of the internship
was twelve months, which was well spent in the Accounting and finance department which
was in conjunction with my degree program (BSCAC).
This report is a feedback to Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT). I was attached in the
administration office for all the group companies which made of Newlands Distributors,

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Newads, Healthyard, absolute Systems and Femury Heights. I was attached in different

Management accounting department

Financial accounting department
Cost accounting department
Auditing Department
Consultants Department

All the data in this report was obtained through interacting with core workers, engaging in
specific duties, observation and experimenting at work.
The main goal of this document is to give a conceptual picture of the department and how it
fits in the overall performance of the firm. The main aim of this report is to give a clear
overview of the internship programme as well as to give in report of the company, history,
and core values, present and future obligation.
The focus of attachment is to put all the theoretical aspect done in class by the student into
practical use. My internship was requirement of partial fulfilment of the award of my degree.
The faculty of Business management introduced the internship programme as a curriculum
module, so as to allow students to link theory leant with practical. At the end of the internship
programme students are required to write a fully detailed report that incorporates theory and
experience gained.

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Chapter 1

Vision, mission statement and core values
Objectives of the firm
Organisational structure
Brief description of department worked in
Organisation business, target market, company performance analysis


Chapter 2
Industrial attachment activities


Chapter 3

Is theory agreeing or disagreeing with practice



Is theory up to date


Chapter 4

Problems encountered during program



Suggestions for improvement to the organisation and university









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The following report gives a clear picture about the duties carried out during the period of
attachment at Newlands Distributors and its group accounts (Healthyard, Newads and
Femury Heights). It provides all the necessary vital information about the organisation and
the duties performed during that period by the intern.
The first part of the report gives an overview of the organisation, vision, mission statement
and the major objectives of the organisation. It goes further in giving the relevant activities
carried out by the intern.
Finally the report wraps up with some closing remarks such as the problems encountered
during internship and suggestions for improvement of the organisation and university.

Location and Background

Newlands Distributors is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company which was established by

seasoned professionals with vast experience in the distribution of FMCG and Pharmaceutical
Newlands Distributors Pvt Ltd.s focus is on distribution of FMCG products in the Traditional
Trade (High Density Areas).
No 2 Simon Mazorodze Road
Cooksey House
TEL : (04) 775 317/ 8

Cell : 0778 401 114

Email : ;

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The blue icon on the map above indicates Newlands Distributors location along Simon
Mazorodze road near Mbare cemetery which is in the green icon.

Vision/Mission statement

Newlands Distributors is the leader in the distribution of Nestle Zimbabwe Product range,
FMCG and other related products in Zimbabwe. Newlands distributors distribute FMCG
products to Supermarkets and Tuck shops in the Traditional Trade (high density areas).
Newlands distributors believe that client focus is the key to effective service delivery. Service
delivery excellence is not only our policy but the very pillar on which our business is built on.
Technology Partners It believes that in order to deliver an excellent
service, we should combine energies with worthy partners across the Food
Distribution industry. Our partners have been and will be chosen carefully
in order to assist us in helping our clients achieve their objectives. Our
Service Delivery Partners should have an organisational structure that
allows them to fully deliver the required service.
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Single point of accountability Newlands Distributors is committed to

developing a reliable and trusting relationship with its clients. The trust will
allow Newlands distributors to become the single point of accountability
with the entire customers business. This relationship allows the client to
focus on their core business.
Best Practices The services that we offer and the processes that we apply
to deliver the services always go through constant reviews. The objective is
to ensure that best practises are applied all the time for the clients benefit.


The major aims of Newlands distributors are:

Create wealth and value for all stakeholders
Create wealth for the people in the communities that Newlands Distributors
does business
Create rewarding and exceptional career opportunities for its staff.

