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Omar Farooq

More people in Britain

It is for the first time that Muslims have overtaken Anglicans.
According to figures 930,000 Muslims attend a place of worship at
least once a week, whereas only 916,000 Anglicans do the same.
Muslim leaders are now claiming that, given such a rise of Islam in
Britain, Muslims should receive a share of the privileged status of
the Church of England.
A spokesman for David Hope, the Archbishop of York, second in
the church hierarchy, said the archbishop had conceded defeat,
but added: "He believes that many more people have an affinity to
the church than the number recorded as having attended once on
a Sunday." The figures were compiled from government and
academic resources.
According to the 2001 census, three-quarters of the British
population regards itself as Christian. Although there are no
registers kept at mosques regarding attendance, but the census
had included a question about religious adherence. Those figures
have been further supported by surveys to give the first
assessment of worshipping Muslims.
Although the census recorded 1.59 million Muslims but Ceri
Peach, professor of social geography at Oxford University said the
census could not record the correct balance because the question
was voluntary. Academics believe the figure to be at least 1.8
Tariq Modood, a professor of sociology at Bristol University has
found that 62 per cent of Muslims pray in places of worship. The
afigure, after excluding young children, most of whom do not
worship in mosques, is about 930,000. The figure is said to
underestimate the number of practising Muslims. Many, it is said,
pray at home.

Immigration from Eastern Europe and conversions are believed

to be adding to the number of Muslims. Lord Ahmad Patel, a
Labour peer said 10 extra seats should be allocated to other
religions. The Church of England has 26 seats in the House of
Lords. However, the recent figures do not include Catholics. The
Catholic church has 1.5 million British worshippers
This is a quote from an article entitled More people in Britain
attend mosques than the Church of England., from Islamic
population worldwide @

Professor Modood talks of rethinking and modernising of

multi-faithism, possibly his own word, he goes on about a

relationship between a Christian legacy, growing religious

minorities and nervous secularists but I think it should be noted
that amongst religious communities, including Christians, there is
a growing sense that there is not a dominant religion. That all
religions are to some extent minorities because if we were to
identify some kind of hegemonic ideology in the country, it would
not be religious. There is a sense that all religions are minorities
and they need to deepen the habit of cooperation or divided they
in the article Religion in Britain Today and Tomorrow by
Professor Tariq Modood

There is a triangular relationship between Islam, Isaiyat and no

religion-affiliated peoples, in Britain.

If we look at families instead of individuals specifically, those
married families who have planned pregnancies, which are
legitimate by law, where the father lives with the children; more
British families are Muslim (married families).
Surely UK universities can convince the authorities that a
majority is a majority and UK is now to be called Muslim.

If dar al Islam is where there is no declared or undeclared
warzone nor is there too much open kufr (too many kafirs),
then dar al Islam ie. the rule of Islam and Muslims is coming
very near. Even in America, there will be more Muslims than
non-Muslims by next century.






Religion in USA




PARM (Pakistani and religious

The association in the British Isles of christianism with disbelievers,
people who say they have no religion means it is Islam which is our
religion not the other of christianism, in Britain, forever.
Secularism, as an extension of christianism, brings Christianity into
moral disrepute and insignificance as a system of rule.

