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This is the story that was naturally created through a conversation within a

game called dungeons and dragons. A lot of people think that its really,
should I say, nerdy. In some ways it is, but this story is to show what kinds
of experiences and stories you can get out of it.
There are two characters to this story. The first is a wizard named Palatino
Linotype. Palatino is a skeleton created by a necromancer. He uses magic to
disguise himself as a human, and otherwise he wears a cloak to conceal
himselfhe is also a well-known tailor. The second is an elf from the
woodlands named Tauriel Elaria. She hates goblins because a tribe of goblins
killed her parents when she was young. This is the story of how they meet up
and interact with each other. Realize that every action that takes place is
made up and improvised.
In the poorest part of the town Demtrius, where all the criminals, beggars,
and other poor people live, Palatino was walking around finding some extra
work to do. In his spare time, Palatino would willingly scare people at night.
For a handsome fee of 10 copper coins no less. He looked down a dark alley
to see a man gesture him over. The mans features were hard to make out in
the shadows.
He said There is this kid named billy, I need you to scare him for me.
Palatino smiled, With pleasure.
After the man payed him and told him where Billy was (two alleys down no
less), Palatino found a boy playing with a ball in front of a poorly made
Palatino walked up to the boy saying, Are you Billy?
The child nodded.
Good to see you, will you shake my hand? Palatino said smiling.

When the child did, he noticed that he did not feel flesh when he touched the
mans hands, instead he felt cold, dry, bones. Confused, the child said your
hand feels funny.
Palatino then took off his hood and revealed to the child what he truly was, a
skeleton, shouting Boo!
With that the child screamed and ran into the house calling for his mother.
Laughing, Palatino grinned in delight. It never gets old. He thinks.
He decides to head back to his tailor shop, since that is where he lives.
Because Palatino is a skeleton, he doesnt need to eat, sleep, or get exercise;
because of this, he only owns a guest room and a storage room.
On his way back, he notices a pretty young elf girl talking to a much older,
wiser gentleman, he recognized the old man as the wise one or the one
who knew the answer to almost any question. The man was quite social for
his age. After she was done talking to the old man, Palatino quickly disguised
himself again to look presentable. Striking a very seducing pose, he
successfully grabs the attention of this woman, for Palatino was a master of
Well hello there elf girl, what are you doing in these parts? Palatino asked
Im looking for a goblin encampment, do you know where they could be?
the elf girl asked.
Yes I do, but you look rather tired. Maybe you should come take a rest at my
shop, Id be more than happy to tell you then.
The elf girl agreed. After going to the shop, Palatino showed Tauriel (thats
the elfs name as he discovered) to the guest room.
I hope youre comfortable, its not much but it should do. Palatino said
Anything besides the cold ground and a tree stump will be good enough.
Tauriel replied

Trying to conceal himself from her (for the magic was never permanent),
Palatino asked about why she had ventured from the woodland realms. After
telling him her tragic story about losing her parents to a tribe a goblins, he
said That mustve been hard.
She nodded, trying to change the subject she asked, I saw a lot of dresses
downstairs, you said you run a tailor shop? Those dresses look like they take
Oh, I find the time. Palatino said grinning, for he knew he usually stayed up
all night working on the clothes he sold, because he didnt need sleep.
Thats quite impressive. Tauriel said.
I dont believe youve had anything to eat for a while, would you like
something to drink? Palatino asked
Oh, possibly. What do you have? she asked
Unfortunately just some read wine. Is that okay?
Yes, that will do.
With that, Palatino retrieved some red wine and poured a glass for the both
of them.
Palatino raised his glass, A toast, to great health and prosperity to the both
of us.
Agreed. Said Tauriel, downing the glass of wine.
Palatino, not having a stomach, also drank the wine. The wine trickled
down his spine, then down his legs, and onto the floor. He did so while
disguising the sound with creating a galloping sound of horses outside, for
the magic he was given was the magic of illusion. Therefore, Tauriel did not
notice the sound of red wine on the floor. Nor did she see the growing red
stain on the floor.

You must be dreadfully tired. Palatino said lowering his glass, I will leave
you to your slumber.
Palatino was it? Thanks for giving me a place to stay. Tauriel said getting
into the bed with her clothes still on.
With that he closed the door and walked downstairs to get started on a new
dress. A green one, he thought, one that will bebattle-ready.
The next morning, Tauriel woke up as the sun rose and headed downstairs,
failing to see the red stain on the floorboards from the night before. She
found Palatino working on a dress that was green and well fit for movement.
Thats a nice dress you have there. How long did it take you to make that?
Expertly coming up with a good answer, he simply said, Oh I find the time.
Palatino didnt want to reveal his secret to her just yet, he didnt want to
scare her off. If you want, you can try on any of the dresses you see. I also
just finished this one. He said holding up an almost perfect green dress.
Actually, Tauriel said eyeing the green dress, I think Ill try that one on
After putting it on in a changing room, Tauriel walked out with the dress on.
It fitssurprisingly well. Tauriel said wondering how it could fit so perfectly.
Its made out of a special fabric, one that will stretch and constrict to
perfectly suit its owner. Palatino saidlying. He has a good eye, and knew
the exact measurements for the dress once he saw her.
If you want it, you can have it. He said
Oh no I couldnt, this is one of your dresses. Although it would be nice to
have something moreelegant. She said considering accepting his offer.
No please, I insist. Palatino said
Wellokay, Ill take it. Tauriel said reluctantly

Ive also made your quiver better for your bow and arrows, so now you can
hold thirty arrows instead of twenty.
How did you-
Oh, I found the time. He said giving her the larger quiver.
Wowits not any heavier. Tauriel said putting the quiver on her back.
Thanks, but now I guess Ill have to get more arrows.
Come with me, I know a place that sells the best arrows. Palatino said
getting up and motioning her to follow.
They found a local shop owner named Wilson, he was tall, scrawny, and wore
thick glasses. O-oh, hi there P-palatino. Y-you need s-something?
Yes Wilson I need 30 of your finest arrows.
Thirty arrows c-coming right up. Wilson said walking to a place in the store
holding a bunch of arrows.
When Wilson got back, Palatino payed for them and gave them to Tauriel.
Here you are. He said.
Tauriel laughed soflty, but I only needed 10.
Then just toss the others out, Im sure their high of use. They werent, but
Tauriel threw them out anyway.
Who is this guy? thought tauriel, Hes been buying me all this equipment,
and made me a dress (well its more of a skirt). Im growing very suspicious
of this man.
Tauriel then tried to determine what Palatino really wanted through a series
of questions and insight. But she ultimately failed to see any bad intentions,
for Palatino was very old, and knew how humans worked. One day, shell
know. When that day comes, shell have accepted me as a friend.

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