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Name: Chandrika Choudhary

Roll No.: 2013038

Subject: Criminal Procedure Code
Project Topic: Comparison of Arrest Procedure in India and with Other Countries
Objective: By the study of this project we will get the knowledge of arrest procedure
in India and in other countries and different rules and statues related to it.
Research Methodology: For this project the research methodology is doctrinal. The
information and data for the project will be from various books, articles and other
resources. The research will include both present and historical information related to
Abstract: Chapter V of the code of criminal procedure, 1973 deals with the arrest of
persons. Section 41-44 deals with the different circumstances in which police officers,
magistrates and private citizens are authorised to make arrest without warrant and
section 46 deals with the manner in which the arrest can be effected by any such
person. Arrest being the restraint of the liberty of a person it can be effected by
actually contacting or touching the body of such person or by his submission to the
custody of the person making the arrest. An oral declaration of arrest without actual
contact or submission to custody will not amount to an arrest. The submission of
arrest may be by express words or may be indicated by conduct.
In India this is the procedure which is followed to arrest a person and other countries
have their own rules and procedure to arrest a person.
Apart from this, Universal jurisdiction allows states or international organisation to
claim criminal jurisdiction over an accused person regardless of where the alleged
crime was committed and regardless of the accused nationality, country of residence,
or any other relation with the prosecuting entity.

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