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- What are the pillars of Chemical Engineering ?

- Is this equation an ODE or a PDE ? This is an IVP or a BVP ?
- How do you solve it ? What are the different ways of solving ODE, PDE?
- Tell me 4 different mechanical operations ?
Size reduction (crushing, pulverisation), size enlargement (granulation), solid transport, separation (sedimentation, filtration)
- Write down the Hagen Poiseuille Equation.
- Write Raoult's law, for ideal and non ideal solutions.
-Instruments for each of the 4 Mech OP
Ball mill, jaw crusher; disc granulator, fluidized bed granulator;
-Inverse of a Matrix
-e^(-x) graph
-RK Method of sloving ODE,equation,
-For a laminar flow in a pipe given Pressure difference ,find Avg Velocity
-Will it change if the flow is turbulent
-Filtration involves what fluid dynamics principle
-Whats the basic equation in VLE? whats k in it ?
-Difference between crushing and grinding?
Crushing (dry) - breaking large chunks in ~ - inch; grinding (wet) - breaking fine into very fines;
-Use of analogies in FF, HT, MT?
- talk on turbulence

- How do you measure vapour pressure?

A. Antoine Equation

where p is the vapor pressure,

T is temperature

and A, B and C are component-specific constants.

- Claussius Clapeyron Equation ?
Use to estimate vapour pressure of pure liquid and solid
P = A exp (- DeltaHvap / R T)
P: vapour pressure,
- Dalton's law

states that in a mixture of non-reacting gases, the total p

ressure exerted is equal to the sum of the p
artial pressures of
the individual gases.


represent the partial pressure of each component.[1]

- Bubble point calculations
-How could you calculate latent heat of fusion, if L , V are given?
- What is fugacity ?

fugacity of a real gas is an effective partial pressure which replaces the mechanical partial pressure in an accurate
computation of the chemical equilibrium constant. It is equal to the pressure of an ideal gas which has the same chemical
potential as the real gas.
-What do you know about Pool Boiling?
-What are single effect evaporators, multiple effect evaporators, and their advantages and disadvantages?
-Do we use saturated steam or superheated steam in evaporators?
Saturated (higher pressure for superheater -> greater cost of equipment)
-Draw a HEx
-Do we have 1-3, 1-5 HExes in the market (odd no. of tube-side passes)? Why not?
-If the shell side fluid is a gas, and tube side is a liquid, where will u fill the liquid from, top or bottom?
-Why do we not have too many baffles? Won't it increase turbulence and heat transfer? (Ans: pressure drop will inc, cleaning will be
-Do you have any idea about the pitch? Advantages and disadvantages of square pitch and triangular pitch? (Ans: triangular - more
compact, square - less pressure drop, easier to clean)
-Draw a distillation column
-Where is the temperature higher?
-Can we design a system to exchange heat from the top portion to heat the reboiler? Is it more economical to heat the reboiler
separately or to heat the already warm gases and then make them lose heat by exchanging with the reboiler so that the warm gases
are also condensed and the reboiler is also heated? Will the control of such a process still be easy? (This was kinda like an arbit
discussion with him)
-Design questions - HEx; Decanter; Compressor

- What is boundary layer. When it is formed.Why do we consider it?
V = 0.99*(v inf - v o)
- Relation between delta and x.
- Laws of crushing
Rittinger (m=-2), bond (-1.5), kick (-1)
- mesh number.
- Crusher efficiency and mechanical efficiency.
= increase in surface energy / energy imparted to solid (0.6-1%)
- Conductive heat transfer. (fourier law)
- draw a closed loop grinding
- What is View factor - Radiation.
Fraction of radiation reaching B from A
-Dittus-Boelter Equation
Forced convection in a tube for turbulent flow (re>10000); nu = 0.023 re^0.8 pr^0.33
-Sieder -Tate Equation
Forced convection in a tube for laminar flow (re<2100); nu = 0.027 re^0.8 pr^0.33 (mu/muw)^0.14
-Significance of Re , Pr and Nu.
-Define Emissivity
Emission from a body/ black body
-Planck's & Stefan's Law
Stefans law- sigma * T^4
-Forces acting on a body immersed in fluid.
-Drag force and its importance.
-Corelation between fanning factor and Drag coefficient
-Ok ,whats filtration ?
-Bond's Law & Work Index
Work index = equivalent energy to reduce one ton of the ore to 100 micrometers (80%) (kWh/ton)
-Genralized Filtration Equation.
-Draw a three effect evaporator. Co current, Counter current

