Waterisapolarmolecule Ariswertin

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Water is a Polar Molecule

1. Do the shared electrons in a water molecule spend more time near

the oxygen atom or the hydrogen atoms? Why?
They spend more time near the oxygen because the oxygen has a stronger pull.
2. Why are water molecules so attracted to each other?

Water molecules are attracted to each other because of polarity. The hydrogen from one
water attracts to the oxygen of another water.

3. Attractions are important in three different ways. Match the title with
the description.

Title A: Within an Atom

Title B: Between the atoms in a molecule
Title C: Between molecules
Description 1: The electrons of each atom are attracted to the protons in the other
atom. These mutual attractions keep two or more atoms together as a covalently
bonded molecule.
Description 2: The positive areas of one molecule are attracted to the negative areas
of another molecule. These mutual attractions keep a substance together.
Description 3: The electrons are attracted to the protons in an atom. These attractions
keep an atom together.
Title A

Description ___3___

Title B

Description ___1___

Title C

Description ___2___

4. Because water molecules are polar, how do they arrange themselves

in liquid water?

They arrange themselves one on top of the other because they are attracted to each

5. Design an experiment that investigates if water or alcohol evaporates


a. Question to Investigate
Does water evaporate faster or slower than less-polar alcohol?

b. Hypothesis
If water and alcohol are left to evaporate, then alcohol will
evaporate faster than water because the molecules in alcohol are
less dense, therefore alcohol will be easier, and faster, to
evaporate. Water is overall polar, while only part of the alcohol is
polar, making it evaporate faster.
c. Materials List
i. Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol) (70%) (5
ii. Water (5 Milliliters)
iii. Graduated Cylinders (Two)

d. Procedure
i. Pour each liquid into a different cup
ii. Set the cups both by a window and let sit for
one hour
iii. Check after one hour to see results

1. Independent Variable
a. The choice of
liquids and the time given to evaporate

2. Dependent Variable

a. If water or alcohol
evaporates faster
3. Controls
a. Same amounts of
b. Same amount of
c. Same time to

e. Results
f. Conclusion
We were trying to find if 70% rubbing alcohol or water evaporates faster in the
space of one hour.
i. What were the major findings? Which
evaporates faster, water or alcohol? Why does alcohol evaporate
faster? Include data examples.

ii. Was the hypothesis supported by the data?

iii. What possible sources of error might have
iv. How could the experiment be improved, or

changed for further study? Alcohol boils at a lower temperature

than water. Knowing what you do about the polarity of water and
alcohol, explain why alcohol boils at a lower temperature than

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