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¢ berexaxr: Danny R. Main J agsasonnae bari: October 17, 2016 os, 12/10/1986 ace: 29 sacasein: 16-258441 ADDRESS. -AsstonED O)s: Robert Plunkett Esq, 4 River Street rouce pert: VSP-Shafisbury Hoosick Falls, NY 12090 Investisarnc ormcer: Trooper Lucas Hall mewn wo: 16C302537 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT BENNINGTON UNIT STATE OF VERMONT. DANNY R. MAIN IR. CRIMINAL DIVISION _ DOCKET NG” 956-10-16Brer_> AMENDED INFORMATION BY STATE'S ATTORNEY By the authority of the State of Vermont, the State"s Attomey for Bennington County, upon the oath of office charges: COUNT 1 OF I (CHARGE CODE: 18v4233¢842334, CHARGE NAME: Trafficking heroin transported int state, OFFENSE. CLASS: F Danny R. Main J, in the County of Bennington, at Woodford on or about July 26, 2016, knowingly and unlawfully possessed, with the intent to sell or dispense, heroin in an amount consisting of 3.5 grams or more of ‘one or more preparations, compounds, mixtures, or substances containing heroin, and transported the heroin, into Vermont from out of state, in violation of 18 V.S.A. 4233(c)and 18 V.S.A. 4233(), Penalty: Imprisoned not more than 40 years or fined not more than $1,100,000.00 or both Against the peace and dignity ofthe State DATED: Ostober 11,2016 ea Sa F Ato De This information hasbeen presented to me and Ihave found probable cause DATED: is Z Sipe Cour ade AFFIDAVIT STATE OF VERMONT BENNINGTON COUNTY, ss. ‘CASE # 16302537 NOW COMES Trooper [aueas Hal, affiant(s), being duly sworn and on oath, deposes and says he has probable cause to believe that Dany R. Main Jr. (DOB 12/10/1986) has committed the offense(s) of Trafficking Heroin no Vermont, a violation of Title 18, Vermont Statutes Annotated Section 4233(c), Cruelty to Children Under the Age of 10 (3), a violation of Tide 13, Vermont Statutes Annotated Section 1304, 1. On duly 25, 2016 lasted an individual for posession ofheroin. After arving athe Shafisbucy ‘Banreks for processing, we discusied higher knowledge of additional drug activity in the greater Bennington (VT) ate, ‘The individeal provided information with the understanding tat, depending ‘on what information they provided, i may be considered by the State's Attorney's Office et ssraignent, while considring/ negotiating a possible ples agreement, andor during sentencing, Ik should be noted the helper was not made any promises. The individual advised they fully sndertood. 2, During furtier discussion, the individual provided information regarding an individual, later identified as Daany R. Main J, (DOB 12/1011986), who nextday to purchase a large quantiy of heroin. The individ {eave t Holyoke 2-3 times per wee, typically picking up 200-400 bags of heroin to bring back to ‘Vermont to distribute the heroin in the greater Bennington area. Tknow through my taining and experience that many drog dealers who reside in Vermont often travel to source cities suchas Holyoke (MA) to obtain large quantities of heroin and other drugs wih the intention of trafficking ‘the drugs into Vero for as se, 3, After discusing hi! her knowledge of Man's drug sctivity, he she advised they would make contact ‘wih Main fo ee if he til planned to travel to Holyoke the following day. The individual contacted Main Gin my presenes) va telephone. Maia stated he was stil planning to “resp” the nextday and asked ify helper needed” | know through my tain sn expeionce the term “rep” is offen tsed when an indvidva is intending to parehas larger amounts of deugs inthe near future. 