Maths by Amiya 500 CAT 2016

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Maths By Amiya 500

CAT 2016
By :- Amiya





Maths By Amiya 500 (2017

1. Mohit calculated sum of first N natural number and he found sum is 337 and he knows he
counted one number twice or missed one number. then find his minimum possible % error
made by him.
a. 3%
b. 3.99%
c. 3.69%
d. 3.23%
2. The integers 1,2,.. 30 are written on a board. A person came and erased any two numbers say
"a" & "b" and wrote a new number "a+b+2" this process is done by total 29 persons
(including first one) then . What is the number left on the board at the end?
= (3,5) , T3 = (7,9,11) , T(4) = (13,15,17,19) ..... Then what is the sum of all
3. If T1=(1) , T2=
terms of T(10)
4. phi (n) is defined as number of co
prime less than n. If P is product of two different prime
numbers, whose sum is 1200 then what is the max phi(M)
{1,2,3,..10000}, How many APs can be formed from the elements of S that
5. Consider the set S = {1,2,3,..1000
start with 1 and end with 100000 and have minimum 3 terms?

6. Total number of integral solutions of 13x - 3y = 1000 for 100< x < 200
7. For how many integral "n" is


is an integer

8. If HCF , LCM and sum of two numbers are 6 , 15 and 23 then find their difference.
9. If   1  7
 6  3 , then find the value of f(x - 1).
10. Find the area of the enclosed fig by | x- 5 | <3 and | y-5 | < 3.
11. What is the minimum value of |2x -1 | + |2x -2 | + |2x -3 |+ |2x -4 |
12. No of integral solution of       42  0

13. When a number divided by 6 and 35 remainders are 5 and 7 then what would be remainder
when 11 times of the number is divided by 15
a. 8
b. 13
c. 7
d. Data inadequate
e. NoT
14. In a circle AB is diameter of length 34 unit and BC is chord of length 16 unit. If CD is
perpendicular on AB such that D lies on AB then what is the length AD.
15. What is the area of a rhombus whose one side is 6 unit and one internal angle is 135 degree. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 2


16. If major (longest diagonal) of a rhombus is 63 cm and one internal angle of
rhombus is 120 then what is the area of rhombus.
17. 113  100 is divisible by 209 (True / False)
18. 113  100 is divisible by 247 (True / False)

19. 113  100 is divisible by 143 (True / False)

20. 113  100 is divisible by 71 (True / False)

21. 113  100 is divisible by 781 (True / False)

22. What is the rate per annum if compound interest after 2 years is same as simple interest after
3 years.
23. At what time between 3&44 both the hands are equi
equidistant from figure 6 but not together
24. What is the least natural number N for 101^N mod 280 = 1
25. If A takes "a" hours more than time taken to complete a work when A & B work together
B takes "b" hours more than time taken to complete a work when A & B work together. Then
what is efficiency ratio of A and B
1. a : b
2. b:a
3. .: 0
4. 0: .
5. b^2 : a^2
26. If X + (1/Y)=1 , Y + (1/Z) = 1 then what is the value of X*Y*Z , if none of X, Y & Z are 0
27. What is the minimum value of
of2123  2451

 1!   2!   3!  .  1000! ?

28. If [ N ] is greatest integer less than equal to N then

29. What is the coefficient of x^5 in the expansion of (1+x)(2+x)(3+x)(4+x)(5+x)(6+x)

30. If P = { x /x : x  15 ,  $% -0*890: -8;.,9 < ; then how many subset of P would have at
least one prime number
31. 1
 . . 101

32. (    2 ; *+,-          =     ?

33. Find the cubic equation whose roots are one more than roots of    
   1  0 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 3


34. What is the minimum value of sinx + cos
cosecx + tanx + cotx
35. What is the sum of first 100
1000 terms of series - 1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,1,....
36. DS - What is the ratio of Cost Price to Selling Price
A. Markup % is 26% more than Profit % and 10% more than Discount %
B. Markup is Rs 26 more than Profit (RS) and Rs 10 more than Discount (in RS)
37. What would be remainder
er if 98! Is divided by 101 ?
38. What is the sum of all internal angles of this star

 . . 1    
39. Coefficient of x in the expansion of 1  1  
1    1   ? .
40. Max number
umber of segments we can create on a plane (open or closed ) by the help of a circle , a
triangle and a line is ______
41. If magnitude of speed in Km/hr of a man is same as rest tim
timee in minute in an hour of that
man. Find maximum distance covered by man in 5 hours.
42. If N is smallest prime number which is equal to sum of three consecutive prime numbers then
what is the sum of digits of N
43. If in an examination of PCMB , 73
73% are passed in Phy , 89% in Che, 69%
69 in Bio & 71% in
Maths, then minimum how many % people have passed in all four papers.

44. Total number of positive integral solution of 3x + 2y = 100 such that  @ A

45. If in an examination of PCM , 75% are passed in Phy , 65% in Che, & 70%
70 in Maths, then
minimum how many % people have passed in all three papers.
46. If in an examination of PCM , 60
60% are passed in Phy , 65% in Che, & 70%
70 in Maths, then
max how many % people have passed in all three papers.

47. For a natural "n" , 2

3  6?3 is div by
a. 10
b. 20
c. 50

d. 100

e.All 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 4


48. Mohan sells out a toy at 25% profit. Had he purchased at 25% less and sold it for Rs
25 less, then he would have still gained 25%. Find the cost price of toy
49. If sin  cos  then for 0  

; tan  cot ? ?

50. Product of first 24 prime number is not divisible by

a. 391
b. 371
c. 247
d. 279


51. If product of two sides of an integral sided triangle is 6 then triangle is always
I. Acute Angled
II. Obtuse Angled
III.Right Angled
IV. Isosceles
V. Equilateral
VI. Scalene
VII. None of the above is always correct
52. How many integral sided isosceles triangle is possible , if sum of two sides is 20
53. What is the maximum area of a triangle - if it is known that sum of any two sides of this
triangle is less than equal to 20 unit.

54. Fig is a regular octagon then what is the measurement of angle ADH

55. Find the max value of n for which 124K  1 is divisible by 53

56. What would be remainder if 344^49 - 1 is divided by 7^5
57. What is the minimum value of 
 4  3

58. What is the minimum value of %$-

  4%$-   3
59. If a , b & c are sides of a right angled triangle and natural numbers then what would be
remainder if a*b*c is divisible by 15 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 5


60. (1 - cot1)(1 - cot2)(1 - cot3).....(1 - cot42)(1 - cot43)(1 - cot44) is
a. A perfect Square
b. A perfect cube
c. A perfect square as well as a
perfect cube
d. Irrational Number e. NoT
61. If N = (tan46-1)(tan47 -1)(tan48
1)(tan48 -1).....(tan87 -1 )(tan88 -1)(tan89 -1)
1) , then N mod 7 = ?

62. If x + y + z =1 , 
 2 &    A   Q   3 , AQ  ?
63. DS If f(f(x)) = f(f(f(x))) then f(x) = ?
A. It is not a constant function


64. If ratio of perimeter of a rectangle and that of a square is 5:1 and ratio of one side of rectangle
to one side of square is 3:2 then what is the ratio of area of square to that of rectangle.
65. If ABCDEFGHIJ are a regular polygon then what is measurement of angle EHA
66. A husband alone can do a piece of work in 60 ho
urs & wife alone in 40 hours, but due to a
baby who always destroy their work they together take 16 more hours to complete their work.
Then in how many days baby alone can destroy all the work.
67. If a + b +c = 5 then what is the maximum value 0
 4 .
 9 U

68. In a section of PGP18 of IIM

X the average weight of 30 students is 60 kg. If x new students
join the section and average wt of these new students are "70 - X" kgs, then find the
maximum possible average weight (approx) of the section after join
ing new students.
a. 60.66
b. 60.73
c. 60.71
d. 60.56
e. NoT
69. Arrange A, B & C in ascending order If A = pi^(1/pi) , B = e^(1/e) & C = 1 , where pi is 3.14
, e = 2.71
70. If log P .  log P .
 log P .   60 then log P . ?  ?

71. If  ?     
   1 is one factor of f(x) = 0  K  .  ?  U    V 
 then what is the real roots of f(x)=0
a. 1
b. -1
c. -f/a
d. a*b*c*d*e*f
e. NoT
72. There are 6 identical toys and three boys. In how many ways all toys would be distributed
among three boys.
73. In JhumriTillaiya a Paamwala priced his beedi at 85 paise per beedi, but after budget, he
reduced the price of beedi and
andand soldbeediof
beediof Rs.77.28 in a day. Then what is the total
number of beedies he sold in a day
day? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 6



b. 47

c. 84

d. 92

74. In AB and BC are two chords of a circle, then find length of chord AC
C if AB=BC=6cm and
radius of circle is 5cm
75. If third term of a GP is 4096 and its common ratio is positive. The Product of first 7 terms is
less than that of first 6 terms and Product of ffirst 6 terms is greater than that of first 5 terms.
then which option is best describing range of common ratio.
a. [ 1/32 , 1/16]
b. ] 1/32 , 1/16[
c. [ 1/16 , 1/8]
d. ] 1/16 , 1/8 [
e. Not

77. All words having three different vowels and three di

fferent consonant are written in
dictionary then what would be rank of word BAEICD
78. In group of 12 people, 4 speak on only Hindi, 5 speak only Tamil and the rest speak both
Hindi and Tamil.. In how many ways can the 112 people be arranged in a row such that so are
all those who speak only Hindi are together and so are all those who speak only Tamil.
Further all people should be able to converse with both their neighbours.
79. If a three
hree digit number xyz has only 5 factors then what is the last digit of sum of all factors of
six digit number "xyzxyz" .
80. If Income ratio of A, B & C are 3:7:9 & their saving ratios are 3:1:4 the
n whose expenditure
is maximum ?
3:1:4 then
n whose expenditure
81. If Income ratio of A, B & C are 3:7:9 & their saving ratios are 3:1
is minimum? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 7


Direction for Q 82 & 83 - DOVAFONE has two monthly tariff plans for calling details are given below
Name of Plan

Fixed Monthly Charge

` 300


` 100

600 min free , after that `1
per min , fractional charge is
30 paisa per min, fractional
charge is applied

Fractional Charge - If you talk in fraction of min charge would be in fraction of that tariff .eg
if extra 1.5 min pay extra ``1.5 in P300 and 45 paisa or 1.66 min then `1.66
1.66 in P300 and 50
paisa in P100
82. If one person talks 500 min per month then which plan is better.
83. If one person talks N min per month and for him both plans cost the same. Then N = ?
84. If   W X     W X and f(3) = 82 then what is f(5) = ?

85. If angles of a triangle are 30

30 , 60 and 90 then what is the ratio of it's in-radius
to circum
86. which one is largest among all option

a. 12  14
b. 13
c. 12K  14
d. 15
87. What is the sum of all external angles of a 8 sided concave polygon.
88. If ABCD is a prallelogram. Point E and F are mid
points of side BC & CD respectively then what is the
area ratio of Quard AGFD to that of parallelogram

89. How many numbers are the in the set of first 1000 natural numbers which can be written as
sum of two or more consecutive natural numbers.
90. Total number of integral solution of w^4 + x^4 + y^4 + z^4 = 1797
91. If Y  123 124 125 126  1 then what is the digital sum of N (N mod 9) 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 8


92. Total number of integral solution ofa + b + c = 43655
93. If diagonals of a parallelogram are 30cm and 10 cm then among the options which could be
sides of parallelogram
a. 22 cm & 4 cm
b. 20cm & 10 cm
c. a & b both possible
d. NoT
94. If A,B& C three cities are in a highway. Distance between two cities A & B is 200 km and
city C is 100 km from B & A both. From city "A" a man starts towards "B" with speed of 30
km/hr and on the same time another man starts from B towards "A" with speed of 20 km/hr.
After how much time they exchange their speeds (ne
w speed of man from A and man from B
becomes 20 kmph and 30 kmph respectively ) so that they meet at C

95. If a , b & c are in GP then roots of 0

 .  U  0 has
a. Real
b. Equal
c. Imaginary
d. (b) or (c)

e. Not

96. If O is centre of the circle, angle DOC = 42 then what is the

measurement of angle BFC

97. Sum of two positive integers A &B and its LCM is 455. Then how many unordered pairs of
A & B are possible.

98. If O is a point inside a parallelogram ABCD such that areas of ABO ,

BCO & CDO are
12cm^2 , 15 cm^2 and 10 cm^2 then what is the area of AOD.
99. If in ABC
ABC , AB = 6 cm , BC = 7 cm and CA = 8 cm , AD is an internal angle bisector of
angle A such that point D lies on side BC then length of AD = ?

100. A34 56B is a 6 digit number in base 12 and when we write this in base 10 then it is divisible
by 143 then A * B = ? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 9


101. If a , b, c, & d are sides of given quadrilateral ABCD then area of ABCD
1. a*b*c*d
2. 0
3. 30 . U V

4. Z



102. For how many different (0

0 _ . _ U non zero digit ordered combinations (a,b,c) 0[ b
0[ 4

103. In a trapezium ABCD , E & F are mid points of its diagonals and AB || CD . Find length of
side CD if AB = 12 cm & EF = 4 cm.
nd PQ || RS . Find length of
104. In a trapezium PQRS , S & T are mid points of its diagonals aand
side RS if PQ = 12 cm &ST
ST = 3 cm.
105. If [ x ] denotes greatest integer less than equal to x then
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
\ ]\  ]\   ]\  
 ]  ?
3 9
3 9 27
3 9 27 81

106. Three students have each brought his father and mother for admission to a school. The
admission head wishes to interview the nine people one by one, taking care that no child is
interviewed before its mother and no husband is interviewed before his wife.
wife In how many
different ways can be interviews be arranged?
107. In how many ways can we select two squares on a chessboard such that they share either a
common side or a common vertex?
108. A person invests Rs.3000 in 3 months fixed deposit scheme of a bank at the rate of 13%.
Due to some changes in policies, the rate of interest changed in every three months, after the
first period, to 12%, 11% and 10% respectively. Assuming that the person withdraws the
interest after every 3 months but continues deposit, how much more interest would that
person have earned in one year, if there was no change in the interest rate?
a. 50
b. 45
c. 0
d. 180
109. Three wives have each brought his husband for admission in health course. The instructor
wishes to interview all six people one by one, taking care that no wife is interviewed before
its husband. In how many different ways can be interviews be arranged?
(1) 120
(2) 100
(3) 72
(4) 90
110. A passenger is planning a trip that involves three connecting buses that leave from
Ambikapur, Bokaro and Chandanpur respectively. The first bus leaves Ambikapur every 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 10


hour, beginning at 8:00 am, and arrives at Bokaro 2.5 hours later. The second bus
leaves Bokaro every 20 minutes, beginning at 8:00 am, and arrives at Chandanpur 7/6
hours later. The third bus leaves Chandanpur every hour, beginn
ing at 8:45 am. What is the
least total amount of time the passenger must spend between buses if all buses keep to their
b. 1 hour 5 minutes c. 1 hour 15 minutes
a. 25 minutes
d. 2 hours 20 minutes
111. The lengths of the sides CB and CA of a triangle ABC are 4cm and 6cm respectively and the
angle C is 120.. If the line CD bisects the angle C and meets AB at D, then the length of CD
b. 3cm
c. 2.4cm
d. None of these
a. 4 cm
sists of 5% Cadmium
112. An alloy X consists of 10% Cadmium and 6% zinc and alloy Y con
and 10% zinc. If he needs at least 14 kg of Cadmium and 14 kg of zinc for his experiment. If
alloy X costs 60 paisa per kg and alloy X costs 40 paisa per kg, What is the minimum cost he
would occur to fulfil his requirement
a. Rs.72
b. Rs.82
c. Rs.92
d. None of these

113. What is the unit digit of 1  2  3  . 9

a. 0
b. 1
c. 5
d. 9

114. If in a hotel Ram checked in between 1 and 2 oclock and cheeked out in between 4 and 5
oclock , if positions of minute hand and hour exchange and maintained same position then at
what time did Ram check-out
out from hotel?
a. 4: 11: 15 b. 4: 11: 45
c 4: 12: 15
d. None of these
115. If numerators of three fractions are in A.P. and their denominators are in G.P and common
difference of the numerators iiss equal to the common ratio of the denominators . The product
of the first fraction and reciprocal of the second fraction is 6/5 and the product of the second
fraction and reciprocal of third fraction is 15/8. If the, then the denominator of the third
fraction is
a. 9
b. 18 c. 27
d. cannot be determined
116. Two quadratic equations with positive roots have one common root. The sum of the product
of all four roots taken two at a time is 143. The equation whose roots are the two different
roots is 
14  45  0. The sum of all different roots is
a. 20
b. 21
c. 22
d. 24
117. There are 10 pipes that are connected to a tank. Some of them are inlet pipes and the others
are outlet pipes. Each of the fill pipes can fill the tank in 6 hours and each of the outlet
outle can
empty the tank completely in 4 hours. If all the fill pipes and outlet pipes are kept open, an
filled tank gets emptied in 10 hours. How many of the 10 pipes are inlets pipes? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 11


a. 8

c. 2

b. 4

d. None of these

118. In how many ways can we select two squares on a chessboard such that they share a
common vertex and of same colour?

possible value of d  e  f   j

119. If A, B , C ,... Z are 26 positive numbers such that A+B+C+....+Z = 13, then find minimum

120. If A, B , C & D are sets of few natural numbers then how many ordered set (A,B,C,D) are
possible such that g i k l  m1,2,3, . . . ,10<&g i k l 
a. 2
b. 6
c. 10 d.14
e. NoT
121. In how many ways one can select 5 toys from 6 identical toys of type
type--1, 7 identical toys of
type-22 and 8 identical toys of type
122. If A, B & C are in GP, and integers then how many ordered triplets are possible such that
A+B+C = 99
123. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB||CD ; O is point of intersection of diagonals ; 3AB=4CD,
and area of triangle
iangle AOB = 12 sq. cm find area of trapezium ABCD.
124. What is the sum of last two digits of 1  2  3  . 99

125. The lengths of the sides A

AB and BC of a triangle ABC are 3cm and 7cm respectively and the
angle B is 120. If the line BD bisects the angle B and meets AC at D, then the length of BD
126. If Y  1  2 1  2
 1  2?  1  2  1  2=  1  2
 1  2=? &
R = N mod 2^65 then what is the last two digits of R.

127. There were three friends A,B,C and a dog. In an evening they hadfew breads with them. But
at the night one all were sleeping A wake up and gave one bread to dog and kept one third of
remaining bread with himseelf and leave rest and went to sleep, then B ,& C did the same in
the same order. When they wake up in the morning , all three counted the breads then they
gave one bread to dog and distributed remaining breads in three equal parts. If in all four
distributions each get integral
egral number of breads then find the minimum number of breads
they had in evening.
128. If in a triangle ABC, BE & CF are medians which are perpendicular to each other, then find
the area of triangle ABC if BE = 6cm and CF = 9cm. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 12


129. If in a triangle ABC, BE & CF are medians which are perpendicular to each other,
then find the perimeter of trian
triangle ABC if AC = 10cm and AB= 5cm.
C, AD is median such that D lies on BC. Points E,F and G lies on AC,
130. If in a ABC, AB=AC,
AD and BD respectively, if DEF is an equilateral , AFE is an isosceles and EG || AB
then find angle GED.
131. If 3cm, 4cm and 5cm aree length of altitudes of a triangle then triangle is
a. Acute angled triangle
b. Obtuse angled triangle
c. Right angled triangle
d. Not possible

132. If sin   sin A sin
Q  270 then maximum value of x+y+z is ____

133. If   o  p  4 *+

+,-   o  p ?

134. ( 0
 40  4  0 *+,- 0?  . ?  ?
135. log q10Z10r1010 ? ? ?

136. If Boys and Girls are sitting in a row in below given pattern.
G B G B B G B BB G B BBB G.......
137. If A is 25% more efficient than B, who is 20% less eefficient
fficient than C. If B alone takes 5 more
days to complete the work than C alone. Then in which day they would complete the work if
B starts the work and A & C helps him of alternate day
a. 10th Day b. 11th Day
c. 12th Day
d. Data inadequate

, then find the value of the following

138. If [x] is the greater integer less than or equal to x,
[1 M  2!  3!  4
 4!   L99 M
a. 99
b. 615
c. 915
d. None of These
139. Data shows that 61%, 46% and 29% of CAT test takers take mocks of FarierDauncher,
MS. 25% took exactly two of the three mocks and 3% took none of these
three mocks. Then what percentage of CAT test takers took all the three test?
a. 19%
b. 8%
c. 7%
d. None of these
140. The smallest perfect square which is divisible by 8! is
a. 564,480
b. 403,200
c. 2,822,400

d. 604,800 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 13


141. If R is the radius of a circle, whose chords AB & BC are of 8 and 15 respectively
and making angle 90 at B , then [R] =? [where [x]] is the greater integer less than or
equal to x ]
142. If a,d,c,d are different positive integers such that





then among the options which one is a possible value for a + b + c + d

a. 10

b. 17

c. 14

d. 25

143. s7 q7 Z7 r7 7
7 if there are SIXTY, 7's = 7 x where m & n are in simplest

form then what would be remainder when "m+n" is divisible by 7

144. If N = (7^50-1)/6 ; then what would be remainder when N is divided by 13

145. Let T1,T2,T3, ...... be the numbers which can be written as a sum of one or more different
powers of 3 with T1<T2<T3<.......
such that, T1 = 3 = 1, T2 =3 = 3,
T3 = 3 + 3 = 4 and so on.... & T1,T2,T3, ..are consecutive numbers and Ti-T
Ti+1 have minimum
possible value for all "i". Then What is the value of T50?
146. If area of a rectangle is 96 cm^2 then minimum number of identical square inside this rectangle
which covers all the area of rectangle is _______

147. ABCDEFGH is a regular polygon. Diagonal AE & GD cut at O then what is the value of angle
GOA ???

148. With A, B and C as centres, three circles are drawn such that they touch each other
externally. If the sides of the ABC are 8 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm, then what is the sum of the
perimeters of the circles? (in pi)
149. If ABCD is a square of side 1 unit, PAB & QCD are two equilateral triangles. Minimum
distance between P & Q is _____
150. If ABCD is a square of side 1 unit, PAB & QCD are two equilateral triangles. Maximum
distance between P & Q is _____
151. If 4cm & 5 cm are sides of a parallelogram and 6 cm is one diagonal then length of another
diagonal is ____
152. How many integral solutions exist for the given set of inequalities? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 14


|x + 4| + |x 3|77 and x + y  9
153. There were only 9 digits starting from 1 to 9, then Aryabhatta (India) invented 0 (zero) and
placed it before 1, now BharyaKhan (Zakistan) in vented (joyega) and placed it after
af 9. then
now in this new system there would be how many perfect squares of positive integers less that
equal to 100 of that system.
154. For a given AP if sum of first 10th terms and first 29th terms are same then which term is
equal to zero.
155. W1 

X W1 


X W1 


X W1 


X W1 


X ? ? ?


156. If S = { 3,9,15,21,27,...,123 } & T = { 2,7,12,...., 102} , then what would be sum of all
elements of S y

157. If S = { 3,9,15,21,27,...,123 } & T = { 2,7,12,...., 102} , then what would be sum of all
elements of S T

158. If half life is defined as time required for the amount of something to fall to half its initial
value. If Half life of a 100 years then after 400 years what % of element would be remaining

159. With marking system** of cat correct how many different marks can be obtained if it is
known to us that there are 30 non MCQ out of 100 questions.
**Marking System The scoring scheme for multiple
multiple-choice questions is as follows:
Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
An incorrect
rrect answer fetches -1.
No marks are given or deducted for un
No marks are given or deducted for un-attempted questions.

160. If 63  5-  3 is divided by M remainder always comes N , irrespective of for all
is divided by M remainder always comes N , irrespective of for all
- @ 3 ; where M, N, & n are natural numbers , then what is the maximum he value of
; where M, N, & n are natural numbers , then what is the maximum he value of
alues of "n" for which 3-
 -  18 is a prime number
is a prime number
161. What is the sum of all values of "n" for which

162. If two circles cut each other at PQ, angle PNQ  60 degree and angle PMQ  9
each other at PQ, angle PNQ  60 degree and angle PMQ  90 degree ,
each other at PQ, angle PNQ  60 degree and angle PMQ  9
where M & N are centre of circles the what is ratio of area of circle whose centre is
where M & N are centre of circles the what is ratio of area of circle whose centre is M to
area whose centre is N.

163. Find the number of trailing zeros
trailing zeros 150!  151!  152!  153!

164. In four cuts either perpendicular or parallel to base
either perpendicular or parallel to base, maximum how many pieces can
, maximum how many pieces can
be possible of a cake Lif we dont arrange piecesM
Lif we dont arrange piecesM 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 15


Find the rate of interest , if difference between CI & SI for three years is Rs
difference between CI & SI for three years is Rs
165. Find the rate of interest , if
480.48 and difference between CI & SI for two years Rs 154 then what is rate of

166. Find sum of money for which difference between CI & SI for three years is Rs 41.23
and difference between CI & SI f
and difference between CI & SI for two years Rs 13.30 if rate of interest is same for both.
or two years Rs 13.30 if rate of interest is same for both.

167. In four cuts either perpendicular or parallel to base
either perpendicular or parallel to base, maximum how many pieces can
, maximum how many pieces can
be possible of a cake Lif we dont arrange piecesM
be possible of a cake Lif we dont arrange piecesM

If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel then maximum number of
then maximum number of
168. If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel
different segments created by these lines are ____
different segments created by these lines are ____

169. If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel then maximum number of closed
segments created by these lines are ____
segments created by these lines are ____

Inside a circle maximum how many different parts can be created by 10 different
be created by 10 different
170. Inside a circle maximum how many different parts can

171. Find the total number of regions by 12 lines in a plane in which 5 are parallel
Find the total number of regions by 12 lines in a plane in which 5 are parallel

172. Find the maximum numbers of regions created by 12 lines in a plane in which there are
two sets of parallel lines in one set 5 lines are p
two sets of parallel lines in one set 5 lines are parallel to each other and in second set
arallel to each other and in second set
there are 4 lines are parallel and in rest 3 lines not two lines are parallel and first set are
not parallel to second set

173. If a - b  5&0  .   140 , then | ab|  ????
 140 , then | ab|  ????
a. 27
b. 5
c. 29
d. 0

174. If in gik , AB  6 cm , AC 8 cm and angle ABC 
, AB  6 cm , AC 8 cm and angle ABC  60 then what is the perimeter of
then what is the perimeter of
triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.
triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.

a. 17 37
b. 17 - 37
c. a or b
d. NoT

175. If in gik , AB  6 cm , AC
, AB  6 cm , AC 23 cm and angle ABC  30 then what is the perimete
then what is the perimeter
of triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.
of triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.
a. 6  43
b. 6  6
b. 6  63

c. a or b
d. NoT

176. If in a parallelogram ABCD , AB  4 cm and BC 5cm and internal angle is 120 then
If in a parallelogram ABCD , AB  4 cm and BC 5cm and internal angle is
diagonal BD  ?

