Engineering Design Process: Paper Bridges Lab

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Paper Bridges Lab

Engineering Design Process

Identify the Problem: Make a bridge that spans 8 inches across a river using only
4 pieces of printer paper, with only one piece of tape.
Rules: Bridges have to stand on their own, they must be on top of river banks (books)
tape can only be used paper to paper, not on the river banks or river. Bridges will be
tested through holding weighted squares.
Explore: Use image search to find various bridge structures. Draw them, and drag
some examples into your google doc in this blank section. (2-3 pictures of bridges)

Design: Draw your models in your Science Log.

___c___ (Mark C when completed)
Create: Create the model that your team agreed on to build.
___c___ (Mark C when completed)
Try it Out:
Number of weighted squares bridge can hold
Trial #1 (October 5th)


Make it Better: What design changes have you made? List them here.

We used flat piece of papers.

We taped
Number of weighted squares bridge can hold
Trial #2 (Make it Better, October 24th)


In paragraph form, reflect on what went well, what was challenging, and what you
learned about bridges structures, and also how working with others affected this task.

Trying to make the bridge more stable.We got 4 more than last time.
It was so scary last time the team used my idea now we used mckenzie's idea.
Her idea was good and better than my idea.She saved us from total destruction.
So thanks to her.

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