Organisational structure

An organizational organogram is a diagrammatical representation that shows the lines of

authority, chain of command, span of control, responsibility, accountability and formal lines
of communication within an organization.
The shareholding of Newlands Distributors is 50% Ms Mary Mangwende and 50% Ms
Florence Mandipira. These 2 people are owners and hold the key positions of directors of the
company as well. They have the requisite skills acquired in their careers to execute the
required delivery. It is the aim of Newlands Distributors to see further development of other
resources to allow a world class performance for the full team.
The managing director, head at the office. She is there to monitor all the daily activities
performed by different personnel. All the key personnel report to the managing director on
weekly basis.
The financial administrator deals with all the management accounting, cost accounting and
financial accounting. The financial director reports to the managing director. She is also
responsible in monitoring all the group companies such as Office mart and Newads.

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Operations management is responsible for the general administrative work and credit control.
He also does sales and marketing.
Field marketers are responsible for Field Marketing, This job includes all marketing activities
that involve face-to-face contact with the consumer, generating orders and making sure the
right product is delivered to the right customer.
Truck driver is responsible for doing Van Selling and delivery of goods to customers in the
Traditional Trade.


Brief description of department worked in.

The financial administrator is responsible for all accounting in the organisation. The
department is responsible for credit management, cross checking all the debtors payments.
During the internship was the financial administrator intern. The financial administrator
intern is responsible for all the cost accounting, management accounting and financial
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The department require a lot of pressure, since it is responsible for all the accounts of the
organisation. Financial administrator is also responsible in setting budget and targets for other
personnel in the organisation.
Company controller
Newlands distributor company controller is responsible for the financial statement, general
ledger, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable and tax adherence. The company
controller had to supervise all the departments.
Internal auditor
Newlands distributor internal auditing is done by the accounted. She is responsible in
monitoring how business risk is being handled.
During my period as an intern my tasks were to:

Attend meetings with different auditors to develop an understanding on measuring

Assessing risk management process
Prepare reports on audit trail.
Cost management
As the cost accounted the major task I was assigned was to collect, analysing, summarise, and
evaluating various action. The major goal of cost management is to give advice to
management on actions based on cost effective. Cost accounting provides a clear picture of
cost that management needs to control all the business activities.


Organisation business, target market and company performance.

One of the most prominent arguments for distributorship network is the level of speed with
which producer can quickly respond to customer demands. It is vital nowadays to be able to
respond to customers quickly in real time. Because they are more localized and nimble,
distributors can typically offer a faster response to customers demand.
Role of Newlands Distributors

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Newlands Distributors is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company which was established by

seasoned professionals with vast experience in the distribution of FMCG and Pharmaceutical
Newlands Distributors Pvt Ltd.s focus is on distribution of FMCG products in Zimbabwe.
Newlands provides better advertisement for the Nestle products around Harare. It promotes
these products through face to face interaction with all the retailers and offering quality
Newlands Distributors, employees sales persons, who interact with retailers and familiarise
them to new products as well as existing products whose sales can benefit from increased
visibility. The most prominent way to advertise Nestle products is by providing taste samples,
so you can take advantage of your distributor's marketing capabilities by providing plenty of
free product samples for its product representatives to bring when they meet with retailers.
Get in touch with your distributor's marketing representatives and strategize ways to
collaboratively promote your products.
Target Market
Newlands Distributors distribute FMCG products to corporate companies, Government
departments, Schools and Supermarkets and Tuck shops in the Traditional Trade (high
density areas).

