Springville Road CIP Hearing Notice

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WASHINGTON COUNTY Dept of Land Use & Transporation Panning ane Dovelopmot Curent Panning Seaton {BSN 1 aver, 29509, tbo, O8 97524 Ph 3) 646-8761 Fax (508) 846-2908 Category C Notice of Public Hearing URBAN& RURAL COMMUNITY PLAN: Bethan RURALINATURAL RESOURCE PLAN ELEMENT EXISTING LAND USE DISTRICT(S): R24 District (Residential 24 units/acre) Institutional District (INS) 6 NB District (Residential 6 units/acre) ‘AF-20 District (Agriculture and Forestry EFU District (Exclusive Farm Use) ASSESSOR MAP: TAX LOT NUMBER(S): 00300, 00302, 00305, 00306, = nico Po: 7 1N118.00 (00400, 00501 4N1 19.00 ‘00900, 00801 i988 (95800 3N213.00 2107 4N224 00 (00100, 00200 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ACTION: Road and NW 185th Avenue.” Notice is hereby given that the Washington County Hearings Officer will review the request for the above-stated proposed development action at a hearing on September 15, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium on the first floor of the Washington County Public Services Building, 155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124, AREA Map [ll SUBJECT PROPERTY —> Notice to Mortgagee, Lien Holder, Vendor or Seller: ORS Chapter 215 requires that if you receive this notice it must promptly be forwarded to the purchaser. CASEFILE/PROJECT#: ___16.326.0(C)___ APPLICANT: ‘Washington County ECS. Matt Meier 1400 SW Wanut St MS #18 lsboro, OR 97123 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: OBEC ‘John Kelly 55000 Meadows Road, Ste 420 Lake Osweao, Or 97034-2224 ‘Owner Public Riaht of Way (Adiacant owners on file) LOCATION: At the intersection of NW_Soringvile Road and NW _185" Avenue, extending north in NVW 185" Avenue ROW approximately 550 feet; south in 0 foot; and NW 485" Avenue ROW approximataly 1 east_in NW Springville Road ROW approximately 1700 feat i nt rinawville Page 2 Notice of Public Hearing Casofile / Project #: 16-326-0 (Ci) + Allintorested persons may appear and provide written or oral testimony (written testimony may be submitted prior to the hearing but not after the conclusion of the hearing). Only those making an appearance of record (those presenting oral or written testimony) shall be entitled to appeal. Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sulficiont specificity to afford the Review Authority (Hearings Officer) ‘an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) based on the issue. Those wishing to make an appearance of record should complete the sign-in sheet on arrival. * The public hearing wil be conducted in accordance with the following rules of procedure as adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Reasonable time limits may be imposed. RULES OF PROCEDURE ‘The Hearings Officer wil summarize the applicable substantive review criteria. Assummary of the Staff Report is presented. The applicant's presentation is given. (Please provide 3 copies of all exhibits submitted for the record.) 4, Testimony of others is given in the order of sign-in. (Please provide 3 copies of all exhibits submitted {or the record.) 5. Applicant's rebuttal testimony is given. + When the Review Authoriy reopens a record to admit new evidence or testimony, any person may raise new issues related to the new evidence, testimony or criteria for decision-making, that apply tothe matter at issue. ‘+ Ifyou require further information about the application before making a submission, a copy of the application, ll documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost at the Department of Land Use and Transportation. copy of this material will be provided at reasonable cost. + A copy of the staff report will be avaltable for inspection at no cost at the Department of Land Use and Transportation at least 7 (seven) days prior to the hearing, A copy of the Staff Report will be provided at reasonable cost. For further information, please contact: Ryan Marquardt, Transp. Planner at 503-846-3872 at the Department of Land Use and Transportation. (Main phone 503-846-8761) WRITTEN OR ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL THE CLOSE OF THE RECORD. PLEASE ADDRESS YOUR LETTER TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PLANNER, WITH REFERENCE TO THE CASEFILE NUMBER. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL MAILING ADDRESS (LEGIBLY PRINTED) TO BE INCLUDED AS A PARTY OF RECORD. Washington County Current Planning Services Division Ryan Marquardt, Transportation Planner, Casefile / Project #: 16-326-D(Cl) 155 N, 1st Avenue, #350-13, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Assistive Listening Devices + Assistive Listening Devices are available for persons with impaired hearing and can be scheduled for this ‘meeting by calling 503-846-8611 (voice) or 503-846-4598 (TDD ~ Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf) no later than 6:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the meeting, Sign Language and Interpreters + Upon request, the County wil also endeavor to arrange forthe following services to be provided: 4. Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing impairments; and 2. Qualified bilingual interpreters. ‘+ Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers, itis important to allow as much lead- time as possible. Please notify the County of your need by 8:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meeting date, 503-848-8611 (voice) or 503-846-4598 (TDD — Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf). ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP ‘TAX MAPILOT NO. 1N1180000300, 00302, 00305, 00306, 00400, 00501; 1N1190000000, 00901; 1N1 198605800; 1N2130002101;, 1N2240000100, 00200 AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ne am | al pec ROCK CCASEFILE / PROJECT #: 16-326-D(Cl} cae? ‘1180000200 rand BAGEE0O oa0 (oe9e008'00 R26 srs080so00 TP NORTH [Hill area or consiverarion NOT To SCALE SITE & SURROUNDING LAND USE DISTRICTS: R-24 District (Residential 24 units/acre) Insttuonal Dist (INS) R-6 NB District (Residential 6 units/acre) R-15 District (Residential 15 units/acre) R-9 District (Residential 9 units/acre) Urban Growth Boundary {AF-20 District (Agricuture and Forestry) EFU District (Exclusive Farm Use) Heraeooe200| R24 RAS 186000200 rc INST wiaconee0| & iz REVIEW STANDARDS FROM CURRENT OR APPLICABLE ORDINANCE OR PLAN ‘8° Washingen Coy Comprhensi Pan ‘Appleabla Community Plan (See Front of Noto) & ‘Minapotaion Pan Washington Gounly Community Development Code: "ARTICLE | Itoducton & General Provisions [ARTICLE I, Procecues ARTICLE li Land Use Distits [ARTICLE IV, Development Standards [ARTICLE V,Pubhe Facies and Series ARTICLE Vil, Pubio Transportation Facitios 8 0 86-95 Traffic Safety Inpovernents ‘ORD, NO. 738, Design and Construction Standards ‘ORD.691-4, 728,741 746, 751 Transportation Dovelpment Tax orm

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