Biology Mitosis

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Diagram 1 shows the numbers of cell that produced after a cell undergoing two
times of mitosis.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan bilangan sel yang dihasilkan selepas sel menjalani dua kali








Diagram 1/Rajah 1
How many cell will be produce if the cell undergoing the mitosis again?
Berapa banyak sel akan menghasilkan jika sel yang menjalani mitosis sekali lagi?



Jawapan: B

2. In the plant shown in Diagram 2, mitotic cell division occurs invitation active in
certain areas.
Dalam umbuhan yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2, pembahagian sel mitosis
berlaku aktif di kawasan tertentu.


Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
Where such areas?
Manakah kawasan tersebut?

P dan Q / P and Q

Q dan R/ Q and R

P dan S/ P and S

R dan S/ R and S

Jawapan: C

3. Diagram 3 shows one of the stages of cell division in humans.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan salah satu peringkat pembahagian sel pada manusia.

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
What is the importance of cell division shown that in humans?
Apakah kepentingan pembahagian sel yang ditunjukkan kepada manusia?

Clonning / pengklonan

Tissue culture / kultur tisu

Produce diploid cells/ penghasilan cell diploid

Produce haploid cells/ penghasilan cell haploid

Jawapan: D


Mitosis is the process in which one eukaryotic cell divides into two cells which is
identical to parent cell.
Mitosis ialah proses di mana satu sel eukariot membahagi kepada dua sel yang
serupa dengan sel induk .
Which of the following is not true about the importance of mitosis?
Antara berikut yang manakah tidak benar mengenai kepentingan mitosis ?

asexual reproduction of eukaryotes / pembiakan aseksual eukariot

fertilization in fallopian tube/ persenyawaan dalam tiub fallopio

growth of multicellular organisms/ pertumbuhan organisma multicellular

tissue renewal/ pembaharuan tisu

Jawapan: B
5. In Meiosis, in what phase are chromosomes replicated?
Fasa manakah berlakunya replikasi kromosom dalam meiosis?

Prophase/ profasa

S Phase/ Fasa S

G1 Phase/ Fasa G1

Metaphase/ Metafasa

Jawapan: B

Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent
cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is required to produce egg
and sperm cells for sexual reproduction.

Meiosis adalah sejenis pembahagian sel yang mengurangkan bilangan kromosom

dalam sel induk dengan separuh dan menghasilkan empat sel gamet . Proses ini
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan sel telur dan sperma untuk pembiakan seksual.
6. If a cell has 8 chromosomes in metaphase II, how many will a cell comes it have
Jika sel yang mempunyai 8 kromosom metafasa II , berapa banyak sel akan
dihasilkan dalam anafasa II


Jawapan: C
7. Houseflies have somatic cells with six pairs of chromosomes. Which of the
following is true about houseflies?
Lalat mempunyai sel somatik dengan enam pasang kromosom. Antara berikut,
yang manakah benar tentang lalat ?

The second generation of houseflies will have three pairs of chromosomes.

Generasi kedua lalat akan mempunyai tiga pasang kromosom.

The gametes of houseflies have three pairs of chromosomes.

Gamet lalat mempunyai tiga pasang kromosom


The gametes of houseflies have six chromosomes.

Gamet lalat mempunyai enam kromosom.

The value of n for housefly is twelve.

Nilai n untuk lalat adalah dua belas.

Jawapan: C

8. Diagram 4 shows the cloning of an animal.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan pengklonan haiwan.

Diagram 4/ Rajah 4
Which of the following types of cell cannot use for cloning of an animal?
Yang manakah di antara jenis-jenis sel tidak boleh digunakan untuk pengklonan

Cheeks cell / sel pipi

Matured red blood cell/ sel sarah merah yang matang

Muscles cell/ sel otot

Epithelial cell/ sel epitelium

Jawapan: B

9. The diploid chromosomal number (2n) of an animal is 42. If one of the

homologous chromosome pairs does not separate during meiosis I, how much
chromosomes can be found in the gametes?
Bilangan kromosom diploid (2n) haiwan adalah 42. Jika salah satu daripada
pasangan kromosom homolog tidak terpisah semasa meiosis I, berapa banyak
kromosom boleh didapati di gamet ?





Jawapan: A

10. Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells
containing half the original amount of genetic information.
Meiosis adalah proses di mana sel tunggal membahagikan dua kali untuk
menghasilkan empat sel yang mengandungi separuh jumlah asal maklumat

Which statements explain the importance of meiosis?

Mana penyataan berikut menerangkan kepentingan meiosis?

Haploid cells are produced during meiosis.

Sel haploid dihasilkan semasa meiosis.