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Newlands Distributors is also responsible for Van Selling of Nestle products to the following
Territories in Harare;











Zimre Park










Outside Harare

Company performance analysis

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Newlands Distributors have increased the operations during the period of its incorporation up
to date. Sales volume increased on monthly basis. Sales have increased rapidly this was
because of new routes opened in the market. Opening of new market in Rusape and Mutare
contributed with a significant margin on the sales. Newlands Distributors profit margin
increased by 10-15% margin on monthly basis. New marketing mix introduced in traditional
trade increased the volumes of every product line. Nestle everyday and cerevita contributed a
greater margin on Newlands profitability.
Market Share
Newlands Distributors source markets are in the institutes, business corporate, retail outlets
and schools. In retail for the past 3 years, Newlands has dominated the market with
approximately 85% share of the market whilst the remaining 15% is for whole sellers who
some time self-handle. The pie chart below illustrates this market share proportion;




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Chapter 2
Industrial attachment activities
This chapter gives a clear picture to which the intern was attached and the actual industry
activities attached according to the relevance of the degree requirements.
Newlands Distributors administration is made up of management accounting, financial
management and purchasing. The finance and management departments have five sections in
these as follows stocks, cash and banking, trade payables management, trade receivables
management and procurement management.
During the period of my internship I was assigned in all the departments. The main functions
performed in each department were as follows:
Trade payables management

Updating and capturing of receipts and invoices in the system for every transaction
Authorization of all the invoices is properly done by the correct personnel
Analyzing creditors database
Processing invoices of all key accounts
Weekly and monthly reconciliation of creditors
General and petty cash reconciliation
Managing creditors queries
Checking invoice variance
Payment all invoices

Trade receivables management

Main activities carried were as follows

Updating and capturing all invoices

Verify each and every transaction of every debtor
Preparing trade receivable reconciliation
Maintaining debtors accounts

Cost and Management accounting

Periodically prepare financial reports to the management

Prepare financial statements
Translating numeric data to the non-financial management
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Risk assessing
Preparing budgets, and cash flows
Checking for any variance in managements accounts

Internal Auditing

Risk control
Check discrepant
Perform audit trail
Interpreting statements
Recording data in excel

Warehouse control

Promoting team work

Stock control
Check dispatch forms everyday
Verify stock cards in the warehouse
Perform periodic stock counts
Check for damaged or obsolete stock
Stock security


Check all deposits slips

Entering cash received in excel
Reviewing petty cash
Reconciling all amounts
Checking and correcting all variance

Data capturing
The writer was assigned to capture data into the system. Data capturing is a process that
involves the transformation of written or typed data from hard copies to computerized media.
The reporter captured data from all payments these included:

Cash withdrawals and,

Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

The writer also captured all data (cash summaries) from receipts from all the revenue sources
of the company these included:

Shrink wrapping revenue cash summaries

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Cargo revenue cash summaries

Mutare and Rusape cash summaries
Business cash summaries
Corporate sales cash summaries

Chapter 3
3.1 Linking theory with practice
During the internship programme students should apply theory learnt to practise. During the
internship period some of the concepts were put into practise. The following theories were
applied during attachment.
Financial disclosure

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Newlands prepared financial accounts for internal and external stakeholders. Financial
statements are prepared on monthly basis; all relevant information is published to the
Newlands Distributors disclosed some of the financial information in a way that can be
understood by every stakeholder:

Notes to explain intangible assets

Notes on depreciation
Notes that clarify employee benefits
Notes about reporting debts
Notes about valuing stock
Notes on different accounting policies

Newlands have a clear audit trail in its business. Auditing is practised to avoid variance in the
business. At college we managed to learn principles of auditing, some of the concepts were
difficult to apply. Auditing trail theory put into practise were as follows:

All invoices and receipts for every transaction filled in chronological order
All the accounting entries are checked for any supporting file or documents
Payroll system monitored weekly
Source documents for every transaction is filled

Financial accounting 1
Basic principles of accounting learnt in college like the; Double entry concept all the
departments through coding of accounting source documents, showed an appreciation of the
double entry principle which is the basis of all accounting which says that for every
transaction there are two accounts to be affected a debit and a credit; Going concern
-Financial statements are prepared assuming that a business entity will continue to operate in
the foreseeable future without the need or intention to liquidate the entity or to significantly
curtail its operational activities.
Cost and management
Costs are controlled by the cost manager at Newlands; every theory leant is practised in this
company. During the attachment period i had to play a crucial role in managing companies

