The Mistery of The Solway Spaceman

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The Mistery of the Solway spaceman

On a bright summer's day in 1964. The Templenton Family went to Solway, This
place is located in Bristol in England. Jim the Elizabeths father was fond of
photography. He took two photos of his daughter. The first photo was normal but in
the second photo, you could see a strange figure appeared to be an astronaut. The
second photo was more horrible than the first. Jim and his family said they were
alone that day. They said We didnt look at the picture to collet photographs. The
Elizabeths acquaintance published the pictures in a contemporary newspaper and
caught the attention of several specialists in ufology. Elizabeth became famous and
many people wanted to know her, because there was speculation that she was an
alien. Many people believed that it was just a cloud but some Scientists said it was
almost impossible to see black clouds on a fully sunny day. I bet that was an evil
spirit. I doubt that photography is an error or an astronaut. Also I doubt that its a
false image because it was reviewed by many specialists. The people were
against scientists. Until this day no one knows who or what is behind Elizabeth in
the photo. So I think it is the most unexplainable picture that exists, because Its a
very frightening photography and its something that scientists could not explain.

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