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MUSI1611: Introduction to the Science of Music

Session 2005-2006, Semester 1, Fridays 11am 12pm

Venue: RSLT 19
Module Coordinator: Dr. Ewan Stefani (
Module Tutors: Tim Banks (TB), Ewan Stefani (ES), Luke Windsor (LW)
Module Objectives
On completion of this module, students should be able to:

Develop a basic understanding of the physical principles of sound

Understand the role of the ear in the reception of sound

Understand some of the perceptual consequences of acoustic and psychoacoustic phenomena

Outline syllabus (1 Hour Lectures):

Weeks 1-3 General Acoustics
Sound propagation
Frequency and Amplitude measurement
Representation of sound spectrum in Time and Frequency Domains
Week 4: Acoustics overview
Weeks 5-7: Intonation, Instrumental acoustics, Room acoustics
Tuning systems and scales (and relationship to spectrum)
Basic acoustics of wind instruments and the voice
Acoustic properties of rooms and spaces
Weeks 8-10: Psychoacoustics
Week 11: Exam Revision / feedback session
Please make sure you sign the register each week and attend every lecture. If you are to miss a
lecture due to illness or another valid reason, please follow departmental guidelines printed in
the university and School of Music student handbooks.
Slides used in lectures may be viewed via the MUSI1611 module homepage (link above). Please note
that lecture slides are not recommended for sole use when revising for the exam or preparing for
lectures. Please use the reading list for this purpose.

MUSI1611: Introduction to the Science of Music

2 hour exam (100%) held during the university semester 1 exams period in January
Details of the exam and further suggestions for revision will be given in class in week 11. Please email
Dr. Stefani with any queries regarding the module or assessment.
Indicative Reading List
It is essential that you make use of library resources to adequately revise for the exam.
Search for books using the library web pages: (or

[* = first choice recommendations]

Everest, F. Alton (Frederick Alton): The Master Handbook of Acoustics (Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB
Books, 1994, 3rd Edition). [Weeks 1-4 and room acoustics]

*Howard, David M. and James Angus: Acoustics and Psychoacoustics (Oxford: Focal, 2000, 2


. Edition)

Pierce, John R. The Science of Musical Sound (W.H Freeman and Co., 1992) [Weeks 1-7]

*Rossing, Thomas: The Science of Sound (Addison Wesley, 1990, 2


Edition) [Weeks 1-7]

*Moore, B. C. J.: An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing. (London: Academic Press, 1997, 4


Edition). [Weeks 8-10]

Pierce, J.: The Science of Musical Sound (out of print) (New York: W.H Freeman and Company, 2nd.
Edition, 1992). [Weeks 1-7]

*Roederer, J. G.: Introduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag,
1995, 3rd. Edition). [Weeks 8-10]
Web Reference:
Cooper, David: Audio for Musicians (

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