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cost. The entire concepts grasped at the college in managing cost were applied to practice.
Theories practised are as follows:

Overhead expense management
Cost allocation
Cost tracing
Direct and indirect cost management

All the theories leant are agreeing with practice, everything taught at college is applicable at
Newlands. All the concepts leant at college are being applicable at Newlands Distributors,
especially theory on general disclosure, management accounting and principles of auditing.
Company law
This module helped the reporter to have a clear understanding on the procedures and
principles to follow when entering into contracts with other organisations on behalf of the
organisation and when signing contracts. Law of employment also helps to have enough
knowledge about rights and duties at the work place


Experience and knowledge gained

Staying at Newlands distributors resulted in gaining more knowledge and experience. It made
me gain knowledge in technical skills, staff conflict management, better communication
skills, meeting holdings and gaining confidence.
Technical skills gained
Working at Newlands distributors made me understand about different accounting packages.
During my intern period was introduced to different accounting packages which include
reach accounted, core information system, workday financial management and sage pastel.
Staff conflict management
Staff management at Newlands is crucial; to increase efficiency conflict should be managed.
As the financial administrator intern it was my duty to manage conflict in the organisation.
Employees always make unnecessary conflict within the organisation. I was able to manage
all the conflicts within the business.
Communication skill
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Communication is crucial in every business. As the financial administrator intern I spent most
of the time leading meetings. I handled every stakeholder query, this required good
communication skills. Had to chair all the internal meetings, this improved my
The attach also learnt to appreciate the basic techniques of various organizational
communication media like telephone etiquette in terms of intra and ultra-telephone calls,
organizational e-mailing and how to contact a person from another company on a business
call. The writer also had a practical experience of the importance of non-verbal
communication ranging from dressing, body movement, eye-contact, room-setting and a
plethora of other factors. The need for feedback of encoded messages was equally important
both in theory and in practice.
Problem solving skills
Solving problems requires analytical skill and critical thinking skills. I was able to gain these
experiences during my intern period. During my attachment period had to solve some of
internal and external problems. I was able to evaluate problems, manage problems and make
decision upon every problem.
I learnt that in the payroll section taxation knowledge can be used to re-compute the statutory
expense, i.e. PAYE contributions for all employees. The payments of statutory charges have
deadlines and they are payable before a certain fixed day of the month for example PAYE is
payable to ZIMRA by the 25th day of every month. Failure to pay will result in a penalty.
How PAYE was calculated on salaries was never a problem, since the aspect had been
covered in the tax law and practice module back at college. The writer was also familiar with
the taxable and non-taxable allowances save for the taxing rates that are determined by
ZIMRA and are provided in the form of tax tables; all these things she met helped in
enhancing the knowledge that the author had. The difference being that it was from a
practical view
Preparing, analysing and interpreting financial data
Financial data interprets company performance to stakeholders. Newlands management
accounts are prepared monthly by the financial administrator. During attachment period I was
involved in preparation of financial statement.
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Chapter 4
4.1 Problems encountered during internship
Adaptation to accounting softwares
First use of accounting packages is difficult if one is not familiar with an accounting package.
The first two months at Newlands was a major crisis, because I had to adapt to all the
accounting software within the business. I was very slow in using the software; all the
packages were new to me. As time passed I was familiar to all the packages and there was no
room for errors. I managed to use these packages from assistance from colleagues and
watching as their use the packages.

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Chairing meetings and conflict solving

Some of the workmates were difficult in working with. Some could not participate in
meetings and difficult to work with. It was difficult to solve some of the problems since most
of the workmates were a bit older than me. Usually there will be a negative response
whenever you try to resolve a problem or chair a meeting.
Applying concepts to practice
At college we only learn theory and not practical. It was really a challenge putting theory to
practice this is because at college its only a skeleton and a work you have to put flesh. Had to
ask for assistance from the supervisor whenever there is need, to apply theory to practise.
This made it difficult since at attachment the supervisor will be expecting the intern to know
Few resources
It was difficult to meet target set, because of shortage of resources. Newlands had a shortfall
of office computers. Most of the time had to share computers, using any which is free at the
moment. This delayed everything and affected in meeting deadline set.