1 also [know the term “need is often used win an individual is inquiring ithe person they ave speaking to is looking to purchase drogs. Main explained he would be eaded for Holyoke between 1-2 pm the following doy. 4. Atte conclusion of processing, I eleased the cooperating individual wit the understanding that he she would contact me the following day once heise heard from Main 5, On July 26,2016, received «cal from the cooperating individual, He/she informed me Main had {st left for Holyoke (MA). The individu povided ie with the license plate number af the vehicle ‘Mala was in (NY registration GRASS§7) and sated the vehiele was a grey 2003 GMC Yukon. The individual added that Main’s fiancé, Arnie Sawtelle anther three) shldren were also inthe ‘hice, ‘The cooperating individual tte that he sho was in constant contact wih Main and would [now his rote of tave and estimated time of sxival back nto Bennington county Subscribed and swom to before me on this 12 _dayof_cerofin_, 2/1 BY me oan fete ty PRG ~ (oT OHSS aly 6, Tho individual explained Main had planned fo bring his family out to diner atthe 99 Restaurant in Greenfield (MA) after obtxining the heroin, ‘The individual predicted Main would return back into the area using VT Rout 9 between 6:30 and 8 pro. I shouldbe noted that T maintained contset with the cooperating individual hroughout the afternoon and up until the trae stop. 7. approximately 19:23 hours, as taveling cst on VF Route 9 nthe town of Woodford (V7) AAs Founded a sharp comer in Woodford Hollow, 1 observed the vehicle Main was in traveling west ‘and approaching my lotion, I visually estimated the vehicle o be traveling at approximately 60 mph (30 mph. zane). Trecognized the operator tobe in violation of Tite 23 VSA 1081(b), State Speed, Dae to the sharp corner inthe roadway, Was unable to activate my eruisers radar fo capre the vehicle's speed 8. After the vehicle passed, observed the vehicles brake lights to illuminate and forthe rear of the ‘hielo to abruply uplif,indieting abrupt fim braking by the operator. After the vehicle passed ny location, I mmedistely tuned around snd condocted «trai top on VT Route 9, near-VT Route 279, inthe town of Bennington (VT). 9, “The operator identified with aNY Operators License as Amie Sawtelle (DOB 05/22/1988) of Hoosick Falls (NY). The font passenger identified hinself as Denny R. Main JR (DOB 12/10/1986), ‘There were three (3) children all under the age of six (6) within the voice. It should be noted that, ‘Save was also six (6) months progoent. 10, Duting Further conversation, Sawtelle stated they hed gone out toa “steak dinner” athe 99 Restaurant in Gresnfeld (MA) and wero curently traveling to their residence in Hoosick Falls (NY). should be noted that now several 99 Restaurant locations that are much closer to Hoosick Falls than Green Feld (MA) resturant ~Ratlnd (VT), Brateboro (VT), Albany (NY), Clifton Park (NY), Rotterdam (NY), Saratoga (NY), and Queensbury (NY). As Sawll spoke, I observed her to appear short of reat (heavy breathing} to have a shaky volee, and for er hn o be ening. 11, From my position onthe drive's sido ofthe vehicle, I abserved Main tobe breathing heavy and at = rapid ete (ehest rising and fling). In addition, t observed his pupils tobe extremely constricted and ‘or his skint appear ple and sweaty. My taining and experience has indicated that person's under the influence of narcoties (opiates) ofen have costicted pupils. As scanned the interior ofthe ‘vehicle, observed mal tan ruber band resting onthe font driver's side floorboard ofthe vehicle My training ad experince has indicated that sina rubber bands are often used in packaging bundles (une 10 bas) of horoin together. 12 After observing the above, I stated something tothe effect of *¥ou don’t have to if you do not want to, but I ould ike to accompa me back to my cruiser while Trun your stuf.” Sawelle advised she would and exited the vehicle. Prior to entering my cruiser, Sewell allowed a search of her parson. Nothing of interest was found. 