-Draw a shell-tube 1-2 HEx

-Derive the LMTD for that (Ans: one of the tube passes will be cocurrent, other pass countercurrent)
-Draw the temperature profile for the shell side and tube side fluids along the length of the HEx
-Write the Stokes Equation
-What is Particle Reynolds Number?
-Basic equation of filtration?
-Darcy equation?
-equal velocity for Stoke n newton regime
-Kozney karmen equation
-Filtration equation and derive for constant flow rate and constant pressure difference
-Specific cake resistance significance
-how it varies with compressible/incompressible flow
-Settling types

-Power number
-flow rate of flowing river without measuring velocity Ans: dam will act as V notch
-how will u tell whether flow is turbulent without calculating reynold's number Ans: Draw velocity profile with pitot tube and flat at centre
will indicate turbulent flow

Sudipto [IPC/HT]
- What is order of a system;
- Eqn of 1st order system
- Significance of tau in that eqn
- Explain nusselt's number and heat transfer coeffieicent
- What is first order system?
- Significance of time constant? Physical significance?
- What is offset?
- Do you eliminate all the errors in P only controller? Why? Mathematical expression.
- Nusselt number and Biot number difference? (biot -> solids, nusselts -> liquids)
- Fundamental differences of Conduction, Radiation and Convection?
- Significance of 'h" (convective resistance)

Ganguly [MT/Fluid Mech]

- Name a few flowmeters
+ve displacement/volumetric (piston, gear, helical) - direct measurement, differential pressure (orifice plate, venturi tube, pitot
tube, flow nozzle, rotameter - variable area) - del p is proportional to square of q, mass (thermal, coriolis), velocity (turbine, swirl)
- How does rotameter work
Variable area, tapered, float
- Where does drag force in rotameter work
- How does pitot tube work
Instrument to measure difference between static, total and dynamic pressure heads
Stagnation(total) = static + dynamic;
- Where can you take the free stream pressure for pitot tube (he said you can also take it near the tube)
- Difference between Reciprocating and Centrifugal pump(he wanted to be specific)
Centrifugal - kinetic, fluid is accelerated by impeller blades, k.e converted to pressure head

Reciprocating - positive displacement, periodic motion of fluids, drags in and discharges out
- Name some separation processes
- When do we use Extraction over distillation?
When volatility fraction is close to 1, we cannot use distillation
-Units of Viscosity, mass transfer co-efficient?
-Working of Rotameter, Pitot Tube, Orifice Meter.
-Newtonian and Non-newtonian fluids- definition, equations and examples.
Newtonian All gases, low mol wt liquids

NCP [Reacn]
- What is dissolution constant for the exp which we did in the lab for benzoic acid (rxn engg lab)
- Derive the eqn from mass balance
- Design equation for a solid bed catalyst
- From mass of catalyst how to find volume (divide mass by which density?)
- Where is the nonlinear term in rate equation?
- What are the types of ideal reactors?
- Why are they called ideal? What are non-ideal reactors?
- What is integral method of analysis?
- What method of analysis did you use in your lab?
- What do you have to assume?
- Design equations of Batch, PFR, CSTR.
-Space time and Space velocity?
-How do u determine order of a reaction?
-What are the parameters of non-linearity in a rate equation?
- Gross n net calorific value
Net (pdts of combustion contain water in vapour phase) < gross (pdts contain water in condensed phase)
- Difference between vapour and gas
Gas -> beyond critical temp; cannot be liquefied with application of pressure alone
- Draw a nozzle with ring pad and shell
- Centrifugal pumps - graph of H versus Q , shutoff head, operating zone, NPSH
Head vs flow rate, system curve, pump performance curve, operating pt
Shutoff head- H on pump curve at Q=0
- What are the impurities from refinery
water, sediment, salts,(BS&W) metals, nitrogen, sulphur (by product)
- How to design 1-2 heat exchanger
- How to remove co2 , so2 and no2 from gas
Co2- mea, dea; so2, no2- urea
- What is critical temperature and pressure
-What is Feed Forward control. And does it have to always contain Feedback control inside it.
-What is a 'bias' value in the PID equation.
Introduced to set the offset=0 at a particular operating pt
-Give the order of Calorific Value of Coal.(10^4 kJ/kg)
-Draw an Engg Diagram of a nozzle connected to the heat exchanger wall.
-What is SORP.

