Revista Cangurul Lingvist Engleza 2015 Joey PDF

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Corespunde nivelului CEFR A1A2

Regulamentul concursului se afl la pagina 3.

Cambridge English

Seciunea Listening nu face parte din acest concurs.
Concursul ncepe cu seciunea Reading, ntrebarea 21, pagina 19.

Seciunea Listening nu face parte din acest concurs.

Part 1 (15 questions)

You will hear people talking in different situations. For each question, listen and choose the correct answer.
1. Where does Tom nd the keys?


Where did Uncle Bill go for his holiday?


What time will Jemmas party start?


What will Amy do to help her Grandfather?


Where does Jake nd his sports bag?


Concursul ncepe cu seciunea Reading, ntrebarea 21, pagina 19.



When will the girls birthday party be?


What can Uncle Richard play?



What is Katy doing now?

Seciunea Listening nu face parte din acest concurs.


Which school sport club will Mark join this term?

10. Which lesson did Kate like best today?

11. Where was Nick yesterday afternoon?


Concursul ncepe cu seciunea Reading, ntrebarea 21, pagina 19.


Seciunea Listening nu face parte din acest concurs.


12. Which lm will they watch?

13. What does the girl want to wear to the barbecue?

14. Whats the matter with Paul?

15. What does the girls teacher look like?

Part 2 (5 questions)
Listen to David telling his friend Sally about a swimming club.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
16. David goes to the swimming club on
A) Tuesday.
B) Wednesday.

C) Thursday.

17. How many people are there in Davids class now?

A) 6
B) 8
C) 10
18. How will David and Sally get to the swimming pool next week?
A) by bike
B) by car
C) by bus
19. What time does the class begin?
A) 3.15
B) 4.30

C) 5.00

20. What does David take with him to the pool?

A) a snack
B) a drink
C) some money

Concursul ncepe cu seciunea Reading, ntrebarea 21, pagina 19.


Aici ncep subiectele de concurs

pentru nivelul Joey!

Part 3 (5 questions)
Look and read.
Choose A for Yes or B for No.



21. The children are listening to the teacher.

22. There is a computer in the classroom.

23. The teacher is writing the alphabet.

24. The children are wearing white T-shirts.

25. The clock is between the board and the cupboard.

Part 4 (5 questions)
For each question, read and choose the correct answer.
Too dangerous for
swimming today

Where would you see this notice?

A) at a lake
B) by a river
C) on a beach

No radios after 11 p.m. please

other people want to sleep!

Where would you see this notice?

A) at a camp-site
B) in a department store
C) in a car park





Stand well back

from platform

Where would you see this notice?

A) on a road
B) in an elevator
C) at a train station

If you are unhappy

with your meal here,
tell us

Where would you see this notice?

A) in a kitchen
B) in a restaurant
C) in a newspaper




Foreign magazines
30. Foreign

Where would you see this notice?

A) at a newsagents
B) at a travel agents
C) at a bank

sold here

Part 5 (5 questions)
For each question, read and choose the correct answer.
31. Lets go and play on the computer.
A) I havent got time.
B) Dont you want to play?

C) Of course not.

32. Whose raincoat is this?

A) Its raining.

C) Its mine.

B) On the table.

33. What did you think of the lm?

A) It was OK.
B) Lets go tomorrow.

C) So did I.

34. I was born in 2003.

A) I think so.

C) Thats a long time.

B) Me too.

35. Are you sure the match starts at two?

A) It started well.
B) Its all right.

C) I think so.

Part 6 (5 questions)
Read the sentences. For each space, choose the correct answer.
36. Lauras family stayed in a hotel in the mountains near to a small with sailing boats on it.
A) lake
B) sea
C) pool
37. Lauras father was happy because people working at the hotel
were very .
A) right
B) pleasant
C) sure
38. One day they went shing and Laura three sh.
A) took
B) pulled
C) caught
39. Laura wanted to to the top of the highest mountain there.
A) arrive
B) visit
C) climb
40. Laura wore a strong pair of on her feet for walking in the mountains.
A) boots
B) trousers
C) shorts


Part 7 (5 questions)
Read the text. For each question, choose the correct answer.

One day last week, James Frear sold fteen of his paintings for 19,000
in a sale which lasted just twenty-seven minutes. And hes still only ten
years old!
James started painting a year ago, and already people from all over
the world are buying his work. His rst picture was of Tigger, his pet cat, but
these days he prefers to paint houses and shops he sees in the city where hee
His mum gave him his rst box of paints one wet day when he was bored. She isnt very interested
in art but his dad loves it and paints as a hobby. He showed Jamess pictures to a neighbour who is an
artist. She told him, These are amazing! and she now gives James free lessons.
People often ask if James uses postcards or photos to help him with his paintings. His answer is,
Never! I normally do a quick pencil drawing. Then I go home and paint. I can already see the nished
picture in my head.
Whats next for James? Its too soon for another sale, but is he doing more paintings? Not yet, he
says. Im busy at the moment. Dads teaching me to skate!
41. The sale of Jamess paintings took
A) fteen minutes.
B) almost half an hour.
C) a whole day.
42. What does James usually paint?
A) animals
B) people
C) buildings
43. Who teaches James art?
A) his mum
B) his dad
C) a neighbour
44. Before he starts to paint, James usually
A) draws a picture.
B) buys a postcard.
C) takes a photo.
45. What is James doing now?
A) Hes busy with school work.
B) Hes learning a new sport.
C) Hes working on some paintings.




