Notes and Reminders For Week of October 24, 2016: Monday

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Notes and Reminders

Week of October 24, 2016




Have you read your library books yet?

Look for some leaves in your neighborhood this week.
If you find something unusual bring it to school.
Do you have your costume ready for the Candy Corn
Festival tomorrow evening between 6:00 7:30 at the
CCLS Webster Campus?
Tomorrow is chapel day. Put an offering in the white
envelope (it is in the Daily Folder).
Remember to put your library books in your
Dismissal is at 12:05 tomorrow.
You have an extra day off of school this weekend!
What are you going to do?
Enjoy your weekend! J
Dont forget to worship on Sunday!

Character Formation God paves the way for us to do His work. We only need to take
responsibility, trust He will prepare us, and continue to listen as we follow His call.. This week we
will study the virtue of responsibility . Responsibility is Gods power for you to be accountable to
Him and others. God provides whatever we need to fulfill the call He gives us, even when we
feel inadequate. As we explore this virtue, we will continue to study Moses and how he had to
focus on Gods power instead of his own shortcomings. When we focus on our own abilities we
might succeed for a while, but we will eventually burn out and/or give up. When we focus on
God and allow Him to work in us and through us, God will provide everything! God will do the
work, and we get to come along for the adventure! This week as you discuss this virtue with
your child, asks yourselves this big question, What signs would you need to believe you were ready
to respond to Gods call?
The Book Fair is this week! Check it out! Details are this weeks CCLS Charger newsletter.
You received your parent teacher conference time last Friday with your childs report card.
Please contact me if there is a problem with your assigned time. Looking forward to visiting with
you this week.
Our kindergarten parent teacher conferences are for parents only. Please make arrangements
for your child/children during your assigned conference time..

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