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once upon a time, a mother duck was sitting on a cluster of eggs anxiously waiting for
them to hatch. one by one the tiny noses poked through their shells until all the new chicks
were born. however one of eggs was taking longer than the others.. when it finally
hatched, the chick that emerged was not exactly like it is brothers and sisters. it was very
very ugly. mother duck was shocked to see such an awful looking duckling, and could
not imagine that it was actually hers. the other ducklings did not like the ugly duckling at
all. the pecked him and teased him refused to let him play. the ugly duckling was very
unhappy. the duckling was so very sad that he decided to leave home. at a nearby pand,
he met a family of geese and asked if he could stay with them they refused.
Further along the water, the duckling met a kind caterpillar. the duckling told him his sad
history and the caterpillar consoled him. i am just an ugly caterpillar , he explained , but
one day i will be a beautiful butterfly. maybe you will be beautiful are day too. the duck
and caterpillar lived quite happily for a week or so, but it was soon time for the caterpillar
to enter his cocoon. the duckling waited and when his friend emerged he was indeed a
beautiful butterfly. his friend flew off into the woods calling for the duckling to follow,
but the duckling could not catch up. once again the duckling was alone . winter came and
the duckling struggled to find food and shelter under the blanket of thick show. he had
no friends, and no comfort. it was a very hard winter and the duckling was certain he
would die. winter soon ended and the waters on the lake began to thaw. the lonely
duckling wadded out inter the water and he caught sight of something astounding. looking
up at him from the water was the most beautiful bird he had ever seen the duckling saw
a family of other swans playing in the water across the lake the mother swan saw him and
instantly recognized him as her long last son. the family was reunited and ugly duckling
was finally content.


Haba vez, un pato madre estaba sentada en un racimo de huevos con ansiedad la espera
de que eclosionen. Una a una las pequeas narices asom a travs de sus conchas hasta
que nacieron todos los nuevos polluelos. Sin embargo uno de los huevos estaba tomando
ms tiempo que los otros. Cuando finalmente se fragu, el pollito que surgi no era
exactamente como es hermanos y hermanas. Era muy, muy feo. Pato de la madre se
sorprendi al ver un patito de mirada tan horrible, y no poda imaginar que en realidad
era la de ella. Los otros patitos no como el patito feo en absoluto. El objeto de burlas y le
picoteado l se neg a dejarlo jugar. El patito feo era muy infeliz. El patito era muy triste
que decidi salir de casa. A expandir las inmediaciones, se encontr con una familia de
gansos y le pregunt si poda quedarse con ellos se negaron.
An ms a lo largo del agua, el patito se encontr con un tipo oruga. El patito le cont su
triste historia y la oruga lo consol. Soy slo una oruga fea, explic, pero un da voy a ser
una hermosa mariposa. Tal vez usted ser hermoso da son demasiado. El pato y la oruga
vivan felizmente durante una semana o as, pero pronto lleg la hora de la oruga para
entrar en su capullo. El patito esper y cuando su amigo sali l era de hecho una hermosa

mariposa. Su amigo vol hacia el bosque que pide el patito a seguir, pero el patito no
poda ponerse al da. Una vez ms el patito estaba solo. Lleg el invierno y el patito tuvo
problemas para encontrar comida y refugio bajo el manto de espectculo de espesor. No
tena amigos, y ninguna comodidad. Fue un invierno muy duro y el patito estaba seguro
de que iba a morir. Invierno termin pronto y las aguas en el lago comenzaron a
descongelarse. El patito solitario arrug a cabo entre el agua y l vio algo sorprendente.
Mirndolo desde el agua era el ave ms bella que haba visto nunca el patito vio una
familia de otros cisnes jugando en el agua a travs del lago del cisne de la madre lo vio y
de inmediato lo reconoci como su hijo a largo pasado. La familia se reuni y patito feo
fue finalmente contenido

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