177. There are how many different integral sided right
There are how many different integral sided right angled triangle are possible whose
angled triangle are possible whose
one side is 30 unit

178. How many integral sided non
How many integral sided non-concurrent triangles are possible whose one is 5cm and
concurrent triangles are possible whose one is 5cm and
perimeter is 50 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 16


179. If in a class of 96 students, 30 participated in IMO , 36 participated in IPO & 38

participated in ICO, if it is known that all of the students participated in at least
ICO, if it is known that all of the students participated in at least
one of the test then maximum number of students who participated in all three.
one of the test then maximum number of students who participated in all three.

180. If in a class of 100 students of an institute, 90 wrote CAT ,
If in a class of 100 students of an institute, 90 wrote CAT ,80 wrote XAT &
wrote XAT &60 wrote
IIFT, if it is known that all of
hat all of 100 students wrote at least one of the test then maximum
students wrote at least one of the test then maximum
number of students who wrote all three.
number of students who wrote all three.

181. How many different Tic--Tac-Toe is possible on a rotating cardboard if we fill all nine
Toe is possible on a rotating cardboard if we fill all nine
boxes with X or 0

chart is % brack-up of selection of students in different IIMs in 2015.

of selection of students in different IIMs in 2015.
Direction :Given pi-chart is % brack
Direction :

Selection in different IIMs in 2015

20% 20%



182. If in 2016 ; 12 more students join IIM
12 more students join IIM-A and all rest numbers remains the same then
A and all rest numbers remains the same then
in2016 approx 7.77% students joins L then in 201
in2016 approx 7.77% students joins L then in 2016 how many students were joined C
how many students were joined C
a. 32
b. 38
c. 40
d. 43
e. NoT



183. If ABC^2  AC*A*10006BC , where ABC is three digit number , AC is a double digit
number & 6BC is again a three digit number then what is the value of
number & 6BC is again a three digit number then what is the value of i
184. If abc is a three digit number then abc  bca  ca
If abc is a three digit number then abc  bca  cab is always divisible by
is always divisible by
a. 3 b. 9 c. abc
d. 37

185. 2  4  6   20   1  3  5

  19   ?
a. 4300

b. 4200
b. 4200

c. 4100

d. 4000
d. 4000


 ? K .    then what is the last two digits of x
a. x is a decimal so no last two digits
a. x is a decimal so no last two digits
b. 47
c. 51
d. NoT

187. If 0  .  U then what is the
then what is the value of x if a,b,c & x are natural numbers more
a,b,c & x are natural numbers more
than 1
If a number n is divided by 30 remainder is 4 then what would be remainder if  is
188. If a number n is divided by 30 remainder is 4 then what would be remainder if divided by 6.
189. If M  x/y then N  y/x , then among options which options could be a % change
If M  x/y then N  y/x , then among options which options could be a
between M&N , if x & y are
N , if x & y are different natural numbers
a. 100%

b. 200%
b. 200%

c. 300%

d. 500%
d. 500%
e. NoT 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 17


190. If LCM of two numbers a,b is 60 then among the options how many could be
ratio of a:b

IV.12 : 25
I. 3:5
II. 5:6
a. only one b. only two c. only three d. All four
e. None

191. If N is a natural number smaller than 100 th
If N is a natural number smaller than 100 then for how many values of N , HCF
en for how many values of N , HCFN, N6
_ 1
192. If 1 is one side of integral sided triangle then among option which one is wrong
If 1 is one side of integral sided triangle then among option which one is wrong
a. Perimeter of triangle is odd
a. Perimeter of triangle is odd
b. Minimum two sided of tria
Minimum two sided of triangle are equal
c. It cannot be a right angled triangle
c. It cannot be a right angled triangle
d. None

193. There are 28 numbers written in a circle such that sum of any 3 consecutive numbers
is constant, then to know sum of all numbers minimum how many numbers we should
a. One
b. Two
c. Three

d. None
194. What is the sum of first 63 terms of
,   , ? , 
,  ,  ? ,
,   , ? , 
,  ,  ? ,





195. If in ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB & E, G & I are on side AC BC || DE || FG || HI
, points D, F & H are on side AB & E, G & I are on side AC BC || DE || FG || HI
and AHHFFDDB then what is the area ratio of
and AHHFFDDB then what is the area ratio of DEIH to that of
to that of BCGF.

, points D, & F are on side AB ; E & G are on side AC ; such that BC || DE ||
196. If in ABC , points D, & F are on side AB ; E & G are on side AC ; such that BC || DE ||
FG LBC > DE > FGM and if the area ratio of
FG LBC > DE > FGM and if the area ratio of DEGF to that of BCED is 1:8 then what is
DEGF to that of BCED is 1:8 then what is
the ratio of AF:FD:DB
a. 7: 3:2
b. 2:3:7

c. 2:1:4

d. 1:2:3
e. NoT
197. If in ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB ; and points E, G & I are on side AC such that
ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB ; and points E, G & I are on side AC such that
BC || DE || FG || HI and AH :HF:FD:DB  2:3:5:7 then what is the ratio of BC : DE : FG : HI
BC || DE || FG || HI and AH :HF:FD:DB  2:3:5:7 then what is the ratio of BC : DE : FG : HI





199. A number on being divided by

ing divided by 6, 8 and 10 successively leaves the remainders
successively leaves the remainders 5, 7 and 9
respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by
respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by 120.
200. A number on being divided by 7 , 9 and 11 successively leaves the remainders 5, 7 and
9 respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by 693
the remainder when the same number is divided by 693
the remainder when the same number is divided by 693



? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 18


202. If

 q7  3 Z7  3 r7  3 7  &  q7  3 Z7  3 r7  3 7 and X-

YR  0 then R  ???

203. If P is the set of all possible products of numerical values of

f P is the set of all possible products of numerical values of three consecutive dates
three consecutive dates
e.g.11*12*13 in calendar then , how many elements of P are not divisible by 6.
11*12*13 in calendar then , how many elements of P are not divisible by 6.
11*12*13 in calendar then , how many elements of P are not divisible by 6.

204. If 0  .   U   30.U  0  .  U ; a  1889 , b1888 then what is c if c is a

what is c if c is a
positive number.
a. 1889
b. 1888
c. a or b
d. NoT
205. 1333  1334  1333  3999 1333 1334 ? ? ?

206. If x-3 , x-4 & fx are factors of

4 & fx are factors of    0 
 68   . the what is the
the what is then value of
207. What will be the last three digits of the product 5 * 25 * 125 * 625 * 3125 * *

208. AC is the chord of a circle as shown in the fig, BD is

perpendicular to AC. Find the length of chord AC if BD
4cm , CD  2cm & radius of circle 
cm & radius of circle  10 cm.

209. There are many less than 10000 which are perfect square an
There are many less than 10000 which are perfect square and tenth place digit is odd.
d tenth place digit is odd.

210. What is the probability of choosing a number is Natural number set so that number is a
perfect square with same last two digits.
perfect square with same last two digits.
211. What is the probability of choosing a number
What is the probability of choosing a number whose last two digits are same and it
whose last two digits are same and it
becomes a prefect square.
becomes a prefect square.

212. In a triangle ABC the length of altitude AD is 20 cm and BD:DC  1 : 5 D is point in

ABC the length of altitude AD is 20 cm and BD:DC  1 : 5 D is point in
between B & C . Find the length of a line segment EF parallel to AD if ratio of area o
EFC to that of ABC is 8:15
EFC to that of ABC is 8:15. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 19


213. If ABCD a trapezium , in which

CD=15 cm , AB = 3 cm & area of
DOC = 25 sq. cm then find the area of
trapezium ABCD.

214. If ABCD a trapezium , in which CD=6

cm , AB = 2 cm & area of
ADC = 24
sq. cm then find the area of trapezium

215. In a triangle ABC the length of an altitude AD

is 8 cm, D is on side BC and this altitude
divides the opposite side internally in the ratio
1 : 8. A line segment EF parallel to the altitude
which bisects the area of the given triangle
ABC (as shown in fig) then what is the ratio of

  ? ? ?
216. 3
3K -  1 -  2
a. 2212
b. 2480
c. 2722

d. 2590 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 20




219. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 21




223. Which one is smallest
a. 101  96
111  106

c.11  6

d. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 22


224. Which one is smallest

123  73
a. 101  99
225. Which one is largest
a. 101  99
123  73

c.150  50

d. 1  199

c.150  50 d.199  1

226. How many statements are

How many statements are always correct
always correctwhere a, m & n non zero real numbers
always correctwhere a, m & n non zero real numbers
I. 0 3  03
II.0 03  03
III.0 3  03 

Only one

b. only two
b. only two

c. all three

d. None
d. None

227. A car and a bus start from opposite end of a national highway. Car starts at 11:00AM
A car and a bus start from opposite end of a national highway. Car
and reaches opposite end at 2:OOPM same day and bus starts at 10:00AM and reaches
opposite at 4:00PM same day
same day . then at what time they meet each other.
. then at what time they meet each other.
2 such that numerically  -
&  -  2

228. If X_B  Y_B-2 such that numerically
then n,B  ???
a. 8,10

b. 10,10
b. 10,10

c. 10,8

d. NoT
d. NoT

229. If X_B  Y_B-2 such that numerically

2 such that numerically  -
&  -  2

then n,B  ???
b. 10,10
b. 10,10

c. 10,8

d. NoT
d. NoT
a. 8,10

If 50!_10  N_50 then number of trailing 0's in N is ____
230. If 50!_10  N_50 then number of trailing 0's in N is ____

231. If length of a rectangle is increased by 5.88% then what should be change in area to
a rectangle is increased by 5.88% then what should be change in area to
keep area constant.
b. 5.43% decrease
b. 5.43% decrease c. 5.56% decrease d. 6.66%decrease
d. 6.66%decrease
a. 5.55% decrease

Number of positive integral solutions ordered triplets  of 9 bxyzb 20

232. Number of positive integral solutions ordered triplets  of 9 bxyzb 20
a. 775
b. 657
c. 885
d. NoT

233. A shopkeeper uses a double pan balance to purchase and to sell his goods. To balance
both the pans one has to put 20% more weight on left pan than right pan. If shopkeepers
claims that he sells his goods on cost price then find maximum profit
claims that he sells his goods on cost price then find maximum profit earned by him if he
sold all his items what he purchased.
sold all his items what he purchased. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 23




236. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 24




239. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 25




242. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 26




A deck of card has 16 cards which include 4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens &
245. A deck of card has 16 cards which include 4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens & 4 Jacks. In How
many ways we can arrange these 16 cards such that All Kings should be above All
Queens. assume all are of different 
assume all are of different 

246. A shopkeeper claims that he gives 10% discount on his cost price but uses X gm of
weight instead of 1000 gm during
weight instead of 1000 gm during sell of his goods and earn 12.5% profit, Then X  ?
sell of his goods and earn 12.5% profit, Then X  ?

247. Container A has 10 lit of 30% acid, B has 10 lit of 40% acid & C has 10lit of 60% acid. If
5 lit of A is poured in to B then 5 lit from B to C then finally 5 lit of C is poured in to A.
then what would be ratio of
be ratio of acid is to water in final solution of A .
248. If 
 ?   o   0 then x  y ? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 27


If a car is traveling with the speed of 60 km/hr and after applying break it
0 km/hr and after applying break it
249. If a car is traveling with the speed of
stops after 4 m, if the same care is moving with
m, if the same care is moving with 120 km/hr then after applying
km/hr then after applying
break it stops after Xm. Then find X
break it stops after Xm. Then find X

250. How many 9 digits numbers are possible by in which all digits are different and
number is divisible by 9
a. 18*9! - 1
b. 2*9!
b. 2*9!
c. 17*8!
D. NoT
251. ( 
2  7 , *+,- 

252. ( 
 3  3  0 , *+,,-   1=    ?

253. ( 
 9  24  0 , *+
+,-   4
  ? ?

254. In ABC, AB4cm, BC6cm & AC5cm. Side AB and AC produced till E & F
ABC, AB4cm, BC6cm & AC5cm. Side AB and AC produced till E & F
respectively such that BECF1cm. AD median of
respectively such that BECF1cm. AD median of ABC cuts line EF at G then what is
ABC cuts line EF at G then what is
the length of DG.

255. A, B & C start working on a project of BOOK MAKING, in which they have to type pages.
They completed this project in 12 days. After completion of the project A , B & C received
Rs 1200, Rs 2400 &Rs 3600 as their wages
Rs 1200, Rs 2400 &Rs 3600 as their wages respectively, which is proportio
, which is proportional to to
number of pages they typed Lassuming they worked for equal numbers of hours per
dayM. Then in how many days does A alone completes the working same hours a day.
dayM. Then in how many days does A alone completes the working same hours a day.

256. If N is a 100 digits largest number and a perfect square of a natural number then which
If N is a 100 digits largest number and a perfect square of a natural number then wh
digit is 50th digit from left?
digit is 50th digit from left?
A. 0
B. 8
C. 9
d. 1

257. If A & B are points on circles as shown in fig,

and line AB passes through centre of circles O
& P. QO & RO are perpendicular on line AB,
and AQ & BR meet at C then what is the area
of ABC if AO  5 cm & BP 4 cm
AO  5 cm & BP 4 cm

258. (
0.  @ 3



@ 0 **+,- choose best option

b. 3
3 b  b 2
c. 2    2

1 b  b 0 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 28


259. If two circles cut each other orthogonally then find length of common chord if
radii of circles are 3 cm & 4 cm.
radii of circles are 3 cm & 4 cm.

solved a quadratic equation and find roots as 3 & 4 & Sood finds roots of same
Sood finds roots of same
260. Amiya solved a quadratic equation and find roots as 3 &
quadratic equation as 1 & 6 then among options which could be a correct option if it is
known that none of them did make mistake in writing coefficient of x^2
did make mistake in writing coefficient of x^2 but made
mistake in either coefficient of x or constant term then among options which statement
n either coefficient of x or constant term then among options which statement
is correct
a. Amiya makes mistake in coefficient of x and Sood makes mistake in constant term
a. Amiya makes mistake in coefficient of x and Sood makes mistake in constant term
b. Amiya makes mistake in constant term and Sood makes mistake in coefficient of x
b. Amiya makes mistake in constant term and Sood makes mistake in coefficient of x
c. Both of them made mistakes in constant term
c. Both of them made mistakes in constant term
d. NoT

261. Find the total number of terms in the expansion of
Find the total number of terms in the expansion of
1  1  
1   ? 1     1   

262. If  P  1 and  [  1 are the factors of
are the factors of 1    
     ? . . . 
for distinct a
and b find maximum value of ab
and b find maximum value of ab

263. To complete a piece of work A alone takes 12 days more than A & B together & B alone
takes 3 days more than A & B together if C alone takes 3 more days then A & C together
then in how many days A, B & C can complete the same work if they work together
then in how many days A, B & C can complete the same work if they work together.
264. If & are roots of equation
are roots of equation 2
 4  6  0 then what would be equation whose
then what would be equation whose

roots are &

265. If EN is defined as euler of a number, which is number of co
If EN is defined as euler of a number, which is number of co-primes less than equal
primes less than equal
to N and DN as positive divisor of a natural number N.
to N and DN as positive divisor of a natural number N. Then what would be sum of all
Then what would be sum of all
possible values or E D1200 ???
possible values or E D1200 ???

266. For how many integral x ,


is also an integer

267. If ratio of time taken to complete a piece of work by A, B, C & D alone is 1:2:3:4 and
when they all work together take
hen they all work together take12 days to complete the same work. If on every ODD
to complete the same work. If on every ODD
DATE only day only A&C work together and on every EVEN DATE only B & D wor
DATE only day only A&C work together and on every EVEN DATE only B & D work
together and they started on 01
together and they started on 01-FEB-2016 then on which date total work would be
2016 then on which date total work would be
268. For how many natural n less than 100, 5-
 6-  3 is divisible by 7

269. In ABC , point D & E lie on BC & F lies on AC. If BD:BE:BC  1:2:3 & AF : FC1:1 then
ABC , point D & E lie on BC & F lies on AC. If BD:BE:BC  1:2:3 & AF : FC1:1 then
what is the ratio of BO:OP:PF , if O & P are point of intersection of line AD & BF  and
AE & BF 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 29



how many different values of x , 1/x has only 4 reoccurring digits after decimal.i.e.
271. For how many different values of x , 1/x has only 4 reoccurring digits after decimal.i.e.
1/x  0.abcdabcdabcd.... Lfew could be same but not allM
1/x  0.abcdabcdabcd.... Lfew could be same but not allM

272. There are three boys Amar, Akbar & Anthony and three girls, Sita, Gita &Sheela. They
Amar &Sita started a grou
Amar &Sita started a group on 1st of Feb, Akabr joins them on 2ndfeb , Anthony on 4th
Feb Gita joins them on 3rd Feb &Sheela on 5th Feb. On 1st , 3rd& 5th Feb total age of boys
Feb total age of boys
were half of that of girls& on 2 & 4 Feb total age of boys were doub
Feb total age of boys were double of that of
girls. If age of Sheela is 120 yrs then who is youngest boy and what is his the age???
e of Sheela is 120 yrs then who is youngest boy and what is his the age???
e of Sheela is 120 yrs then who is youngest boy and what is his the age???

273. If red is painted on three sides of a cuboid of dimension 6cm*7cm*8cm and other three
sides are painted white and then then by different cuts cuboid is divided in to 336
smaller cubes of volume 1 cubic cm. . If same coloured sides are adjacent to each other,
cubes of volume 1 cubic cm. . If same coloured sides are adjacent to each other,
then there are how many smaller cubes having minimum one red coloured side.
then there are how many smaller cubes having minimum one red coloured side.
274. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7 by 3
and saved the file. Then find the total number of 3s in saved file.
file. Then find the total number of 3s in saved file.

275. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7 by 3
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have digit 3.
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have digit 3.

276. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then
Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7s by 3
he replaced all 2s & 7s by 3
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have only one 3.
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have only one 3.

277. Ram wrote all first 444 natural numbers side by side , from left hand side and created a
big number N  123456..... 444 four hundred forty four
big number N  123456..... 444 four hundred forty four. If Mohan del
If Mohan deleted all 7's from
N then find there are how many digits in N
N then find there are how many digits in N

278. If Mark has Rs 5000 in his easy
If Mark has Rs 5000 in his easy-recharge wallet, an online mobile recharge portal. Find
recharge wallet, an online mobile recharge portal. Find
the maximum amount of recharge, which can be possible with his current balance and
cash backs, under cash back scheme of 20% cash back on recharge of any amount
h back scheme of 20% cash back on recharge of any amount
more than or equal to Rs 100 Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
source except cash backs & he can recharge any integral amountM
source except cash backs & he can recharge any integral amountM
279. For how positive integral X
For how positive integral X less than 100, X^3 - X^2 is a perfect square.
X^2 is a perfect square. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 30


280. If there are 3 black balls, 6 white balls and 5 green balls. Find the minimum
number of picks required to get at
number of picks required to get at-least one ball of each colour always. LAssume
always. LAssume
one can pick only one ball at a timeM
one can pick only one ball at a timeM

281. How many obtuse angled integra

How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangles are possible if unequal side
es are possible if unequal side
is 8 cm

282. How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangl
How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangles are possible if one side is 5
es are possible if one side is 5
Find minimum value of expression 8x
 16x  1
283. Find minimum value of expression

284. Find minimum value of expression
Find minimum value of expression 4 sec
 sec  1

Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
285. Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
 8  15A
A  4  6
286. Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
 6  72A
A  3  4

287. If 3x
   12 then x
 x ?  x = ?

School. 10%,15%, 20%, ,25% & 30% of branch seats
Direction: There are only 5 branches in a B
Direction: There are only 5 branches in a B-School. 10%,15%, 20%, ,25% & 30% of branch seats
are vacant and it is known that each branch has minimum 1/7th of total PGP seats ,
are vacant and it is known that each branch has minimum 1/7th of total PGP seats , If total
vacant seats are x % of total PGP seats then
vacant seats are x % of total PGP seats then

288. Find minimum value of x
Find minimum value of x

Find maximum value of x
289. Find maximum value of x

290. For how many natural numbers less than equal to 100, such that last two digits of its
8th power and 9th power are same.
power are same.

291. For how many natural numbers less than equal to 100, such that last three digits of its
5th power and 8th power are same.
r are same.

292. 123123123 ...... a 38 digits number mod 13  ????
123123123 ...... a 38 digits number mod 13  ????

293. There are how many two digits numbers are possible such that their last two digits of
23rd& 25th powers are same.
powers are same.

294. Raman is an intelligent mathematician. He has Rs
Raman is an intelligent mathematician. He has Rs830 in his Paytm account.
in his Paytm account. Find the
maximum amount of transaction
transaction which can be possible with his current balance and
which can be possible with his current balance and
cash backs, under cash back scheme of
cash backs, under cash back scheme of 14.28% cash back on recharge of any amount
% cash back on recharge of any amount
more than or equal to Rs14
14 Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
source except cash backs & he can
urce except cash backs & he can do transaction in paisa too M 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 31


Patna, Patiala&Pathankotis7:3:2 & Ratio of number of

Pathankotis7:3:2 & Ratio of number of
295. If population ratio of Patna
males in Patna, Patiala&Pathankotis 6:2:1
Pathankotis 6:2:1 then which city has maximum female
which city has maximum female
population and which city has minimum population
population and which city has minimum population ?
296. Among the options which one is
Among the options which one is largest?
a. 13=  18
b. 16
16  19
c. 16  18

13=  19

297. Arrange A, B & C in ascending order , if A  123^45678 , B  12345^678 &


298. Arrange A, B , C & D in ascending order , if A  1234^5 , B  123^45, C12^345 &


Direction :Nakistan is a small country, which has 4 states. Name of states are A,B,C&D and
Direction :Nakistan is a small country, which has 4 states. Name of states are A,B,C&D and
population of each states is minimum 1/7th of total population of Nakistan. If sex ratio of states
of total population of Nakistan. If sex ratio of states
A,B,C & D are 600 , 700, 800 & 900 then
A,B,C & D are 600 , 700, 800 & 900 then
299. Find minimum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
Find minimum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
a. 600.17

b. 678

c. 516.79
d. NoT

300. Find maximum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
Find maximum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
a. 818.18

b. 828.87
b. 828.87

c. 806.89
d. NoT

If John distributed his entire pension into his wife Mona, son William, d
301. If John distributed his entire pension into his wife Mona, son William, daughter Kate,
girl-friend Sona and her daughter Sara. If it is known that Mona gets minimum 1/6
friend Sona and her daughter Sara. If it is known that Mona gets minimum 1/6th .
William gets minimum 1/8th , Kate gets minimum 1/10th , Sona gets mi
, Sona gets minimum 1/6th&
Sara gets minimum 1/4th of Rams pension. Saving % of their individual sharing of Mona,
of Rams pension. Saving % of their individual sharing of Mona,
William, Kate, Sona& Sara is 30%, 40%, 40% , 50% & 60% .If total saving of all five is X%
of total pension of Ram, then among option which could not be val
of total pension of Ram, then among option which could not be value of X.
ue of X.

a. 44.15 %
b. 45.83%
b. 45.83%
c. 48.32%
d. 48.89%
d. 48.89%

302. There are many natural numbers are possible which is less than 400000 and divisible
by 3 but not have any of digits from m 6, 7,8 , 9 <
by 3 but not have any of digits from m 6, 7,8 , 9 <

303. How many four digits can be made from the digits m1,2,3,4<
How many four digits can be made from the digits m1,2,3,4< that are perfectly divisible
that are perfectly divisible
by 3? repetition allowed
by 3? repetition allowed

304. If Speed of Ram is 20 kmph then he reaches office from home 20 min before his usual
time, and if his speed is 10 kmph then he reaches office from home 40 min after his
usual time then find distan
usual time then find distance between home to office.

305. Raman bought a combined total of 25
bought a combined total of 25 mobiles and tabs. He marked up the
. He marked up the mobiles by
20% on their cost price while each
while each tabs was marked up by Rs. 2000. He was able to sell
was marked up by Rs. 2000. He was able to sell
75% of the mobiles and 2
and 2 tabs and make a profit of Rs. 49,000. The remaining
and make a profit of Rs. 49,000. The remaining mobiles
and 3 tabs could not be sold by him. Find his overall profit or loss if he gets no return on
could not be sold by him. Find his overall profit or loss if he gets no return on
unsold items and it is known that a
unsold items and it is known that a tabs costs 50% of a monitor. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 32


Find the distance in km, for which if we increase our speed by 20 km/hr we
if we increase our speed by 20 km/hr we
306. Find the distance in km, for which
reach the destination 2 hours earlier but when we reduce our speed by 10 km/hr
we take 3 hours more to reach the same destination.
we take 3 hours more to reach the same destination.

307. Find the actual time in hour

actual time in hour, to cover a distance for which if we increase our spe
for which if we increase our speed by
a" km/hr we reach the destination
b" hours earlier but when we reduce our speed by
km/hr we reach the destination "b
hours earlier but when we reduce our speed by
"cc" km/hr we take "d
d" hours
hours more to reach the same destination.
a. P^[4
b. P^[4
c. P^[4
d. P^[4
e. NoT

308. When a man covers 2/3rd of distance by car and rest by bus then he takes 12 hours to
cover the distance, but if he takes 3/4th of distance by
cover the distance, but if he takes 3/4th of distance by car and rest by car then takes 10
and rest by car then takes 10
hours, then find total time to cover same distance, when he
hours, then find total time to cover same distance, when he covers half of the distance by
covers half of the distance by
car and rest by bus. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 33


If a thief flew with constant speed of "60 km/hr" in a straight road,

Direction :If a thief flew with constant speed of "60 km/hr" in a straight road,
Direction :
and after 2 hours a police and his dog started to chase the thief with speed of "80
km/hr" and "100 km/hr" respectively
km/hr" and "100 km/hr" respectively. In this complete journey, Dog touches the Thief
. In this complete journey, Dog touches the Thief
and comes and touches the Police and move towards Thief and continues the proces
and comes and touches the Police and move towards Thief and continues the process,
until The Thief is caught.

309. Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process
Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process

310. Find total distance travelled by Dog in

Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards police.
this process towards police.
311. Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards thief.
Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards thief.

1  *0-3 1  *0-431  *0-44 ;V 7  ? ? ?

312. 1  *0-11  *0-21

313. A boat takes total 4 hours to cover 22 km upstream and 28 km downstream and takes
total 6 hours to cover 33 km upstream and 42 km downstream then find speed of
hours to cover 33 km upstream and 42 km downstream then find speed of

314. In a 1000 m race A beats B by 250 m and in 1500 m race A beats C by 250 m , then in B
Vs C , who win the race and by how much meter if length of track is 2520 m.
Vs C , who win the race and by how much meter if length of track is 2520 m.