Statement of recommended practice :P

-Temperature gradient inside a Distillation column.
t less in top, more in bottom (more or less linear)
-Pressure gradient inside a distillation column.
P less in top, more in bottom (more or less linear)
-What is NPSH?
-What is the direction of impeller blades in a centrifugal pump, direction of flow
Plane of blades normal to direction of flow
-What are the characteristic curves for a pump.
-What is the difference between gas and vapour?
-What is LMTD correction factor? (FT)
For multi-pass heat exchangers, flow may be cocurrent and countercurrent -> q = UdA(FTTm)
-Which temperature measuring instrument will you use to measure temperature in a furnace?
-What is channeling in packed bed tower?
Channeling occurs when the fluid flowing through the packed bed finds a preferred path through the bed
-Give conditions of flooding?
Accumulation of liquid at top, sharp rise in pressure drop, sharp rise in liquid holdup, sharp fall in mt efficiency
-what is the critical temp. of steam?
221.2 bar 374.15oC
-how do we create vacuum in a vacuum evaporator?
-How is sulphuric acid made from? where does Haldia Plant get sulphur from?
Contact process
-pollutants in fuel gas containing sulphur burnt in air?

-showed me truncated navier stokes eqn, asked me to identify what it was and explain physical significance of each term
-showed the above equations momentum integral soln and asked to identify boundary conditions after guessing the non-dimensional
forms needed
-asked what is view factor in radiation..i said never heard of he gave me the definition and asked me to calculate view factors of
flat, curved and spherical surfaces
-asked me the reynolds analogy qs asked by dd kar
-asked me the terms in bernoullis equation and "which subject would be needed to incorporate viscous terms in this eqn
-NS equation, boundary layer, bernoillis eq with assumptions and conditions and the different losses associated with real fluids (major
and minor).
-Which field deals with these losses?
-Laws of Thermodynamics.
-About viscosity, shear stress, what is denoted by tau(xy) etc..
-About Radiation.. About Black body, gray body ..
-In a tank, if a hole is drilled, near the hole which losses are to be expected?
-Momentum Integral form for a Boundary layer. Given the equation, mention the boundary conditions.
-Newtons law of viscosity, lot of paraphernalia around that
-Navier Stokes analysis
-Boundary conditions, derivations

-Boundary layer comparisons in mass/momentum/heat

-Bernoulli: assumptions, variations, correction for viscosity blah blah
-Heat Transfer correlations for momentum and mass (Dimensionless numbers, their comparison. importance..)
-Describe Reynold's Analogy
-What assumptions are used for deriving Bernoulli equation?

Sonali Sengupta
-What is solvent?
-How paint dries?
-Single/dual site mechanism
-Compounds used in Nylon 66
Adipic acid, hexamethyl diamine
-Name of benzene structure
-Which will you arrange a large reactor and small reactor in a series combination?
-Given equilibrium constant, how will you find equilibrium conversion?
Conversion = kc/(1+kc)
-Ammonia formation- exo or endo?
- What is Standard temp and pressure? Normal temperature and pressure?
- H2SO4 production? What is meant by 20% oleum?
- Air liquefaction?
Joule thompson. Very cold water jacket, nozzle, pressure lowers drastically and suddenly, liquefied
-What kind of column used?
-What comes out at the bottom and the top?
Top - air; bottom - liquified air
-What is Arrhenius Equation?
-Which factor determines probability of collision of reactant molecules to form the product?
A (pre-exponential factor)
-Temp dependence of rate constant.
-Draw energy of system vs reaction progress.
-Decomposition of Ammonia - exothermic or endothermic?
-Favored at high pressure,high temp or low pressure,low temp?
-Two batch rectors,diff volumes,how will u decide on series arrangement?
If n>1, small first (to keep the conc. As high as possible for the 2nd reactor)
-A+B=R,B+R=S.series or parallel?draw concentration profiles of all species.
Competitive series

-Where rotameter cannot be used?
Only vertical, non-transparent liquid
-Force balance for the same
-Schematic diagram of 2-4 heat exchanger
-Write formula for overall heat transfer coefficient in tubes][\
-Significance of Nusselt no
-Lubricants used in fans?
-What type of fluid are they?
-Draw shear stress curve for it

-Diff types of fluid?

