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Kaitlyn Lemaire

Period 1
Illustration Paragraph Final Daft
Due October 20th
Ignorance is defined as a lack of knowledge or information. At least
once a day its common to run into someone who is unaware or unconscious
of their surroundings. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Just last week, I
was walking down the hallway and a guy was walking from the other
direction. He was swinging his gallon water bottle back and forth, making the
people next to him have to dodge from being hit. I continued to walk normal,
however, because I was completely in my own space, not his. He ended up
hitting me in the stomach with his bottle and he didnt even realize it. This is
a perfect example of ignorance. Always be aware of your surroundings and
the consequences that come about from your actions. Ignorance is not bliss.

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