315. For how many integral values of X
integral values of X , |X-1||X2||X-3||X4| b 70
3||X4| b 70

316. Which one is true

A. W?X

B. W?X



317. If Josephus leaves his home for office at a fix time every day , but he reaches his office
at different time due to different speeds.
different speeds. If his average speed is 60 kmph he reaches
If his average speed is 60 kmph he reaches
office at 10:45AM , but when his average speed is 40 kmph he reaches at 10:50 AM, what
should be his average speed to reach office at 10:47 AM.
should be his average speed to reach office at 10:47 AM.
318. If ratio of incomes of A, B & C I'd 5:4:3 & savin
If ratio of incomes of A, B & C I'd 5:4:3 & savings ratio of A, B & C is 2:3:4.
gs ratio of A, B & C is 2:3:4. If ratio of A's
income to C's saving is 10:9 then find the ratio of total expenditure to total savings of all
319. What would be last 4 digits of
What would be last 4 digits of 38 in base 2

320. There are three most active groups on facebook,

e three most active groups on facebook, CAT PREPRATION 
CAT GC & MBA. Mentors organised four events named
. Mentors organised four events named Chotu Quant
Chotu Quant, Motu Quant, Patlu
Quant & All Quant.
 In Chotu Quant, all members of CP & GC participated and average weight of all members
of this event is 42 kg
 In Motu Quant, all members of CP & MBA participated and average weight of all
members of CP & MBA participated and average weight of all
members of this event is 30 kg
is 30 kg
 In Patlu Quant, all members of MBA & GC participated and average weight of all
members of this event is 60 kg
is 60 kg 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 34


& if In ALL Quant, all members of CP, GC & MBA participated and average weight
ted and average weight
 & if In ALL Quant, all members of CP
of all members of this event
event is X kg

Then what is the range of X.

Then what is the range of X. Lassume Facebook has "one member one group" policyM
Lassume Facebook has "one member one group" policyM

321. If Raman left his room at X AM and reaches office at Y PM of the same date and Mohan
left his room at X AM and reaches office at Y AM of same date. If both stay together and
and reaches office at Y AM of same date. If both stay together and
work together and time taken by Mohan to reach office is square of that by Raman then
what is the ratio of Average Speed of Raman from home to office to that of Mohan.
what is the ratio of Average Speed of Raman from home to office to that of Mohan.

322. Raman left his room at 7:00

7:00 AM and reaches office at 12 PM of the same date and
PM of the same date and
Shobhit left his room at 8:00
8:00 AM and reaches office at 11 AM of same date. If both stay
AM of same date. If both stay
together and work together
together and work together at same place then at what time Shobhit overtakes Raman
then at what time Shobhit overtakes Raman.

323. Shobhit & Bitan planned an infinite round race on a circular track of length 100 km.
planned an infinite round race on a circular track of length 100 km.
Both started race at same point of track, but Bitan cheated Shobhit and started half an
hour before the actual race timing and choose Swift , whose speed is 40 km/hr. Shobhit
who is a good guy started race at actual time but choose Benz whose speed if 140 km/hr
d guy started race at actual time but choose Benz whose speed if 140 km/hr
but by mistakes he moves in anticlockwise direction. If at 9:30 AM Bitan reaches
starting point for the first time then at what time their 4th meeting would happen if they
maintained constant speed throughout the race.
ed constant speed throughout the race.

324. Sandeep Patra is a very handsome but a shy guy. Whenever he sees a girl he doubles
his speed but start moving in the opposite direction of direction just before seeing girl.
If on a day he starts moving with speed
If on a day he starts moving with speed of 1 m/s from his home and he sees a girl after
of 1 m/s from his home and he sees a girl after
every 1sec, then find how far he is from his house just after 11sec when he started.
every 1sec, then find how far he is from his house just after 11sec when he started.
325. There is a regular nonagon, whose vertices are alphabets of words DANGEROUS in
nonagon, whose vertices are alphabets of words DANGEROUS in
same order then what is the value of
same order then what is the value of NGO in degree ????
If ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon then find angle CDG in degree
326. If ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon then find angle
If ABCDEFGHIJ is a regular decagon then find EAI in degree
327. If ABCDEFGHIJ is a regular decagon then find

328. Find the sum of all internal angles at red dots of all four figures
Find the sum of all internal angles at red dots of all four figures 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 35


^...^1 then what is the least value of N natural number

what is the least value of N natural number
329. If M  17^16^15^...^1 then
for which M mod N is neither o nor 1. Lmod is remainder functionM
for which M mod N is neither o nor 1. Lmod is remainder functionM

age of 11 members committee on 31st Dec 2014 was

2014 was 30.27. On
330. If the approx average age of
1st Jan 2017 Ram who is
Ram who is one of the member quits the committee and then approx
quits the committee and then approx
average becomes 29.5. If it is known that
. If it is known that , to find average only integral age if 11 years
to find average only integral age if 11 years
11 months or 11 years 1 months then in both cases considers as 11 years only is
considered then find in which year Ram was bor
considered then find in which year Ram was born.

331. Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from
same city X towards Y at same time. Both reaches Y and immediately turn around and
move towards X. On reaching X, again they turn around and move towards Y. This
movement continues indefinitely.
nt continues indefinitely. If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively . Find the total number of OVERTAKES
Find the total number of OVERTAKES
in 120 hour after start.
332. Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left s
Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from
imultaneously from
same city X towards Y at same time. Both reaches Y and immediately turn around and
move towards X. On reaching X, again they turn around and move towards Y. This
movement continues indefinitely.
movement continues indefinitely. If the distance between X and Y is 60 km a
If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively Whenever they meet or overtake they
Whenever they meet or overtake they
shake hands. Find the total number of handshakes in 60 hour after start
shake hands. Find the total number of handshakes in 60 hour after start
333. In a right angled triangle with integral sides, smallest side is four times of difference of
In a right angled triangle with integral sides, smallest side is four times of differenc
other two sides and sum of all sides is 120 then find area of this triangle
other two sides and sum of all sides is 120 then find area of this triangle

334. Two cities Rampur and Sitapur lie on a straight line. Two men A and B left
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other. A reaches Sitapur and
immediately turns around and move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
around and move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
turns around and move towards Sitapur. This movement continues indefinitely. B also
travels in a similar manner.
travels in a similar manner. The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 120 km and
The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 120 km and
speed of A and B are 40 km/h
speed of A and B are 40 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively. If both started together then in
If both started together then in
24 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
24 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
335. Two cities Rampur and Sitapur lie on a straight line. Two men A and B left
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other.
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other. A reaches Sitapur and
A reaches Sitapur and
immediately turns around and move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
turns around and move towards Sitapur. This movement continues indefinitely. B also
travels in a similar manner.
travels in a similar manner. The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is
The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 60 km and
speed of A and B are 20 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively
speed of A and B are 20 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively. If both started together then in
If both started together then in
12 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
12 hours find the total number of interactions between them.

336. Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from X
and Y towards each other. P reaches Y and immediately turns around and move towards
ards each other. P reaches Y and immediately turns around and move towards
X. On reaching X, again he turns around and move towards Y. This movement continues
indefinitely. Q also travels in a similar manner.
indefinitely. Q also travels in a similar manner. The distance between X and Y is 1000m
The distance between X and Y is 1000m
and speed of P and Q are 200m/s & 800 m/s respectively
are 200m/s & 800 m/s respectively. Whenever they meet or
Whenever they meet or
overtake they shake hands.
overtake they shake hands. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 36


337. If in a test there are 5 objective question, each having 4 options with only one
option as correct answer. If 1 is awarded for correct answer and no penalty
option as correct answer. If 1 is awarded for correct answer and no penalty for
wrong or non-attempt. If it is known that 3 is passing marks of this test then , In how
If it is known that 3 is passing marks of this test then , In how
many ways one can attempt this test so that he passes the test.
many ways one can attempt this test so that he passes the test.

338. When I started my today's journey from Hazaribagh to Ranchi. I checked first mile
stone it showed Ranchi 100 km , after 40 min I checked another mile stone and found
anchi 100 km , after 40 min I checked another mile stone and found
Ranchi XY km and after another 20 min when I checked mile stone I realised Ranchi YX
km. If I managed a constant speed through my journey, please help me to know speed of
my car , since speedometer is not working
edometer is not working
339. Mango bite offer - Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free
Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free. If cost of one
Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free
mango bite is Rs 1 and i have Rs 100 then maximum how many mango bite i can eat.
mango bite is Rs 1 and i have Rs 100 then maximum how many mango bite i can eat.
340. If P & P2 both are prime numbers P>3 then how many different values of R be
If P & P2 both are prime numbers P>3 then how many different val
possible if R LP*P2M mod 9
R LP*P2M mod 9
341.   , then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers
, then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers
, then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers

Direction 344 344 - 345
345 :Number of Hair fall is directly proportional to TQ Tension Quotient and
TQ is directly proportional to square of pe
TQ is directly proportional to square of person integral age ignoring months and days. If at
rson integral age ignoring months and days. If at
the time of birth a person is considered as tension free 0 TQ and person has 100,000 hairs.
the time of birth a person is considered as tension free 0 TQ and person has 100,000 hairs. If
at the age of 4 number of hairs a person has is 77,500 then
at the age of 4 number of hairs a person has is 77,500 then

Total number if hairs at the age of 8 is ____
342. Total number if hairs at the age of 8 is ____

What is the minimum age of complete baldness
343. What is the minimum age of complete baldness

Find ab if a & b are positive integer and a - 1  b  1.
344. Find ab if a & b are positive integer and

Find the least value of n for which n output of below given sum is an integer
345. Find the least value of n for which n output of below given sum is an integer

n/1*2*3  n/2*3*4  n/3*4*5 ...  n/7*8*9
n/1*2*3  n/2*3*4  n/3*4*5 ...  n/7*8*9

346. 1234...10  1357....n  1357....m, Then find integral
1234...10  1357....n  1357....m
m & n

347. 1  4  7  10  .....  40  ???
1  4  7  10  .....  40  ???

348. If average of 11different numbers x1 , x2, x3. .... , x11 is X then what would be average
in terms of X if all 11 numbers are multi
in terms of X if all 11 numbers are multiplied by 2 then decreased by X.
plied by 2 then decreased by X.

349. For different positive integral a, b & c
For different positive integral a, b & c ; a  b  c then find minimum value of c
a  b  c then find minimum value of c

350. If N  m , where m is a natural number more than 99 but less than 1000, then for how
values of m , N & m are having same last two digits
values of m , N & m are having same last two digits
351. Ram and Shyamali each has a fair coin. Ram tossed his coin 5 times and got 4 heads and
one tail , Shyamali also tossed her coin 5 times and got 3 heads and 2 tails
one tail , Shyamali also tossed her coin 5 times and got 3 heads and 2 tails. One day both
meet and both tossed their coins once. What is the probability of getting dif
meet and both tossed their coins once. What is the probability of getting different
outcomes on each coins ???
outcomes on each coins ??? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 37


HCF of sum of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???
352. HCF of sum of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???

HCF of product of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???
353. HCF of product of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???

354. If a ball is dropped from a height of 2000 m and

If a ball is dropped from a height of 2000 m and it bounces back but looses 1/9 of
it bounces back but looses 1/9 of
height after every bounce then find total distance covered by ball till it comes to rest or
near to rest
355. Find area of graph in side x  y  16 but outside |x||y|4 in items of pi
Find area of graph in side x  y  16 but outside |x||y|4 in items of pi

356. Find maximum value of n if n & m are

Find maximum value of n if n & m are natural numbers and 90!  20!^n * m
90!  20!^n * m

357. There are how many natural numbers less than equal to 100 , whose product of all
factors are square of the number
factors are square of the number
358. Number of trailing zeros in C512, 32
Number of trailing zeros in C512, 32 ; Cn,r  n!/r!*n-r!

359. There are how many natural

There are how many natural numbers less than 1000 , has only odd number of factors
numbers less than 1000 , has only odd number of factors
total number of factors are odd 
total number of factors are odd 

360. John and Shaw started running from same point , at same time in same direction. John
John and Shaw started running from same point , at same time in same direction.
maintained a constant speed of 40 km/hr
maintained a constant speed of 40 km/hr. But Shaw started with 5km/hr and in ev
But Shaw started with 5km/hr and in every
next hour he increase his speed by 10 km/hr.
next hour he increase his speed by 10 km/hr. Then find after how time from start Shaw
Then find after how time from start Shaw
will catch John

361. If average of 10 consecutive increasing multiple of 8 is 324 then find 4th smallest term
among these 10 terms

362. If N is a two digit largest number whi

If N is a two digit largest number which is a factor of 35^10 - 17^10 then N mod 7  ???
17^10 then N mod 7  ???

Find the sum of all terms of 10th row of below given series
363. Find the sum of all terms of 10th row

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

364. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 38



internal angles at vertex of given figure

366. Sum of all internal angles at vertex of given figure

367. If in a row Jhon is 23rd from right and Tina is 32nd from left end and there are 5
persons between then , what is the difference between maximum and minimum possible
persons in the row
Then AB - Y  ???
Where X, XX, XXX are 1, 2, 3 digit numbers so rest are
Where X, XX, XXX are 1, 2, 3 digit numbers so rest are

369. If ab  bc  ca  27 then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____

then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____
then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____
370. For how many natural N ,
For how many natural N , N  32^2 is divisible by N4
371. 3 9 27 81
81 .  ?

372. If ABC & BCA are two three digits perfect squares where A, B & C are different digits
then ABC  ???
373. There how many numbers less than 1,00,000 whose sum of digits is 3
There how many numbers less than 1,00,000 whose sum of digits is 3

374. If Sita and Gita daily jog from their home to

If Sita and Gita daily jog from their home to park and park to home and then park and
park and park to home and then park and
so on for two hours, park is 10 km from their home. If they live together and both stats 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 39


at 7:00 AM, and speed of Sita is 20 km/hr and that of Gita is 30

at 7:00 AM, and speed of Sita is 20 km/hr and that of Gita is 30 km/hr then when
km/hr then when
Gita overtakes Sita for the first time after
ita for the first time after start.

Among the options select correct statements

375. Among the options select correct statements
1. Sum of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
1. Sum of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
2. Product of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
2. Product of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
3. Last two digits of all primes less than 100 is 50
3. Last two digits of all primes less than 100 is 50
4. In an integral sided right angled triangle all sides can't prime.
ght angled triangle all sides can't prime.

376. There are how many different integral sided right angled triangles are possible whose
There are how many different integral sided right angled triangles ar
one side is 25 unit

377. s8 q8 Z8 r8 8  ??

378. If  

 3 then     ?

379. In how many ways we can rearrange the word

In how many ways we can rearrange the word NAGIN such that no vowels be together.
NAGIN such that no vowels be together.
380. Find the length of line segment between axes line of a line whose equation is 4x-3y 
Find the length of line segment between axes line of a line whose equation is 4x
381. If A*B*C*D*E*F  60 , where A,B,C,D & E are different integers then what is the
maximum value of ABCDEF
maximum value of ABCDEF

382. Total number of integral ordered pair solutions for

of integral ordered pair solutions for 
b 64
64 is
a. 175
b. 163
c. 150
d. NoT

383. What if the value of c to get maximum value of

What if the value of c to get maximum value of 0
.  U ? under condition abc 
under condition abc 
108 and all a,b&c are positive numbers.
108 and all a,b&c are positive numbers.
384. If in a ABC, D is midpoint of BC , E is
ABC, D is midpoint of BC , E is midpoint of BD , F is midpoint of BE and G is
midpoint of BD , F is midpoint of BE and G is
midpoint of AF then what is the ratio of area of
midpoint of AF then what is the ratio of area of BGF to that of ABC
BGF to that of ABC

385. What could be minimum value of N , which COULD satisfy

What could be minimum value of N , which COULD satisfy Y  0  .   U   V
where a,b,c & d are distinct
distinct natural numbers

386. If few students of section A of PGP transfer to section B then ration of number of
nts of section A of PGP transfer to section B then ration of number of
students of A to that of B  3:7 but if few students of section B of PGP transfer to section
A then ration of number of students of A to that of B  5:2
A then ration of number of students of A to that of B  5:2, then find minimum number
, then find minimum number
of total students of section A & B.
al students of section A & B.
387. If 10 lit of pure alcohol is replaced by 50% of 2 lit alcohol and this process is repeated
one more time then find the % of alcohol in final solution.
one more time then find the % of alcohol in final solution. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 40


Total number of terms after expansion of 1    

388. Total number of terms after expansion of
389. Total number of terms after expansion of
Total number of terms after expansion of   A  Q

390. How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 3 when divided by 7
How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 3 when divided by 7
How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 7 when divided by 9
391. How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 7 when divided by 9

392. If C is circum-centre & G is centroid of a

G is centroid of a triangle whose sides are 7 , 24 and 25 cm then
e 7 , 24 and 25 cm then
what is the length of line segment
what is the length of line segment CG
393. There are how many days in between next palindromic date DDMMYYYY and last
palindromic dateDDMMYYYY if today is 14062016
palindromic dateDDMMYYYY if today is 14062016
394. Find the least value of n more than 4 for which 234567.... n is
which 234567.... n is a perfect
a. 15
b. 24
c. 25
d. 26

395. Ram and Mohan started their journey from two opposite extreme end of a tunnel. If
Ram started his journey at 8 :00 AM with speed 60 km/hr and Mohan at 7:00 with
Ram started his journey at 8 :00 AM with speed 60 km/hr and Mohan at 7:00 with speed
40 km/hr. When both met to each other it is found that one of them covers double
distance of other then find the different between maximum or minimum possible length
of tunnel.
396. Total number of positive ordered solution of abcd
Total number of positive ordered solution of abcd  10

397. Unit digit of

 7      is _____
is _____

 6666. . . . 

398. What is the value of 1.6666
a. 2.66666.....
b. 2.565656.......
b. 2.565656.......

399. Zx  rx  x   3xx then x  ?

c. 2.77777.....

d. NoT
d. NoT

400. What is the minimum value of

value of |x1|  |x2||x3|

401. What is the minimum value of

value of |x| - |x1|  |x2|-|x3||x4|

402. If LCM of first N natural numbers is "L" and that of first "N2" natural number is "2*L"
then less than 100 how many different N are possible
then less than 100 how many different N are possible
403. If 130
 120.  8.U  40V , 0 . U _ 0 then
then 4^ ?
P[ 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 41


 24  23A
 6A  11Q
 2Q  4  42 then
404. If for real x, y & z ; 9
  A  Q  ?
405. What would be remainder
What would be remainder when 19

is divided by 1200

406. If 
 3  9 then 

407. Maximum how many vertices could be common in a regular dodecagon 12-sided
Maximum how many vertices could be common in a regular dodecagon 
polygon and regular nonagon 9
nonagon 9-sided polygon

408. Find the maximum value of a2*b3*c4 if 2a3b4c  7 and a , b & c are
value of a2*b3*c4 if 2a3b4c  7 and a , b & c are
positive numbers
409. Find the Maximum value of a1*b2*c3 if a b  c  3 and a , b & c are
positive numbers

410. For natural number m, n, x & y if

For natural number m, n, x & y if m*x  n*y  100 then what would be last digit of
m*x  n*y  100 then what would be last digit of
maximum value of  A 3 ? ? ?

411. If in a race A beats B by 100 m , B beats C by 100 m and in the same race if A can beats C
by "X" m then what is the range of "X"
by "X" m then what is the range of "X"
a. 100   200

b. 100 b  200

c. 100  b 200

d. 100 b b 200
e. NoT

412. If abcabc is a 6 digit number and has
If abcabc is a 6 digit number and has 20 positive divisors then abc  ?
positive divisors then abc  ?


Above image is actual time zone clocks
Above image is actual time zone clocks and all are showing their local time
all are showing their local time of a same time.
If a flight departs from Central at
If a flight departs from Central at 02:00 local time at central to city X and arrives at 10:00
and arrives at 10:00
local time at city X  and then depart from city X at 11:00 local time at city X  to Central and
arrives at 09:00 local time at central on same day. Then CITY X is _______
arrives at 09:00 local time at central on same day. Then CITY X is _______

414. If given figure is a 12 sided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree
is a 12 sided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree
is a 12 sided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 42


In given fig if AB2unit, BC3unit, CDCA4unit and DA5 unit then find BD
415. In given fig if AB2unit, BC3unit, CDCA4unit and DA5 unit then find BD

If HCF of three natural numbers is same as their LCM then sum of all three numbers are
416. If HCF of three natural numbers is same as their LCM then sum of all three numbers are
a. 2*LCM  3*HCF
b. 5*HCF - 2*LCM
d. NoT
417. If average of 5 different positive numbers are A and X is average of average of all
possible pairs of these 5 numbers then
possible pairs of these 5 numbers then
a. AX
b. g @
c. A b X
d. g 

e. NoT
e. NoT 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 43


hour clock as shown in fig, in which outer dial
418. There is a 24 - hour clock as shown in fig, in which outer dial
is representing hours and inner dial is minutes and seconds,
then find the angle between hands X if time is 20:10.
then find the angle between hands X if time is 20:10.

419. If A sold an article to B at 20% profit and B to C at 10% profit t
If A sold an article to B at 20% profit and B to C at 10% profit then C sold to A at 20%
hen C sold to A at 20%
loss then find over all monetary % profit or loss of A. LAssume all transactions happen in

420. For natural numbers x, y if
For natural numbers x, y if    6 
 44  A  then x  y  ???
then x  y  ???
421. 1 

? ? ?

422. Find least palindromic natural number which

Find least palindromic natural number which has odd number of digits , divisible by 11
has odd number of digits , divisible by 11
and has 9 as a middle digit.
and has 9 as a middle digit.
423. If a palindromic number which has odd number of digits is divisible by 11 then middle
digit of this number can not be
digit of this number can not be
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6 e. All possible as a middle digit
e. All possible as a middle digit

424. If A increases 10% then 20% then 30% then 40% then it becomes B, But if A increases ,
A increases 10% then 20% then 30% then 40% then it becomes B, But if A increases ,
12% then 22% then 32% then 34% then it becomes C, Then
12% then 22% then 32% then 34% then it becomes C, Then
a. BC
b. B>C
c. BbC
d. NoT
425. Find maximum power if 20! Factorial 20 which perfectly divides 202! Factorial 202
Find maximum power if 20! Factorial 20 which perfectly divides 202! Factorial 202
426. Total number of real solutions of x  sin x
Total number of real solutions of x  sin x
427. s6  2q6  2Z6  2r6  26  ?
a. 2  1

b. 3
3  1

c. 1

d. 3  1

428. Find the sum of common terms/elements of m3,7,11,15,....,103< & m1,7,13,19,....,103<

Find the sum of common terms/elements of m3,7,11,15,....,103< & m1,7,13,19,....,103< 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 44


show nth term of two different APs whose sum of first n terms are
429. If and show nth term of two different APs whose sum of first n terms are
denoted by and respectively. If
respectively. If :
:  17:11 then find
430. For natural number x, y and z ,
For natural number x, y and z , 2  3o  5p  114 then x  y - z  ?
z  ?

431. If %profit is same as cost price of article and selling price is 131.25 then find its profit
in rupees.

432. Find the concentration % of acid in final solution if 80 lit of 80% acid solution is first
replaced by 20 lit water then 40 lit water.
replaced by 20 lit water then 40 lit water.

433. If 1000th prime is a four digit number and it is

rime is a four digit number and it is equal to 7909  X then X  ??
7909  X then X  ??
a. 20
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
434. Data Sufficiency : What is the cost
Data Sufficiency : What is the cost price of the article
I. If loss % is same as cost price of the article and selling price is Rs. 24.
I. If loss % is same as cost price of the article and selling price is Rs. 24.
II. If cost price is 20% of selling price.
II. If cost price is 20% of selling price.

2 , 3 , 4 , 5 0-V 6

435. Which one is largest among
largest among 

436. There are how many four digit number ABCD are possible such that AB, BC, & CD are
perfect squares repetition of digits are allowed
perfect squares repetition of digits are allowed

437. There are how many three digit numbers are possible say XYZ, if we interchange
digits of unit place and hundredth place ZYX then
digits of unit place and hundredth place ZYX then resultant number is also a three digit
number is also a three digit
number and | XYZ - ZYX| is divisible by 7
ZYX| is divisible by 7, such that  _ Q
438. What is the last two digits of product of all positive divisors of 1024
digits of product of all positive divisors of 1024
digits of product of all positive divisors of 1024

439. A cone of height X is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance
is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance Y from the
is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance
base, then what is the ratio of
what is the ratio of volume of the resulting cone and that of resulting
that of resulting the

frustum ? where X & Y are pos

X & Y are positive integral solution of   ; where Z is also a
positive integer

440. If ABC is an equilateral triangle , and point D & E are on sides AB & AC such that ,
ABC is an equilateral triangle , and point D & E are on sides AB & AC such that ,
DE||BC, and perimeter of
DE||BC, and perimeter of ADE is same as perimeter of quadrilateral BCED then find
ADE is same as perimeter of quadrilateral BCED then find
ratio of DE:BC.

441. If speed of the group is 1 m/s and that of the joker is 3m/s. Joker starts from back of
the last person and moves towards the front one, touches him and turns back, and goes,
back to last person. If in this process The Joker covers 16
back to last person. If in this process The Joker covers 16 m when he is going forward
m when he is going forward
right hand side then find distance traveled by him when he turned back and moves
towards left. assume speed of all remains same in entire process and no time loss by
The Joker when he was turning back
The Joker when he was turning back 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 45


How many pairs of natural numbers m, n satisfy   , where

where 20>m
442. How many pairs of natura


443. A quadratic function fx attains a

A quadratic function fx attains a minimum of -5 at x  -1. The value of the function at
1. The value of the function at
x 0 is -3 . What is the value of f x at x 
What is the value of f x at x  5?

Direction for 446 to 448 : If the total intake in IIM A , B & C
together is 900, and below chart is
Direction for 446 to 448 : If the total intake in IIM A , B & C together is 900, and below chart is
giving % of Male Mand that of Work
giving % of Male Mand that of Work-ExEx in B-Schools. It is also known that 40% of whom
Schools. It is also known that 40% of whom
are in IIM-C are rest are equally divided between IIM A & IIM C.
C are rest are equally divided between IIM A & IIM C.
Male (M)


444. What is the % of Male in IIM A

What is the % of Male in IIM A


Work Ex (Ex)

445. What is the % of Fresher

Fresher Non work Ex in IIM C

446. If in IIM -B , 50% work ex are male then what is the ratio of Male Fresher to Female
B , 50% work ex are male then what is the ratio of Male Fresher to Female
Work ex in IIM - B

447. One day Bagga with his dog planed to go to Park from their home which is 1200 m from
home. Speed of Bagga was 30 m/s and that of his dog was 60 m/s. Both started from
same time. His dog reached Park much earlier than Bagga, but dog returned back
without wasting any time and came near to Bagga and again run towards Parks and
asting any time and came near to Bagga and again run towards Parks and
after reaching park came back to Bagga and continue the same process until Bagga
reached the Park. If both maintained a constant speed in entire journey and there was
no time loss in this process then find
is process then find how much meter more did dog move towards park
than towards Bagga.
448. If 2 is a root of a quadratic function fx0 and 7*f3f6 then find another roots of

449. If WEIGHT of number a, ab , abc &

of number a, ab , abc & abcd a single , double, triple and four digit number
abcd a single , double, triple and four digit number
respectively is defined by ;
respectively is defined by ;
WEIGHT a  a ;
WEIGHT ab  ab ;
WEIGHTabc bc - a and
a and
WEIGHTabcd  cd-ab ;
ab ;
then for how many natural number less than 8995,
then for how many natural number less than 8995, WIGHT
WIGHT of that number is 7.
of that number is 7. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 46


450. ABCD is rectangle such that AB12cm and

BC5cm, another Rectangle AEFC is such that
point D lies on side EF then find the area of
rectangle AEFC

451. If log  log  

   2  9  0 then find x

452. If mileage of a car is 17 km per lit

If mileage of a car is 17 km per lit with extra 3 lit per hour as wastage
as wastage . What should be
minimum speed of the car to cover 34 km in 3 lit.
minimum speed of the car to cover 34 km in 3 lit.
453. W1  X W1  X W1  X W1 
X ?




