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Elementarz CFD

Farmy wiatrowe



Konrad Bajer1,2, Marek Dudyski 3, Jacek Kope1,2,

Kamil Kwiatkowski1,2, Karol Wdoowski1,2

1 Universytet
2 Universytet

Warszawski, Wydzia Fizyki, Instytut Geofizyki (IG)

Warszawski, Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania

Matematycznego i Komputerowego (ICM)

3 Modern

Technologies and Filtration Sp. z o. o. (MTF)

Versteeg, H. & Malalasekra, W.

An Introduction to Computational Fluid

Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method

Prentice Hall, 1996, 267

(2 Edition 2002)

Finite Element Method.

Finite element methods use simple piecewise functions
(e.g. linear or quadratic) valid on elements to describe the local
variations of unknown flow variables ).
The governing equation is precisely satisfied by the exact solution . If
the piecewise approximating functions for ( are substituted into the
equation it will not hold exactly and a residual is defined to measure
the errors.
Next the residuals (and hence the errors) are minimised in some sense
by multiplying them by a set of weighting functions and integrating.
As a result we obtain a set of algebraic equations for the unknown
coefficients of the approximating functions. The theory of finite
elements has been developed initially for structural stress analysis.
A standard work for fluids applications is Zienkiewicz and Taylor (1991).

Finite Difference Method.

Finite difference methods describe the unknowns of the flow problem
by means of point samples at the node points of a grid of co-ordinate
Truncated Taylor series expansions are often used to generate finite
difference approximations of derivatives of in terms of point samples
of at each grid point and its immediate neighbours.
Those derivatives appearing in the governing equations are replaced
by finite differences yielding an algebraic equation for the values of
at each grid point.

Smith (1985) gives a comprehensive account of all aspects of the finite

difference method.

Spectral Methods.
Spectral methods approximate the unknowns by means of truncated
Fourier series or series of Chebyshev polynomials.
Unlike the finite difference or finite element approach the
approximations are not local but valid throughout the entire
computational domain.
Again we replace the unknowns in the governing equation by the
truncated series. The constraint that leads to the algebraic equations
for the coefficients of the Fourier or Chebyshev series is provided by a
weighted residuals concept similar to the finite element method or by
making the approximate function coincide with the exact solution at a
number of grid points.
Further information on this specialised method can be found in Gottlieb
and Orszag (1977).

Finite Volume Method.

The finite volume method was originally developed as a special finite
difference formulation.

This is the most well-established and thoroughly validated general

purpose CFD technique.
It is central to four of the five main commercially available CFD codes:

Finite Volume Method.

The numerical algorithm consists of the following steps:
Formal integration of the governing equations of fluid flow over all
the (finite) control volumes of the solution domain;

Discretisation involves the substitution of a variety of finite-differencetype approximations for the terms in the integrated equation
representing flow processes such as convection, diffusion and
sources. This converts the integral equations into a system of
algebraic equations;
Solution of the algebraic equations by an iterative method.

Finite Volume Method.

The first step, the control volume integration, distinguishes the finite
volume method from all other CFD techniques. The resulting statements
express the (exact) conservation of relevant properties for each finite
size cell.
This clear relationship between the numerical algorithm and the
underlying physical conservation principle forms one of the main
attractions of the finite volume method and makes its concepts
much more simple to understand by than finite element and spectral

Finite Volume Method.

Convergence, consistency and stability.

Convergence is the property of a numerical method to produce a
solution which approaches the exact solution as the grid spacing,
control volume size or element size is reduced to zero.

Consistent numerical schemes produce systems of algebraic equations

which can be demonstrated to be equivalent to the original governing
equation as the grid spacing tends to zero.
Stability is associated with damping of errors as the numerical
method proceeds. If a technique is not stable even roundoff errors in
the initial data can cause wild oscillations or divergence.
Convergence is usually very difficult to establish theoretically and in
practice we use Lax's equivalence theorem which states:
For linear problems a necessary and sufficient condition for
convergence is that the method is both consistent and stable.
In CFD the governing equations are non-linear. In such problems
consistency and stability are necessary conditions for convergence, but
not sufficient.

Conservativeness, boundedness and transportiveness.

