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Scope of worJ16,forDM Water Plant & St6rzgeTank

1. Quality of water to be treated by the plant:

Raw water
4 Total Hardness
J Fluoride
J Turbidity
4 Silica
4 Iron
J Oil & Grease
J Heavy Metals

:Bore well
: 788 PPM
: 353 PPM
: 1.80PPM
: 2PPM '
: 16.4 PPM
: 0.18 PPM



2. Flow Rate

: 4000 ltrs / Hr

3. Out put per Regeneration

: 50,000 ltrs per Regeneration

4. Specificatioaas of De-mineralized Water

The De-mineralized Water after treatment in DM Plant should have the following
properties as given below.

Total hardness < 3ppm .

Chloride content < lppm

pH value in t@erange 6.8 - 7.2

Conductivity < 6 pmhos/cm

5. Specificcatiasaas of DM Plant :
DM Plant shall consists of Cation Column, Anion Column followed by Mixed bed.
9 Specifications of Cation Column
J Ind~~strial
MS Rubber Lined (Food grade) Cation column.
J One no. MSRL Pressure Vessel (600 m m 0, 1500 m m HOS)
J One no. ejector for sucking of the Hydrochloric Acid plus one spare ejector
J One set of Frontal Piping,
J One set of ~ i a ~ h r valves
J One no. Regeneration tank (MOC FRP/ MSRL)
J Cation Exchange Resin type N I O N 225H
9 Specifications of Anion CnlIurnn
J Industrial MS Rubber Lined (Food grade) Anion column.
One no. MSRL Pressure Vessel (806mrn 0,1500 mm HOS)






One no. ejector for sucking of the Sodium Hydroxide plus one spare ejector
One set ?f Frontal piping,
One set of Diaphragm valves
One no. Regeneration tank (MOC FRP/ MSRL)
Anion Exchange Resin type INDION NIP
One conductivity Meter with built in circuit box

Specifications of Mixed Bed

J Industrial MS Rubber Lined (Food grade) Mixed Bed Demineraliser.
J One no. MSRL Pressure vessel (400 mm 0,1600 mm HOS)
J Two nos. Ejectors plus on set of ejectors spare
One set of Frontal piping
J One set Diaphragm valves
J Two Nos. regeneration tanks (MOC FRP/ MSRL)
J Cation and,AnionExchange resins
J One Set Conductivity meter with Cell

AU the area covered by the DM Plant should be provided with

Add Proof Tiles

6. Technaical details sf the DM Plant :

a. Cation Cslaamltn

Vessel MOC
Diameter -mm
Height on Straight-mm
Type ofResin
Quantity of Resin
r;lB Regenerant Chemical

L Vessel - MOC
L Diameter -mm
Height on Straight-mm
d;hc Type of Resin
& Quantity of Resin
9,1, Regenerant Chemical


: MS Rubber Lined.(Food grade)

: 600
: 1500

: Strong acid cation (INDION - 225H)

: 400 Liters
: HC1 (Hydrochloric Acid-33%) -1 00 ltr

: MS Rubber Lined (Food grade)

: 800
: 1500
: Strong base Anion (INDION1-NIP)
: 750 Liters
: NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide-100%) - 42 Kg.

c. Mixed Bed


C Vessel MOC
iBk Diameter -mm
4& Height on Straight-rnm
Q Inlet/outlet pipe size NB
& Type of Resin
L Quantity of Cation Resin
& Regenerant Chemical
Q Type of Resin
4 Quantity of Anion Resin
Regenerant Chemical
4 Quantity of Regenerant

: MS Rubber Lined (Food grade)

: 400
: 1600
: 40
: Strong acid cation (MDION - 225K)
: 40 Liters
: HCl (Hydrochloric Acid-33%) - 15 Liters
: Strong base Anion (INDION - FFIP)
: 60 Liters
: NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide-100%)
: 5 Kg.