K  =




 .  ?

455. If 9th term of an AP is 20

20 then sum of first 17 terms of this AP is _____
sum of first 17 terms of this AP is _____

456. If the pendulum of a clock

the pendulum of a clock takes 3 seconds to strike 3 oclock. then h
then how much time will
it take to strike 9 oclock?
457. W




X ? ? ?


What would be remainder if 1  1  

1   ? 1     is divided by
is divided by
458. What would be remainder if

  3  2

459. If mileage of a car is 15 km per lit with extra

km per lit with extra 2 lit per hour as wastage . What should be
lit per hour as wastage . What should be
minimum speed of the car to cover
minimum speed of the car to cover 45 km in 4 lit.
460. If an article was selling at 20% profit , to earn Rs 1320 more profit shopkeeper
purchased article at 10% lesser than his cost price and sold it at 10% higher pri
purchased article at 10% lesser than his cost price and sold it at 10% higher price than
his selling price, then find oldoriginal selling price of
his selling price, then find oldoriginal selling price of

461. Find the maximum value of

Find the maximum value of a  b, if following set of equations has infinite many roots
has infinite many roots
a-1*x  5*y  140 & 7
& 7*x a1*y  b

462. What would be area of triangle formed by axes lines and a line which is perpendicular
to a line 3x-2y6 and passing through 2,2
2y6 and passing through 2,2

463. If A is X% of B and B is Y% of A and X is A% of Y and Y is B% of X then what is X% of 20

If A is X% of B and B is Y% of A and X is A% of Y and Y is B% of X then what is X% of 20
464. If aaabcccd is a 8 digit perfect
If aaabcccd is a 8 digit perfect square then abcd ??? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 47


465. If ratio of income of X &Y is 3:4 and their expenditure ratio is 4:7 then then
whose % saving on income  is more
whose % saving on income  is more
a. X
b. Y
c. can't say
d. NoT

466. L1ML2ML3ML4M.....L24M  ??? ;Where LxM is defined as nearest integer, L

1ML2ML3ML4M.....L24M  ??? ;Where LxM is defined as nearest integer, L3M3,
1ML2ML3ML4M.....L24M  ??? ;Where LxM is defined as nearest integer, L
L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
467. How many integral solutions are possible for L M  25 ;Where LxM is defined as
;Where LxM is defined as
nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5

;Where LxM is defined

468. What is the sum of all integral solutions possible for L M  25 ;Where LxM is defined
as nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
as nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
469. 4  4
 4  . . . .  4
= ;V 17  ? ? ?
470. 4 4
4 . . . . 4
= ;V 17  ? ? ?

471. 2=  2  2  . . . .  2 ;V 13  ? ? ?

472. If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of le

If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc
ngths of arc AB , arc BC, arc
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:2:3:4:6:6 then what is the value of angle CDF
FA is 1:2:3:4:6:6 then what is the value of angle CDF
FA is 1:2:3:4:6:6 then what is the value of angle CDF
473. 1234512345.... 300 digits mod 41  ???
1234512345.... 300 digits mod 41  ???

474. If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB , arc BC, arc
If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB ,
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:
arc EF, arc FA is 1:1:2:2:3:3 then what is the value of angle
then what is the value of angle ACE
475. If fxx-1x5x-9...x61 , then for how many integral "x" fxb0.
9...x61 , then for how many integral "x" fxb0.
9...x61 , then for how many integral "x" fxb0.

476. Ram wrote first "N" natural numbers on a black board then removed one number and
found that new average becomes
found that new average becomes 21.1 then find which number was removed ?
21.1 then find which number was removed ?
477. If A,B C & D are points on circle and E,F,G & H are mid points of
side DA, AB, BC & CD. Find the area of quadrilateral EFGH if
AB12cm, BC6 cm, CD8cm & DA 10 cm.
AB12cm, BC6 cm, CD8cm & DA 10 cm.

478. What is the area of a right angled triangl

What is the area of a right angled triangle whose inradius and circum radius are 10 and
e whose inradius and circum radius are 10 and
12 cm respectively
479. What is the area of a right angled triangle whose inradius and circum radius are 4 and
12 cm respectively 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 48


480. Inside an equilateral triangle there is a point from which the length of
perpendicular on all the three sides are 2
lar on all the three sides are 2cm, 3cm, & 4cm then. what would be area
cm then. what would be area
of equilateral triangle.

481. If fresh grapes has 90% water content and dry grapes kishmish has 30% water
content. In the procedure of making kismish one just need to dry grap
content. In the procedure of making kismish one just need to dry grapes, then if a
shopkeeper purchased 210kg of grapes at 30 Rs per kg then at what price per kg he
should sell kismish to earn 33.33% profit.
should sell kismish to earn 33.33% profit.

13x19...x115; Then for how many integral x , fxb 0

Then for how many integral x , fxb 0.
482. If fx  x-1x7x-13x19...x115
483. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm &
, AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC then

PP 5 de


PP 5

484. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC then

PP 5 de


PP 5 def

485. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF 

If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC

PP 5 fe

then find

PP 5 def

486. In the given fig if

then find the area of
then find the area of

BD:DCCE:EA1:2 and area of AFO is 144 sq. cm,

BD:DCCE:EA1:2 and area of AFO is 144 sq. cm, 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 49


487. If in the given fig ABCD is parallelogram, O is a

point inside the parallelogram. If areas of three
triangles are given check fig then find the
fourth triangle.

area of

488. In the given triangle D, E & F are mid points of

respective sides then find the area ratio of quad
find the area ratio of quad
BGOF to that of ABC

489. If in the given fig ABCD is quadrilateral and E,F,G

H are mid points of respective sides as shown in
fig. Areas of three quadrilaterals are given
check fig then find the area of fourth


490. If angle ratio of a triangle is 1:2:9 then what is the side ratio of this triangle
If angle ratio of a triangle is 1:2:9 then what is the side ratio of this triangle
a. 1:2:9
b. 18:9:2
c.3 2 2
d. 3  1 2 2 e. NoT

491. If N the least natural number which is subtracted from 10000*10001*10002*10003 to

make it a perfect square then N mod 9  ???
square then N mod 9  ???
492. Sum of all coefficients of expansion of x1x2x3....x15 is S then S mod 17
of expansion of x1x2x3....x15 is S then S mod 17

493. If an alloy is having Zn, Cd and Fe in the ratio of 3:4:9 and another alloy has the same
elements in the ratio of 2:3:4 then find the
elements in the ratio of 2:3:4 then find the ratio of these elements in the same order of
ratio of these elements in the same order of
first alloy and second alloy is mixed in the ratio of 2:3
first alloy and second alloy is mixed in the ratio of 2:3 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 50


Total number of positive integral solution of 10x  7y  7z  100 is ______

494. Total number of positive integral solution of 10x  7y  7z  100 is ______

495. If a  b  c  d is always divisible by abcd , where a,b,c,&d are natura

is always divisible by abcd , where a,b,c,&d are natural
is always divisible by abcd , where a,b,c,&d are natura
numbers and p is a prime more than 101 then
numbers and p is a prime more than 101 then
a. a, b , c& d are odd numbers
a. a, b , c& d are odd numbers
b. c, d , a & b are in AP
c. a, b, c & d are in HP
d. a, b, c & d are in GP
e. NoT

496. If 32A65B is divisible by 72 then what would be remainder if AAABBB is divided by 7,

where A & B are two digits both could be same.
ere A & B are two digits both could be same.
497. Shopkeeper A : Gives 25% extra and charges 20% less than market price
Gives 25% extra and charges 20% less than market price
Gives 25% extra and charges 20% less than market price
Shopkeeper B: Gives 20% extra and charges 25% less than market price
Gives 20% extra and charges 25% less than market price
Gives 20% extra and charges 25% less than market price

If both shopkeepers sell same product of same market price then for a customer which
shopkeeper is better... ????
shopkeeper is better... ????

498. There is a tilted glass in perfect cylindrical shape with base

in perfect cylindrical shape with base
radius 7cm and height 10 cm. Glass
radius 7cm and height 10 cm. Glass is partially filled with
water, in such a way that,
that, water level is just touching
bottom end and top end of the glass as shown in
bottom end and top end of the glass as shown in the
figure. Then find the amount of water
figure. Then find the amount of water in litter inside
the glass.

499. Find the total number of positive integral solution of  o  p  1


500. Amiya and Raman is playing a game Toss
laying a game Toss-Toss. Raman wins when tails comes and
Toss. Raman wins when tails comes and
losses when heads come. Raman gains Rs 10 for tail and loses Rs 10 for head. If Raman
wins in first toss then he quits but tries only once more if he losses on the first toss.
Then in this game how much could be expected win of Raman.
uch could be expected win of Raman.

To get more questions follow
To Follow Amiya : 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 51

3E LEARNING - MATHS BY AMIYA 500 CAT 2016 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 52


Maths By Amiya 500 (2017(2017
1. Mohit calculated sum of first N natural number and he found sum is 337 and he knows he
counted one number twice or missed one number. then find his minimum possible % error
made by him.
a. 3%
b. 3.99%
c. 3.69%
d. 3.23%
Sol: [c]
Actual sum should be near to 338 for minimum error, so it should be either 325 or 351
% error on 325 = 12/325*100 = 3.69%
% error on 351 = 14/351*100 = 3.99
2. The integers 1,2,.. 30 are written on a board. A person came and erased any two numbers say
"a" & "b" and wrote a new number "a+b+2" this pro
cess is done by total 29 persons
(including first one) then . What is the number left on the board at the end?
Sol: Every time sum would increase by 2 , so total increase = 2*29 = 58
So last number =  = 465+58 = 523
3. If T1=(1) , T2= (3,5) , T3 = (7,9,11) , T(4) = (13,15,17,19) ..... Then what is the sum of all
terms of T(10)
Answer : 1000
4. phi (n) is defined as number of co
prime less than n. If P is product of two different prime
numbers, whose sum is 1200 then what is the max phi(M)
Sol: phi (n) = n *(1 -1/p)*(1-1/q)
1/q) and so on ... where p and q are primes in prime factors of n. since
we need this max so by g @
,, value should be close means both prime should be closer to 60
for max phi , so 59 & 61 ; P = 59*61 & phi(P) = 58*60 =
5. Consider the set S = {1,2,3,..10000}, How many APs can be formed from the elements of S that
start with 1 and end with 10000 and have minimum 3 terms?

Ans: 11 ; a=1 ,Tn=10000 , so 1 + (n

(n-1)d = 10000; ; (n-1)d
1)d = 9999 = 3^2*11*101 so 12 factors. n-1
cannot be 1. so 11
6. Total number of integral solutions of 13x - 3y = 1000 for 100< x < 200
Sol: 33 , all numbers which gives remainder 1 when divided by 3
7. For how many integral "n" is


is an integer

Sol: [12]
7   21
 7  9 mod (x--3) = 12 , so x-3
3 should be a factor of 12 means 12 values are
possible including negative. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 53


8. If HCF , LCM and sum of two numbers are 6 , 15 and 23 then find their difference.
Sol: Not a possible case
9. If   1  7
 6  3 , then find the value of f(x - 1).
Sol: put x = x -2 ,  
10. Find the area of the enclosed fig by | x- 5 | <3 and | y-5 | < 3.
Ans : 36 unit square
11. What is the minimum value of |2x -1 | + |2x -2 | + |2x -3 |+ |2x -4 |
Ans: 4 , at x=1
12. No of integral solution of       42  0

Sol:   >

So 343    216 so 560 integral solution.

13. When a number divided by 6 and 35 remainders are 5 and 7 then what would be remainder
when 11 times of the number is divided by 15
a. 8
b. 13
c. 7
d. Data inadequate
e. NoT
Sol: By CRT 77 is least number for 210 and we want 11*77 mod 15 = 7
14. In a circle AB is diameter of length 34 unit and BC is chord of length 16 unit. If CD is
perpendicular on AB such that D lies on AB then what is the length AD.
Ans: 450/17 , can do by similarity
Ans: ; Area =

15. What is the area of a rhombus whose one side is 6 unit and one internal angle is 135 degree.
16. If major (longest diagonal) of a rhombus is 63 cm and one internal angle of rhombus is
120 then what is the area of rhombus.

Ans :

17. 113  100 is divisible by 209 (True / False)

18. 113  100 is divisible by 247 (True / False)
19. 113  100 is divisible by 143 (True / False)
20. 113  100 is divisible by 71 (True / False)
ANS: TRUE 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 54


21. 113  100 is divisible by 781 (True / False)
22. What is the rate per annum if compound interest after 2 years is same as simple interest after
3 years.
Ans: 100%

23. At what time between 3&44 both the hands are equi
equidistant from figure 6 but not together

24. What is the least natural number N for 101^N mod 280 = 1
Ans: N =6 ,cyclicity
280 = 2^3*5*7 ; no need to check for 5 , since 101^n mod 5 = 0 , for all n ; also not for 2^3 since
101^(2m) mod 8 = 1, for all m ; now just check 7 , cyclicityoteuler of 7 is 6 which satisfy all
25. If A takes "a" hours more than time taken to complete a work when A & B work together and
B takes "b" hours more than time taken to complete a work when A & B work together. Then
what is efficiency ratio of A and B
1. a : b
2. b:a
3. .: 0
4. 0: .
5. b^2 : a^2
Ans: [3]
26. If X + (1/Y)=1 , Y + (1/Z) = 1 then what is the value of X*Y*Z , if none of X, Y & Z are 0
Ans: -1 ; solve by putting values
27. What is the minimum value of
of2123  2451



at x = 225

 1!   2!   3!  .  1000! ?
Ans : 1*7+2*19+3*37+4*61+5*91+6*127+7*169+8*217+9*271+10=6985
28. If [ N ] is greatest integer less than equal to N then

29. What is the coefficient of x^5 in the expansion of (1+x)(2+x)(3+x)(4+x)(5+x)(6+x)

Ans: 21 , -(sum
(sum of all roots)

30. If P = { x /x : x  15 ,  $% -0*890: -8;.,9 < ; then how many subset of P would have at
least one prime number
Ans : 

31. 1
 . . 101
Ans :5151 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 55


32. (    2 ; *+,-          =     ?

Ans : 0
33. Find the cubic equation whose roots are one more than roots of    
   1  0
Ans: x^3-2x^2+2x= 0 ;Put x = x--1
34. What is the minimum value of sinx + cosecx + tanx + cotx
Ans :infinity
35. What is the sum of first 1000 terms of series - 1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,1,....
Ans : 1956 ; 2*1000-44=
44= 1956 ; just check how many one's by checking positions of 1's.
1,3,6,10...990 so 44
36. DS - What is the ratio of Cost Price to Selling Price
A. Markup % is 26% more than Profit % and 10% more than Discount %
B. Markup is Rs 26 more than Profit (RS) and Rs 10 more than Discount (in RS)
Ans: A alone.
37. What would be remainder
er if 98! Is divided by 101 ?
Ans: 50
38. What is the sum of all internal angles of this star
Ans :(11-52)180=180

39. Coefficient of x in the expansion of (1+x)(1+x)(1+x)(1+x)...(1+x^99)
Ans: 2
40. Max number
umber of segments we can create on a plane (open or closed ) by the help of a circle , a
trianglee and a line is ______
Ans: 12
41. If magnitude of speed in Km/hr of a man is same as rest time in minute in an hour of that
man. Find maximum distance covered by man in 5 hours.
Ans :x(5-x/12), 5x-x^2/12,5=x/6,x=30,
x^2/12,5=x/6,x=30, so 30*(5
42. If N is smallest
est prime number which is equal to sum of three consecutive prime numbers then
what is the sum of digits of N
Ans: 4 ; 23 = 5+7+11 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 56


73% are passed in Phy , 89% in Che, 69%

69 in Bio &
43. If in an examination of PCMB , 73
71% in Maths, then minimum how many % people have passed in all four papers.
Ans : 2% Work on students who failed in each sub - 27, 11, 31 & 29 , means max 98% fail in
at least one so minimum 2% pass in all
44. Total number of positive integral solution of 3x + 2y = 100 such that  @ A
Ans : 7

45. If in an examination of PCM , 75

75% are passed in Phy , 65% in Che, & 70%
70 in Maths, then
minimum how many % people have passed in all three papers.
Ans: 10%
46. If in an examination
mination of PCM , 60
60% are passed in Phy , 65% in Che, & 70%
70 in Maths, then
max how many % people have passed in all three papers.
Ans : 47.5%
47. For a natural "n" 2^(12n) - 6^(4n) is div by
a. 10
b. 20
c. 50
d. 100
Ans: All


48. Mohan sells out a toy at 25% profit. Had he purchased at 25% less and sold it for Rs 25 less,
then he would have still gained 25%. Find the cost price of toy
Ans: 80
49. If sin  cos 
then for 0  

Ans :8/3

; tan  cot ? ?

50. Product of first 24 prime number is not divis

divisible by
a. 391
b. 371
c. 247
d. 279
Ans: [d] 279


51. If product of two sides of an integral sided triangle is 6 then triangle is always
I. Acute Angled
II. Obtuse Angled
III.Right Angled
IV. Isosceles
V. Equilateral
VI. Scalene
VII. None of the above is always correct
Ans : VII Not ; sides are 2,3,3 & 2,3,4 & 2,3,2
52. How many integral sided isosceles triangle is possible , if sum of two sides is 20
Ans: 31
Sol: If 20 is sum of equal sides, then sides are 10,10,x so total 19 triangles are possible
If unequal sides sum id 20 the 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 57


Smallest side , 1,2,3,4,5,6, only one iso triangle is possible so 6 possibility
7,8,9 - two iso triangles are possible so again 6 possibilities
Total isosceles triangles are = 19 + 6 + 6 = 31
53. What is the maximum area of a triangle - if it is known that sum of any two sides of this
triangle is less than equal to 20 unit.
Ans: It should be (1/2) *a*bsinC , for max sinC should be 1 , so max area is (1/2)*a*b =
1/2*10*10 = 50 max

54. Fig is a regular octagon then what is the measurement of angle

Ans: 22.5 degree

55. Find the max value of n for which 124K  1 is divisible by 53

Ans: 5; 125*50 = 5^5 * k
56. What would be remainder if 344^49 - 1 is divided by 7^5
Ans: 0
57. What is the minimum value of x^2 - 4x +3
Ans: -1 , at x=2
58. What is the minimum value of sin^2 x - 4sin x +3
Ans: 0 , at 90
59. If a , b & c are sides of a right angled triangle and natural numbers then what would be
remainder if a*b*c is divisible by 15
Ans: 0
60. (1 - cot1)(1 - cot2)(1 - cot3).....(1 - cot42)(1 - cot43)(1 - cot44) is
a. A perfect Square
b. A perfect cube
c. A perfect square as well as a perfect cube
d. Irrational Number e. NoT
Ans: [a]; 2^22 , a perfect square
61. If N = (tan46-1)(tan47 -1)(tan48
1)(tan48 -1).....(tan87 -1 )(tan88 -1)(tan89 -1)
1) , then N mod 7 = ?
Ans: 2 , 2^22 mod 7 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 58


62. If x + y + z =1 , x^2 + y^2 + z^2 =2 & x^3 + y^3 + z^3 =3 , xyz = ?
Ans: 1/6
(x + y + z)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 +2 (xy + yz + zx)
1 = 2 +2 (xy + yz + zx) =>xy + yz + zx = -1/2
x^3 + y^3 + z^3 - 3xyz = (x + y + z) ( x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - (xy + yz + zx))
3 - 3xyz = 1(2 + 1/2) = 5/2
3xyz = 1/2 ; xyz = 1/6
63. DS If f(f(x)) = f(f(f(x))) then f(x) = ?
A. It is not a constant function
B. [f(x)]^2 = f(x^2)
Ans: Only A ;If
If f(f(x)) = f(f(f(x))) ; It means f(x) = k or f(x) = x
A. It is not a constant function so f(x) = x [sufficient]
B. [f(x)]^2 = f(x^2) does hold for f(x)=k so f(x) = x , f(x) = 0 and f(x) = 1 , not sufficient
only A is sufficient
si of rectangle
64. If ratio of perimeter of a rectangle and that of a square is 5:1 and ratio of one side
to one side of square is 3:2 then what is the ratio of area of square to that of rectangle.
Ans: 4:51
(l+b) : a = 10 : 1 = 20:2
& b / a = 3:2
so a:l:b = 2 :17 :3 ; a^2 : l*b = 4 : 51
65. If ABCDEFGHIJ are a regular polygon then what is meas
urement of angle EHA
Ans: 72 degree
66. A husband alone can do a piece of work in 60 hours & wife alone in 40 hours, but due to a
baby who always destroy their work they together take 16 more hours to complete their work
Then in how many days baby alone can destroy all the work.
Ans: 60
67. If a + b +c = 5 then what is the maximum value a^2 + 4*b^2 + 9*c^2
Ans: Infinity
68. In a section of PGP18 of IIM
X the average weight of 30 students is 60 kg. If x new students
join the section and average wt of these new students are "70 - X" kgs, then find the
maximum possible average weight (approx) of the section after joining new students.
a. 60.66
b. 60.73
c. 60.71
d. 60.56
e. NoT
Ans: [c] , for x = 5
69. Arrange A, B & C in ascending order If A = pi^(1/pi) , B = e^(1/e) & C = 1 , where pi is 3.14
, e = 2.71
Ans : C,A, B
70. If log P .  log P .
 log P .   60 then log P . ?  ? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 59


Ans: 40

71. If  ?     
   1 is one factor of f(x) = 0  K  .  ?  U    V 
 then what is the real roots of f(x)=0
a. 1
b. -1
c. -f/a
d. a*b*c*d*e*f
e. NoT
      = a(        
R is real root then by equating constant term R = - f/a
72. There are 6 identical toys and three boys. In how many ways all toys would be distributed
among three boys.
Ans: 28 ways. (0, 0, 6), (1, 1, 4), (3, 3, 0), (2, 2, 2), (1, 2, 3), (1, 5, 0) and (2, 4, 0)
73. In JhumriTillaiya a Paamwala priced his beedi at 85 paise per beedi, but after budget, he
reduced the price of beedi and
andand soldbeediof
beediof Rs.77.28 in a day. Then what is the total
number of beedies he sold in a day
b. 47
c. 84
d. 92
Ans: [d] check by options
74. In AB and BC are two chords of a circle, then find length of chord AC
C if AB=BC=6cm and
radius of circle is 5cm
Ans: 9.6 cm
75. If third term of a GP is 4096 andits common ratio is positive.The Product of first 7 terms is
less than that of first 6 terms and Product of first 6 terms is greater than that of first 5 terms.
then which option is best describing range of common ratio.
a. [ 1/32 , 1/16]
b. ] 1/32 , 1/16[
c. [ 1/16 , 1/8]
d. ] 1/16 , 1/8 [
e. Not
Ans: [d]
P7 < P6 => P6*T7 < P6 so T7 < 1
P6 < P5 =>P5*T6 > P5 so T6 > 1
T7 = 4096*r^4 < 1 so , r < 1/8
T6 = 4096*r^3 > 1, so , r > 1/6

Ans: 23 degree angle by same chord 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 60


77. All words having three different vowels and three different consonant are written in
dictionary then what would be rank of word BAEI
Ans: 137
Keeping A fixed in the first place, we have 120 words.
Keeping BAC fixed, we have 6 words
Keeping BAD fixed, we have 6 words
Now comes BAE (CDI, CID, DCI, DIC) after which BAEICD will come. Hence rank =
120+6+6+4+1 = 137
78. In group of 12 people, 4 speak on only Hindi, 5 speak only Tamil and the rest speak both
Hindi and Tamil.. In how many ways can the 112 people be arranged in a row such that so are
all those who speak only Hindi are together and so are all those who speak only Tamil.
her all people should be able to converse with both their neighbours.
Ans :_HBT_ or _TBH_
79. If a three
hree digit number xyz has only 5 factors then what is the last digit of sum of all factors of
six digit number "xyzxyz" .
Ans:4 , xyz = 625
n whose expenditure
80. If Income ratio of A, B & C are 3:7:9 & their saving ratios are 3:1:4 the
is maximum ?
Ans: CBD
81. If Income ratio of A, B & C are 3:7:9 & their saving ratios are 3:1:4 the
n whose expenditure
is minimum?
Ans: A
Direction for Q 82 & 83 - DOVAFONE has two monthly tariff plans for calling - details are
given below
Name of Plan

Fixed Monthly Charge

` 300


` 100

600 min free , after that `1
per min , fractional charge is
30 paisa per min, fractional
charge is applied

Fractional Charge - If you talk in fraction of min charge would be in fraction of that tariff .eg
if extra 1.5 min pay extra ``1.5 in P300 and 45 paisa or 1.66 min then `1.66
1.66 in P300 and 50
paisa in P100
82. If one person talks 500 min per month then which plan is better.
Ans: P100
83. If one person talks N min per month and for him both plans cost the same. Then N = ?
Ans: Not Possible 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 61


84. If   W X     W X and f(3) = 82 then what is f(5) = ?

Ans : f(x) = 1 + x^n ; f(3) = 1 + 3^4 = 82 , f(x) = 1 + x^4

f(5) = 1 + 5^4 = 626

85. If angles of a triangle are 30

30 , 60 and 90 then what is the ratio of it's in-radius
to circum
Ans: r/R = cos 30 + cos 60 + cos 90 - 1=


86. which one is largest among all option


a. 12  14
b. 13
c. 12K  14
d. 15
Ans: (a)
87. What is the sum of all external angles of a 8 sided concave polygon.
Ans: 1800 ; 180(n+2)
88. If ABCD is a prallelogram. Point E and F are mid
points of side BC & CD respectively then what is the
area ratioo of Quard AGFD to that of parallelogram

Ans :11:20 Solve it by assuming

ing a square or rectangle


89. How many numbers are the in the set of first 1000 natural numbers which can be written as
sum of two or more consecutive natural numbers.
Ans: 990 , all except 2^n terms
90. Total number of integral solution of w^4 + x^4 + y^4 + z^4 = 1797
Ans: 0 , check divisibility by 7
91. If Y  123 124 125 126  1 then what is the digital sum of N (N mod 9)
Ans: 1
92. Total number of integral solution ofa + b + c = 43655
Ans : 0

