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Sector 11 kidhar hai?, the girl next door (Deepika Padukone) asks Sunny, the happy-golucky boy who believes in celebrating choti choti khushiyaan and sure enough he does so.
Without replying to her, Sunny races back to his home to devour a glass of coke as he
daydreams of having a lifetime of happiness with the perfect girl made for his dreams and the
ad ends with the tag line: Choti ho ya badi, har khushi main Coca Cola
Analysis using Hofstede Model:
Power distance index (PDI): Power distance of a culture is a measure of how comfortable you
are with a hierarchical order. Here the power distance is low. Sunny is a happy-go-lucky lad who
was dumbfounded when the beautiful girl next door asks him about Sector 11 so much so that he
doesnt even reply to her. In his happiness he goes back to the room to celebrate the moment.
Individualism vs. collectivism: The ad is underscored by collectivism. When celebrating the
moment, Sunny talks about his dreams of them being together and charting a life together which
shows a high degree of the collectivistic thought process
Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI): UAI index is low. Although it hasnt happened yet and
there is no way of knowing whether Sunny and Deepika will end up together; the former is pretty
certain that now that they have initiated a small conversation, they would be able to eventually
settle down together
Masculinity vs. femininity: This ad is high on feminity. It believes in cheerfully celebrating all
forms of happiness whether big or small. It displays the giddiness one feels when they get talk to
someone they feel very strongly about
Long-term orientation vs. short term orientation: Long term orientation is emphasized here
as Sunny starts thinking into the future of a happy life together with the girl he believes he is in
love with
Indulgence versus restraint : The ad displays benevolent indulgence as the ad displays the
happiness being indulged with sips of Coke!

AMERICAN AD (#CokeChase)
This ad set against the desert landscape of Las vegas features three teams: the Las Vegas dancers,
the cowboys and the dirty bikers in a race against each other to grab the coke. It is the ultimate
chase. It ends with them arriving at the huge Coke billboard set in the far distance on the Vegas
landscape where they finally find that the actual destination if 50 miles ahead. The ad ends in
suspense, the question remains: Who is going to win the Coke Chase?
Analysis using Hofstede Model:
Power distance index (PDI): The PDI is high. There are three teams all competing against each
other- each wanting to win and each thinking that they are better than the other two. Thus the
PDI is quiet high as there is a stark difference between perceptions of power of each group about
itself vis--vis the other two groups
Individualism (IDV) vs. collectivism: This is highly individualistic. Each team wants to well
for itself and wants to outdo the other two teams. There is a high need for achievement at an
individual level within each team driving them to outdo the other team rather than
collaboratively trying to help each other out and reaching the destination
Masculinity vs. femininity: The ad is inclined towards the masculinity scale as it projects
emotions such as a high need for achievement, aggression, the go-get-it attitude is very much
predominant in the same
Long-term orientation (LTO), vs. short term orientation: Since each team wants to win and
outdo the other the goal is quite in-the-moment. It is therefore focused on short term orientation
Indulgence versus restraint : The society is quiet indulgent. It wants to celebrate victory,
aggression and gratification via having that coke exclusively for oneself after winning


Indian Ad- Coca Cola #OpenHappiness :

It concentrates the emotional aspect of the audience- where you celebrate sweet nothings, young
blooming love and a dream of a meaningful future all in that one sip of coke- more joyous than
American Ad- CocaCola #CokeChase:
The campaign reflects the American values of chasing your dreams in keeping with the true spirit
of the American dream. It urges you to be driven and motivated, quiet aggressively so to go
after what you want and do so with the single minded focus !


The specific advertisement that is being discussed here is one in which a man on a beach is
enjoying a cold Coca- Cola. He reaches down to grab his drink to discover that it was no
longer where he left it. He did not see the penguin hiding behind him that took the cold CocaCola for itself. This advertisement uses logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade its audience to
buy Coca-Cola and is an effective advertisement.
Coca Cola draws its viewers in by displaying colorful, unique ads. This particular ad was
found on a search engine for Coca Cola ads. Coca Cola targets all types of individuals
ranging from young to old. In this ad, Coca-Cola is trying to not only sell the product but
also shows how refreshing and cold it is. This advertisement does so by showing a penguin
not normally found on a hot beach, sitting in the shade drinking a cold Coca Cola. The
companys use of pathos, logos, and ethos persuades the audience to go buy a Coke.
Logos is the form of persuasion by the use of reasoning and the appeal to ones intellect.
Within this ad there are multiple appeals to the logic of the individual. The first appeal to the
audience is that the advertisement is simple. There is no text or fine print anywhere on the
image; instead, there is a beach scene with a penguin, a man, and Coke. This is an appeal to