13, Once in my cruiser, Sawtelle and J engaged in casual conversation. After several minutes, asked ‘Savvtele if there wore any drugs i the veici. Sawtelle paused foramament and drooped her bead, ‘staring at er lp. Sawtelle then looked at mo and advised there was not. Ythen esed for consent to Search the vehicle, Sawtelle tok along pause, advised sho would give conset, and quickly looked down snd away, breaking ee contact. tuberbed ad wort bet me on this_/2_day of acre, zohe Paes ani) SS alee Wetary Pani) “TouacaroTCoT ‘ate} 14, After further conversation, Sawtelle advised there were drugs in the vebile, but was unsure of what kindof drags, Sawtelle added Main placod the drugs inthe glove box peor to thet leaving, ‘Massachusetts, Savtll indicated Main weot to “ho bathroom” tthe pak in Holyoke as she and Ihr children played inthe playground. Stwtelle believed tet is wen Main obtained the drugs. T proceeded tread Sairtelle the VSP consent ead word for word. Savelle signed the consent car 15, After gaining consent, reapproacked the vehicle and asked Main to ext the vehicle. Main obliged. ‘Main llowea a search of is peson. Nothing of interest was located during the search. During further questioning, Main sated tore were no drugs inthe vehicle, Main aed he would not have rugs round his chien. 16, After removing th childen from the vehiols, T bogan tho search ofthe vebiole. Det. Sp. Todd ‘Wilkins, who was standing with Main at his tne, approached wih Main and advised there was ‘heroin located ina hidden compartment behind the glove commpartent ofthe vehicle. Main advised ‘he didnot vant to “drag this out longer than needed for his chien’ sake. 17, A search ofthe vehicle resulted inthe discovery ofthe hidden compartment behind the glove ‘compartment, In the compartment wa sx (6) ightly wrapped objects (magazine paper) which ‘recognized tobe "stacks" of heroin. In each "stack are five (6) "bundles" of heroin, each "bundle" ‘contain fen (10) wax glassine bags (doses) of heron, which ar secured togeer witha smal rubber band, Esc stack" contains filly (50) wax lassine bags of heroin. It shouldbe noted that one (1) of ‘he stacks was broken opened and only contained thee (3) bundles (30 bags) of heroin. In shor the sx @) Stacks of heroin contained a oal of 280 wax glassine bags (oss) of heroin. Hach of the heroin bags were stamped "Donald Timp in be ink. Photograph’ of he hidden compartment and Ieroin are etloched and incorporated into tis Affidavit for reference as if fly seforth herein. No seddiional horoin was lated in the vehicle. 18, After scuring the herln and completing the sero of the veils Mat was ako into custody and transported tothe Shaftsbury Barracks, tthe Barack, Main was rad his Miranda Rights and chose to waive his Rights. 19, Daring questioning Main admittesto traveling to Helyoke fo obtain the heroin fom his supplier. ‘Maia sated he was heading into Bennington to dropoff heroin to three (3) diferent people, one (1) of ‘which isa known heroin dealer. 20, Atthe conclusion of processing, Min was released with ctaionomdering him fo appear in the ‘Bennington County Superior Cort, Criminal Division, on October 17,2016, 08:15 hours. 21, One ofthe bags locate during the search was later opened and tho tan powdery substance within tested postive for Opium Allods (Heroin), The heroin has since been sent to the Venmont Pores Laboratory for futher analysis. Photographs of he heron and poslive test results are atached and ‘inconported into this Affidavit asf uly set rth herein 22, According tothe Director ofthe Vermont Forensic Laboratory, tisha L, Con's, Aiavit rom 2015, each wax pape heroin bag contains (n average) 31.5 milligrams of powder weight (heroin). Therefore, Mais two-hundred and eighty (280) bags of eran is believed to contain 8,820, nilligrams (8.82 Grains) heroin. Tisha Con's Aidit i attached and inconorated into this Afni for reference. ‘Subsotibed and sworn to afore me on Em ‘aan efebe (ate) perioann; Danny R. Main J. auzsuannaosr pate: October 17,2016 ¢ on. 12/10/1986 ace: 29 seas: 16258481 ODES ‘assionen sa: Robert Plunkett Esq. sm 44 River Street roucenerr: VSP-Shaftsbury Hoosick Falls, NY 12090 wesrioatio ores: Trooper Lucas Hall twewexrno: 16C302837 prey ees BENNINGTON UNIT svaTn oP VERMONT crear * | DANNY R. MAIN. S50“ 10-1uEer INFORMATION BY STATE'S ATTORNEY By the authority ofthe State of Vermont, the State's Attomey for