93. If diagonals of a parallelogram are 30cm and 10 cm then among the options which could be
sides of parallelogram
a. 22 cm & 4 cm
b. 20cm & 10 cm
c. a & b both possible
d. NoT 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 62


Ans: [b] - "a" cant be since we can not make 4cm with diagonals (as part of
94. If A,B& C three cities are in a highway. Distance between two cities A & B is 200 km and
city C is 100 km from B & A both. From city "A" a man starts towards "B" with speed of 30
km/hr and on the same time another man start
startss from B towards "A" with speed of 20 km/hr.
After how much time they exchange their speeds (new speed of man from A and man from B
becomes 20 kmph and 30 kmph respectively ) so that they meet at C
Sol: After 2 hours
95. If a , b & c are in GP then roots of 0
 .  U  0 has
a. Real
b. Equal
c. Imaginary
d. (b) or (c)
Ans: [c]

e. Not

96. If O is centre of the circle, angle DOC = 42 then what is

the measurement of angle BFC
Ans: 69

97. Sum of two positive integers A &B and its LCM is 455. Then how many unordered pairs of
A & B are possible.
Let number be h*x & h*y , h being HCF of numbers. then hx + hy + hxy = 455
Ans: 14; h(x+y+xy)=455 = 5*7*13
So , h = 1, 5, 7, 13 , 5*13 , 7*13 , 5*7 & 5*7*13
if h = 1 , x+y+xy = 455 ; (x+1)(y+1)= 456 sso 5 cases
if h = 5 , x+y+xy = 91 ; (x+1)(y+1)= 92 so 2 cases
if h = 7 , x+y+xy = 65 ; (x+1)(y+1)= 66 so 2 cases
if h = 13 , x+y+xy = 35 ; (x+1)(y+1)= 36 so 3 cases
if h = 65 , x+y+xy = 7 ; (x+1)(y+1)= 8 so 2 cases
98. If O is a point inside a parallelogram AB
ABCD such that areas of ABO ,
BCO & CDO are
12cm^2 , 15 cm^2 and 10 cm^2 then what is the area of AOD.
Ans: 7 cm^2

99. If in ABC
ABC , AB = 6 cm , BC = 7 cm and CA = 8 cm , AD is an internal angle bisector of
angle A such that point D lies on side BC then le
length of AD = ?
Ans :AD = 6 cm 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 63


where AB = c, BC= a & CA=b
  Z   where

100. A34 56B is a 6 digit number in base 12 and when we write this in base 10 then it is divisible
by 143 then A * B = ?
Ans: 3 , (1,3)
101. If a , b, c, & d are sides of given quadrilateral ABCD then
area of ABCD
1. a*b*c*d
2. 0
3. 30 . U V

Ans: (2)

4. Z



102. For how many different (0

0 _ . _ U non zero digit ordered combinations (a,b,c) 0[ b
0[ 4


Case 1 : b =1 , 8*7 = 56

103. In a trapezium ABCD , E & F are mid points of its diagonals and AB || CD . Find length of
side CD if AB = 12 cm & EF = 4 cm.
Ans: 20 cm. ( a-b/2=EF)
104. In a trapezium PQRS , S & T are mid points of its diagonals and PQ || RS . Find length of
side RS if PQ = 12 cm &ST
ST = 3 cm.
Ans: 6cm or 18 cm
105. If [ x ] denotes greatest integer less than equal to x then
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
\ ]\  ]\   ]\  
 ]  ?
3 9
3 9 27
3 9 27 81
Ans: 0
106. Three students have each brought his father and mother for admission to a school. The
admission head wishes tointerview the nine people one by one, taking care that no child is
interviewed before its mother and no husband is interviewed before his wife.
wife In howmany
different ways can be interviews be arranged?
Ans :8*9!/216 [in 2^3 ways father and child can be arranged]
107. In how many ways can we select two squares on a chessboard such that they share either a
common side or a common vertex?
Ans: 210 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 64


108. A person invests Rs.3000 in 3 months fixed deposit scheme of a bank at the rate of
13%. Due to some changes in policies, the rate of interest changed in every three
months, after the first period, to 12%, 11% and 10% respectively. Assuming that the person
withdraws the interest after every 3 months but continues deposit, how much more interest
would that person have earned in oone
ne year, if there was no change in the interest rate?
a. 50
b. 45
c. 0
d. 180
Ans: [b] 12% , 11% and 10% means reduction of 1% , 2% & 3% =6 % cumulative change
Change = 3000*6*1/100*4 = 45
ission in health course. The instructor
109. Three wives have each brought his husband for adm
wishes to interview all six people one by one, taking care that no wife is interviewed before
its husband. In how many different ways can be interviews be arranged?
(1) 120
(2) 100
(3) 72
(4) 90
Ans: [4] 90
tal ways = Total Ways / ways in which pairs can attached = 6! / (2!*2!*2!) = 90
110. A passenger is planning a trip that involves three connecting buses that leave from
Ambikapur, Bokaro and Chandanpur respectively. The first bus leaves Ambikapur every
hour, beginning at 8:00 am, and arrives at Bokaro 2.5 hours later. The second bus leaves
Bokaro every 20 minutes, beginning at 8:00 am, and arrives at Chandanpur 7/6 hours later.
The third bus leaves Chandanpur every hour, beginning at 8:45 am. What is the least total
amount of time the passenger must spend between buses if all buses keep to their schedules?
a. 25 minutes
b. 1 hour 5 minutes c. 1 hour 15 minutes d. 2 hours 20 minutes
Ans: 65 min =1 hour 5 minutes
Regardless of the time of departure from Ambikapur, arrival at Bokaro will be at 30 minutes past the
hour. Buses leave Bokaro on the hour, and at either 20 or 40minutes past the hour. Therefore, the
earliest a passenger from Ambikapur could leave Bokaro would be 40 minutes past the hour with a
10 minute wait betweenbuses.. The bus from Bokaro to Chandanpur takes 7/6 hours or 1 hour 10
minutes. A bus taken at 40 minutes past the hour, causing the passenger to have missedthe bus from
Chandanpur by 5 minutes.. The passenger therefore has a 55minuteswait, and the least total amount of
time the passenger must spend between buses is10 + 55 = 65 minutes or 1 hour 5 minutes.
111. The lengths of the sides CB and CA of a triangle ABC are 4cm and 6cm respectively and the
angle C is 120.. If the line CD bisects the angle C and meets AB at D, then the length of CD
b. 3cm
c. 2.4cm
d. None of these
a. 4 cm

Ans: [c] In Triangle ABC 

x = 76
So AD= (2/5)*76
U% 60 

?  o  W =X




, A  kl , y = 2.4

Direct Formula = a*b/(a+b) = 4*6/(4+6) if we bisect 120

120 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 65


112. An alloy X consists of 10% Cadmium and 6% zinc and alloy Y consists of 5%
Cadmium and 10% zinc. If he needs at least 14 kg of Cadmium and 14 kg of zinc for his
experiment. If alloy X costs 60 paisa per kg and alloy X costs 40 paisa per kg, What is the
minimum cost he would occur to fulfil his requirement
a. Rs.72
b. Rs.82
c. Rs.92
d. None of these
Ans: [c] ; Let a & b are wt of alloy X & Y respectively
0.1a + 0.05b = 14 ....(1)
0.06a + 0.1b = 14 ....(2)
a= 100 & b = 80 , so minimum cost = 92
113. What is the unit digit of 1  2  3  . 9
a. 0
b. 1
c. 5
d. 9
Ans: [c]
1  9 is divisible by 10 so 2  8 and so on, only 5 left so unit digit = 5 = 5

114. If in a hotel Ram checked in between 1 and 2 oclock and cheeked out in between 4 and 5
oclock , if positions of minute hand and hour exchange and maintained same position then at
what time did Ram check-out
out from hotel?
a. 4: 11: 15 b. 4: 11: 45
c 4: 12: 15
d. None of these
Ans: [b] no need to solve check time it should be between 4:5 :.. to 4:10:00
115. If numerators of three fractions are in A.P. and their denominators are in G.P and common
difference of the numerators is equal to the common ratio of the ddenominators
enominators . The product
of the first fraction and reciprocal of the second fraction is 6/5 and the product of the second
fraction and reciprocal of third fraction is 15/8. If the, then the denominator of the third
fraction is
a. 9
b. 18 c. 27
d. cannot be determined
Ans: [d] , 2/a ; 5/3a; 8/9a
Assume numerators be a -d
d , a &a+d and denominators be b/d . b& b*d in same order, from question
we can get a= 5 , d=3 but cant get b , so cant be determined.
116. Two quadratic equations with positive roots have on
onee common root. The sum of the product
of all four roots taken two at a time is 143. The equation whose roots are the two different
roots is 
14  45  0. The sum of all different roots is
a. 20
b. 21
c. 22
d. 24
Ans: [b] , roots are 5,7,9
14  45  0,, we can say two different roots are 9 & 5 , and sum of product of all four
roots taken two at a time is 143
so 9*5 + 9*a + 5*a = 143, so a = 7
117. There are 10 pipes that are connected to a tank. Some of them are inlet pipes and the others
are outlet pipes. Each of the fill pipes can fill the tank in 6 hours and each of the outlet can 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 66


empty the tank completely in 4 hours. If all the fill pipes and outlet pipes are kept
open, an filled tank gets emptied in 10 hours. How many of the 10 pipes are inlets
c. 2
d. None of these
a. 8
b. 4
Ans: [d] Not a possible case
118. In how many ways can we select two squares on a chessboard such that they share a
common vertex and of same colour?
Ans 98 = [4*1 + 24*2 + 36*4]/2
possible value of d  e  f   j

119. If A, B , C ,... Z are 26 positive numbers such that A+B+C+....+Z = 13, then find minimum
Ans: 26^2/13 = 52

120. If A, B , C & D are sets of few natural numbers then how many ordered set (A,B,C,D) are
possible such that g i k l  m1,2,3, . . . ,10<&g i k l 
a. 2
b. 6
c. 10 d.14
e. NoT

Ans: Every element of set   m: ,  

  < has 14 choices
A, B, C, D , AB, BC... ABC, total ways are 14^10
121. In how many ways one can select 5 toys from 6 identical toys of type--1, 7 identical toys of
type-22 and 8 identical toys of type
Ans: a+b+c=5 ; c(7,2) = 21
122. If A, B & C are in GP, and integers then how many ordered triplets are possible such that
A+B+C = 99
Ans: 4; (33,33,33) , (99,-99,99)
99,99) , (33, -66, 132) , (132, -66, 33),
(A,r)= (33,1) ; (33,-2)
2) , (99,
(99,-1) and reverse of (33,-2)
123. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB||CD ; O is point of intersection of diagonals ; 3AB=4CD,
and area of triangle AOB = 12 sq. cm find area of trapezium ABCD.
Ans: 147/4 sq cm

124. What is the sum of last two digits of 1  2  3  . 99

Ans: 0 ,
1  99 is divisible by 100 so 2  98 and so on, only 50 left which is not divisible by 100,
so last two digits =50 00
AB and BC of a triangle ABC are 3cm and 7cm respectively and the
125. The lengths of the sides A
angle B is 120. If the line BD bisects the angle B and meets AC at D, then the length of BD
Ans: 2.1 cm 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 67


126. If Y  1  2 1  2
 1  2?  1  2  1  2=  1  2

1  2=? &
& R = N mod 2^65 then what is the last two digits of R.
Ans :31 ; N = 2^65 - 1 , so N mod R = N
127. There were three friends A,B,C and a dog. In an evening they hadfew breads with them. But
at the night one all were sleeping A wake up and gave one bread to dog and kept one third of
remaining bread with himseelf and leave rest and went to sleep, then B ,& C did the same in
the same order. When they wake up in the morning , all three counted the breads then they
gave one bread to dog and distributed remaining breads in three equal parts. If in all four
distributions each get integral
egral number of breads then find the minimum number of breads
they had in evening.
Ans: 79
Work back ward - 3/2(3/2(3/2(3k+1)+1)+1)+1=
3/2(3/2(3/2(3k+1)+1)+1)+1=(81k+65)/8..minimum k=7
128. If in a triangle ABC, BE & CF are medians which are perpendicular to each other, then find
the area of triangle ABC if BE = 6cm and CF = 9cm.
Ans: 36 cm^2 , by 2:1 ratio and Pythagoras
129. If in a triangle ABC, BE & CF are medians which are perpendicular to each other, then find
the perimeter of triangle ABC if AC = 10cm and AB= 5cm.
Ans: 20 cm, b^2 + c^2 = 5*a^2
130. If in a ABC, AB=AC,
C, AD is median such that D lies on BC. Points E,F and G lies on AC,
AD and BD respectively, if DEF is an equilateral , AFE is an isosceles and EG || AB
then find angle GED.
Ans: 30 degree
131. If 3cm, 4cm and 5cm are lengt
h of altitudes of a triangle then triangle is
a. Acute angled triangle
b. Obtuse angled triangle
c. Right angled triangle
d. Not possible
Side Ratio = 20 : 12 : 15 , so triangle is obtuse

132. If sin   sin A sin
Q  270 then maximum value of x+y+z is ____
Ans: 3 , maxima only possible if each angle is 90

133. If   o  p  4 *+

+,-   o  p ?

Ans: 7 Add +1 in all variables or equate x/1

x/1-x = 4/3 and so on
134. ( 0
 40  4  0 *+,- 0?  . ?  ?
Ans: 16, (a+2)^2 + b^2 = 0 , a = -2 , b =0 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 68


135. log q10Z10r1010 ? ? ?

Ans: 1 ;qZr 

136. If Boys and Girls are sitting in a row in below given pattern.
G B G B B G B BB G B BBB G.......
If B denotes a Boy's place & G denotes a Girl's place then there are how many boys between 9th
person to 40th person ; excluding both(if we count from left to right)
Ans: 25
137. If A is 25% more efficient than B, who is 20% less efficient than C. If B alone takes 5 more
days to complete the work than C alone. Then in which day they would complete the work if
B starts the work and A & C helps him of alternate day
a. 10th Day b. 11th Day
c. 12th Day
d. Data inadequate
Ans: [c] 12th Day
Efficiency Ratio = 5:4:5 , Time ratio = 4 : 5 : 4 ;
ATQ = Number of days ;A= 20 , B = 25 & C = 20
They work AB , BC , AB , BC and so on... so number of days = 100/9 = 11.11 = 12th day.
, then find the value of the following
138. If [x] is the greater integer less than or equal to x,
[1 M  2!  3!  4
 4!   L99 M
a. 99
b. 615
c. 915
d. None of These
Ans: [b]
139. Data shows that 61%, 46% and 29% of CAT test takers take mocks of FarierDauncher,
E and GMS. 25% took exactly two of the three mocks and 3% took none of these
three mocks. Then what percentage of CAT test takers took all the three test?
a. 19%
b. 8%
c. 7%
d. None of these
Ans: [c]
divisible by 8! is
140. The smallest perfect square which is divisib
a. 564,480
b. 403,200
c. 2,822,400
d. 604,800
Ans: [c]
acant be since last two digits cant be 80 as last two digits of a perfect square
bcant be if we remove last two 0's then 32 cant be last two digits of a perfect square
dcant be if we remove last two 0's then 48 cant be last two digits of a perfect square
141. If R is the radius of a circle, whose chords AB & BC are of 8 and 15 respectively and
making angle 90 at B , then [R] =? [where [[x]] is the greater integer less than or equal to x
Ans: 8 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 69


142. If a,d,c,d are different positive integers such that





then among the options which one is a possible value for a + b + c + d

a. 10

b. 17

c. 14

Ans: 14 , a= 5, b=3, c=4, d=2




d. 25




143. s7 q7 Z7 r7 7
7 if there are SIXTY, 7's = 7 x where m & n are in simplest

form then what would be remainder when "m+n" is divisible by 7

Ans: 1
7 s7 q7 Z
7 7  7

1u41 u42 u43 uu459


144. If N = (7^50-1)/6
1)/6 ; then what would be remainder when N is divided by 13
145. Let T1,T2,T3, ...... be the numbers which can be written as a sum of one or more different
powers of 3 with T1<T2<T3<.......
such that, T1 = 3 = 1, T2 =3 = 3,
T3 = 3 + 3 = 4 and so on.... & T1,T2,T3, ..are consecutive numbers and Ti-T
Ti+1 have minimum
possible value for all i. Then What is the value of T50?
Sol: [327]
Every positive integer has a unique representation in base 2. This is the same assaying that each
positive integer can be written uniquely as a sum of diff
different powers of2.
For example, 1 = 2 , 2 = 2 , 3 = 2 + 2 , and so on.
Wee are interested inthe numbers beginning T1 = 30, T2 = 31, and T3 = 30 + 31. We can find the nth
term inthis sequence by writing n as a sum of diff
erent powers of 2 and then replacing each 2j inthe
sum by 3j.
Since n = 50 can be written in base 2 as n = ((110010)2, we get
50 = 21 +24 +25 so that T50= 31 +34 +35 = 3 + 81 + 243 = 327.

146. If area of a rectangle is 96 cm^2 then minimum number of identical square inside this rectangle which
covers all the area of rectangle is _______
covers all the area of rectangle is _______
Ans: 6 LRectangle 12*8
Ans: 6 LRectangle 12*8

147. ABCDEFGH is a regular polygon. Diagonal AE & GD cut at O then what is the value of angle GOA ???
ABCDEFGH is a regular polygon. Diagonal AE & GD cut at O then what is the value of angle GOA ??? 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 70


148. With A, B and C as centres, three circles are drawn such that they touch each other externally. If the sides
With A, B and C as centres, three circles are drawn such that they touch each other
of the ABC are 8 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm, then what is the sum of the perimeters of the circles? in pi
ABC are 8 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm, then what is the sum of the perimeters of the circles? in pi
ABC are 8 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm, then what is the sum of the perimeters of the circles? in pi
ANS: 30* pi
ANS: 30* pi

149. If ABCD is a square of side 1 unit, PAB & QCD are two equilateral triangles. Minimum distance between P
& Q is _____
Ans: 3
Ans: 3 3 - 1

If ABCD is a square of side 1 unit, PAB & QCD are two equilateral triangles. Maximum
Maximum distance between P
150. If ABCD is a square of side 1 unit, PAB & QCD are two equilateral triangles.
& Q is _____

Ans: 3  1
Ans: 3  1
3  1

151. If 4cm & 5 cm are sides of a parallelogram and 6 cm is one diagonal then length of another diagonal is ____
If 4cm & 5 cm are sides of a parallelogram and 6 cm is one diagonal then length of another diagonal is ____



152. How many integral solutions exist for the given set of inequalities?
How many integral solutions exist for the given set of inequalities?

|x + 4| + |x 3|7 and x + y  9

Ans. 29
|x  4|  |x 3|  7suggests --4   3
x + y  9
If x  -4, y  not possible $. ,. 0 set of values of x, y
set of values of x, y
If x  3, y  0 $. ,. 2 values of x, y
values of x, y
If x  2, A  0 * 2 $. ,. 10 set of values of x, y
10 set of values of x, y
If x  1, A  0 * 2 $. ,. 10 set of values of x, y
10 set of values of x, y
If x  0, y  0 or 1 9 2 9 3 $. ,. 7 set of values of x, y
Total possible set of values of x, y
, y  29.

153. There were only 9 digits starting from 1 to 9, then Aryabhatta India invented 0 zero and placed it
before 1, now BharyaKhan Zakistan in vented
before 1, now BharyaKhan Zakistan in vented joyega and placed it after 9. then now in this new
joyega and placed it after 9. then now in this new
system there would be how many perfect squa
system there would be how many perfect squares of positive integers less that equal to 100 of that
res of positive integers less that equal to 100 of that
Ans: 11 , since it is in base 11
Ans: 11 , since it is in base 11

154. For a given AP if sum of first 10th terms and first 29th terms are same then which term is equal to zero.
For a given AP if sum of first 10th terms and first 29th terms are same then which term is equal to zero.
Ans: 15th term
Ans: 15th term

155. W1   X W1 
X W1   X W1  ? X W1  KX ? ? ?
Ans: 0
Ans: 0

156. If S  m 3,9,15,21,27,...,123 < & T  m 2,7,12,...., 102< , then what would be sum of all
elements of S y




= 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 71


Ans Ans - 171 m27,57,87<
171 m27,57,87<

157. If S  m 3,9,15,21,27,...,123 < & T  m 2,7,12,...., 102< , then what would be sum of all
elements of S T
Ans: 2244
Ans: 2244

158. If half life is defined as time required for the amount of something to fall to half its
initial value. If Half life of a 100 years then after 400 years what % of element would be
remaining .
Ans: 6.25
Ans: 6.25

159. With current marking system** of cat corr
With current marking system** of cat correct how many different marks can be
ect how many different marks can be
obtained if it is known to us that there are 30 non MCQ out of 100 questions.
obtained if it is known to us that there are 30 non MCQ out of 100 questions.
**Marking System -
The scoring scheme for multiple
The scoring scheme for multiple-choice questions is as follows:
Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
An incorrect answer fetches
fetches -1.
No marks are given or deducted for un
No marks are given or deducted for un-attempted questions.

The scoring scheme for multiple
The scoring scheme for multiple-choice questions is as follows:
There are no negative marks for non
There are no negative marks for non-MCQ type questions
Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
No marks are given or deducted for un
or deducted for un-attempted questions.

Ans: 371 3  368; Max 300. Min --70 Subtract 299,298,295
Ans: 371 - 3  368; Max 300. Min
70 Subtract 299,298,295

160. If 63  5-  3 is divided by M remainder always comes N , irrespective of for all
is divided by M remainder always comes N , irrespective of for all
- @ 3 ; where M, N, & n are natural numbers , then what is the maximum he
; where M, N, & n are natural numbers , then what is the maximum he value of
; where M, N, & n are natural numbers , then what is the maximum he
Ans: M  25 & N  23
Ans: M  25 & N  23

161. What is the sum of all values of "n" for which 3n^2  n
What is the sum of all values of "n" for which 3n^2  n - 18 is a prime number
18 is a prime number
Ans: infinity; Minus infinity ; sum of roots of 3n^2  n -- 18  Prime is Ans: - infinity; Minus infinity ; sum of roots of 3n^2  n
18  Prime is -1/3

162. If two circles cut each other at PQ, angle PNQ  60
If two circles cut each other at PQ, angle PNQ  60 degree and angle PMQ  90 degree ,
degree and angle PMQ  90 degree ,
where M & N are centre of circles the what is ratio of area of circle whose centre is M to
area whose centre is N.
ANS: 1:2
ANS: 1:2

163. Find the number of trailing zeros
Find the number of trailing zeros 150!  151!  152!  153!
Ans: 38
Ans: 38

164. In four cuts either perpendicular or parallel to base
either perpendicular or parallel to base, maximum how many pieces can
, maximum how many pieces can
be possible of a cake if we don't arrange pieces during this process
if we don't arrange pieces during this process 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 72


ANS: 14
ANS: 14

165. Find the rate of interest , if difference between CI & SI for three years is Rs 480.48 and
difference between CI & SI for two years Rs 154 then what is rate of interest.
between CI & SI for two years Rs 154 then what is rate of interest.
between CI & SI for two years Rs 154 then what is rate of interest.

Ans: 12%
Ans: 12%

166. Find sum of money for which difference between CI & SI for three years is Rs 41.23
and difference between CI & SI for two years Rs 13.30 if rate of interest is same for both.
and difference between CI & SI for two years Rs 13.30 if rate of interest is same for both.
Ans: P  1300 & R  10%
Ans: P  1300 & R  10%

either perpendicular or parallel to base, maximum how many pieces can
, maximum how many pieces can
167. In four cuts either perpendicular or parallel to base
be possible of a cake if we don't arrange pieces during this process
if we don't arrange pieces during this process
Ans: 21
Ans: 21

168. If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel then
If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel then maximum number of
maximum number of
different segments created by these lines are ____
different segments created by these lines are ____
Ans: 36
Ans: 36

169. If there are 8 lines in plane and two lines are parallel then maximum number of closed
segments created by these lines are ____
segments created by these lines are ____
Ans: 20
Ans: 20

170. Inside a circle maximum how many differen
Inside a circle maximum how many different parts can be created by 10 different
t parts can be created by 10 different
Ans: 56
Ans: 56

171. Find the total number of regions by 12 lines in a plane in which 5 are parallel
Find the total number of regions by 12 lines in a plane in which 5 are parallel
Ans: 69
Ans: 69

172. Find the maximum numbers of regions created by 12 lines in a plane in which there are
two sets of parallel lines in one set 5 lines are parallel to each other and in second set
lines in one set 5 lines are parallel to each other and in second set
there are 4 lines are parallel and in rest 3 lines not two lines are parallel and first set are
not parallel to second set
Ans: 63
Ans: 63

173. If a - b  5&0  .   140 , then | ab|  ????
 140 , then | ab|  ????
a. 27
b. 5
c. 29
d. 0

Sol: a  140
Sol: a - b  5 ;
b  5 ;   140 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 73


  > 0 .  1
    ; | a  b | 
; | a  b | 

174. If in gik , AB  6 cm , AC 8 cm and angle ABC 
, AB  6 cm , AC 8 cm and angle ABC  60 then what is the perimeter of
then what is the perimeter of
triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.
triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.

a. 17 37
b. 17 - 37
c. a or b
d. NoT
Ans: LaM , by cosine formula BC 
Ans: LaM , by cosine formula BC   ,

175. If in gik , AB  6 cm , AC
, AB  6 cm , AC 23 cm and angle ABC  30 then what is the perimeter
then what is the perimeter
of triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.
of triangle , then what is the perimeter of triangle.

a. 6  43
b. 6  63

c. a or b
c. a or b
d. NoT
Ans: Lc
M , by cosine formula BC  , 
Ans: LcM , by cosine formula BC 

If in a parallelogram ABCD , AB  4 cm and BC 5cm and internal angle is
d internal angle is 120 then
176. If in a parallelogram ABCD , AB  4 cm and BC 5cm an
diagonal BD  ?

177. There are how many different integral sided right angled triangle are possible whose
one side is 30 unit
Ans: 5
Ans: 5
If 30 is not hypotenuse take 30 as perpendicular , then
If 30 is not hypotenuse take 30 as perpendicular , then
h^2 - b^2  30^2

Lh & b must be evenM
By this case we would get 4 values 
By this case we would get 4 values  

5P [ 5 P451 5

LxM is GIF

If 30 is hypotenuse, then its factor should be crude hypotenuse , and factor of 30 only crude
hypotenuse is 5 with 3,4,5 so 30 as h
hypotenuse is 5 with 3,4,5 so 30 as hypotenuse would have only one integral triplet which is
ypotenuse would have only one integral triplet which is

SO total required triangles  41  5
SO total required triangles  41  5

By NitinGuppta Sir-

178. How many integral sided non
How many integral sided non-concurrent triangles are possible whose one is 5cm and
concurrent triangles are possible whose one is 5cm and
perimeter is 50
Ans: 2
Ans: 2 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 74


If in a class of 96 students, 30 participated in IMO , 36 participated in IPO & 38
participated in IPO & 38
179. If in a class of 96 students, 30 participated in IMO , 36
participated in ICO, if it is known that all of the students participated in at least
one of the test then maximum number of students who participated in all three.
one of the test then maximum number of students who participated in all three.
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

180. If in a class of 100 students of an institute, 90 wrote C
If in a class of 100 students of an institute, 90 wrote CAT ,80 wrote XAT &60 wrote
AT ,80 wrote XAT &60 wrote
IIFT, if it is known that all of 100 students wrote at least one of the test then maximum
number of students who wrote all three.
number of students who wrote all three.
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

181. How many different Tic--Tac-Toe is possible on a rotating cardboard if we fill all nine
Toe is possible on a rotating cardboard if we fill all nine
boxes with X or 0

Given pi-chart is % brack--up of selection of students in different IIMs in 2015.
up of selection of students in different IIMs in 2015.