(characteristics of robust numerical schemes)
The finite volume approach guarantees local conservation of a fluid
property (for each control volume. Numerical schemes which possess the
conservativeness property also ensure global conservation of the fluid
property for the entire domain.
The boundedness property is akin to stability and requires that in a linear
problem without sources the solution is bounded by the maximum and
minimum boundary values of the flow variable.
Boundedness can be achieved by placing restrictions on the magnitude
and signs of the coefficients of the algebraic equations. Although flow
problems are non-linear it is important to study the boundedness of a finite
volume scheme for closely related, but linear, problems.
Convective phenomena involve influencing exclusively in the flow
direction so that a point only experiences effects due to changes at
upstream locations. Finite volume schemes with the transportiveness
property must account for the directionality of influencing in terms of the
relative strength of diffusion to convection.


Convective phenomena involve influencing exclusively in the flow

direction so that a point only experiences effects due to changes at
upstream locations.
Finite volume schemes with the transportiveness property must account
for the directionality of influencing in terms of the relative strength of
diffusion to convection.

Conservativeness, boundedness and transportiveness.

Conservativeness, boundedness and transportiveness are designed into
all finite volume schemes and have been widely shown to lead to
successful CFD simulations.

Therefore, they are now commonly accepted as alternatives for the

more mathematically rigorous concepts of convergence, consistency
and stability.
Good CFD often involves a delicate balancing act between solution
accuracy and stability. The user needs a thorough appraisal of the
extent to which conservativeness, boundedness and transportiveness
requirements are satisfied by a code.

Governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer.

The governing equations of fluid flow represent mathematical
statements of the conservation laws of physics.
The mass of a fluid is conserved;
The rate of change of momentum equals the sum of the forces on a
fluid particle (Newton's second law);
The rate of change of energy is equal to the sum of the rate of heat
addition to and the rate of work done on a fluid particle (first law of

Mass conservation.
The mass of a fluid is conserved;

Rate of change of a conserved quantity per unit mass.

Momentum conservation.

Surface forces.

Momentum equation.

SM - volume forces

Conservation of energy.

ij = pij + ij - stress tensor


(ij uj ) - net rate of work on a uid element

by surface stresses (per unit volume)

Conservation of energy.

net heat added

Fourier's law

Different forms of the energy equation.

Specic energy

Kinetic energy

Internal energy

Different forms of the energy equation.

Temperature equation in
incompressible uid

Total entalpy in
compressible uid

Equations of state.

In general

Perfect gas

Newtonian fluid.

- shear viscosity
- second (bulk) viscosity

Navier-Stokes equation.

Viscous dissipation

Equations governing compressible Newtonian fluid (summary).

Differential and integral forms of the general transport equations.

Integrated over the Control Volume (CV)

Applying Gauss theorem

Differential and integral forms of the general transport equations.

Integrated over the Control Volume (CV)

Applying Gauss theorem

Steady-state version

Integral form of the general transport equation.

Integrated also over short time interval

Differential and integral forms of the general transport equations.

Equilibrium problems (elliptic equations)

Marching problems (parabolic or hyperbolic equations)

Protoptype equilibrium problem

Protoptype marching problem

Differential and integral forms of the general transport equations.

Equilibrium problems (elliptic equations)

Marching problems (parabolic or hyperbolic equations)

Protoptype marching problem

Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion.

P nodal point
E east neighbour
W west neighbour

Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion.

Source S may depend on both independent and on dependent variable

Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion.

Source-free heat conduction in an insulated rod.

for nodal points 2,3 and 4

Source-free heat conduction in an insulated rod.

for nodal point 1

Source-free heat conduction in an insulated rod.

for nodal point 5

Source-free heat conduction in an insulated rod.

Large plate of thickness with constant thermal conductivity and

uniform heat generation.

TA = 100C
TB = 200C

Finite volume method for convection-diffusion problems.

Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion.

Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion.

Case 1:
Case 2:
Analytical solution:

Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion.

Case 1

Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion.

Case 2

Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion.

Case 3

Upwind difference scheme.

Case 1:

Case 2:
5 nodes

Hybrid scheme - choosing central or upwind, depending on

the value of the Peclet number

Thank you!
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