Bennington County, upon the oath of office charges: COUNT 1 OF I CHARGE CODE: 18v4233c84233d, CHARGE NAME: Trafficking heroin transported into state, OFFENSE. CLASS: F Danny R. Main Jr. in the County of Bennington, at Woodford on or about August 26, 2016, knowingly and ‘unlawfully possessed, wit the intent to sell or dispense, heroin in an amount consisting of 3.5 grams or more of ‘one or more preparations, compounds, mixtures, or substances containing heroin, and transported the heroin {nto Vermont from out of state, in violation of 18 V.S.A. 4233(c) and 18 V.S.A. 4233(4). Penalty: Imprisoned not more than 40 years or fined not more than $1,100,000.00 or both. ‘Against the peace and dignity of the State DATED: October 11, 2016 ee ‘This information has been presented to me and I have found probable cause. DATED: Superior Cour Tage ARFIDAVIT STATE OF VERMONT BENNINGTON COUNTY, ss. ‘CASE # 16C302537 NOW COMES Trooper Luces Hal, affian(), Being duly sworn and on oath, deposes ‘and says he has probable cause to believe that Danny R. Main Jr. (DOB 12/10/1986) has ‘committed the offense(s) of Trafficking Heroin into Vermont, a violation of Tide 18, Vermont ‘Statutes Annotated Section 4233(0) Cruelty to Chidren Under the Age of 10,(X3) a violation of Title 13, Vermont Statutes Annotated Seetion 1304, 1 On July25, 2016, anested an individual for possession of heroin. After arriving athe Shalsbury Birch fr processing, we dscusodhiser knowledge of nditonal drug sev ia th greater Betinington (VT) area, The inividal provided information with tho understanding tat, depending con wht information they provided it may be considered bythe State's Atoracy's Office at trrignment, while considering negotiating possible plea agreement, and or daring sentencing. Ik ‘Should te noted the helper wes not made any promisss. The individual advised they fully derstood 2. Daving further iscsson, the nv provided information regarding an individu, ater ‘dented ws Danny . Main Jt. (DOB 12/10/1986), who was planning to travel to Holyoke (MA) the nxt day to puchas a large quantity of heroin. The individual frher advised hese knew Msi to travel to Holyoke 2 imes per week, typiealy pcking up 200-40 bags of heroin toting back 10 ‘Vermont disrbute the heron inthe great Beoningion area. know through my taining and ‘experience th many drug dales who reside in Vermont often travel to source ete such 5 “Lovo (MA) to obi large quails oberon and eur drugs, wih te endon of wating the drugs into Vermont fo ater sale. 3, After discussing his her knowledge of Mains deug activity, he! she advised they would make contact ‘vith Main fo see ih tl plannod to ave o Holyoke the flloing day. The ndvidal eontasted ‘Main i my prosencs) via telephone, Main sted he wa sil planning “reap” the next day and sed ifmy helper “nesded.” I know trough my using and expesiece the term “e-p is olen ted when an individ i intonding to parcase larger amounts of drugs inte nee fate, 1 also ‘know dhe ten “needs often used when a indvidal i inguin ihe person they ae speaking to js looking to purchose drips. Main explained he woold be beaded for Holyoke between 1-2 pr the following. 4, Atthe conclusion of processing released the operating individual with the understanding thet het ‘she would contact me de fllowing dy one else her rom Malt 5. On August 26, 2016, [received cll from the cooperating infividual. ef se informed me Main had jst et for Holyoke (MA). ‘The individual provided me wit the license plete number of the ‘ehial Main as in ONY repisraton GRAS537) and stated the vehicle was a arey 2003 OMC ‘Yoko, The individual added tht Main’s fans, Amie Savtll snd Het reo (3) children were tlso ithe vebiele, The cooperating indivi sated that he! she was ia constas eontct with Main tnd would know hi route of tavel and estimated tine of aval back nto Bemington county Subsered and sworn to before me on ZY 8s at eh. ay 6, The individ explained Main had penned to bring isfy tt dinner tthe 9 Restaurant in Greene (QA) afte binning