Selection in different IIMs in 2015






182. If in 2016 ; 12 more students join IIM
If in 2016 ; 12 more students join IIM-A and all rest numbers remains the same then
A and all rest numbers remains the same then
in2016 approx 7.77% students joins L then in 2016 how many students wer
in2016 approx 7.77% students joins L then in 2016 how many students were joined C
a. 32
b. 38
c. 40
d. 43
e. NoT



Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

183. If ABC^2  AC*A*10006BC , where ABC is three digit number , AC is a double digit
number & 6BC is again a three digit number then what is the value of B^2  C^2  ?
number & 6BC is again a three digit number then what is the value of B^2  C^2  ?
Ans: 29 , B & C are 2&5
Ans: 29 , B & C are 2&5

184. If abc is a three digit number then abc  bca  cab is always divisible by
If abc is a three digit number then abc  bca  cab is always divisible by

a. 3 b. 9 c. abc
d. 37
Ans: a,c,d
Ans: a,c,d

185. 2  4  6   20   1  3  5
  19   ?
a. 4300

b. 4200
b. 4200

c. 4100

d. 4000
d. 4000
Ans: LaM 4300
Ans: LaM 4300


 ? K .    then what is the last two digits of x
a. x is a decimal so no last two digits
a. x is a decimal so no last two digits
b. 47
c. 51
d. NoT
Ans: 39
Ans: 39 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 75


187. If 0  .  U then what is the value of x if a,b,c & x are natural numbers
more than 1
than 1
than 1
Ans: x 8
Ans: x 8

188. If a number n is divided by 30 remainder is 4 then what would be remainder if If a number n is divided by 30 remainder is 4 then what would be remai
divided by 6.
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

189. If M  x/y then N  y/x , then among options which options could be a % change
If M  x/y then N  y/x , then among options which options could be a
between M&N , if x & y are
between M&N , if x & y are different natural numbers

a. 100%

b. 200%
b. 200%

c. 300%

d. 500%
d. 500%
e. NoT
Ans: LcM 300 %
Ans: LcM 300 %

190. If LCM of two numbers a,b is 60 then among the options how many could be ratio of

I. 3:5
II. 5:6

IV.12 : 25

a. only one b. only two c. only three d. All four
e. None
Ans: All fours , any ratio could be possible , 12/5 , 5
Ans: All fours , any ratio could be possible , 12/5 , 5

191. If N is a natural number smaller than 100 then for how many values of N , HCFN, N6
a natural number smaller than 100 then for how many values of N , HCFN, N6
_ 1
Ans: 66
Ans: 66

192. If 1 is one side of integral sided triangle then among option which one is wrong
If 1 is one side of integral sided triangle then among option which one is wrong

a. Perimeter of triangle is odd
a. Perimeter of triangle is odd

b. Minimum two sided of triangle are equal
b. Minimum two sided of triangle are equal

c. It cannot be a right angled triangle
cannot be a right angled triangle

d. None
Ans: LdM
Ans: LdM

193. There are 28 numbers written in a circle such that sum of any 3 consecutive numbers
is constant, then to know sum of all numbers minimum how many numbers we should
c. Three

d. None

a. One
b. Two
Ans: LaMAll numbers are equal , so any one
Ans: LaMAll numbers are equal , so any one


194. What is the sum of first 63 terms of
,   , ? , 
,  ,  ? ,
,   , ? , 
,  ,  ? ,
Ans: 5/12

195. If in ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB & E, G &
, points D, F & H are on side AB & E, G & I are on side AC BC || DE || FG || HI
I are on side AC BC || DE || FG || HI
and AHHFFDDB then what is the area ratio of
and AHHFFDDB then what is the area ratio of DEIH to that of
to that of BCGF.
Ans: 2:3

196. If in ABC , points D, & F are on side AB ; E & G are on side AC ; such that BC || DE ||
, points D, & F are on side AB ; E & G are on side AC ; such that BC || DE ||
FG LBC > DE > FGM and if the area ratio of
FG LBC > DE > FGM and if the area ratio of DEGF to that of BCED is 1:8 then what is
DEGF to that of BCED is 1:8 then what is
the ratio of AF:FD:DB 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 76


b. 2:3:7
b. 2:3:7

c. 2:1:4

d. 1:2:3
d. 1:2:3

a. 7: 3:2


ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB ; and points E, G & I are on side AC such that
197. If in ABC , points D, F & H are on side AB ; and points E, G & I are on side AC such that
BC || DE || FG || HI and AH :HF:FD:DB 
BC || DE || FG || HI and AH :HF:FD:DB  2:3:5:7 then what is the ratio of BC : DE : FG : HI
2:3:5:7 then what is the ratio of BC : DE : FG : HI
Ans: :1710:5:2
Ans: :1710:5:2



Ans : 1
Ans : 1

199. A number on being divided by 6, 8 and 10 successively leaves the remainders 5, 7 and 9
respectively. Find the remainder when
respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by 120.
the same number is divided by 120.
Ans: 119
Ans: 119

200. A number on being divided by 7 , 9 and 11 successively leaves the remainders 5, 7 and
9 respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by 693
9 respectively. Find the remainder when the same number is divided by 693
Ans: 621
Ans: 621




Ans: 3/8
Ans: 3/8


202. If  q7  3 Z7  3 r7  3 7  &  q7  3 Z7  3 r7  3 7 and

X-YR  0 then R  ???

Ans: Ans: -3

203. If P is the set of all possible products of numerical values of three consecutive dates
f P is the set of all possible products of numerical values of three consecutive dates
e.g.11*12*13 in calendar then , how many elements
11*12*13 in calendar then , how many elements of P are not divisible by 6.
of P are not divisible by 6.
Ans:4; 28,1,2, 29,1,2 , 31,1,2
; 28,1,2, 29,1,2 , 31,1,2, 28,29,1
, 28,29,1
Ans:4; 28,1,2, 29,1,2 , 31,1,2
, 28,29,1

204. If 0  .   U   30.U  0  .  U ; a  1889 , b1888 then what is c if c is a
what is c if c is a
positive number.

a. 1889
b. 1888
c. a or b
d. NoT
Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

205. 1333^3  1334^3  1333
1333^3 - 3999*1333*1334 ???
Ans: 4000
Ans: 4000 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 77


4 & fx are factors of x^3 a*x^2 68 x b the what is the
68 x b the what is then value
206. If x-3 , x-4 & fx are factors of x^3 a*x
of f1
Ans: Ans: - 7 , fx  x7 , fx  x-8
c , so roots are 3, 4 & c , and we have 68 as sum of product of roots taken two
c , so roots are 3, 4 & c , and we have 68 as sum of product of roots ta
Assume fx  x-c , so roots are 3, 4 & c , and we have 68 as sum of product of roots ta
at a time so
3*4  4*c  3*c  68 so c  8
fx  x - 8 , so f1  -7

207. What will be the last three digits of the product 5 * 25 * 125 * 625 * 3125 * *
Ans: 125 , since it is 5^odd
Ans: 125 , since it is 5^odd

208. AC is the chord of a circle as shown in the fig, BD is
perpendicular to AC. Find the length of chord AC if
4cm , CD  2cm & radius of circle  10 cm.
4cm , CD  2cm & radius of circle  10 cm.

Ans : 4
Ans : 4
 2 cm

209. There are many less than 10000 which are perfect square and tenth place digit is odd.
There are many less than 10000 which are perfect square and tenth place

Ans : 20 , till 25 only five such numbers are there only squares of 4,6,14,16 & 24
Ans : 20 , till 25 only five such numbers are there only squares of 4,6,14,16 & 24

210. What is the probability of choosing a number is Natural number set so that number is a
perfect square with same last two digits.
perfect square with same last two digits.
Ans: 7/2
Ans: 7/25000

211. What is the probability of choosing a number
What is the probability of choosing a number whose last two digits are same and it
whose last two digits are same and it
becomes a prefect square.
becomes a prefect square.
Ans: 7/50
Ans: 7/50

212. In a triangle ABC the length of altitude AD is 20 cm and BD:DC  1 : 5 D is point in
between B & C . Find the length of a line segment
between B & C . Find the length of a line segment EF parallel to AD if ratio of area o
EF parallel to AD if ratio of area o
EFC to that of ABC is 8:15.
EFC to that of ABC is 8:15.
Ans: 16cm
Ans: 16cm

213. If ABCD a trapezium , in which
CD=15 cm , AB = 3 cm & area of 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 78


DOC = 25 sq. cm then find the area of trapezium ABCD.
Ans: 60
214. If ABCD a trapezium , in which CD=6
cm , AB = 2 cm & area of
ADC = 24
sq. cm then find the area of trapezium
ANS: 32

215. In a triangle ABC the length of an altitude AD

is 8 cm, D is on side BC and this altitude
divides the opposite side internally in the ratio
1 : 8. A line segment EF parallel to the altitude
which bisects the area of the given triangle
ABC (as shown in fig) then what is the ratio of
ANS: 4:3

  ? ? ?
a. 2212
b. 2480
c. 2722

Ans: 85

d. 2590 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 79


Ans: 25

Ans: 50

Ans: 46
Ans: 4 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 80


Ans: 13.5
Ans: 13.5

Ans: 16
Ans: 16

223. Which one is smallest
111  106
c.11  6

a. 101  96
Ans: LbM
Ans: LbM

224. Which one is smallest

a. 101  99
123  73
c.150  50
d. 1  199
Ans: LdM
Ans: LdM

225. Which one is largest

a. 101  99
123  73
c.150  50 d.199  1
Ans : LdM
Ans : LdM

226. How many statements are
How many statements are always correct
always correct
where a, m & n non zero real numbers
always correct where a, m & n non zero real numbers

I. 0 3  03

II.0 03  03

III.0 3  03 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 81


b. only two
b. only two
c. all three
d. None
d. None

Only one
Ans: LdM None
Ans: LdM None

227. A car and a bus start from opposite end of a national highway. Car starts at 11:00AM
and reaches opposite end at 2:OOPM same day and bus starts at 10:00AM and reaches
opposite at 4:00PM same day
same day . then at what time they meet each other.
meet each other.
Ans:12:40 PM
Ans:12:40 PM

228. If X_B  Y_B-2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2
2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2
2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2

then n,B  ???

a. 8,10

b. 10,10
b. 10,10

c. 10,8

d. NoT
d. NoT

Ans: LbM
Ans: LbM

229. If X_B  Y_B-2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2
2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2
2 such that numerically X  n^2 & Y  n2^2

then n,B  ???

a. 8,10

b. 10,10
b. 10,10

c. 10,8

d. NoT
d. NoT
Ans: LdM since a & b both are satisfying so it should be LaM & LbM both
Ans: LdM since a & b both are satisfying so it should be LaM & LbM both

230. If 50!_10  N_50 then number of trailing 0's in N is ____
If 50!_10  N_50 then number of trailing 0's in N is ____
Ans: 6
Ans: 6

231. If length of a rectangle is increased by 5.88% then what should
If length of a rectangle is increased by 5.88% then what should be change in area to
be change in area to
keep area constant.
b. 5.43% decrease
b. 5.43% decrease c. 5.56% decrease d. 6.66%decrease
d. 6.66%decrease
a. 5.55% decrease

Ans: LaM
Ans: LaM

232. Number of positive integral solutions ordered triplets  of 9 bxyzb 20
Number of positive integral solutions ordered triplets  of 9 bxyzb 20
b. 775
b. 657
c. 885
d. NoT

233. A shopkeeper uses a double pan balance to purchase and to sell his goods. To balance
double pan balance to purchase and to sell his goods. To balance
both the pans one has to put 20% more weight on left pan than right pan. If shopkeepers
claims that he sells his goods on cost price then find maximum profit earned by him if he
sold all his items what he purchased.
items what he purchased.
Ans: 44%
Ans: 44% 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 82


Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 83


Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group or Youtube
or Youtube

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 84


Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group


Check event MPG in FB group
Check event MPG in FB group

245. A deck of card has 16 cards which include 4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens & 4 Jacks. In How
A deck of card has 16 cards which include 4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens &
many ways we can arrange these 16 cards such that All Kings should be above All
Queens. assume all are of different 
assume all are of different 
Ans : 16! / 8!/4!*4!
Ans : 16! / 8!/4!*4!

246. A shopkeeper claims that he gives 10% discount on his cost price but uses X gm of
weight instead of 1000 gm during sell of his goods and earn 12.5% profit, Then X  ?
of 1000 gm during sell of his goods and earn 12.5% profit, Then X  ?
of 1000 gm during sell of his goods and earn 12.5% profit, Then X  ?
Ans: 800 gm
Ans: 800 gm

247. Container A has 10 lit of 30% acid, B has 10 lit of 40% acid &
Container A has 10 lit of 30% acid, B has 10 lit of 40% acid & C has 10lit of 60% acid. If
C has 10lit of 60% acid. If
5 lit of A is poured in to B then 5 lit from B to C then finally 5 lit of C is poured in to A.
then what would be ratio of
then what would be ratio of acid is to water in final solution of A .
Ans:37 :53
Ans:37 :53
37 :53

248. If 
 ?   o   0 then x  y ?
with four such combinations
with four such combinations
Ans: 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 85





 2    4A

 2 2A    0

    A    0




  1 ; A  1
  $ , A  1
249. If a car is traveling with the speed of
If a car is traveling with the speed of 60 km/hr and after applying break it stops after
0 km/hr and after applying break it stops after 4
m, if the same care is moving with
he same care is moving with 120 km/hr then after applying break it stops after
km/hr then after applying break it stops after
Xm. Then find X
Ans: 16 m
Ans: 16 m

250. How many 9 digits numbers are possible by in which all digits are different and
number is divisible by 9
b. 2*9!
b. 2*9!
c. 17*8!
D. NoT
b. 18*9! - 1
Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

251. ( 
2  7 , *+,- 

Ans: 1154
Ans: 1154

252. ( 
 3  3  0 , *+,,-   1=    ?

Ans: Ans: -1

253. ( 
 9  24  0 , *+
+,-   4
  ? ?

Ans: Ans: -7

254. In ABC, AB4cm, BC6cm & AC5cm. Side AB and AC produced till E & F
BC6cm & AC5cm. Side AB and AC produced till E & F
respectively such that BECF1cm. AD median of
respectively such that BECF1cm. AD median of ABC cuts line EF at G then what is
ABC cuts line EF at G then what is
the length of DG.
Ans: 11/65*AD

255. A, B & C start working on a project of BOOK MAKING, in which they have to type pages.
A, B & C start working on a project of BOOK MAKING, in which they have to type pages
They completed this project in 12 days. After completion of the project A , B & C received
Rs 1200, Rs 2400 &Rs 3600 as their wages
Rs 1200, Rs 2400 &Rs 3600 as their wages respectively, which is proportional to to
, which is proportional to to
number of pages they typed Lassuming they worked for equal numbers of hours per
number of pages they typed Lassuming they worked for equal numbers of hours per
dayM. Then in how many days does A alone completes the working same hours a day.
dayM. Then in how many days does A alone completes the working same hours a day.
ANS: 72
ANS: 72

256. If N is a 100 digits largest number and a perfect square of a natural number then which
digit is 50th digit from left?
digit is 50th digit from left?

A. 0
B. 8
C. 9
d. 1
Ans: LBM
Ans: LBM 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 86


are points on circles as shown in fig,

257. If A & B are points on circles as shown in fig,
and line AB passes through centre of circles O
& P. QO & RO are perpendicular on line AB,
and AQ & BR meet at C then what is the area
of ABC if AO  5 cm & BP 4 cm
ABC if AO  5 cm & BP 4 cm
Ans: 81
Ans: 81

258. (
@ 0 **+,- choose best
0.  @ 3

b. 3
3 b  b 2
c. 2    2
1 b  b 0
Ans: D
Ans: D

259. If two circles cut each other orthogonally then find length of common chord if radii of
circles are 3 cm & 4 cm.
Ans: 4.8 cm
Ans: 4.8 cm

260. Amiya solved a quadratic equation and find roots as 3 &
Amiya solved a quadratic equation and find roots as 3 & 4 & Sood finds roots of same
Sood finds roots of same
quadratic equation as 1 & 6 then among options which could be a correct option if it is
known that none of them did make mistake in writing coefficient of x^2
did make mistake in writing coefficient of x^2 but made
mistake in either coefficient of x or constant term
mistake in either coefficient of x or constant term then among options which statement
options which statement
is correct

a. Amiya makes mistake in coefficient of x and Sood makes mistake in constant term
Amiya makes mistake in coefficient of x and Sood makes mistake in constant term
Amiya makes mistake in coefficient of x and Sood makes mistake in constant term
b. Amiya makes mistake in constant term and Sood makes mistake in coefficient of x
Amiya makes mistake in constant term and Sood makes mistake in coefficient of x
Amiya makes mistake in constant term and Sood makes mistake in coefficient of x
c. Both of them made mistakes in constant term
Both of them made mistakes in constant term
d. NoT

Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

261. Find the total number of terms in the expansion of
Find the total number of terms in the expansion of
1  1  
1   ? 1     1   

Ans: 64
Ans: 64

262. If  P  1 and  [  1 are the factors of
are the factors of 1    
     ? . . . 
for distinct a
and b find maximum value of ab
and b find maximum value of ab
Ans: 6432 96
Ans: 6432 96

263. To complete a piece of work A alone takes 12 days more than A & B together & B alone
takes 3 days more than A & B together if C alone takes 3 more days then A & C together
then in how many days A, B & C can complete the same work if they work together.
then in how many days A, B & C can complete the same work if they work together.
Ans: 4.5 days
ns: 4.5 days

264. If & are roots of equation
are roots of equation 2
 4  6  0 then what would be equation whose
then what would be equation whose

roots are &

ANS: 3x^22x30
ANS: 3x^22x30 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 87


If EN is defined as euler of a number, which is number of co-primes less than

primes less than
265. If EN is defined as euler of a number, which is number of co
equal to N and DN as positive divisor
equal to N and DN as positive divisor of a natural number N. Then what would be sum
of a natural number N. Then what would be sum
of all possible values or E D1200 ???
of all possible values or E D1200 ???
Ans: 1200
Ans: 1200   

266. For how many integral x , 3x8^
For how many integral x , 3x8^2/3x-2 is also an integer
Ans: 9
Ans: 9

If ratio of time taken to complete a piece of work by A, B, C & D alone
267. If ratio of time taken to complete a piece of work by A, B, C & D alone is 1:2:3:4 and
when they all work together take
hen they all work together take12 days to complete the same work. If on every ODD
12 days to complete the same work. If on every ODD
DATE only day only A&C work together and on every EVEN DATE only B & D work
together and they started on 01
together and they started on 01-FEB-2016 then on which date total work would be
2016 then on which date total work would be
Ans: 24th Feb

268. For how many natural n less than 100, 5n^2 + 6n + 3 is divisible by 7
Ans: 29

269. In ABC , point D & E lie on BC & F lies on AC. If BD:BE:BC  1:2:3 & AF : FC1:1 then
ABC , point D & E lie on BC & F lies on AC. If BD:BE:BC  1:2:3 & AF : FC1:1 then
what is the ratio of BO:OP:PF , if O & P are point of
what is the ratio of BO:OP:PF , if O & P are point of intersection of line AD & BF  and
intersection of line AD & BF  and
Ans: 5:3:2
Ans: 5:3:2

Ans: 8rt122--11pi
Ans: 8rt122

271. For how many different values of x , 1/x has only 4 reoccurring digits after decimal.i.e.
how many different values of x , 1/x has only 4 reoccurring digits after decimal.i.e.
1/x  0.abcdabcdabcd.... Lfew could be same but not allM
1/x  0.abcdabcdabcd.... Lfew could be same but not allM
ANS: 6 , all multiples of 101 which are factors of 9999
ANS: 6 , all multiples of 101 which are factors of 9999

272. There are three boys Amar, Akbar & Anthony and three girls, Sita, Gita &Sheela. They
Amar &Sita started a group on 1st of Feb, Akabr joins them on 2ndfeb , Anthony on 4th
Feb Gita joins them on 3rd Feb &Sheela on 5th Feb. On 1st , 3rd& 5th Feb total age of boys
Feb total age of boys
were half of that of girls& on 2nd& 4th Feb total age of boys were double of that of
Feb total age of boys were double of that of
girls. If age of Sheela is 120 yrs then who is youngest boy and what is his the age???
girls. If age of Sheela is 120 yrs then who is youngest boy and what is his the age???
ANS: Amar, 5 yrs
ANS: Amar, 5 yrs
5 yrs 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 88


273. If red is painted on three sides of a cuboid of dimension 6cm*7cm*8cm and
other three sides are painted white and then then by different cuts cuboid is
divided in to 336 smaller cubes of volume 1 cubic cm. . If same coloured sides are
adjacent to each other, then there are how many smaller cubes having minimum one red
ch other, then there are how many smaller cubes having minimum one red
coloured side.
Ans: 126
Ans: 126

274. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7 by 3
and saved the file. Then find the total number of 3s in saved file.
and saved the file. Then find the total number of 3s in saved file.
Ans: 900
Ans: 900

275. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7 by 3
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have digit 3.
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have digit 3.
Ans: 657
Ans: 657

276. Ram wrote first 1000 numbers on a word sheet, and then he replaced all 2s & 7s by 3
and saved the file. Then find how many numbers have only one 3.
the file. Then find how many numbers have only one 3.

277. Ram wrote all first 444 natural numbers side by side , from left hand side and created a
big number N  123456..... 444 four hundred forty four
big number N  123456..... 444 four hundred forty four. If Mohan deleted all 7's from
If Mohan deleted all 7's from
N then find there are how many digits in N
e are how many digits in N
Ans: 1140
Ans: 1140

278. If Mark has Rs 5000 in his easy
If Mark has Rs 5000 in his easy-recharge wallet, an online mobile recharge portal. Find
recharge wallet, an online mobile recharge portal. Find
the maximum amount of recharge, which can be possible with his current balance and
cash backs, under cash back scheme of 20% cas
cash backs, under cash back scheme of 20% cash back on recharge of any amount
h back on recharge of any amount
more than or equal to Rs 100 Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
source except cash backs & he can recharge any integral amountM
source except cash backs & he can recharge any integral amountM
OA: 6245
OA: 6245

279. For how positive integral X
For how positive integral X less than 100, X^3 - X^2 is a perfect square.
Ans: 10
Ans: 10

280. If there are 3 black balls, 6 white balls and 5 green balls. Find the minimum number of
picks required to get at--least one ball of each colour always. LAssume one can pick
always. LAssume one can pick
only one ball at a timeM
Ans: 12
Ans: 12

281. How many obtuse angled
How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangles are possible if unequal side
es are possible if unequal side
is 8 cm
Ans: 1 5,5,8
Ans: 1 5,5,8

282. How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangl
How many obtuse angled integral sided isosceles triangles are possible if one side is 5
es are possible if one side is 5
Ans: 3 3,3,5 55,8 & 5,5,9
Ans: 3 3,3,5 55,8 & 5,5,9

283. Find minimum value of expression
Find minimum value of expression 8x
 16x  1
Ans: Ans: -7 , at x  1
7 , at x  1 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 89


Find minimum value of expression 4 sec
 sec  1
284. Find minimum value of expression
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

285. Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
 8  15A

A  4  6
Ans: 0 , no solution
Ans: 0 , no solution

Find the total number of solution pairs of real x,y for below given equation
x,y for below given equation
286. Find the total number of solution pairs of real
 6  72A

A  3  4
Ans: only 1
Ans: only 1
Explanation of 285 Explanation of 285 - 286
When we have single equation of two variable
When we have single equation of two variables, it means we have to work on other conditions
, it means we have to work on other conditions
and for CAT general conditions are
and for CAT general conditions are

1. Integral solution positive, non
non-negative etc....

2. Need to work on extreme value
2. Need to work on extreme value

For integral if it is positive or square terms then either Cauchy or AM > GM
For integral if it is positive or square terms then either Cauchy or AM > GM

question is not the first case so we need to work on Range vales
For these question is not the first case so we need to work on Range vales

 8  15A
 10A  4  6

7 0*   2
;$-$;0  2
 8  1  7

;$-$;0  5A  10A  4  1 0* A  1

 10A  4  7 cant be 6, so no solution
so no solution
So minima of 2
 8  15A
so no solution

 6  72A
 4A  3
3  4

;$-$;0  3
 6  7  4 0*
0*   1
;$-$;0  2A
 4A  3  11 0* A  1

 4A  3  4only for 1,
So minima of 3
 6  72A
4only for 1,4only for 1,-1

Note If your RHS is possible and not the range value then total number of solutions would be

287. If 3x
   12 then x
 x ?  x = ?
Ans: 6
Ans: 6

Direction: There are only 5 branches in a
School. 10%,15%, 20%, ,25% & 30% of branch seats
Direction: There are only 5 branches in a B-School. 10%,15%, 20%, ,25% & 30% of branch seats
are vacant and it is known that each branch has minimum 1/7th of total PGP seats ,
are vacant and it is known that each branch has minimum 1/7th of total PGP seats ,
If total vacant seats are x % of total PGP seats then
If total vacant seats are x % of total PGP seats then
288. Find minimum value of x
Find minimum value of x
289. Find maximum value of x
Find maximum value of x 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 90



290. For how many natural numbers less than equal to 100, such that last two digits of its
8th power and 9th power are same.
power are same.
Ans: 18
Ans: 18

291. For how many natural numbers less than equal to 100, suc
For how many natural numbers less than equal to 100, such that last three digits of its
h that last three digits of its
5 power and 8 power are same.
power are same.
Ans: 13
Ans: 13

123123123 ...... a 38 digits number mod 13  ????
292. 123123123 ...... a 38 digits number mod 13  ????
Ans: 12
Ans: 12

293. There are how many two digits numbers are possible such that their last two digits of
23rd& 25th powers are same.
powers are same.
Ans: 16
Ans: 16

294. Raman is an intelligent mathematician. He has Rs830 in his Paytm account. Find the
Raman is an intelligent mathematician. He has Rs830 in his Paytm account.
maximum amount of transaction
transaction which can be possible with his current balance and
which can be possible with his current balance and
cash backs, under cash back scheme of
cash backs, under cash back scheme of 14.28% cash back on recharge of any amount
% cash back on recharge of any amount
more than or equal to Rs14
14 Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
Lassume he is not adding extra amount from any other
source except cash backs & he can
source except cash backs & he can do transaction in paisa too M
Ans: 968
Ans: 968

