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Unit 3: Reactions Case Study

Name: _______________________________________

Date: _____________

We have discussed four types of reactions (combustion, synthesis,

decomposition, & replacement). Discuss how each types of chemical
reaction is used by a scientist or medical professional such as a
pharmacist. Make sure you find a research article on each type of
Cited Sources, Data & General Research Findings:
(Author, Title of Article, Website for each)
1. Combustion Source:

2. Synthesis Source:


3. Decomposition Source:

4. Replacement Source:

Discussion about combustion reactions:


Include data/findings from all sources, and this must be a complete


_From my research, I didnt find many medical uses for combustion. Scientist use
combustion to make carbon dioxide. Combustion reactions can be used as fuel for
example: coal and fire. The carbon dioxide wont be the fuel however the coal
burning will make carbon

Discussion about synthesis reactions:


Include data/findings from all sources, and this must be a complete


__Synthesis reactions are used for many reasons in the medical field. One thing
synthesis reactions do is form different substances that arent made naturally. This
also helps scientists gain a better understanding of structures of elements.
Synthesis also helps produce large quantities of products. This is how medicines are
made and cures to diseases are found, scientists and doctors mix elements to form
new compounds and they receive positive products.


Discussion about decomposition reactions:


Include data/findings from all sources, and this must be a complete


_Decomposition reactions are the opposite of synthesis reactions. They break down
the compound to go to individual elements. Medicines you will see this is hydrogen
peroxide, they keep it in the dark bottle because if sunlight were to beam the
substance, it would break up to just water and
Discussion about replacement reactions:

Include data/findings from all sources, and this must be a complete


__Replacement reactions are when elements replace other elements in an equation.

In the real world these reactions usually happen naturally. An example would be iron
rusting. The rusting occurs so the metal that is standing wont lose structure and
the figure will remain true to the original. That example I explained was the Statue
of Liberty. Also in other scenarios similar to the Statue of Liberty, certain elements

will be replaced by other elements so that the original object doesnt change and
will remain true to the original.

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