Math Lesson Plan

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

2007 ACEI Standards

A. Goal(s)Unit (broad terms)
Students will be able to estimate and measure various objects.
B. Objective(s)(specific terms)
After the mini-lesson, students will be able to state the steps in
measuring an object.
After completing the stations, students will be able to accurately
measure an objects height to the nearest inch and record their
findings in a journal.
C. Standard(s): Professional Society/State/District
a. Tape measure
b. 1 cut-out ruler for each student and one to model with
c. 1 pumpkin investigation notebook for each student
d. Objects to measure during the mini-lesson
e. Station 1:
i. 2 different sized pumpkins
ii. 4 gourds
f. Station 2:
i. 3 different sized pumpkins
ii. Label the pumpkins with a string tied around them with a
g. Station 3:
i. Pre-cut pumpkin, stems, and noses for each student
ii. Crayons
III.Time and Space
a. Anticipatory Set at desks, 3 minutes
b. Mini-lesson at desks, 10 minutes
c. Station 1 on the front carpet, 7 minutes
d. Station 2 by the back table, 7 minutes
e. Station 3 at Miss Johnsons table, 7 minutes
f. Closure at the carpet, 3 minutes

a. Get class to listen by saying Class class. They will respond

saying, Yes yes?
b. Say mirrors when I want students to copy me
c. Play the pink panther song when students need to come to the
d. Use one second party and mighty grown for positive/negative
V.Anticipatory Set
o Ask the students, Who has ever been measured to see how tall you
are? Say, I want to measure one of you right now, who wants to
volunteer? Choose one student. Measure him/her with a tape
measure. Tell the class (about) how tall the student is (in inches). Say,
I used a tape measure to measure how tall the student is. We can
also use a ruler to measure different things.
VI.Purpose: Today we are going to learn how to measure in inches with a
ruler. It is important to know how to measure because we use
measuring all the time in our daily lives.
(ACEI 1.0)
Adaptation to Diverse Students
Saul (ELL) Saul is pretty fluent in English, but some new vocabulary
words can be tricky for him. I will make sure to scaffold new words for
him and use hands-on learning to enhance his understanding. The
students will work in groups so he will have others around to help him
if he misunderstands.
Brison If he is not behaving, I will try asking him to be my special
helper and allow him to work beside a teacher. I will pair him with
Miss Johnson if necessary.
Max If he disengages from the lesson because he already knows
how to measure, I will teach him at his first station to measure to the
nearest inch instead of the nearest full inch.
Mary She will receive iPad time after she finishes her first two
stations (she is a new student and this is the current policy in place
for her; it seems to be working, so I will stick to it)
(ACEI 3.2)
VIII. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
o Students will learn to measure to the nearest inch.
o Keep the ruler displayed on the document camera. Say, What do
you notice about the ruler? Explain to students that The lines on
the ruler help us to measure.
o Say, Mirrors (the students will all respond back with mirrors and
copy what I say) Say, measurement the students will respond
measurement. Say, a number that shows the size or amount of

something the students will respond, a number that shows the

size or amount of something. Repeat this until students know the
o Say, Today we are going to measure in a unit called inches. Say,
The numbers on the ruler tell us how many inches something is.
Say, From the 0 on the ruler to the 1 on the ruler means that
something is one inch. From the one inch mark to the two inch
mark, it is one inch. From the end of the ruler to the two inch mark
is two inches. Point out the half inch mark.
o Model how to measure an object: Say, Mirrors and the students
will respond, Mirrors. Say, First and the students will respond,
First. Say, Line up with zero. Students will repeat the phrase.
Demonstrate lining up an object (ex. Pen or pencil) with zero. Say,
Second and students will respond, Second. Say, Keep the ruler
straight and students will repeat the phrase. Demonstrate keeping
the measured object straight with the ruler. Say, Third, and
students will repeat, Third. Say, Find the closest number, and
students will repeat the word. Model measuring the object. Point
out to students that if the object is past the half line, then the
object is about the greater number. If the object is under the half
line, then the object is about the smaller number. Tell the students
the measurement of the object on the document camera. Say why
you know that the object is that size. (Emphasize that the object is
ABOUT ___ inches when it is not exactly ___ inches, etc.)
o Hand out one ruler to each student. Have each student measure
the same object individually (ex. Their reading textbook). Tell the
students, Now we will measure our (object) together. When you
think you know the answer, raise your hand. When all of the
students have their hands raised say, Blow the answer into your
hand. Now shout it out! Ask, How did you know that was the
answer? What did you do that helped you measure the object?
o If the students measured accurately, move on to the stations. If the
students need more practice, pick one more object to measure
together to give them more practice.
o Tell students, Today we are going to practice measuring at three
different stations. We will be using pumpkins to practice our
measuring skills! Hand out one pumpkin investigation book to
each student. Explain the stations (if the students do not finish a
particular station when the time is up, it is okay). Say, You can
work together!
Station 1:
o Say, At station 1 we will be measuring the height of the pumpkins
and gourds. Height means that we will measure them from the
bottom to the stem. After you measure, write the answer in your

pumpkin investigation book on the page that says Station 1. Show

students the page they will write on.
Station 2:
o Say, At station 2 there are 3 different pumpkins and gourds. As a
group, you will order the pumpkins from shortest to tallest. First
you will predict the order. Then, you will actually measure the
pumpkins to see which pumpkins are the shortest and which
pumpkins are the tallest.
Station 3:
o Say, At station 3 you will make your own pumpkin.
o Have pre-cut pumpkins, stems, and noses for each student. Model
for the students how make the pumpkin by gluing the pieces
o Say, After you make your pumpkin, you will measure different
parts of it with your ruler. Record the answer in your pumpkin
investigation notebook. After you measure, you can decorate you
pumpkin with eyes and a mouth and color it.
Show students their groups and have them move to their first station.
After 8 minutes, have the students switch stations (set timer).
Walk around the stations to make sure students understand. Help
students who need help. Ask students questions such as, Was your
prediction right? How did you measure the pumpkin? How do you
know your pumpkin is that size?
(ACEI 2.3)
(ACEI 3.3)
IX.Check for understanding.
Students will demonstrate their understanding during guided practice
by blowing the answer in their hand and then shouting it out.
Students will demonstrate their understanding during the stations. I
will ask them questions to extend their thinking/understand their
reasoning. If students are measuring wrong/seem unsure, I will use the
station time to reteach a student/group of students.
Students will demonstrate their understanding through the group
discussion we have at the end of math time.
X.Review learning outcomes / Closure
Begin a group discussion. Ask, Who can remind me what it means to
measure something? Call on one or two students. Ask students,
What did you learn about measuring today? Ask, What was the
trickiest part of measuring? Can you think of another way you could
measure your pumpkin? (ex. Around the middle, length)
Formative: Questioning students, closure discussion, monitoring student
activity during stations

Summative: Reading the students pumpkin investigation notebooks

(ACEI 4.0)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who
did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and
ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. How long did it take students to understand how to measure during
the mini-lesson?
8. What did the students struggle with in measuring?
9. Were any of the stations too hard/too easy?
Revision Date: September 12, 2016
2007 ACEI Standard

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