The chromosomal number is reduced to half in the daugther cell.

Bilangan kromosom dikurangkan kepada separuh dalam sel anak.


The chromosomal number is maintained after each cell division.

Bilangan kromosom dikekalkan selepas setiap pembahagian sel.


Causes genetic variation from one generation to the next.

Punca variasi genetik dari satu generasi ke generasi seterusnya

I and II

III and IV

I, II and IV

II, III and IV

Jawapan: C

1. a)
At the shoot tips of plants, apical meristem cells divide actively to form new cells and
cause plants growth.
Di hujung pucuk tumbuh-tumbuhan, sel-sel meristem apikal membahagi secara aktif
untuk membentuk sel-sel baru dan pertumbuhan menyebabkan pokok.

Define the process of cell division in shoot tips.

Tentukan proses pembahagian sel di hujung pucuk.
[2 marks/ 2 markah]


The principle in cell division at shoot tips is used in agriculture. Explain how
the principle of this cell division is applied in agriculture. State the benefit of
this method.
Prinsip dalam pembahagian sel di hujung pucuk digunakan dalam bidang
pertanian. Jelaskan bagaimana prinsip pembahagian sel ini digunakan dalam
bidang pertanian. Menyatakan kepentingan kaedah ini.

[6 marks/ 6 markah]
Cell division in meiosis consists of meiosis I and meiosis II. Meiosis II is a type
of mitotic division.
Pembahagian sel dalam meiosis terdiri daripada meiosis I dan meiosis II.
Meiosis II adalah sejenis pembahagian mitosis
Explain what makes meiosis II a type of mitotic division, by using a cell 2n =
Terangkan mengapakah meiosis II merupai pembahagian mitosis dengan
menggunakan sel 2n = 4.
[6 marks/6 markah]
Meiosis is important in human beings to maintain a diploid state from
generation to generation. In this way, the same chromosome number is
maintained in every generation.
Meiosis adalah penting dalam manusia untuk mengekalkan keadaan diploid
dari generasi ke generasi. Dengan cara ini, bilangan kromosom yang sama
dapat dikekalkan dalam setiap generasi
Explain how meiosis occurs to maintain the diploid state and the number of
chromosomes in each generation.
Terangkan bagaimana meiosis berlaku untuk mengekalkan keadaan diploid
dan bilangan kromosom dalam setiap generasi
[6 marks/ 6 markah]
i) mitosis
- A cell divides to become two daughter cells with the same number of
chromosomes and genetic content as the parent cell.
- Mitosis is a type of cell division causing growth at the shoot tips
ii) in the field of agriculture, the process of mitosis is applied in tissue culture to
produce clones of plants
- Tissue culture is a technique whereby tissue from plants or animals are
cultured in suitable and sterile nutrient media
- Mitosis occurs repeatedly to form a mass of tissue called callus.
- The callus differentiates to form roots and shoots.
- New plants are produced.
- These plants are genetically identical to the parent plant and are called clones.
- The benefits of tissue culture in agriculture is to increase the production of
plants in a short time and to maintain the good qualities of the plant.

b) After meiosis I, two haploid daughter cells are formed (n=2). Both cells will
undergo meiosis.
- Cell division in meiosis II is similar to mitosis and has four stages which is
prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II.
- In prophase II, chromosomes condense to become shorter and thicker.
- Each chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids attaches at the centromere.
- Nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear.
- In metaphase II, spindle fibres are formed. Each chromatid pairs moves along
the spindle fibres and arrange themselves at the equator of the cell.
- In anaphase II, the centromere will divide into two.
- Each chromatid pair will separate and move to the opposite poles of the cell.
Each chromatid at the pole becomes a chromosome.
- In telophase II, cytokinesis occurs and forms two daughter cells from one
parent cell.
- Nucleolus and nuclear membranes are reformed at each poles around the
- Each daughter cell is haploid and identical to the parent cell. This is similar to
the mitotic process whereby a parent cell produces to daughter cells which are
identical to the parent cell
c) During anaphase I of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes will separate.
- Then move to the opposite poles of the cell.
- Two daughter cells are formed with each cell having half the chromosome
number of the parent cell.
- In anaphase II, chromatids separate and each haploid parent cell produces two
daughter cells identical to haploid parent cell. At the end of meiosis, the
haploid cell produced are the gametes.
- Testes undergo meiosis o produces sperms
- Ovaries undergo meiosis to produce ovum.
- During fertilization, a sperm nucleus will fuse with the ovum nucleus to form
a diploid zygote.
- Zygote will develop to form a baby with diploid somatic cells.
- The diploid state is maintained for each generation of the organism.
- The number of chromosomes in each generation is maintained.

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