7. DM Water storage Tank

> Specificatiopls of DIM Water Storage Tank






Type ofltank
Diameter of the tank
Length of the tank
Rubber lining material
Thickness of Tank
Thickness of Rubber lining .
Shape of tank
Level p a g e

: MS rubber lined
: Horizontal
. :25,000 ltrs
: 2.5 mtrs approx.
: 4.75 mtrs approx.
: Mild Steel
: Chloroprene Rubber (Food grade)
: 6.0 + 0.2mm
: 3mm
: Cylindrical
: to be fitted as shown in figure

P Material properties should comply with IS: 1079

> Drawings of the tank should be finalized with user DRDL and approval should be taken
before fabricating the tank
P Tank should have
J Man hole and a ladder to climb tank for cleaning
J Drain out let with 2" Valve
J Four outlets connecting to pumps with mating flanges to inlet pipe lines of pumps
J By-pass inlet
J Level gauge with draining valve
J Anything required should be finalized with the user DRDL while finalization of
the drawings




Mounting of the tank and installation including the dismantling of old tank is within the
preview of the vendor
Flooring to the area around the Storage Tank should be done with mosaic tiles with good
finish and polishing

9 Specifications for Chloropreae rubber liming



The firm has to carryout lining of MS tank with Chloroprene rubber (Food grade)
with 3.0 + 0.2 ng.nthick sheets
The rubber should be bonded to the metal with suitable Chemlok adhesive with
necessary surface preparation
-100 % virgin polymer only should be used
Recycled I reprocessed rubber should not be used for lining
The firm shall develop chloroprene rubber composition meeting the specifitations
mentioned in Table 1 given qelow & supply 3 No's of tensile test sheets
(150x150x2 mm)for in house testing at DRDL
DRDL will carry out testing of samples coupons and clear for production. The
firm should carry out production only after getting clearance fiom DRDL
~ inspection
The firm should enclose the details of compositions, t e s t i ~ i f i b rand
reports along with thk final components
Chloroprene rubber (food grade) based composition with the following properties
shall be used for lining
Pipeline plumbing works, Old equipment removal and new-equipment Erection &
Commissioning is within the vendor scope

Table 1: The Specifications of Chloroprene rubber


Specification for
(Ref BS2752 C60)


Hardness (Shore 'A' I IRHD)


Tensile Strength ( m a ) (min.)


Elongation at Break % (min.)


Dry heat resistance (70, 7 Days):

A) Change in UTS % (Max.)

R) Change in Elongation% (Max)

C) Change in Hardness

-5 1+10





sc 2'

Weiiabiltiy d Quality Assumnm
SRDL, Hyderabad-500 058

A rota meter should be provided by the vendor to measure the flow rate with
calibration certificate, should be installed in the inlet raw water line of the DM
The installation of the tank should be done as per the diagram given in figure1
attached, the mating flanges for in let of pumps should be finalized in cons~~ltation
with the User, firm supports should be provided to the tank, inlet and outlet
connections are within the scope of the vendor

8. Delivery Schedule

: 4 months from date of Supply Order

9. Place of supply of material

:-DRDL, Kanchanbagh, HYDERABAD

The installation and commissioning of the DM Plant & DM.Water storage tank are

within the scope of vendor and should be done under the guidance of user DRDL as per the

11. Acceptance criteria :

a) Physical Inspection
9 Physical inspection against any leakages
b) The water should have the following properties after treating in the plant like
9 Total hardness < 3ppm
9 Chloride content < lppm
9 pH value in the range 6.8 - 7.2


Conductivity < 6 ymhos/cm

12. Cerdificates :
a) Calibration certificate fiom manufacturer of rota meter
b) Test report from manufacturer for any defects in tank material

c ) Test report for the rubber lining as per specification

13. Warranty :
One year warranty from the date of installation and commissioning of the DM Water
Plant & DM Water storage tank against any manufacturing/ fabrication defects, leakages etc.

Scientist 'E' *
Reliability h ~ u a l i ~ ~ s s u n n c s
DRDL, Wyderabad-500 068

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