Religious affiliation

No religion

How Islam should be given preference over Christians and


New Economics

We have seen the emergence as much as Pakistan, India, China

and Indonesia, these great world economies which have more
promise, more potential than actual domination and subjugation
of other nations in the fact that they have a higher growth rate
and a higher growth, less debt to equity, less borrowing than socalled developed world economies although they are smaller
economies as they have lower GDP. Lower GDP when you dont
take into account the PPP because theres a lot of cities there. The
west comprises mainly of one city, London because Russia has
been destroyed by the Talban, inshallah we, the Muslims have
destroyed USSR now we will destroy the USA.
When we look at that as a strategy, look at that as a mission to
annihilate the great satan, a very noble cause, it is a very noble
aim to take a superpower, an egoic power, to take the deadly, the
death power and to bring it forward intoand to take the idiot
power and to make something of it from a mere 5% or 10%
nation of the American people, obviously it takes a lot of forward
planning, it takes a lot of know as much as we face the
risk when we stand up and confront the injustice and tyranny of
having to pick up guns, we face the risk of people trying to kill us
as well.
Thats why we are resorting to violence, thats why we are angry,
thats why we are saying look at the black power movement has
worked before now its time for the Pak-power movement to
work as well inshallah, and nationalism is the one thing that can
bring up India above China, not above America because China is
already above America, we have already destroyed America,
The triad of America, Europe and Japan bows before us, the north
they used to talk abot as a matter of the changing of the guard, it
is not as I would look at it as but people talk of catching up, its not

catching up! Its not catching up when Europe is subjugated

before Islam and Japan is subjugated before China, and America is
all that is left in top 30 economies of the world because of the
peace powers, peaceable powers.
And that is purely thanks to Allah, this is purely thanks to the
efforts of people to say weve had enough of these white power
hypocrites, weve had enough of the British and American and
Israelis telling us what to do. Weve had enough of people
claiming theyre Christian which is that theyre nicer people, when
really they should be fearing Allah. They should be fearing God.
They should be loving God not having sex with little boys and
claiming that their priests.
You know what I mean, people say these priests, they actually
have sex with little boys as part of their satanic rituals. I have no
doubt that they do these things because I have seen it, Ive seen
ethnic cleansing. I have faced that thing first hand. People my age
they used to drag them of and rape them until they gave babies
that were Christian. So dont talk to me about what is the enemy
facing us. Inshallah from 5% to 10% nation to black power to Pakpower movement (one which incorporates all of the non-allied
movement to a if-you-like, a non-globalised, a non-worldist
agenda, a non-dunyawi agenda, a mazhabi agenda, a deeni
agenda, a diyanatdar agenda or a theocentric agenda; one that
says its all very good but the south isnt just catching up, the
south is going to dominate and subjugate other nations.)
You may say China does not qualify as the south, then you will
have to say India does not qualify as the south then you will have
to say Indonesia does not qualify as the south: so you talk lies to
us but we will not listen because at the end of the day, its not
catching up, its defeating the enemy, and when you want to
defeat the enemy you will find they bring guns and bombs to your

yard and in that case you take the attack to them, you take the
military, whatever military way you have, you take it and you kill
them, you get militant. You know theres a struggle, theres a
power struggle there thats what we are saying. We talk of the
Pak-power, thats not exempt from the Pak-power struggle.
There is no fear of a Pak planet, because we dont fear a non-triad
country or a non- warcentric country. They dont fear any country
which is not America or, you know Europe, America or Japan. But
they will learn to, they will come to fear that once they have been
replaced not just annihilated, but replaced really like they talk of
the destiny of Israel of their own hegemony was to bring the
replacement theologically of Israel. Thats nonsense, they have no
right! Theyre on a mission with no permission, causing
holocausts and causing Nazism and nuclear war just because
theyre co-operating with Jews, Theyre on a mission with no
permission, this Nazism, and look at Christianity- it is a mad, bad
and dangerous to know phenomena. Its not that theyre just
fascists if you go to the Americas you will find theyre just fascists,
the Catholics, so if you exclude the Catholics then yes, Americas
sell-by-date is only 30 to 40 years, yes if you exclude the
Catholics, the Muslims will inshallah dominate and subjugate
them. We will replace; annihilate, replace and liberate.
Dont think were asleep right now. We are awake, we are living,
breathing nation and were gonna fuck you up proper! Were
gonna fuck up the government the way its messing with us! How
long have they been killing Afghanis for? 30 years? 40 years?
What are they doing there? They never fought a war like that
before. You bet its fucking up our people as well. Millions of
refugees, were not taking that!

You bet were gonna be a form of militant and political and first
and foremost, and paramount, an intellectual Islam that is
mobilised against these niggers.

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