the herein, The inivioal predicted Main would return back into the are using VI Route 9 between 6:30 and 8 pm. I shoud be noted that I maintained contac with ‘he cooperating individual froughout the sRernooa and up unl the wai sop. 7. -Atapproximately 1:23 hours, Iwas wavelig easton VT Route 9, inthe town of Woodford (VT), ‘Ast read a sharp comer in Woodford Hollow, [observed the vehicle Main wa in taveling west ‘4 approaching my loeton. I visual estimated the vehicle to be traveling at approximately 60" ‘mph (S0 mph zone), Iresognized the operator bein velaion of Tile 23 VSA 1081(0), Site Speed, Dusto the sharp comer inthe oadway 1 was unable t activate my crusesrader fo captre tho viele’ pea. 1 Aller the vehicle passed, I observed te vehicles rake lights to illuminate and for the rear ofthe ‘ohio cbraply pli ndicating abr fm braking by Te operstor. Mer te vice passed ty lection, I ameately tuned stound gd condaced «traffic sop on VI Route 9, ear VP Route 279, inte town of Bennington (VT), 9. The operator identied with a NY Operators License as Amie Suwelle (DOB 05/22/1988) of oosik Falls (NY). The font passenger identified himself as Danay K. Main JR (DOB 12/10/1986). ‘The were ire (3) chien al under the ge of sx (6 within the vice, It shouldbe noted that Savlle was also sx (6) months pregnant 10, During fer convesation, Sawtelle stated they ad gone out oa “sea dinnr” st the 99 Restmuant in Greenfield (MA) and were cuendy traveling to their residence in Hoosick Falls (NY). Te should be noted tht now several 99 Restaurant leatons that are much closer to Hoosick Falls than Groon Pied (MA) restaurant- Rutland (VT), Batlboro (VT. Albay (NY). Clifton Park (NY), Rotterdam (NY), Saatogs (NY), snd Queensbury (NY). As Salle spoke, I observed hero appear short of brea heavy breathing), to havea say voce, and for her hands tobe tembing, 11, Brom iny positon onthe divers side ofthe voice T observed Main tobe breathing heavy and ata rapid rf (ches rising and fling) In adton, I obverved his pil lo be extremely consctad sd {his ein to appear pale aad swenty. My ining and experince has indicated that person's under the influence of nrcotis (opiate) often have constricted pupils, As sanned the interior of the ‘ehil, Tobeerved asl tan rubber band resting on the fon rivers sie floorboard ofthe vile. ‘My tsining and experience ha ndstd that stall uber bands ae often used in packaging bundles (Cone 10 bas) af heroin together 12, After observing the above, sated something to the elect of "You don't have ts iyou donot want ‘a, but] woul keto accompany me back to my cruiser while run your safe" Sawele advised the would and exited he velile, Prior to enering my eviser, Sawa allowed a search of her parson. Noting of interest was found. 13. Oace ia my cruiser, Sawtelle and J engaged in asl convertion. Aer sevra misutes,Tasked ‘Sevtll if there were any deugs inthe vehicle. Sapeellepesed fr moment and drooped her head, ‘ring ather lap. Sawtelle then looked at me and advised there was not. I hen asd fr consent 0 eats the vec. Sawtelle took slong pats, advised sho would pve consent, and quickly looked dwn sod sway, breaking eye contact. ‘Subecvd and sworn fo before me on _ _taft Zum Ta afer re aay 14. After farther conversation, Sawtelle advised there were deus aso vehicle, but was uosure of what kind of vgs. Sewlleaddod Main placed the drugs in the glove box por o thei aving ‘Massahuset, Sawtelle indicated Main weat to “the throm” atthe park in Holyoke a she and her cilren played inthe playground. Sawlle believed thst is when Main obtained the drugs. [ proces to read Sawele te VSP consent eard word for word. Sawelle signe the cosent card 15. Aferguning consent, Ireapproached the vehicle and stked Maint exit the vehicle. Main obliged ‘Main allowed a seach of his pevon. Nothing of interest was leated during the search. During ther questioning, Main tated there were no drugs nthe while. Main added he would not have

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