-How flow is measured for waste water flowing in drains in industry?
Open channel - v-notch
-How to design diameter of feed nozzle in distillation column?
-What is channeling? How do you prevent it?
-What is priming of a pump ? How will you accomplish it ?
the pump casing must be filled with liquid before the pump is started, or the pump will not be able to function. If the pump casing
becomes filled with vapors or gases, the pump impeller becomes gas-bound and incapable of pumping.
-What is NPSH ?
NPSH is the difference between suction pressure (stagnation) and vapor pressure. In equation form: NPSH = Ps Pvap.
-What is cavitation ?
When npsh <0, air bubbles form
-How would you come to know if there is cavitation in a pump ?
High noise in equipment
-What type of pressure devise is used to measure pressure just after a centrifugal pump . Why ?
-LMTD in countercurrent is less than LMTD in co-current in a special situation . What is that ?
-Draw the flooding vs liquid velocity curve for a packed tower ?
-What kind of pump will u use for water?Centrifugal or reciprocating?
Centrifugal because viscosity is not high
The max depth from which centrifugal pump can draw water?(Gave time to do calculations)
Sherwood number?Its physical significance?
Charecterstics of pumps.
Degree API Gravity?
Diff. b/w gross calorific value and net calorific value?
What is smoke point & its value for kerosene?
How to measure open channel flow?
wht is co-carbonation?
purest quality of water used in industries?
Dm water
What does 50mm Hg vacuum mean?

Sudarshan Neogi
-Thermoplastic and Thermosetting polymer - diff
-Petrol and Diesel difference?
-Instruments used to measure flow?
-Give example of variable head and area flowmeter?
-Non invasive techniques of measuring flow?
-Pitot tube
-What type of material is bottle - thermoplastic
-Boundary layer in pipe with distance for laminar and turbulent flow
-WHAT is boundary layer?
-On what factor does boundary layer height depends? - velocity, length
-What is difference between biochemical and chemical reactions?
-Name one biochemical reaction?
-Antibiotic production
-Stefan Boltzman law

-What kind of heat transfer can take place from a table top?
-Pump characteristics
-Name a type of packing used in column?
Random, structured, grid
-How do you make it?
-What is the fundamental difference between petrol and diesel ? In terms of composition ?
-In steam pipelines , how will you ensure there is no condensation ?
-When there is condensation , how will you remove it ?
-What are steam traps ?
-What is cloud point ?
-What is pour point ?
-How will you pump highly viscous liquids ?
-What is PPD ? ( Pour point depressant )
Paraffin oil
-What are different types of packing in the packed column ?
-Suppose you are a construction engineer , how will you fill up the column with the packing ?
-Bottle of Bisleri- thermoplastic or thermosetting?
Give an example of thermosetting.
Critical insulation thickness?
Prandlt number?
Corresponding number from mass transfer?
Compostion of cement?
Example of Bingham plastic.(toothpaste)
State second and third laws of thermoD.
Name few controllers?
What's the use difference b/w feedforward and feedback controllers & their corresponding advantages?
abt bode plot & nyquist plot?
What is used to remove condensed steam from steam pipes in refineries ?

-What is viscoelastic fluid?
Viscoelasticity is the property of materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic characteristics when undergoing deformation.
-Give example
Lquid polymer, glycerine
-What kind of forces come into play in micro-channel?
Surface forces (because surface to volume ratio is high)
-Why microchannnel?
-Separation in microchannel
-What is octane number ?
-What is cetane number ?
-What is knocking and how would you describe knocking as a chemical engineer ?
Explosion caused by premature burning of gas in combustion chamber
-Why do higher branched hydrocarbons have higher octane number?
Radicals of higher branched hydrocarbons are more stable

-What is unleaded petrol ?

