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Knowledge is of two kinds.

We know a
subject ourselves, or we know where we can
find information upon it. Samuel Johnson,

Boolean Logic

Named for British Mathematician George Boole (1815-1864)

Designed a system of logic to produce better search results
(narrow or broaden)
And, Or, and Not
to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more
focused and productive results
Its actually used in search engines, computer software and 3D

Google Examples

cloning AND humans AND ethics AND

(narrows your search)
university OR college OR institution OR campus
(broadens your search)
Saturn -car

Nesting.using parentheses as an effective way to
combine several search statements
Sinclair Lewis AND (satire OR satirical)
Double quotation marks around two or more will
forces them to be searched as a phrase in exact order.
Ernest Hemingway AND treatment of women
college students AND test anxiety

Why Use Databases

Provide credible, reliable sources from reputable

Student Resources, SIRS, Contemporary Authors
Current, high quality, scholarly articles, statistics,
etc. can be found
MLA citation providedexport straight to Easybib
Use Boolean Logic in databases to narrow or
broaden your search

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