4.2 Suggestions for improvement to the organisation and the university

For students to improve and adapt in industry some of the improvements must be done.
Suggestion for improvement at university CUT
Familiarise students with different accounting packages
Familiarising students with different accounting packages will enable students to have a jump
start in industry. Most of the companies are now using accounting packages for accuracy and
maintaining proper records. The university should implement accounting packages practise at
university. At Chinhoyi University accounting students only learn theory in accounting

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information system, so there is need to do practical. CUT must purchase different accounting
packages for students to use.
Help students in conflicting management and chairing of meetings
Students should be in better position in managing employees conflict. During attachment
students may be assigned in management position. This mean he/she will have to manage
some of the employees conflicts and chairing of meetings. At college student only learn
theory but not practical, in communication skills conflict management and meeting holding
should be taught in practical not theory.
Assisting In Securing Attachment Places
The college should be involved in securing attachment places for the students. It was very
difficult to get attachment placements which led to some students being forced to defer their
studies. The college should enter into contracts with reputable companies to supply them with
attachs every year. This helps students in this harsh economic condition as well as ensuring
that they get the relevant experience they actually need rather than having students to opt for
the last resort. There is also need for the college to increase the number of workshops and
company visits. This helps to enlighten and prepare students for industrial attachment as they
will have a foreknowledge of what is expected of them

Suggestion for improvement at Newlands Distributors

Intensive security on company documents
Every company needs to have information security on all vital documents. A security plan
should be implemented at this company to avoid misuse company information. Password is
supposed to be kept secret but this is not happening.
Proper filling of invoices and company documents

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The major purpose of filling is to be able to find the document when it is needed. This goal is
to have a quick access to the invoices. Newlands filling is still poor it takes time to find the
proper documents in the store room. Different years and invoice numbers are filled in same
files; credit notes are mixed up with reconciliation statement. To avoid mistake Newlands
should file their documents in good order.
Improve in inventory management
Newlands Distributors should improve in stock management. Having Knowledge on the level
of stock in the warehouse is crucial. The stock controller should understand the movement of
inventory-what moves fast in market, what contribute higher margin and slow sell out
products. This will help in understanding how much stock to keep and to reorder.
Improve marketing strategy
Marketing strategy provides a sense of direction for the business; it helps the business to
achieve targeted goals. Newlands Distributors should improve its marketing strategy to
increase business performance. Newlands sales fluctuate on daily basis because there is no
efficient strategy set to manage all the clients.
Newlands Distributors is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company which was established by
seasoned professionals with vast experience in the distribution of FMCG and Pharmaceutical
During my period at Newlands Distributors it was quite an experience. I managed to apply
theoretical aspect into practice. My work at Newlands reformed me in better understanding of
what is accounting. I gained experience in terms management and being an internal auditor.

General recommendation for the company

I recommend that Newlands Distributors should allow every employee to give his/her opinion
concerning client management. In every meeting disputes arise as sales person discuss
strategies in selling. Newlands Distributors should promote team work to increase its sales,
and measure individual performance on weekly basis. I also recommend that it should adopt
the following:
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proper filling for all the invoices and documents

trade payables days should be clearly addressed to all the employees
Subordination of employees should be clarified to all employees.
Practice team work
Monitor individual performance in terms of sales
Focus on clients
Open new markets in other provinces
Set a clear hierarchy structure

Chapter 5
5.1Map of great Harare serviced by Newlands distributors

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5.2 Newlands distributors Warehouse

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5.3Products stored in Newlands warehouse

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