Petrol without lead compounds (lead is used to reduce knocking)
-Why is the chemical used in unleaded petrol used ? And what is its mechanism of improving the quality of petrol ?
Use Aromatic hydrocarbons
-In terms of deltaG , thermodynamically explain how boiling takes place ?
Diff b/w Gibb's and Helmholtz Free energies.
G(maximum work done by system at const p) =H-TS; A(max work done by system at const volume)=U-TS
Relation between rate constant and Gibbs energy.
Ideal/non-ideal solutions.
Activity of solution?
Measure of effective conc of a species in a mixture
Can we measure absolute free energy?
No, only diff in energy
Phase change...governed by H or G? (G)

-PV plot
-2 reactors in series, how to arrange?
-Kinetic model.. collision therory etc..
-write three formulas for k as func of Temp. ans one is Arhenius; Vant Hoffs
-What is CSTR and PFR main diff : 1.) Back mixing 2.) dispersion
-Write NH3 disosiation rxn. Write eq. constant
-two CSTR 1 liter and 10 liter which one first
-CSTR 5 liter PFR 5 liter which one first
-Defiine solvent.[ after my explanation he told me solvent must not b reactive with solute]
-Types of solvent, examples of organic solvent
-Questions based on Arrhenius equation
-Define space time, RTD and explain difference between two
-Talked about Dispersion no.
-Utility of DIspersion no
-given Vo vs Ca kaa data how wd u find kinetics const k?
-A + B --> C mein u r given conversion x how wd u find eq const.
-for gas reactions how wd u find epsilon?
-What is enthalpy? write equation.
-Internal energy

-non interacting CSTR
-block diagram for feedback ctrler
-Turbo problem and servo problem
-Effect on G(s) when setpoint is changed when Kp is used .
-Block diagram for a process control system
-Output responses in 2nd order non interacting system for various disturbance
-Derive the most general form of heat balance equation.
-Solve it for 1D case for the specified boundary conditions.

-What other analytical methods do u know for solving PDE?

Rk method, Euler method
-Computational methods.
-Draw y* vs x and and enthalpy vs x
-Temp vs x,y
-Name different devices to measure pressure.
Manometer, barometer
-What device wd u use to measure pressure of a vessel containing corrosive liquid.
Bourdon tube
-Diagram of bourdon tube.
-Is the bourdon tube circular or does it have some special cross section?

Swati Neogi
-Bernoulli's equation and two flow meter where it is applicable.
Venturi, pitot, orifice
-Distillation column, equation used and significance of q(the term that comes in operating line equation)
-Principle of Rotameter.
-Mass Transfer Theories.
Boundary layer, thin film, surface renewal, penetration
-Derive overall mass transfer coeff in two film
-Surface Renewable Theory
-Raoult's law and what would you use in case of Non-ideal solution
D Mukh
-Crushers, Mills, critical velocity(to derive the expression)
-Kick's law Bonds law and rittinger's law..and what is the basic difference
-Settling: free and hindered
-Different types of settlers
-What is thermistor,
-temperature dependent resistor
-how does a thermocouple work
-thermometers which use conductors's resistance
-Transfer function, stability of a process, poles and zeroes
-Urea manufacturing
-Ammonia manufacturing..starting from how we obtain H2 and N2

-producer gas, water gas, the difference between them

-Derive NS equation of heat conduction in a cylinder
-Derive the unsteady state conduction equation of a sphere with initial temp T1 fully submerged in fluid of temp T2. Boundary
-Heat conduction equation in three slabs of diff k and length
-Derive equation in a CSTR, unsteady state and A->B+C
-Competitive reaction in a CSTR if initial mole flow rates are fixed and k1/k2 is given how would you control product formation
-Eigen values for matrix
-how to solve 1st order ODE of a matrix
S. De
-difference streamline, streakline and pathline
-Irrotational flow and example . Mathematical condition
Gradient of velocity vector = 0;
-Darcy law ; Explain Retention on membranes
-which dimensionless no is important for Natural convection2
Rayleigh number = Prandlt * Geashoff
-Define Grashoff No with mathematical expression
-Condition for buyonacy between two parallel plates
-Top plate is heated bottom plate is cold. There's air in between. Will the heat flow?
-what's the equation of a fluidized bed?

What happens when 2 pumps in series; characteristics curve of the system
Difference b/w film and boundary layer

Equation used in thermo and fluid both?

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