Physiology of The Digestive Sys

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The Digestive System

Anatomy & Physiology



The branches of science that will help you understand the body parts and
functions are anatomy and physiology. Anatomy deals with the study of the
human body (the component parts, structure and position) and physiology the
study of how the body functions.

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The body comprises of a number of systems including the: Cardiovascular

system, Digestive system, Endocrine system, Muscular system, Neurological
system, Respiratory system and the Skeletal system.

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The functions of the digestive system are:

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Ingestion - eating food

Digestion - breakdown of the food
Absorption - extraction of nutrients from the food
Defecation - removal of waste products

The digestive system also builds and replaces cells and tissues that are
constantly dying.

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The digestive system is a group of organs (Buccal cavity (mouth), pharynx,
oesophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, jejunum, ileum and colon) that
breakdown the chemical components of food, with digestive juices, into tiny
nutrients which can be absorbed to generate energy for the body.


Food enters the mouth and is chewed by the teeth, turned over and mixed
with saliva by the tongue. The sensations of smell and taste from the food
sets up reflexes which stimulate the salivary glands.

These glands increase their output of secretions through three pairs of ducts
into the oral cavity, and begin the process of digestion.
Saliva lubricates the food enabling it to be swallowed and contains the
enzyme ptyalin which serves to begin to break down starch.


Food Processing

Situated at the back of the nose and oral cavity receives the softened food
mass or bolus by the tongue pushing it against the palate which initiates the
swallowing action.

Enzymes in Food

At the same time a small flap called the epiglottis moves over the trachea to
prevent any food particles getting into the windpipe.

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From the pharynx onwards the alimentary canal is a simple tube starting with
the salivary glands.

The oesophagus travels through the neck and thorax, behind the trachea and
in front of the aorta. The food is moved by rhythmical muscular contractions
known as peristalsis (wave-like motions) caused by contractions in
longitudinal and circular bands of muscle. Antiperistalsis, where the
contractions travel upwards, is the reflex action of vomiting and is usually
aided by the contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

The stomach lies below the diaphragm and to the left of the liver. It is the
widest part of the alimentary canal and acts as a reservoir for the food where
it may remain for between 2 and 6 hours. Here the food is churned over and
mixed with various hormones, enzymes including pepsinogen which begins
the digestion of protein, hydrochloric acid, and other chemicals; all of which
are also secreted further down the digestive tract.
The stomach has an average capacity of 1 litre, varies in shape, and is
capable of considerable distension. When expanding this sends stimuli to the
hypothalamus which is the part of the brain and nervous system controlling
hunger and the desire to eat.
The wall of the stomach is impermeable to most substances, although does
absorb some water, electrolytes, certain drugs, and alcohol. At regular
intervals a circular muscle at the lower end of the stomach, the pylorus opens
allowing small amounts of food, now known as chyme to enter the small

The small intestine measures about 7m in an average adult and consists of
the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Both the bile and pancreatic ducts open
into the duodenum together. The small intestine, because of its structure,
provides a vast lining through which further absorption takes place. There is a
large lymph and blood supply to this area, ready to transport nutrients to the
rest of the body. Digestion in the small intestine relies on its own secretions
plus those from the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

The Pancreas is connected to the duodenum via two ducts and has two main
1. To produce enzymes to aid the process of digestion
2. To release insulin directly into the blood stream for the purpose of
controlling blood sugar levels
Enzymes suspended in the very alkaline pancreatic juices include amylase for
breaking down starch into sugar, and lipase which, when activated by bile
salts, helps to break down fat. The hormone insulin is produced by specialised
cells, the islets of Langerhans, and plays an important role in controlling the
level of sugar in the blood and how much is allowed to pass to the cells.

The liver, which acts as a large reservoir and filter for blood, occupies the
upper right portion of abdomen and has several important functions:
1. Secretion of bile to the gall bladder
2. Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
3. The storage of glycogen ready for conversion into glucose when energy
is required.
4. Storage of vitamins
5. Phagocytosis - ingestion of worn out red and white blood cells, and
some bacteria

The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile which emulsifies fats making
them easier to break down by the pancreatic juices.

The large intestine averages about 1.5m long and comprises the caecum,
appendix, colon, and rectum. After food is passed into the caecum a reflex
action in response to the pressure causes the contraction of the ileo-colic
valve preventing any food returning to the ileum. Here most of the water is
absorbed, much of which was not ingested, but secreted by digestive glands
further up the digestive tract. The colon is divided into the ascending,
transverse and descending colons, before reaching the anal canal where the
indigestible foods are expelled from the body.

Most exercise has a positive effect on the digestive system helping to quell
appetite and increase metabolism. Some endurance events sometimes cause
competitors to have an upset stomach and diarrhoea.

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The following references provide additional information on this topic:
LIPSKI, E. (2012) Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System
and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion. McGraw-Hill

If you quote information from this page in your work then the reference for
this page is:
MACKENZIE, B. (2001) Physiology - Digestive System [WWW] Available
from: [Accessed

The following Sports Coach pages provide additional information on this topic:

Articles on Anatomy & Physiology

Books on Physiology
Body Fat
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Ideal Weight
Muscular System
Neurological System
Respiratory System
Skeletal System

For further information on this topic see the following:
BEASHEL, P. and TAYLOR, J. (1996) Advanced Studies in Physical
Education and Sport. UK: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
BEASHEL, P. and TAYLOR, J. (1997) The World of Sport Examined. UK:
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
BIZLEY, K. (1994) Examining Physical Education. Oxford; Heinemann
Educational Publishers
DAVIS, B. et al. (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. UK:
Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
GALLIGAN, F. et al. (2000) Advanced PE for Edexcel. Oxford;
Heinemann Educational Publishers
McARDLE, W. et al. (2000) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
TORTORA, G and ANAGNOSTAKOS, N. (1990) Principles of Anatomy and
Physiology. 6th ed. USA; Harper Collins Publishers
STONE, R. and STONE, J. (1997) Atlas of Skeletal Muscles. 2nd Ed.
USA; The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.
BLAKEY, P. (1992) The Muscle Book. UK; Bibiotek Books Ltd.

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