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Notes from around the Parishes, October 2016

for Great Massingham, Little Massingham & Harpley

The Reverend Jane Holmes writes:

What is it?
What is this thing we call church? You may think that a silly question (especially
coming from the vicar)! You would probably answer, we can all recognise a
church when we see it thank you its an old stone building with a tower, stained
glass windows, and uncomfortable seats! And you would be right if I had asked
about a church but what is Church.
To be Church there has to be people. Without people the buildings are just a set of
historical artefacts with varying degrees of architectural merit.
People, and that means you and me, are absolutely central to the Church. I can
prove it! Spell out the word Church C H U R C H. What is in the middle?
Answer: you are! Yes, I know that is silly too but it does make a serious point.
You really are the heart of the Church. Without you, it just doesnt exist and all the
buildings in the world wont change that!
And theres more! Whats at the beginning and end of Church. Answer: CH CH
for, of course, Christ. Jesus is at the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega.
He is the beginning and end of the whole world and he is the beginning and end of
the Church. Without Jesus there would be no Church.
Thats it really; thats the Church you and Jesus. Yes, the buildings are great and
we love them, but, always remember its the people who matter.
And what matters most to people? I would suggest it is family. So whats the point
of a church without family!
The family is the basic unit of society and of the Church. It is in the family that we
first learn to communicate and it is where we learn good from bad. It is in the
family that we learn what love is because that is where we first receive love. It is
also where we learn how to forgive. It is in the family that we learn to value
ourselves and others. Families provide safe havens for each member to flourish and
unfold their giftedness. Each one learns from the other how to be caring, loving,
resourceful, responsible, giving and hopeful for life. Families support one another,
cry together, laugh together and have fun together.
For all of these reasons the Church identifies itself as a family reflecting what the
church is a community of faith, hope and love where we celebrate, pray, laugh and
cry together and have fun together too! Families are made up of people of all ages
young and old and in-between and there is something for everyone in our church
Why not come along to one of our services or family activities where you will
discover a warm welcome because you are part of this family. Come and discover
the love, joy, care and support of your family - the Church.

Much love,

Revd Jane

SERVICES Across the Group for OCTOBER 2016

Sunday, October 2nd ~ Trinity 19
0930 Family Harvest Festival
1100 Holy Communion
0830 Holy Communion
1030 Holy Communion
1030 Morning Praise
6pm Prayer Meeting
Weds, 5th Oct at 9am

St Lawrences,
St Marys,
Great Mass
All Saints,
St Botolphs,
St Nicholas,
St Marys,
Great Mass

Holy Communion at St Lawrences, Harpley

Schools Harvest Festivals

Thursday 6th October

Massingham (in St Marys)
Harpley (in St Lawrences)


Sunday, 9th October ~ Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Group Service



Holy Communion

The Gap

at St Nicholas, Gayton
Methodist Chapel, Pott Row,

Sunday, 16th Oct ~ Trinity 21


Holy Communion
Family Service
Sung Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Celebration Service*

St Andrews,
St Marys,
St Lawrences,
All Saints,
St Nicholas,
St Botolphs,

Lt Massingham
Gt Massingham

* Saint Lukes Church, stood in Pott Row, from 18th October 1884
until it was demolished in 1977. In this service the bell from St Lukes
will be dedicated in its new home in Saint Botolphs.
18th October is the Feast of Saint Luke, the Evangelist
Weds, 19th Oct at 9am

Holy Communion at St Botolphs, Grimston

Sunday, 23rd Oct ~ Trinity 22

1100 Holy Communion
St Marys, Gt Massingham
0830 Holy Communion
St Andrews,
0930 *Family Service
St Nicholas,

*This service, at a new earlier time, will now alternate between Gayton and

Sunday, 30th Oct ~ All Saints Sunday (and 4th before Advent)
Group Services for the Fifth Sunday in the month
Note - British Summer Time ends at 1am!
Holy Communion
All Saints, Ashwicken


Holy Communion

St Andrews, Lt Massingham

Celebration of Life 3pm at St Botolphs, Grimston

At this time of year All Saints Day (All Hallows) on the 1st Nov
is followed by All Souls on 2nd Nov and so we remember, not
only the well-known saints, but also, our loved ones who are no
longer with us.
This special service gives us a time where we can express our
grief in prayer and there will be the opportunity to light
memorial candles; for those wishing for a time of private prayer
Revd Jane and Revd Judith will be on hand.
Refreshments afterwards at the back of the church.
Weds, 2nd Nov All Souls Day
Holy Communion at St Lawrences, Harpley


Sunday, November 6th ~ Third Sunday before Advent

0930 Family Service
St Lawrences,
1100 Holy Communion
St Marys,
Great Mass
0830 Holy Communion
St Marys,
East Walton
1030 Holy Communion
St Botolphs,
1030 Morning Praise
St Nicholas,
6pm Prayer Meeting
St Botolphs,
From the Registers:
Baptism at St Andrews, Little Massingham
24th September:
Rafferty Michael Rory McNamara

Our Ministry Team:

Team Rector
Team Vicar

Revd Jane Holmes,

Revd Judith Pollard,

The Rectory, Gayton

The Rectory, Grimston

01553 636227
01485 601251

Contact the Revd Judith to arrange Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals. Her day off is
Friday. If she is unavailable, the Revd Jane will be happy to help with urgent matters.

Friday 30th September

15, St Lawrence Close, Harpley 10am to 12 noon
Harpley Primary School

Childrens Workshop at St Lawrences, Harpley

Monday, 10th October, 3:30pm - 5pm
Bible story, singing, craft activities, refreshments.
Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal.
It's time to find a shoebox and fill it with presents for a child who is less fortunate than
us; ~Leaflets giving details of what can and cannot be put in the shoebox are available in
our churches or, call Margaret Bowes 01485 520135

******* Regular Events *******

Flowers @ St Lawrences:

Oct 2nd
Oct 9th & 16th,
Oct 23rd & 30th
Nov 6th & 13th

Lucy Brown & Lara Hall

Amanda Case
Clem Caunt & David Mallows
Julie Coyne

The Screwtape Letters Study Group: Alternate Thursdays at 7pm.

Sept 29th,( letters 24/25) at The Vines, Drunken Drove, GM;
Oct 13th (letters 26/27) at 2, Old Post Office Court, Harpley;
Oct 29th (letters 28/29) at Cobwebs, Gt Massingham
Info from Revd Judith (01485 601251)

Prayer Group WEDNESDAYS: 8.15 pm

Great Massingham; (next to Dabbling Duck)

at Barrack House,
Tel: Domi Bernardin 01485 521835

Summer Afternoon Teas Every Weds in St Marys Church from 3pm

Produce Stall ~ Last produce stall of the summer 9:30am Saturday 8th Oct,
On the Green, Gt Massingham, in church if wet.
Why not come along?
Messy Church is in the Village Hall, Gayton on Thursday 20th October at
Please send items for inclusion in the next issue of the Parish Notes to the editor
by 18th Oct~
Rosemary Mehers
2 Old Post Office Court, Harpley. PE31 6GW;

or Tel: 01485 521866

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