the audience through logos because it makes the ad easy to understand and the message is
The second appeal to logos in this advertisement deals with the penguin. It does not make
sense that a penguin would be on a tropical beach, however, it does make sense that a
penguin would go all the way to a tropical beach to get the Coke that it wanted so badly. This
is an appeal to the logic of the individual in the sense that if one would travel all the distance
from the South Pole to a tropical beach, it must be for a good reason. The reason the penguin
traveled all of this distance was to get Coke. This makes sense to the audience and also
shows them that Coke is desirable and worth purchasing. A short trip to the market now
seems more reasonable to the audience to get Coke.
The third appeal of logos to the audience looking at this advertisement is why the penguin is
drinking the Coke. A penguin is an animal that is used to cold temperatures; therefore, if it
was at a beach, it would want to cool off. The way that the penguin in this advertisement
cools off from the hot weather is by taking the Coke that he saw with the man on the beach,
and drinking it. This appeals to the logic of an individual because it shows that if its hot, a
cold Coke will surely cool a person down.
The Coca-Cola ad appeals to many interests of the reader. First of all, there are many
different colors in the ad that catch the reader's eye. There are shades of light blue, which can
have a calming effect on the person viewing it. Within a first glance, it would appear that the
setting of the ad takes place at a beach, but after further examination it becomes obvious that
there is not sand on the beach but ice. This has a subliminal affect on the reader, which can
make them think in two different ways. The first is that; the man in the ad is looking for an
ice cold refreshing Coca-Cola at the beach. The second subliminal effect this ad has on the
reader is that it makes one think of the arctic. Combine the two and the result is the viewer
has an ice cold coca cola on a hot summer day at the beach.
The overall color of the ad is a light blue. Light blue is a very effective color to use in
advertisement. Blue is a color that is generally liked amongst people as well as it can have a
calming effect on the viewer. Dark blue, on the other hand, possibly could bring the reader
feelings of sadness or the "blues," but the light blue generates to the fun day at the beach vibe
that this ad shows. Given the bronze color of the man's skin in the foreground of the image, it
can be inferred that he has been at the beach all day and is looking for a refreshment.
The penguin in this ad appeals to mostly a younger audience. The penguin has an extreme
look of happiness on its face and also a Coca-Cola in his hand. This was not a mistake by
Coca-Cola, they want to make the viewer feel is if drinking a Coca-Cola will end all of their
problems, which by looking at the penguin it may have done just that. The penguin also has
distinct body language that contributes to the relaxation of the ad. The penguin is sitting in a

very relaxed manner with its legs sprawled out and a smirk on its face. The reader can
distinctly tell that the penguin is enjoying the soda. This tells the reader "drinking coke can
make you relaxed." Maybe it can make one relax, maybe not. Given the nutritional value of
Coca-Cola and the high levels of sugar though, it will probably just quickly energize the
person who consumed it, which leads to an inevitable crash.
Ethos is the form of persuasion through the use of authority or creditability. In this
advertisement in the top right corner of the image, there is the logo of the Coca-Cola
Company. This is a logo that has become extremely well known throughout the world in
todays society. The Coca-Cola Company has been trusted and known for delivering a
consistent product that satisfies the customers to their expectations. This advertisement also
has an appeal to ethos from the label that is on the bottle of Coke that the penguin is drinking
from. There are two of their logos on this one advertisement, ensuring that the audience
knows the logo and that they are a company that is reliable and trustworthy. The Coca-Cola
Company also shows their ethos to their audiences in other advertisements though the
sponsorship of Olympic athletes and various celebrities. The audience recognizes that the
Coca-Cola Company is one that is trustworthy, credible, and experienced. This persuades
them to choose Coke over the competitors or off brands even though it may be more


Starting with a hasty keyboarding sound, the one-minute ad shows a dark and
oppressive scene, in which a man fleetly types a series of I hate you on the
screen. With noisy and stressful background music, scenes change rapidly, from a
mans crying and angry face to striking words like you are stupid, HATE, and
loser. In ten seconds, the stressful atmosphere grows and finally goes to its peak
when a man roughly kicks his laptop. Suddenly, the noisy sound stops, and the
scene changes to an Internet server room. A worker drinks coke in the room full of
complex Internet cables, but he carelessly spills the coke into the cables. Coke
permeates into the circuit, and the red labeled Coca-Cola appears. The red Coke
drops flows in the cable as if they are electrons. The light and emotional music
replaces the previous oppressive atmosphere. As the Coke flows into the Internet
bar, all the screens turn to the sign of Coke Cola; because of the Coke Internet WiFi, debaters arguing in the TV show start to show their smile; when the Coke flows
through a billboard in a bus stop, a slogan of we got this appears, encouraging a
lonely and depressed woman; continuously, the Coke Internet spreads to the
wireless, changes a message received by a poor child from no one likes you to

there is no one like you. The dark fades, and the sun rises. With the repeating
sound of show me love, the ad comes to the end.

