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-Two-Column Notes

7 Sept

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Hailey Shields

What Is Social Studies?

MR Source(s): National Council for the Social Studies. (1994). What is Social Studies? Expectations of
Excellence: Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. Washington, DC: NCSS, 1-3.
The Text Says
I Say
Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)
My notes, commentary


"The primary purpose of social studies is to

help young people develop the ability to make
informed and reasoned decisions for the public
good as citizens of a culturally diverse
democratic society in an interdependent

Social studies teaches a lot more than many

people realize. Social studies is not just all
about history or historical events, it includes
what it going on now. For example, presidential
elections, without a government class learning
how elections work would be impossible.


"K-12 social studies programs integrate

knowledge, skills, and attitudes within and
across disciplines."

Social studies has such a large branch of

topics/subjects. They is a large variety of topics
that can be discussed all the way from how
other cultures work to how American even keep
functioning successfully today.


"Social studies programs reflect the

changing nature of knowledge, fostering
entirely new and highly integrated
approaches to resolving issues of
significance to humanity."

There is so many different events that occur

daily causing a variety of changes within our
history books. This subjects provides a voice for
those changing events for individuals who don't
normally keep up with the current events.
People need to know that is happening within
the world, especially within their country.

Connections to previous MR:

Gathering my thoughts after reading this piece, Social studies is more important and needed
within the school systems than some realize. Social studies is just an umbrella that covers a large
variety of subjects that are extremely relevant within a normal civilians life. How does one know how to
participate within presidential elections or understand the importance of equality if they did not learn
the purpose behind it? This is why I know younger students don't see the point or purpose of taking a
social studies course during school. Students don't see how it even relates to them, or how it could
affect them later on in life. Teachers are not showing how it relates to them, they aren't taking the time
to say, "hey, you will need this within your life when you get older!" Because teachers aren't doing this,
many students don't want to put in much effort towards a subject they do not see of value.

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