295. If population ratio of Patna
Patna, Patiala&Pathankotis7:3:2 & Ratio of number of males in
Pathankotis7:3:2 & Ratio of number of males in
Patna, Patiala&Pathankotis 6:2:1
Pathankotis 6:2:1 then which city has maximum female population and
which city has maximum female population and
which city has minimum population
which city has minimum population ?
Ans : CBD
Ans : CBD

296. Among the options which one is largest?
Among the options which one is largest?

a. 13=  18
b. 16
16  19
c. 16  18
13=  19
Ans: a
Ans: a

297. Arrange A, B & C in ascending order , i
Arrange A, B & C in ascending order , if A  123^45678 , B  12345^678 &
f A  123^45678 , B  12345^678 &
Ans: BCA
Ans: BCA

298. Arrange A, B , C & D in ascending order , if A  1234^5 , B  123^45, C12^345 &
Ans: DABC 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 91


Direction :Nakistan is a small country, which has 4 states. Name of states are A,B,C&D and
Direction :Nakistan is a small country, which has 4 states. Name of states are A,B,C&D and
population of each states is minimum 1/7th of total population of Nakistan. If sex ratio of states
of total population of Nakistan. If sex ratio of states
A,B,C & D are 600 , 700, 800 & 900 then
A,B,C & D are 600 , 700, 800 & 900 then

299. Find minimum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
Find minimum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
a. 600.17

b. 678

c. 516.79
d. NoT

300. Find maximum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
Find maximum possible sex ratio of Nakistan
a. 818.18

b. 828.87
b. 828.87

c. 806.89
d. NoT

301. If John distributed his entire pension into his
If John distributed his entire pension into his wife Mona, son William, daughter Kate,
wife Mona, son William, daughter Kate,
girl-friend Sona and her daughter Sara. If it is known that Mona gets minimum 1/6
friend Sona and her daughter Sara. If it is known that Mona gets minimum 1/6th .
William gets minimum 1/8th , Kate gets minimum 1/10th , Sona gets minimum 1/6
, Sona gets minimum 1/6th&
Sara gets minimum 1/4th of Rams pension. Saving % of their individual sharing of Mona,
of their individual sharing of Mona,
William, Kate, Sona& Sara is 30%, 40%, 40% , 50% & 60% .If total saving of all five is X%
of total pension of Ram, then among option which could not be value of X.
of total pension of Ram, then among option which could not be value of X.

a. 44.15 %
b. 45.83%
b. 45.83%
c. 48.32%
d. 48.89%
d. 48.89%

302. There are many natural numbers are possible which is less than 400000 and divisible
by 3 but not have any of digits from m 6, 7,8 , 9 <
by 3 but not have any of digits from m 6, 7,8 , 9 <
Ans: 8*6^4 Ans: 8*6^4 - 1

303. How many four digits can be made
How many four digits can be made from the digits m1,2,3,4< that are perfectly divisible
from the digits m1,2,3,4< that are perfectly divisible
by 3? repetition allowed
by 3? repetition allowed
Ans: 67
Ans: 67

304. If Speed of Ram is 20 kmph then he reaches office from home 20 min before his usual
time, and if his speed is 10 kmph then he reaches office from home 40 min aft
time, and if his speed is 10 kmph then he reaches office from home 40 min after his
usual time then find distance between home to office.
usual time then find distance between home to office.
Ans: 20 km
Ans: 20 km

305. Raman bought a combined total of 25 mobiles and tabs. He marked up the mobiles by
20% on their cost price while each tabs was marked up by Rs. 2000. He was able to sell
75% of the mobiles and 2 tabs and make a profit of Rs. 49,000. The remaining mobiles
iles and 2 tabs and make a profit of Rs. 49,000. The remaining mobiles
and 3 tabs could not be sold by him. Find his overall profit or loss if he gets no return on
unsold items and it is known that a tabs costs 50% of a monitor.
unsold items and it is known that a tabs costs 50% of a monitor.
Ans: Loss 48,500
Ans: Loss 48,500

306. Find the distance in km, for which if we increase our speed by 20 km/hr we reach the
destination 2 hours earlier but when we reduce our speed by 10 km/hr we take 3 hours
more to reach the same destination.
more to reach the same destination.
Ans: 112.5 Km
Ans: 112.5 Km 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 92


actual time in hour, to cover a distance for which if we increase our
for which if we increase our
307. Find the actual time in hour
speed by "a
a" km/hr we reach the destination
b" hours earlier but when we reduce
km/hr we reach the destination "b
hours earlier but when we reduce
our speed by "cc" km/hr we take
d" hours more to reach the same destination.
km/hr we take "d
hours more to reach the same destination.




e. NoT


Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

308. When a man covers 2/3rd of distance by car and rest by bus then he takes 12 hours to
cover the distance, but if he takes 3/4th of distance by car and rest by car then takes 10
hours, then find total time to cover same distance, when he covers half of the distance by
ours, then find total time to cover same distance, when he covers half of the distance by
car and rest by bus.
Ans : 16 hours
Ans : 16 hours

Direction :If a thief flew with constant speed of "60 km/hr" in a straight road, and after 2
Direction :If a thief flew with constant speed of "60 km/hr" in a straight road, and after 2
hours a police and his dog started
hours a police and his dog started to chase the thief with speed of "80 km/hr" and "100
to chase the thief with speed of "80 km/hr" and "100
km/hr" respectively. In this complete journey, Dog touches the Thief and comes and
touches the Police and move towards Thief and continues the proces
touches the Police and move towards Thief and continues the process, until The Thief is
elled by Dog in this process
309. Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process
Ans: 600
Ans: 600

310. Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards police.
Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards police.
Ans: 60
Ans: 60

311. Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards thief.
Find total distance travelled by Dog in this process towards thief.
Ans: 540
Ans: 540

1  *0-3 1  *0-431  *0-44 ;V 7  ? ? ?
312. 1  *0-11  *0-21
Ans: 2
Ans: 2

313. A boat takes total 4 hours to cover 22 km upstream and 28 km downstream and takes
total 6 hours to cover 33 km upstream and 42 km downstream then find speed of
Ans: Cant be Determined
Ans: Cant be Determined

In a 1000 m race A beats B by 250 m and in 1500 m race A beats C by 250 m , then in B
race A beats C by 250 m , then in B
314. In a 1000 m race A beats B by 250 m and in 1500 m
Vs C , who win the race and by how much meter if length of track is 2520 m.
Vs C , who win the race and by how much meter if length of track is 2520 m.
Ans: 252.
Ans: 252.

315. For how many integral values of X
For how many integral values of X , |X-1||X2||X-3||X4| b 70
3||X4| b 70
Ans : 36
Ans : 36

316. Which one is true

A. 147/149^149/151 >
A. 147/149^149/151 > 149/151^147/149

B. 147/149^149/151 b 149/151^147/149
B. 147/149^149/151 b 149/151^147/149
Ans: LBM
Ans: LBM

317. If Josephus leaves his home for office at a fix time every day , but he reaches his office
at different time due to different speeds.
at different time due to different speeds. If his average speed is 60 kmph he reaches
If his average speed is 60 kmph he reaches 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 93


fice at 10:45AM , but when his average speed is 40 kmph he reaches at 10:50
office at 10:45AM , but when his average speed is 40 kmph he reaches at 10:50
AM, what should be his average speed to reach office at 10:47 AM.
AM, what should be his average speed to reach office at 10:47 AM.
Ans: 23/2/40  3/60  50 kmph
Ans: 23/2/40  3/60  50 kmph

318. If ratio of incomes of A, B & C I'd 5:4:3 & savings ratio of A, B & C is 2:3:4. If ratio of A's
If ratio of incomes of A, B & C I'd 5:4:3 & savings ratio of A, B & C is 2:3:4
income to C's saving is 10:9 then find the ratio of total expenditure to total savings of all
Ans: 5 : 27
Ans: 5 : 27

319. What would be last 4 digits of 38^38 in base 2
What would be last 4 digits of 38^38 in base 2
Ans: 0000
Ans: 0000

320. There are three most active groups on facebook, CAT PREPRATION CP, GHANTA
CAT GC & MBA. Mentors organised four events named Chotu Quant, Motu Quant, Patlu
Quant & All Quant.
 In Chotu Quant, all members of CP & GC participated and average weight of all members
In Chotu Quant, all members of CP & GC participated and average weight of a
of this event is 42 kg
 In Motu Quant, all members of CP & MBA participated and average weight of all
members of this event is 30 kg
members of this event is 30 kg
 In Patlu Quant, all members of MBA & GC participated and average weight of all
members of this event is 60 kg
members of this event is 60 kg

 & if In ALL Quant, all members of CP, GC & MBA participated and average weight of all
if In ALL Quant, all members of CP, GC & MBA participated and average weight of all
members of this event is X kg
members of this event is X kg

Then what is the range of X.
Then what is the range of X. Lassume Facebook has "one member one group" policyM
Lassume Facebook has "one member one group" policyM

ANS: 36 to 60
ANS: 36 to 60

321. If Raman left his room at X AM and reache
If Raman left his room at X AM and reaches office at Y PM of the same date and Mohan
s office at Y PM of the same date and Mohan
left his room at X AM and reaches office at Y AM of same date. If both stay together and
work together and time taken by Mohan to reach office is square of that by Raman then
what is the ratio of Average Speed of
what is the ratio of Average Speed of Raman from home to office to that of Mohan.
Raman from home to office to that of Mohan.
Ans: X 8 , Y  12 , then ratio is 1:4
Ans: X 8 , Y  12 , then ratio is 1:4

322. Raman left his room at 7:00
7:00 AM and reaches office at 12 PM of the same date and
PM of the same date and
Shobhit left his room at 8:00
8:00 AM and reaches office at 11 AM of same date. If both stay
AM of same date. If both stay
together and work together
together and work together at same place then at what time Shobhit overtakes Raman
then at what time Shobhit overtakes Raman.
Ans: 9:30
Ans: 9:30

323. Shobhit & Bitan planned an infinite round race on a circular track of length 100 km.
Both started race at same point of track, but
Both started race at same point of track, but Bitan cheated Shobhit and started half an
Bitan cheated Shobhit and started half an
hour before the actual race timing and choose Swift , whose speed is 40 km/hr. Shobhit
who is a good guy started race at actual time but choose Benz whose speed if 140 km/hr
but by mistakes he moves in anticlockwi
but by mistakes he moves in anticlockwise direction. If at 9:30 AM Bitan reaches
se direction. If at 9:30 AM Bitan reaches
starting point for the first time then at what time their 4th meeting would happen if they
maintained constant speed throughout the race.
maintained constant speed throughout the race. 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 94


Sandeep Patra is a very handsome but a shy guy. Whenever he sees a girl he
324. Sandeep Patra is a very handsome but a shy guy. Whenever he sees a girl he
doubles his speed but start moving in the opposite direction of direction just
before seeing girl. If on a day he starts moving with speed of 1 m/s from his home and
he sees a girl after every 1sec, then find how far he is from his house just after 11
he sees a girl after every 1sec, then find how far he is from his house just after 11sec
when he started.
Ans: 683 forward
Ans: 683 forward

325. There is a regular nonagon, whose vertices are alphabets of words DANGEROUS in
same order then what is the value of
same order then what is the value of NGO in degree ????
Ans : 100
Ans : 100

If ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon then find angle CDG in degree
326. If ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon then find angle
Ans: 90
Ans: 90

327. If ABCDEFGHIJ is a regular decagon then find
If ABCDEFGHIJ is a regular decagon then find EAI in degree
ANs: 72
ANs: 72

Find the sum of all internal angles at red dots of all four figures
328. Find the sum of all internal angles at red dots of all four figures

1.1260 , 2. 900 , 3. 540 , 4. 180
1.1260 , 2. 900 , 3. 540 , 4. 180

329. If M  17^16^15^...^1 then what is the least value of N
^...^1 then what is the least value of N natural number for
natural number for
which M mod N is neither o nor 1. Lmod is remainder functionM
which M mod N is neither o nor 1. Lmod is remainder functionM
Ans: 34
Ans: 34 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 95


If the approx average age of 11 members committee on 31st Dec 2014 was
2014 was
330. If the approx average age of 11 members committee
30.27. On 1st Jan 2017 Ram who is
Ram who is one of the member quits the committee and
quits the committee and
then approx average becomes 2
average becomes 29.5. If it is known that , to find average only integral age
to find average only integral age
if 11 years 11 months or 11 years 1 months then in both cases considers as 11 years
only is considered then find in which year Ram was born.
only is considered then find in which year Ram was born.

331. Two cities X and Y lie on a straig

Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from
ht line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from
same city X towards Y at same time. Both reaches Y and immediately turn around and
move towards X. On reaching X, again they turn around and move towards Y. This
movement continues indefinitely.
movement continues indefinitely. If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
ance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively . Find the total number of OVERTAKES
Find the total number of OVERTAKES
in 120 hour after start.
Ans: 0
Ans: 0

332. Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from
same city X towards Y at same time. Both reaches Y and immediately turn around and
towards Y at same time. Both reaches Y and immediately turn around and
move towards X. On reaching X, again they turn around and move towards Y. This
movement continues indefinitely.
movement continues indefinitely. If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
If the distance between X and Y is 60 km and speed of
P and Q are 20 Km/hr & 10 Km/hr respectively
r & 10 Km/hr respectively Whenever they meet or overtake they
Whenever they meet or overtake they
shake hands. Find the total number of handshakes in 60 hour after start
shake hands. Find the total number of handshakes in 60 hour after start
Ans: 15
Ans: 15

333. In a right angled triangle with integral sides, smallest side is four times of difference of
other two sides and sum of all sides is 120 then find area of this triangle
d sum of all sides is 120 then find area of this triangle
d sum of all sides is 120 then find area of this triangle
Ans: 540
Ans: 540

334. Two cities Rampur and Sitapur lie on a straight line. Two men A and B left
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other. A reaches Sitapur and
immediately turns around and
immediately turns around and move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
turns around and move towards Sitapur. This movement continues indefinitely. B also
travels in a similar manner.
travels in a similar manner. The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 120 km and
The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 120 km and
speed of A and B are 40 km/hr & 10 km/h
speed of A and B are 40 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively. If both started together then in
If both started together then in
24 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
24 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
Ans: 7
Ans: 7

335. Two cities Rampur and Sitapur lie on a straight line. Two men A and B left
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other. A re
simultaneously from Rampur and Sitapur towards each other. A reaches Sitapur and
aches Sitapur and
immediately turns around and move towards Rampur. On reaching Rampur, again he
turns around and move towards Sitapur. This movement continues indefinitely. B also
travels in a similar manner.
travels in a similar manner. The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 60
The distance between Rampur and Sitapur is 60 km and
speed of A and B are 20 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively
speed of A and B are 20 km/hr & 10 km/hr respectively. If both started together then in
If both started together then in
12 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
12 hours find the total number of interactions between them.
Ans: 3
Ans: 3

336. Two cities X and Y lie on a straight line. Two men P and Q left simultaneously from X
and Y towards each other. P reaches Y and immediately turns around and move towards
towards each other. P reaches Y and immediately turns around and move towards
X. On reaching X, again he turns around and move towards Y. This movement continues
indefinitely. Q also travels in a similar manner.
indefinitely. Q also travels in a similar manner. The distance between X and Y is 1000m
The distance between X and Y is 1000m 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 96


are 200m/s & 800 m/s respectively. Whenever they meet
Whenever they meet
and speed of P and Q are 200m/s & 800 m/s respectively
or overtake they shake hands.
or overtake they shake hands.
Ans 42
Ans 42

337. If in a test there are 5 objective question, each having 4 options with only one option as
correct answer. If 1 is awarded for correct answer and no
correct answer. If 1 is awarded for correct answer and no penalty for wrong or non
penalty for wrong or nonattempt. If it is known that 3 is passing marks of this test then , In how many ways one
If it is known that 3 is passing marks of this test then , In how many ways one
can attempt this test so that he passes the test.
can attempt this test so that he passes the test.
Ans: 5c3*25  250
Ans: 5c3*25  250

338. When I started my today's journey from Hazaribagh to Ranchi. I checked first mile
When I started my today's journey from Hazaribagh to Ranchi. I checked
stone it showed Ranchi 100 km , after 40 min I checked another mile stone and found
Ranchi XY km and after another 20 min when I checked mile stone I realised Ranchi YX
km. If I managed a constant speed through my journey, please help me to know
km. If I managed a constant speed through my journey, please help me to know speed of
my car , since speedometer is not working
my car , since speedometer is not working
Ans: 54 km/hr
Ans: 54 km/hr

Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free. If cost of one
Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free
339. Mango bite offer - Return 3 empty rappers and get 1 mango bite free
mango bite is Rs 1 and i have Rs 100 then maximum how many mango bite i can eat.
mango bite is Rs 1 and i have Rs 100 then maximum how many mango bite i can eat.
Ans: 149
Ans: 149

340. If P & P2 both are prime numbers P>3 then how many different values of R be
h are prime numbers P>3 then how many different values of R be
possible if R LP*P2M mod 9
R LP*P2M mod 9
Ans: only 1 8
Ans: only 1 8

341.   , then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers
, then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers
, then find PDR , if P,Q & R are distinct prime numbers
Ans: 22 2317
Ans: 22 2317

Number of Hair fall is directly proportional to TQ Tension Quotient and
proportional to TQ Tension Quotient and
Direction 344 344 - 345
345 :Number of Hair fall is directly
TQ is directly proportional to square of person integral age ignoring months and days. If at
the time of birth a person is considered as tension free 0 TQ and person has 100,000 hairs.
the time of birth a person is considered as tension free 0 TQ and person has 100,000 hairs. If
at the age of 4 number of hairs a person has is 77,500 then
of hairs a person has is 77,500 then

342. Total number if hairs at the age of 8 is ____
Total number if hairs at the age of 8 is ____
Ans: 10000
Ans: 10000

343. What is the minimum age of complete baldness
What is the minimum age of complete baldness
Ans: 8.4 integral 9
Ans: 8.4 integral 9

344. Find ab if a & b are positive integer and
Find ab if a & b are positive integer and a - 1  b  1.
Ans: 358
Ans: 358

345. Find the least value of n for which n output of below given sum is an integer
of n for which n output of below given sum is an integer
of n for which n output of below given sum is an integer

n/1*2*3  n/2*3*4  n/3*4*5 ...  n/7*8*9
n/1*2*3  n/2*3*4  n/3*4*5 ...  n/7*8*9
Ans: 144
Ans: 144

346. 1234...10  1357....n  1357....m, Then find integral
1234...10  1357....n  1357....m
m & n 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 97


Ans: 65, 87
Ans: 65, 87

1  4  7  10  .....  40  ???
347. 1  4  7  10  .....  40 
Ans: 7931
Ans: 7931

348. If average of 11different numbers x1 , x2, x3. .... , x11 is X then what would be average
in terms of X if all 11 numbers are multiplied by 2 then decreased by X.
in terms of X if all 11 numbers are multiplied by 2 then decreased by X.
Ans: X
Ans: X

349. For different positive integral a, b & c
For different positive integral a, b & c ; a  b  c then find minimum value of c
mum value of c
Ans: 5
Ans: 5

350. If N  m , where m is a natural number more than 99 but less than 1000, then for how
values of m , N & m are having same last two digits
values of m , N & m are having same last two digits
Ans: 36
Ans: 36

351. Ram and Shyamali each has a fair coin. Ram tossed his coin 5 times and got 4 heads and
Ram and Shyamali each has a fair coin. Ram tossed his coin 5 times and got 4 heads and
one tail , Shyamali also tossed her coin 5 times and got 3 heads and 2 tails
one tail , Shyamali also tossed her coin 5 times and got 3 heads and 2 tails. One day both
meet and both tossed their coins once. What is the probability of getting different
outcomes on each coins ???
outcomes on each coins ???
Ans: 1/2
Ans: 1/2

352. HCF of sum of all sides of an integral side
HCF of sum of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???
d right angled triangle is ________ ???
Ans: 2
Ans: 2

353. HCF of product of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???
HCF of product of all sides of an integral sided right angled triangle is ________ ???
Ans: 60
Ans: 60

354. If a ball is dropped from a height of 2000 m and it bounces back but looses 1/9 of
height after every bounce the
height after every bounce then find total distance covered by ball till it comes to rest or
n find total distance covered by ball till it comes to rest or
near to rest
Ans: 3400
Ans: 3400

Find area of graph in side x  y  16 but outside |x||y|4 in items of pi
355. Find area of graph in side x  y  16 but outside |x||y|4 in items of pi
Ans: 16piAns: 16pi-2

356. Find maximum value of n if n & m are natural numbers and
Find maximum value of n if n & m are natural numbers and 90!  20!^n *
90!  20!^n * m
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

357. There are how many natural numbers less than equal to 100 , whose product of all
factors are square of the number
factors are square of the number
Ans : 33
Ans : 33

358. Number of trailing zeros in C512, 32
Number of trailing zeros in C512, 32 ; Cn,r  n!/r!*n-r!
Ans: 1
Ans: 1

359. There are how many natural numbers less than 1000
There are how many natural numbers less than 1000 , has only odd number of factors
, has only odd number of factors
total number of factors are odd 
total number of factors are odd 
Ans : 31
Ans : 31 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 98


360. John and Shaw started running from same point , at same time in same
direction. John maintained a constant speed of 40 km/hr
John maintained a constant speed of 40 km/hr. But Shaw started with 5km/hr
But Shaw started with 5km/hr
and in every next hour he increase his speed by 10 km/hr.
he increase his speed by 10 km/hr. Then find after how time
Then find after how time
from start Shaw will catch John
from start Shaw will catch John
Ans : 8 hrs
Ans : 8 hrs

361. If average of 10 consecutive increasing multiple of 8 is 324 then find 4th smallest term
among these 10 terms
Ans 312
Ans 312

362. If N is a two digit largest num
If N is a two digit largest number which is a factor of 35^10 - 17^10 then N mod 7  ???
17^10 then N mod 7  ???
Ans : 1
Ans : 1

363. Find the sum of all terms of 10th row
Find the sum of all terms of 10th row of below given series
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
Ans : 505
Ans : 505


Ans :
Ans :


Ans : 60/7
Ans : 60/7 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 99


of all internal angles at vertex of given figure
366. Sum of all internal angles at vertex of given figure

Ans: 360
Ans: 360

367. If in a row Jhon is 23rd from right and Tina is 32nd from left end and there are 5
persons between then , what is the difference between maximum and minimum possible
persons in the row
Ans: 12
Ans: 12

Then AB - Y  ???
Where X, XX, XXX are 1, 2, 3 digit numbers so rest are
Where X, XX, XXX are 1, 2, 3 digit numbers so rest are
Ans: 6 , X6, Y3, A4 & B 5
Ans: 6 , X6, Y3, A4 & B 5

369. If ab  bc  ca  27 then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____
then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____
then total number of unordered positive integral solution is ____
Ans: 3 , m3,3,3< , m1,3,6<, m1,1,13<
Ans: 3 , m3,3,3< , m1,3,6<, m1,1,13<

370. For how many natural N , N  32^2 is divisible by N4
For how many natural N , N  32^2 is divisible by N4
Ans : 12
Ans : 12

371. 3 9 27 81
81 .  ?
Ans: 3^3/4
Ans: 3^3/4
372. If ABC & BCA are two three digits perfect squares where A, B & C are different digits
then ABC  ???
ns: 13 or 16 ; 625 , 256 , 256  13 . 169 & 961
Ans: 13 or 16 ; 625 , 256 , 256  13 . 169 & 961

373. There how many numbers less than 1,00,000 whose sum of digits is 3
There how many numbers less than 1,00,000 whose sum of digits is 3
Ans: 35
Ans: 35

374. If Sita and Gita daily jog from their home to park and park to home and then park and
so on for two hours, park is 10 km from their home. If they live together and both stats
at 7:00 AM, and speed of Sita is 20 km/hr and that of Gita is 30
at 7:00 AM, and speed of Sita is 20 km/hr and that of Gita is 30 km/hr then when
km/hr then when Gita
overtakes Sita for the first time after start.
ita for the first time after start.
375. Among the options select correct statements
Among the options select correct statements

1. Sum of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
1. Sum of three different primes can't be divisible by 6

2. Product of three different primes can't be divisible by 6
2. Product of three different primes can't be divisible by 6

3. Last two digits of all primes less than 100 is 50
primes less than 100 is 50

4. In an integral sided right angled triangle all sides can't prime.
4. In an integral sided right angled triangle all sides can't prime.
Ans : 4
Ans : 4

376. There are how many different integral sided right angled triangles are possible whose
There are how many different integral sided right angled triangles ar
one side is 25 unit 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 100


Ans: 4
Ans: 4

377. s8 q8 Z8 r8 8  ??