According to Jib Fowls basic fifteen appeals of advertising, advertisements follow fifteen
appeals to attract consumers, and the Coca-Colas ad follows the need for affiliation and the need
for guidance.
APPEAL #1: Need for Affiliation

Need for affiliation, the first appeal used in the ad, is the common approach that the largest
number of ads use to release a sense of belonging. In most cases, this method is useful for those
who are brokenhearted and those who are looking for a sense of belongingness such as
friendship. The ad uses this approach clearly in two scenes, the lonely woman and the poor kid.
When the Coke drop flows through the billboard of a bus stop, the slogan we got this appears,
which attracted a women sitting there. The ad successfully shows the change of peoples
expression. As the woman notices the slogan, her almost-crying face turns to smiling as if she is
encouraged by that slogan. As for the poor kid, it is clearly that he has no friend and he even
receives a message of no one likes you. However, because of the coke Internet, the message
changes to there is no one like you, which makes the kid happy at the end. Those two scenes
actually have the strong power to warm peoples hearts because to some extent, they remind us
of our own experiences. Everyone is afraid of loneliness, and there is the resonance between our
experiences and those who are in same terrible circumstances. The ad successfully uses scenes of
the lonely woman and the poor kid to recall peoples sympathy, and it emphasizes that it is the
Coke that really helps people to get such affiliation. In addition, the background music is
peaceful and affectionate, smoothly grabbing peoples heart of requiring belongingness. The ad
appropriately uses the need for affiliation to tell people that the Coca-Cola will connect us better,
and all of us can make our lives full of love, peace, harmony and hope.
APPEAL #2: Need for guidance

Need for guidance is the approach advertisers use to satisfy consumers desire for someones
care. In most cases, ads that use this technique often include a father or mother figure that could
guide people. However, instead of a father or mother, the important figure in this ad is exactly
the Coke itself. In fact, the three scenes of the ad portray a modern-world problem, the cyber
bullying, which is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in
a deliberate manner. (From Politicians
debating on a web show, crying woman watching her phones screen, a boy receiving rude
message, all of these scenes are symbols of the cyber bullying. However, Coca-Cola, as a guide,
changes those peoples lives. Because of the Coke, smiling replaces debating, tears on the
womans face disappear, and the message encourages the boy. Obviously, Coca-Cola represents a
guide who changes the negative part in peoples lives and the change teaches people to care for

others. In the process, Coke shows consumers a peaceful and wonderful world, leading people to
keep a warm heart to treat others as well as the whole society.


Coca-Cola is running Taste The Feeling, an integrated advertising campaign bringing together
Coca-Cola Light, Diet Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero and Coca-Cola Life. The Coca Cola Taste
The Feeling campaign underscores the companys commitment to choice, offering consumers
whichever Coca-Cola suits their taste, lifestyle and diet with or without calories, with or
without caffeine. The global push includes an anthem commercial, contextualised for different
countries, and a set of television commercials, offer intimate glimpses into stories, feelings and
moments people share while enjoying Coca-Cola. At the close of each spot, the family of Coca-

Cola products unite under the iconic red Coca-Cola disc. Several alternate versions of the ads
were produced with locally relevant casts and culturally relevant vignettes. Over 100
photographs have been used to create the print and outdoor elements of the Taste The Feeling

The campaigns lead spot, Anthem features a series of vignettes that capture lifes everyday
moments such as ice-skating and hanging out with friends, a first date, a first kiss, and a first
love all linked by Coca-Cola with the new tagline, Taste the Feeling. The spot introduces an
original song, Taste the Feeling featuring Conrad Sewell that celebrates the experience of
drinking a Coca-Cola, any Coca-Cola.

Under Pressure was created to reflect the 24/7 nature of life for a teenager. Throughout the
spot, Coca-Cola provides a moment to pause and release everyday tensions, reflecting on the
notion that drinking an ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any moment more special. The spot is set to a
cover version of Queen & David Bowies song, Under Pressure.

Break Up follows the journey of a young couple who romance each other, experience a break
up and ultimately reconcile with Coca-Cola playing an intimate role at each stage of the
relationship. The spot features the song Made for You with vocals by emerging artist
Alexander Cardinale.

Brotherly Love captures the unique relationship between brothers, a universal story of love and
conflict. Ultimately the younger brother finds himself without his Coca-Cola. The older brother
comes to his rescue and they enjoy a special moment together. The spot features a new version of
the hit song Hey Brother by Avicii.

Set in a supermarket, the spot romances the experience of drinking a Coca-Cola. When a
handsome male shopper catches the attention of a female cashier, he pauses to refresh himself
with an ice-cold Coca-Cola.

The What is a Coca Cola for? commercial begins in a restaurant on a hot day, with a young
man ordering a Coca-Cola at the bar. While the bartender hands the Coke to him, we see a series
of vignettes that represent why would he have a Coca-Cola. This is brought to life in a montage
of Taste the Feeling moments spanning activities and emotions. The spot concludes with a
simple comment by the young man, I just love it.

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