A very young artist!

Part 8 (5 questions)


Read the text.

Are the sentences Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong,
choose Doesnt say.
Our Clubs Footballer of the Month is

Billy Johnson has been with United since he was 12. Now, at only 19, hes our
youngest rst team player.
Did you always want to become a footballer, Billy?
Yes, I wanted to do everything my older brother did.
I worked very hard because I wanted to get into Uniteds under-16 team like him.
Thats right. Your brother Gary also played for United.
Yes, he taught me so much and, to me, hes the best brother in the world.
Tell us about your rst day at United.
It was hard because Gary was playing for the rst team at the time and some of
the other boys said Youre only here because of your brother. I knew they were
wrong so I just laughed and said nothing, but I wanted to cry!
Do you hope to stay with United or move on to an Italian football club like Gary?
Uniteds a great club and, at the moment, I dont want to leave. But Im only 19 and who knows how
Ill feel in a few years time?
46. Billy decided to be a footballer when he was very young.
A) Right
B) Wrong
C) Doesnt say
47. Billy knows he has learned a lot from his brother.
A) Right
B) Wrong

C) Doesnt say

48. Billy enjoyed his rst day at United.

A) Right
B) Wrong

C) Doesnt say

49. Billys brother is a better footballer than he is.

A) Right
B) Wrong

C) Doesnt say

50. Billy is sure he will follow his brother to Italy.

A) Right
B) Wrong

C) Doesnt say



1. The big wheel in London is called .

A) The London Eye
B) London Bridge
D) The London Underground
E) The Museum of London

C) Big Ben

2. Which character is the odd one out?

A) The White Rabbit
B) The Scarecrow
D) The Mad Hatter
E) The Queen of Hearts

C) The Cheshire Cat

3. If you add two to three times two you get .

A) ten
B) ve
C) eight

D) six

E) seven

4. A tiger has got very sharp .

A) scales
B) claws

D) paws

E) shells

C) horns

5. The house that Hansel and Gretel nd in the forest is made of .

A) bread
B) stone
C) bricks
D) wood

E) gingerbread

6. Complete the dialogue:

Jane: What is your brother like?
A) Fine, thanks. B) Tall and thin.

D) 20 years old.

E) Tony.

7. My grandma used to knit while me stories.

A) saying
B) telling
C) talking

D) remembering

E) speaking

8. You need a shuttlecock to play .

A) hockey
B) cricket

D) badminton

E) tennis

D) Is

E) There arent

C) Football.

C) golf

9. a lot of snow on the roads this winter.

A) There are
B) Its
C) Theres

10. What colour is normally associated with Saint Patricks Day?

A) red
B) blue
C) green
D) white

E) orange

11. My aunt enough money to buy a new car so shes going to get a second-hand one.
A) have
B) dont have
C) has
D) doesnt have
E) not have
12. I went to the supermarket and bought a of chocolate.
A) packet
B) bag
C) loaf

D) carton

E) bar

13. What woke the princess up in Sleeping Beauty?

A) thunder
B) music
C) a kiss

D) a hug

E) a scream

14. How cheese do you need for the spaghetti?

A) many
B) few
C) old

D) big

E) much

15. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day in .

A) June
B) December
C) September

D) November

E) October

16. If you want to weight faster, youll need to eat much less and exercise much more.
A) loose
B) lost
C) win
D) lose
E) waste
17. Hes married but he hasnt got any children, ?
A) isnt he
B) has he
C) he hasnt

D) does he

E) is he



18. What is the answer to the question: Do you like opera or musicals?
A) I like them two.
B) I like to listen both.
D) No, I cant sing.
E) I like both.


19. My best friend Tom late for school.

A) is never
B) never is
C) isnt never

C) I dont like both.

D) never isnt

E) its never

20. Chess, Backgammon and Monopoly are all .

A) board games
B) games of chance
D) puzzles
E) card games

C) dice games

21. Which is the odd word out in the series?

radish aubergine cauliflower tangerine lettuce
A) radish
B) aubergine
C) cauliower

D) tangerine

E) lettuce

22. Ice always in water.

A) oats
B) oat

D) will oat

E) has oated

D) Japanese

E) Greece

C) doesnt oat

23. Which of these words is not a nationality?

A) Polish
B) German
C) Brazilian
24. Who wrote The Prince and the Pauper?
A) Charles Dickens
B) Oscar Wilde
D) Hans Christian Andersen
E) Mark Twain

C) Lewis Carroll

25. The famous character Gareld is an overweight whose favourite food is lasagna.
A) dog
B) cat
C) mouse
D) parrot
E) sh
26. A photographer is someone who .
A) does photos B) makes photos
C) takes photos

D) paints photos

E) buys photos

27. Which of these is not a sport?

A) athletics
B) baseball

D) hockey

E) hopscotch

D) fty

E) twenty

C) soccer

28. How many pence are there in a pound?

A) ten
B) one hundred
C) one thousand

29. For hes a jolly good fellow is a song that people sing as a way to .
A) celebrate somebody
B) recommend somebody
C) say goodbye to somebody
D) puzzle somebody
E) greet somebody
30. The British ag is often called .
A) The Lines and Stripes
B) The Cross of St. Andrew
D) The Five-Cross Flag
E) The Red Dragon


C) The Union Jack


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