PET READING PART 3 - Language Practice

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PET READING PART 3: Language Practice

Vocabulary: negative adjectives

1) Rewrite these sentences using the negative form of the underlined adjective. You will need
to use in- and un-.
1. It isnt necessary to bring equipment.

2. Some of the staff arent qualified.

3. Luxury accommodation isnt available near our camps.

4. Some of the other guests werent tidy people.

5. It isnt safe to go on a boat if you cant swim.

6. His answer wasnt correct.

Vocabulary: words with similar meanings

In part 3, the sentences often contain words and phrases which are different from those
in the text but which have similar meanings.

2A) Look at the words in bold in the following sentence taken a sample test. They mean the
same as in the sentence below.
>> If you cancel three weeks before your camp, you will get half your money back.
>> Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded.

2B) Use a word or phrase from the box to replace one word in each sentence 1-8 without
changing the meaning.
not allowed

fill in

1. There are several nice parks in the city.

2. The schools are shut at weekends.
3. All the staff had a pay rise last month.

less expensive
take back

4. Dont forget to return your library book when youre in town.

5. The concert is going to be very popular so we should reserve seats.
6. The CDs in the supermarket are cheaper than the ones in the music shop.
7. Drivers are forbidden to stop on the motorway.
8. Please complete this form using a pencil, not a pen.
9. The college recommends that students should apply early for popular courses.

Grammar: the passive

3A) Look at the following sentence taken from a real test. How do we form the passive?
>> Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card.
>> You are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card.

3B) Rewrite these sentences using the words given.

1. This pop festival was recommended to me by my brother.
My brother .
2. Bands from all over the world are invited.
The organisers .
3. Every year the festival is attended by at least 10,000 people.
At least 10,000 people .
4. Tickets are sold at our local music shop.
Our local music shop .
5. But I was given a ticket by my friend.
But my friend .
6. I was also offered a lift in his car.
He also .

3C) Now rewrite these sentences using the words given. Put the verb into the passive form.
1. A man told us where to put our tent.
We .
2. The campsite owner provided water for cooking.

Water for cooking .

3. It rained, but the bad weather didnt spoil our weekend.
It rained, but our weekend .
4. The organizers asked us to take all our rubbish away with us.
We .
5. The people in the next tent woke us up too early.
We .

Rephrasing ideas
In order to answer the questions in this part of the reading paper, you have to decide if
the sentence says the same as the text. You need to look at the sentence and the text
carefully. Sometimes the words look similar, but the meaning is different.

4) What is the meaning of these phrases taken from a sample test? Tick a or b.
1. Walk for up to two hours at a time during a normal six-hour trek.
a. You can stop and have a break after two hours, and then again after the next
two hours.
b. You can have just one long two-hour break during a normal six-hour walk.
2. Participants will not only but also
a. Participants will choose between two things.
b. Participants will be able to do both things.
3. an overnight guided trip, staying in forest cabins
a. Participants on the overnight guided trip will stay in forest cabins.
b. Participants on the overnight guided trip may prefer to stay in forest cabins.
4. an area little known outside of New Zealand.
a. People in other countries hardly know about this area.
b. New Zealand people do not know about this area.
5. depending on the weather.
a. We hope the weather is suitable.
b. If the weather is suitable
6. Essential items which cannot be bought locally.
a. You are not able to buy these items here.
b. Local people may be able to get these items.
7. Upon receipt of the form we will check X

a. We will check X before we receive the form.

b. We will check X after we receive the form.
8. if you decide not to go after all.
a. if we decide to cancel your booking.
b. if you change your mind about going.
9. Needs to be paid to us.
a. You need this money from us.
b. We need to receive this money from you.
10. to arrange your own travel insurance
a. To be responsible for your travel insurance.
b. To ask the programme organizers about your travel insurance.

1. It is unnecessary to bring equipment.
2. Some of the staff are unqualified.
3. Luxury accommodation is unavailable near our camps.
4. Some of the other guests were untidy people.
5. It is unsafe to go on a boat if you cant swim.
6. His answer was incorrect.

1. There are several pleasant parks in the city.
2. The schools are closed at weekends.
3. All the employees had a pay rise last month.
4. Dont forget to take back your library book when youre in town.
5. The concert is going to be very popular so we should book seats.
6. The CDs in the supermarket are less expensive than the ones in the music shop.
7. Drivers are not allowed to stop on the motorway.
8. Please fill in this form using a pencil, not a pen.
9. The college advices that students should apply early for popular courses.

1. My brother recommended to me this pop festival.
2. The organizers invite bands from all over the world.
3. At least 10,000 people attend the festival every year.
4. Our local music shop sells tickets.
5. But my friend gave me a ticket.
6. He also offered me a lift.

1. We were told where to put our tent by a man.
2. Water for cooking was provided by the campsite owner.
3. It rained, but our weekend wasnt spoiled by the bad weather.
4. We were asked to take all our rubbish away with us by the organizers.
5. We were woken up too early by the people in the next tent.

1. a

3. a

5. b

7. b

9. b

2. b

4. a

6. a

8. b

10. a

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