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The CWG Scam: A Case Study from an Administrative Law Perspective

Chandni Kaur Bagga 09/BALLB/013

Preeti Pratishruti Dash 09/BALLB/035
This project is concerned with the scam involved in the Common Wealth Games, 2010. :
1. The question that arises is whether the bidding process was arbitrary and in violation of
right to equality and the principles of natural justice and fairness.
2. Was there a lack of transparency in the whole process?
3. Was the awarding and monitoring of contracts unethical?
4. Was there a Bias? If so was it professional or personal?
This project is relevant because this is a current topic that no one has researched upon. Moreover,
here we look at it entirely from an administrative law perspective and this makes it unique in
itself. The CWG scam is one that has rocked the nation in the recent past and therefore requires
adequate research. A research from an administrative law perspective is particularly important
because not much information about the awarding of the contracts, etc is available to the public
at large.
We seek to establish that the contracts were awarded in an arbitrary manner, and try to find out if
the committee had discretion if so then, it was applied in an arbitrary manner. We also seek to
understand that the actions and the management of the entire event was done in an
unprofessional manner and does clearly depict a bias. We will mostly depend on empirical data
available, and we will also use secondary as well as primary resources. We shall apply
established principles of administrative law to try and understand then analyse the situation from
administrative law perspective. We will do this by taking this situation and comparing it with
other events that have happened in the past as well as established precedents.

Tentative Chapterization
Chapter 1
Commonwealth Games Scam An Introduction
This will be a brief introduction to the scam which will highlight the major issues for our better
Chapter 2

Administrative law Perspective

We will seek to prove that the action of the Organising committee were steeped in bias and there
was arbitrary use of administrative discretion. The awards of the contracts that were granted were
granted in an arbitrary manner and we shall draw a line as to how this is in contravention of the
principles of natural justice and fairness.
In this we shall seek to prove our hypothesis that the whole process was against the principles of
natural justice and fairness and the fallout of these actions was a denial of right to equality.

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