Reading FCE1

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Test 1 Part 2 You are going to read a magazine article about letter writing. Seven sentences have been removed {rom the article. Choose trom the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9=16). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Mark your ansivers on the separate answer sheet. Drop me a line! ae “= In our fast world of phones, emails and computers, the oldashioned art of letter writing is at rik of disappearing allogether. Yet, to me, there is something about receiving a letter that cannot be matehed by any other form of communication “Theres the exeitement ofits arrival, the pleasure of seeing who itis from and, finally, the enjoyment of the contents Letter writing as been part of my ile for a tou a5 can remember: It probably began with the Ite notes would write to my mother. My mother, als, always insisted {write my own thankyou letters for ‘Christmas and birthday presents When I left home at 18 to tran as a doctor in ‘London. would write oncea week, nd so would my mother. Occasionally my father would write and it ‘was always aoy to ecelve his long, amusing letters (0F cours, we also made phone eae but tis the letters lremember most. ‘There were also letters from my boyfriends nny ‘youth I seemed to attract people who had to work for study away at some time and I was only able 10 stay in touch by correspondence. [SHE] —_] 1 {ound that I could often express myself more easily sm writing than by talking. 1 love the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards. BET —] And t's even nicer 10 ‘when t's an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps. My overseas letters arvive from Mangala in Sri Lanka, from someone I trained with over 20 years ‘ago, and Ihave apenfriend in Australia and another In Vancouver. ‘Then there's the lady who writes to me from France. If we hadn't started talking in restaurant ‘onthe way home from holiday, if my husband hadn't taken her photo and if | hada't asked address, | would never have been able to write to her. As itis, we now have a regular correspondence. | can improve my French (she speaks uo English); we have stayed at her home twice and she has stayed with us. for her My biggest letteraiting success, however, came this summer, when my lanl and | stayed with ny Amenean penfriend tn Texas. (al —] Everyone wae amazed tata correspondence ould Inst so long. The local press even considered the correspondence worth reporting on the ros page. Jam pleased that my children are carrying onthe tradition, ike my mother before me, {insist they write thelr own thank-you leters. My daughter verites me ite letters, ust as | ed to my mother However convenient communicating by emall may appear tobe, I strongly urge readers not tallow Teter wertng to become another ost amt Most ofthe letters from home contained just everyday events concerning my parents and ther friends, We had been correspond or 29 years but had never met leidn't matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters. [Notes are appreciated, but how much better tohavea year's supply of news! Paper 1 Reading Poor handwriting ean ofa letter. poll your enjoyment But instead of harming the relationships letter writing seemed to improve them, She and my son have penfriends of theie own, In Texas, organised by my pent More important, i she hada't replied, we would be the poorer fo it

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