Ans: 2
Ans: 2

378. If  

 3 then  


Ans : 1
Ans : 1

379. In how many ways we can rearrange the word NAGIN such that no vowels be together.
In how many ways we can rearrange the word NAGIN such that no vowels be together.
Ans : 35
Ans : 35

Find the length of line segment between axes line of a line whose equation is 4x
380. Find the length of line segment between axes line of a line whose equation is 4x-3y 
Ans: 5
Ans: 5

381. If A*B*C*D*E*F  60 , where A,B,C,D
If A*B*C*D*E*F  60 , where A,B,C,D & E are different integers then what is the
& E are different integers then what is the
maximum value of ABCDEF
maximum value of ABCDEF
Ans: 8
Ans: 8

382. Total number of integral ordered pair solutions for x^2  y^2 b 64 is
Total number of integral ordered pair solutions for x^2  y^2 b 64 is

a. 175
b. 163
c. 150
d. NoT
Ans: L d
Ans: L dM it should be
it should be 4*n  1
4*n  1

What if the value of c to get maximum value of a^2*b^3*c^4 under condition abc 
value of a^2*b^3*c^4 under condition abc 
383. What if the value of c to get maximum
108 and all a,b&c are positive numbers.
108 and all a,b&c are positive numbers.
Ans: 48
Ans: 48

384. If in a ABC, D is midpoint of BC , E is midpoint of BD , F is midpoint of BE and G is
ABC, D is midpoint of BC , E is midpoint of BD , F is midpoint of BE and G is
midpoint of AF then what is the ratio of area of
midpoint of AF then what is the ratio of area of BGF to that of ABC
BGF to that of ABC
Ans: 1:32

385. What could be minimum value of N , which COULD satisfy N  a^3  b^3  c^3  d^3
What could be minimum value of N , which COULD satisfy N  a^3  b^3  c^3  d^3
where a,b,c & d are distinct
distinct natural numbers
Ans: 1729
Ans: 1729

386. If few students of section A of PGP transfer to section B then ration of number of
students of A to that of B 
students of A to that of B  3:7 but if few students of section B of PGP transfer to section
3:7 but if few students of section B of PGP transfer to section
A then ration of number of students of A to that of B  5:2, then find minimum number
of total students of section A & B.
of total students of section A & B.
Ans: 70
Ans: 70

387. If 10 lit of pure alcohol is replaced by 50% of 2 lit alcohol
If 10 lit of pure alcohol is replaced by 50% of 2 lit alcohol and this process is repeated
and this process is repeated
one more time then find the % of alcohol in final solution.
one more time then find the % of alcohol in final solution.
Ans: 82%

388. Total number of terms after expansion of 1xx^2^10
Total number of terms after expansion of 1xx^2^10 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 101


ANS: 21
ANS: 21

Total number of terms after expansion of xyz^2^10
389. Total number of terms after expansion of xyz^2^10
ANS: 66
ANS: 66

390. How many perfect squares less
How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 3 when divided by 7
than 1000 would give remainder 3 when divided by 7
ANS: 0
ANS: 0

391. How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 7 when divided by 9
How many perfect squares less than 1000 would give remainder 7 when divided by 9
ANS: 7
ANS: 7

centre & G is centroid of a triangle whose sides are 7 , 24 and 25 cm then
e 7 , 24 and 25 cm then
392. If C is circum-centre & G is centroid of a
what is the length of line segment
of line segment CG
Ans : 25/6
Ans : 25/6

393. There are how many days in between next palindromic date DDMMYYYY and last
palindromic dateDDMMYYYY if today is 14062016
palindromic dateDDMMYYYY if today is 14062016
ANS: 2903 ; 21022012 and 02022020
ANS: 2903 21022012 and 02022020

394. Find the least value of n more than 4 for which 234567.... n is a perfect
Find the least value of n more than 4 for which 234567....

a. 15
b. 24
c. 25
d. 26
Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

395. Ram and Mohan started their journey from two opposite extreme end of a tunnel. If
Ram started his journey at 8 :00 AM with speed 60 km/hr and Mohan at 7:00 with speed
40 km/hr. When both met to
40 km/hr. When both met to each other it is found that one of them covers double
it is found that one of them covers double
distance of other then find the different between maximum or minimum possible length
of tunnel.
Ans: 90Ans: 90-30  60
30  60

Total number of positive ordered solution of abcd  10
396. Total number of positive ordered solution of abcd
Ans: infinity
Ans: infinity

397. Unit digit of
is _____
is _____

Ans : 6
Ans : 6

What is the value of 1.6666....^2
398. What is the value of 1.6666....^2

a. 2.66666.....
b. 2.565656.......
b. 2.565656.......
c. 2.77777.....
d. NoT
d. NoT
Ans : LcM
Ans : LcM


399. Zx  rx  x   3xx then x  ?

ANS: 0 or 4/9
ANS: 0 or 4/9

400. What is the minimum value of
value of |x1|  |x2||x3| 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 102


Ans: 2 at xL
Ans: 2 at xLat xL-2,2,-3M

value of |x| - |x1|  |x2|-|x3||x4|
401. What is the minimum value of
Ans: 2 at x0
Ans: 2 at x0

402. If LCM of first N natural numbers is "L" and that of first "N2" natural number is "2*L"
then less than 100 how many different N are possible
then less than 100 how many different N are possible
Ans : 4
Ans : 4

403. If 130
 120.  8.U  40V , 0 . U _ 0 then
Ans: 5/16
Ans: 5/16

 24  23A
 6A  11Q
 2Q  4  42 then
404. If for real x, y & z ; 9
  A  Q  ?
Ans: 8/3
Ans: 8/3
405. What would be remainder when
What would be remainder when 19

is divided by 1200

Ans: 859
Ans: 859

406. If 
 3  9 then 

Ans: 15127
Ans: 15127

407. Maximum how many vertices could be common in a regular dodecagon 12-sided
Maximum how many vertices could be common in a regular dodecagon 
polygon and regular nonagon 9
polygon and regular nonagon 9-sided polygon
Ans : 3 HCF
Ans : 3 HCF

408. Find the maximum value of a2*b3*c4 if 2a3b4c  7 and a , b & c are
positive numbers
Ans: Close to 100/3
Ans: Close to 100/3
409. Find the Maximum value of a1*b2*c3 if a b  c  3 and a , b & c are
positive numbers
Ans: close to 27
Ans: close to 27

410. For natural number m, n, x & y if m*x  n*y  100 then what would be last digit of
maximum value of  A 3 ? ? ?
Ans: 4 :
Ans: 4 : Hint :3^32*2^2 
Hint :3^32*2^2 

411. If in a race A beats B by 100 m , B beats C by 100 m and in the same race if A can beats C
by "X" m then what is the range of "X"
by "X" m then what is the range of "X"

a. 100   200

b. 100 b  200

c. 100  b 200

d. 100 b b 200

e. NoT

Ans: d 100 b X b
Ans: d 100 b X b 200
200 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 103


If abcabc is a 6 digit number and has 20 positive divisors then abc  ?
412. If abcabc is a 6 digit number and has 20 positive divisors then abc  ?
Ans: 10 343343
Ans: 10 343343


Above image is actual time zone clocks and all are showing their local time of a same time.
Above image is actual time zone clocks and all are showing their local time of a same time.
If a flight departs from Central at 02:00 local time at
If a flight departs from Central at 02:00 local time at central to city X and arrives at 10:00
central to city X and arrives at 10:00
local time at city X  and then depart from city X at 11:00 local time at city X  to Central and
arrives at 09:00 local time at central on same day. Then CITY X is _______
arrives at 09:00 local time at central on same day. Then CITY X is _______


414. If given figure is a 12 sided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree
ided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree
ided regular dodecagon then find angle X in degree

Ans : 105
Ans : 105

In given fig if AB2unit, BC3unit, CDCA4unit and DA5 unit then find BD
415. In given fig if AB2unit, BC3unit, CDCA4unit and DA5 unit then find BD

Ans: 23/4 Hint : Ptolemy's theorem
Ans: 23/4 Hint : Ptolemy's theorem

416. If HCF of three natural numbers is same as their LCM then sum of all three numbers are
If HCF of three natural numbers is same as their LCM then sum of all three

a. 2*LCM  3*HCF
b. 5*HCF - 2*LCM

d. NoT
Ans: LbM
Ans: LbM 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 104


417. If average of 5 different positive numbers are A and X is average of average of all
possible pairs of these 5 numbers then
possible pairs of these 5 numbers then
a. AX
b. g @
c. A b X
d. g 

e. NoT
e. NoT
Ans: LaM
Ans: LaM

hour clock as shown in fig, in which outer dial
418. There is a 24 - hour clock as shown in fig, in which outer dial
is representing hours and inner dial is minutes and seconds,
then find the angle between hands X if time is 20:10.
then find the angle between hands X if time is 20:10.
Ans: 117.5
Ans: 117.5

419. If A sold an article to B at 20% profit and B to C at 10
If A sold an article to B at 20% profit and B to C at 10% profit then C sold to A at 20%
% profit then C sold to A at 20%
loss then find over all monetary % profit or loss of A. LAssume all transactions happen in

For natural numbers x, y if    6 
 44  A  then x  y  ???
then x  y  ???
420. For natural numbers x, y if
Ans: 358 , by making perfect cube
Ans: 358 , by making perfect cube

421. 1 

? ? ?

Ans: Ans: -1

422. Find least palindromic natural number which has odd number of digits , divisible by 11
and has 9 as a middle digit.
and has 9 as a middle digit.
Ans: 10901
Ans: 10901

423. If a palindromic number which has odd number of digits is divisible by 11 then middle
digit of this number can not be
not be

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6 e. All possible as a middle digit
e. All possible as a middle digit
Ans: LeM
Ans: LeM

424. If A increases 10% then 20% then 30% then 40% then it becomes B, But if A increases ,
12% then 22% then 32% then 34% then it becomes C, Then
12% then 22% then 32% then 34% then it becomes C, Then

a. BC
b. B>C
c. BbC
d. NoT
Ans: LcM
Ans: LcM

425. Find maximum power if 20! Factorial 20 which perfectly divides 202! Factorial 202
Find maximum power if 20! Factorial 20 which perfectly divides 202! Factorial 202
Ans: 10
Ans: 10

426. Total number of real solutions of x  sin x
Total number of real solutions of x  sin x
Ans: 3
Ans: 3 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 105


427. s6  2q6  2Z6  2r6  26  ?

b. 3
3  1

c. 1
d. 3  1

a. 2  1
Ans: LdM , can't be a, b & c Lby observation and opti
Ans: LdM , can't be a, b & c Lby observation and option eliminationM
on eliminationM
on eliminationM

428. Find the sum of common terms/elements of m3,7,11,15,....,103< & m1,7,13,19,....,103<
Find the sum of common terms/elements of m3,7,11,15,....,103< & m1,7,13,19,....,103<
Ans: 495
Ans: 495

show nth term of two different APs whose sum of first n terms are denoted
429. If and show nth term of two different APs whose sum of first n terms are denoted
by and respectively. If
respectively. If :
:  17:11
 17:11 then find
: .
Ans: 289 : 121
Ans: 289 : 121

430. For natural number x, y and z ,
For natural number x, y and z , 2  3o  5p  114 then x  y - z  ?
z  ?
Ans: 5 , 34Ans: 5 , 34-2  5
2  5

431. If %profit is same as cost price of article and selling price is 131.25 then find its profit
in rupees.
Ans: 56.25
Ans: 56.25

432. Find the concentration % of acid in final solution if 80 lit of 80% acid solution is first
replaced by 20 lit water then 40 lit water.
replaced by 20 lit water then 40 lit water.
Ans: 30%  80/100*60/80*40/80*100
Ans: 30%  80/100*60/80*40/80*100

If 1000th prime is a four digit number and it is equal to 7909  X then X  ??
433. If 1000th prime is a four digit number and it is equal to 7909  X then X  ??

a. 20
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
Ans: 10 , for rest check divisibility by 3 , 5 & 7
Ans: 10 , for rest check divisibility by 3 , 5 & 7

434. Data Sufficiency : What is the cost price of the article
Data Sufficiency : What is the cost price of the article

I. If loss % is same as cost price of the article and selling price is Rs. 24.
I. If loss % is same as cost price of the article and selling price is Rs. 24.

II. If cost price is 20% of selling price.
II. If cost price is 20% of selling price.
Ans: both are insufficient
Ans: both are insufficient

435. Which one is largest among

2 , 3 , 4 , 5 0-V 6

Ans: 3^1/30
Ans: 3^1/30

436. There are how many four digit number ABCD are possible such that AB, BC, & CD are
perfect squares repetition of digits are allowed
tition of digits are allowed
Ans:3 ; AB, BC & CD  m16 , 25, 36, 49, 64 , 81< ; Numbers are 1649 , 3649, 8164
Ans:3 ; AB, BC & CD  m16 , 25, 36, 49, 64 , 81< ; Numbers are 1649 , 3649, 8164

437. There are how many three digit numbers are possible say XYZ, if we interchange
digits of unit place and hundredth place ZYX then resultant n
digits of unit place and hundredth place ZYX then resultant number is also a three digit
umber is also a three digit
number and | XYZ - ZYX| is divisible by 7
ZYX| is divisible by 7, such that  _ Q
Ans: 20
Ans: 20

438. What is the last two digits of product of all positive divisors of 1024
What is the last two digits of product of all positive divisors of 1024 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 106


Ans: 68
Ans: 68

is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance Y from the
is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance
439. A cone of height X is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at a distance
base, then what is the ratio of
what is the ratio of volume of the resulting cone and that of resulting
that of resulting the

frustum ? where X & Y are positive integral solution of

where X & Y are positive integral solution of   ; where Z is also a

positive integer
Ans: 1 : 63
Ans: 1 : 63

440. If ABC is an equilateral
ABC is an equilateral triangle , and point D & E are on sides AB & AC such that ,
triangle , and point D & E are on sides AB & AC such that ,
DE||BC, and perimeter of
DE||BC, and perimeter of ADE is same as perimeter of quadrilateral BCED then find
ADE is same as perimeter of quadrilateral BCED then find
ratio of DE:BC.
Ans: 3:4
Ans: 3:4

441. If speed of the group is 1 m/s and that of the joker is 3m/s. Joker starts from back of
If speed of the group is 1 m/s and that of the joker is 3m/s. Joker starts from back
the last person and moves towards the front one, touches him and turns back, and goes,
back to last person. If in this process The Joker covers 16 m when he is going forward
right hand side then find distance traveled by him when he turned back and mo
right hand side then find distance traveled by him when he turned back and moves
towards left. assume speed of all remains same in entire process and no time loss by
The Joker when he was turning back
The Joker when he was turning back

Ans: 8 m
Ans: 8 m


442. How many pairs of natural numbers m, n satisfy  3  K , where
where 20>m
Ans: 4
Ans: 4

443. A quadratic function fx attains a
A quadratic function fx attains a minimum of -5 at x  -1. The value of the function at
1. The value of the function at
x 0 is -3 . What is the value of f x at x 
What is the value of f x at x  5?
Ans: 67
Ans: 67

Direction for 446 to 448 : If the total intake in IIM A , B & C together is 900, and below chart is
Direction for 446 to 448 : If the total intake in IIM A , B & C together is 900, and below chart is
giving % of Male Mand that of Work
giving % of Male Mand that of Work-ExEx in B-Schools. It is also known that 40% of whom
Schools. It is also known that 40% of whom
are in IIM-C are rest are equally divided between IIM A & IIM C.
C are rest are equally divided between IIM A & IIM C.
Male (M)


444. What is the % of Male in IIM A

What is the % of Male in IIM A


Work Ex (Ex)

445. What is the % of Fresher Non work Ex in IIM C

What is the % of Fresher Non work Ex in IIM C

446. If in IIM -B , 50% work ex are male then what is the ratio of Male Fresher to Female
B , 50% work ex are male then what is the ratio of Male Fresher to Female
Work ex in IIM - B

446 to 448Ans: Get answer from below chart
446 to 448Ans: Get answer from below chart 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 107






Work Ex (Non work

447. One day Bagga with his dog planed to go to Park from their home which is 1200 m from
home. Speed of Bagga was 30 m/s and that of his dog was 60 m/s. Both started from
same time. His dog reached Park much earlier than Bagga, but dog returned back
without wasting any time and came near to Bagga and again run towards Parks and
asting any time and came near to Bagga and again run towards Parks and
after reaching park came back to Bagga and continue the same process until Bagga
reached the Park. If both maintained a constant speed in entire journey and there was
no time loss in this process then find
is process then find how much meter more did dog move towards park
than towards Bagga.
Ans: 600
Ans: 600

448. If 2 is a root of a quadratic function fx0 and 7*f3f6 then find another roots of
Ans: Ans: -1

449. If WEIGHT of number a, ab , abc &
If WEIGHT of number a, ab , abc & abcd a single , double, triple and four digit number
abcd a single , double, triple and four digit number
respectively is defined by ;
respectively is defined by ;
WEIGHT a  a ;
WEIGHT ab  ab ;
a and
WEIGHTabc bc - a and
WEIGHTabcd  cd-ab ;
ab ;

then for how many natural number less than 8995, WIGHT of that number is 7.
then for how many natural number less than 8995, WIGHT of that number is 7.

Ans: 89
Ans: 89

450. ABCD is rectangle such that AB12cm and
BC5cm, another Rectangle AEFC is such that
point D lies on side EF then find the area of
rectangle AEFC

Ans: 60
Ans: 60

451. If log  log  
   2  9  0 then find x
Ans: x0
Ans: x0

452. If mileage of a car is 17 km per lit with extra 3 lit per hour as wastage . What should be
minimum speed of the car to cover 34 km in 3 lit.
minimum speed of the car to cover 34 km in 3 lit.

Ans: 102 km/hr
Ans: 102 km/hr 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 108


453. W1  X W1  X W1  X W1  =K=X ?

Ans: 3/2
Ans: 3/2


 .  ?



Ans: 405/16
Ans: 405/16

455. If 9th term of an AP is 20 then sum of first 17 terms of this AP is _____
th term of an AP is 20 then sum of first 17 terms of this AP is _____
th term of an AP is 20 then sum of first 17 terms of this AP is _____
Ans: 340
Ans: 340

the pendulum of a clock takes 3 seconds to strike 3 oclock. then h
then how much time will
456. If the pendulum of a clock
it take to strike 9 oclock?
Ans: 12 seconds
Ans: 12 seconds

457. W
 K  K    KX ? ? ?
Ans: 16/195
Ans: 16/195

458. What would be remainder if
What would be remainder if 1  1  
1   ? 1     is divided by
is divided by

 3  2
Ans: 65519xAns: 65519x-65503

459. If mileage of a car is 15 km per lit with extra 2 lit per hour as wastage . What should be
minimum speed of the car to cover 45 km in 4 lit.
minimum speed of the car to cover 45 km in 4 lit.
Ans: 90 km/hr
Ans: 90 km/hr

460. If an article was selling at 20% profit , to earn Rs 1320 more profit shopkeeper
purchased article at 10% lesser than his cost price and sold it at 10% higher price than
his selling price, then find oldoriginal selling price of
his selling price, then find oldoriginal selling price of
Ans: 7200
Ans: 7200

461. Find the maximum value of a  b, if following set of equations has infinite many roots
a-1*x  5*y  140 & 7*x a1*y  b
& 7*x a1*y  b
Ans : 8
Ans : 8

462. What would be area of triangle formed by axes lines and a line which is perpendicular
to a line 3x-2y6 and passing through 2,2
2y6 and passing through 2,2
Ans : 25/3
Ans : 25/3

463. If A is X% of B and B is Y% of A and X is A% of Y and Y is B% of X then what is X% of 20
If A is X% of B and B is Y% of A and X is A% of Y and Y is B% of X then what is X% of 20
Ans: 20
Ans: 20

464. If aaabcccd is a 8 digit perfect square then abcd ???
a 8 digit perfect square then abcd ???
Ans: 18, L3333^2, 6666^2 and 9999^2M
Ans: 18, L3333^2, 6666^2 and 9999^2M

465. If ratio of income of X &Y is 3:4 and their expenditure ratio is 4:7 then then whose %
saving on income  is more
saving on income  is more

a. X
b. Y
c. can't say
d. NoT
Ans: a. X
Ans: a. X 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 109


4M.....L24M  ??? ;Where LxM is defined as nearest integer,

466. L1ML2ML3ML4M.....L24M  ??? ;Where LxM is defined as nearest integer,
L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
Ans: 80
Ans: 80

467. How many integral solutions are possible for L M  25 ;Where LxM is defined as
;Where LxM is defined as
nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
Ans: 50
Ans: 50

468. What is the sum of all integral solutions possible for L
all integral solutions possible for L M  25 ;Where LxM is defined
;Where LxM is defined
as nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
as nearest integer, L3M3, L4.3M4 & L4.51M 5
Ans: 80
Ans: 80

469. 4^11  4^12  4^13  .... 4^26 mod 17  ???
4^11  4^12  4^13  .... 4^26 mod 17  ???
Ans: 0
Ans: 0

4^11 * 4^12 * 4^13 * ....* 4^26 mod 17  ???
470. 4^11 * 4^12 * 4^13 * ....* 4^26 mod 17  ???
Ans: 1
Ans: 1

471. 2^16  2^17  2^18  ....
 .... 2^30 mod 13  ???
Ans: 8
Ans: 8

472. If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB , arc BC, arc
If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB ,
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:2:3:4:6:6 then what is the value of angle CDF
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:2:3:4:6:6 then what is the value of angle CDF
Ans: 810/11
Ans: 810/11

473. 1234512345.... 300 digits mod 41  ?
1234512345.... 300 digits mod 41  ???
Ans : 4
Ans : 4

474. If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB , arc BC, arc
If A,B,C,D,E, & F are points on a circle such that ratio of lengths of arc AB ,
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:1:2:2:3:3 then what is the value of angle ACE
CD, arc DE, arc EF, arc FA is 1:1:2:2:3:3 then what is the value of angle ACE
Ans: 90 degree
s: 90 degree

475. If fxx-1x5x-9...x61 , then for how many
9...x61 , then for how many integral "x" fxb0.
integral "x" fxb0.
Ans: 8*7  56
Ans: 8*7  56

476. Ram wrote first "N" natural numbers on a black board then removed one number and
found that new average becomes 21.1 then find which number was removed ?
found that new average becomes 21.1 then find which number was removed ?
Ans: 17
Ans: 17

477. If A,B C & D are points on circle and E,F,G & H are
If A,B C & D are points on circle and E,F,G & H are mid points of side
mid points of side
DA, AB, BC & CD. Find the area of quadrilateral EFGH if AB12cm,
BC6 cm, CD8cm & DA 10 cm.
BC6 cm, CD8cm & DA 10 cm.
Ans: 161
Ans: 161 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 110


478. What is the area of a right angled triangle whose inradius and circum radius are
10 and 12 cm respectively
10 and 12 cm respectively

Ans: Triangle not possible
Ans: Triangle not possible

479. What is the area of a right angled triangle whose inradius and circum radius are 4 and
12 cm respectively
Ans: 112
Ans: 112

480. Inside an equilateral triangle there is a point from which the length of perpendicular on
Inside an equilateral triangle there is a point from which the length of perpendicu
all the three sides are 2cm,
cm, 3cm, & 4cm then. what would be area of equilateral triangle.
. what would be area of equilateral triangle.
Ans: 27*sqrt3
Ans: 27*sqrt3

481. If fresh grapes has 90% water content and dry grapes kishmish has 30% water
content. In the procedure of making kismish one just need to dry grapes, then if a
shopkeeper purchased 210kg of g
shopkeeper purchased 210kg of grapes at 30 Rs per kg then at what price per kg he
rapes at 30 Rs per kg then at what price per kg he
should sell kismish to earn 33.33% profit.
should sell kismish to earn 33.33% profit.
Ans: 280
Ans: 280

482. If fx  x-1x7x-13x19...x115
13x19...x115; Then for how many integral x , fxb 0
Then for how many integral x , fxb 0.
Ans: 110
Ans: 110

483. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm &
If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC then

PP 5 de

PP 5

Ans : 6:1
Ans : 6:1

484. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC then

PP 5 de
PP 5 def

Ans: 1:3
Ans: 1:3

485. If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC 
If in the given fig , AD3cm , DF  1cm, FC  2cm & EF || BC

PP 5 fe

then find

PP 5 def

find 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 111


Ans: 4:9
Ans: 4:9

486. In the given fig if BD:DCCE:EA1:2 and area of
In the given fig if BD:DCCE:EA1:2 and area of AFO is 144 sq. cm, then find the area
AFO is 144 sq. cm, then find the area
of gik

Ans: 630
Ans: 630

487. If in the given fig ABCD is parallelogram, O is a
point inside the parallelogram. If areas of three
triangles are given check fig then find the
area of
fourth triangle.

Ans: 81
Ans: 81

488. In the given triangle D, E & F are mid points of
respective sides then find the area ratio of quad
then find the area ratio of quad
BGOF to that of ABC

489. If in the given fig ABCD is quadrilateral and E,F,G
H are mid points of respective sides as shown in 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 112


fig. Areas of three quadrilaterals are given check fig then find the area of
fourth quadrilateral.

Ans: 18 sq. cm
Ans: 18 sq. cm

If angle ratio of a triangle is 1:2:9 then what is the side ratio of this triangle
490. If angle ratio of a triangle is 1:2:9 then what is the side ratio of this triangle

a. 1:2:9
b. 18:9:2
c.3 2 2
d. 3  1 2 2 e. NoT
Ans: LdM
Ans: LdM

491. If N the least natural number which is subtracted from 10000*10001*10002*10003 to
make it a perfect square then N mod 9  ???
make it a perfect square then N mod 9  ???
Ans: 2*1000*1003 8
Ans: 2*1000*1003 8
if we need to add in 1*2*3*4 we will add 1 and we will subtract 8  2*1*4
if we need to add in 1*2*3*4 we will add 1 and we will subtract 8  2*1*4
if we need to add in 2*3*4*5 we will add 1 and we will subtract 20  2*2*5
*4*5 we will add 1 and we will subtract 20  2*2*5
*4*5 we will add 1 and we will subtract 20  2*2*5

492. Sum of all coefficients of expansion of x1x2x3....x15 is S then S mod 17
Ans: 1
Ans: 1

493. If an alloy is having Zn, Cd and Fe in the ratio of 3:4:9 and another alloy has the same
elements in the ratio of 2:3:4 then find the ratio of these elements in the same order of
ratio of 2:3:4 then find the ratio of these elements in the same order of
first alloy and second alloy is mixed in the ratio of 2:3
first alloy and second alloy is mixed in the ratio of 2:3
Ans: 25:36:59
Ans: 25:36:59

494. Total number of positive integral solution of 10x  7y  7z  100 is ______
Total number of positive integral solution of 10x  7y  7z  100 is ______
Ans : 9
Ans : 9

495. If a  b  c  d is always divisible by abcd , where a,b,c,&d are natural
is always divisible by abcd , where a,b,c,&d are natural
numbers and p is a prime more than 101 then
numbers and p is a prime more than 101 then

a. a, b , c& d are odd numbers
a. a, b , c& d are odd numbers

b. c, d , a & b are in AP

c. a, b, c & d are in HP

d. a, b, c & d are in GP

e. NoT
Ans: LbM
Ans: LbM

496. If 32A65B is divisible by 72 then what would be remainder if AAABBB is divided by 7,
ble by 72 then what would be remainder if AAABBB is divided by 7,
where A & B are two digits both could be same.
where A & B are two digits both could be same.
Ans: 6
Ans: 6

497. Shopkeeper A : Gives 25% extra and charges 20% less than market price
Shopkeeper A : Gives 25% extra and charges 20% less than market price

Shopkeeper B: Gives 20% extra and charges 25% less than market
Shopkeeper B: Gives 20% extra and charges 25% less than market price

If both shopkeepers sell same product of same market price then for a customer which
shopkeeper is better... ????
Ans: B
Ans: B 3E Learning Maths By Amiya Ranchi | 113


in perfect cylindrical shape with

498. There is a tilted glass in perfect cylindrical shape with
base radius 7cm and height 10 cm. Glass
base radius 7cm and height 10 cm. Glass is partially
filled with water, in such a way
water, in such a way that, water level is just
touching bottom end and top end of the glass as
shown in the figure. Then find the amount of water
figure. Then find the amount of water
in litter inside the glass..

Ans: 0.2
Ans: 0.24

499. Find the total number of positive integral solution of  o  p  1


Ans: 10
Ans: 10

500. Amiya and Raman is playing a game Toss
Amiya and Raman is playing a game Toss-Toss. Raman wins when tails comes and
Toss. Raman wins when tails comes and
losses when heads come. Raman gains Rs 10 for tail and loses Rs 10 for head. If Raman
wins in first toss then he quits but tries only once more if he losses on the
wins in first toss then he quits but tries only once more if he losses on the first toss.
Then in this game how much could be expected win of Raman.
Then in this game how much could be expected win of Raman.

Ans: mT< , mHT< ,mHH<  1/2*10  1/4*0 1/4*
Ans: mT< , mHT< ,mHH<  1/2*10  1/4*0 1/4*--20  0
20  0

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