Name: Darcy Falvey School Site: Riverbank Lesson Title/Subject: "The Bugliest Bug" Read Aloud Grade:2nd Content Standard(s)

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Name: Darcy Falvey

School Site: Riverbank

Lesson Title/Subject: The Bugliest Bug read aloud

Content Standard(s):
RL2.1- Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.
RL2.3- Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
RL2.6- Acknowledgedifferencesinthepointsofviewofcharacters,includingbyspeakinginadifferent
RL2.7- Useinformationgainedfromtheillustrationsandwordsinaprintordigitaltexttodemonstrate
SL2.1- Participateincollaborativeconversationswithdiversepartnersaboutgrade2topicsandtextswith
ELD Standard(s):
2.I.B.5- ListeningactivelyDemonstrateactivelisteningtoreadaloudsandoralpresentationsbyaskingand
Anti-Bias Framework Anchor Standard and Domain:
Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, and Comprehension and Collaboration
Grade Level Outcome:
List Measurable Objectives in this column.
Note: The objectives will match the standards.
Content Objective:
BTEOTL SWBAT (a) recall and explain (b-dok1) their favorite part of the
book (d) by writing a sentence (c).

Social Skill Objective:

Students should be attentively listening and participating throughout the
Students should have engaging conversations about the material and not
trail off topic.
Students should be able to maintain a low noise level during
Students should be encouraging and supportive of others ideas that are

Describe Assessment Tool and Criteria

How will you CFU?
Focus students on paying attention to parts that made
them laugh. During the read aloud, students are able to
answer my questions regarding the context of the story
correctly. The students then discuss how the story
changed Dilly using details/pictures from the text.
What and how will you assess during collaboration?
Students are to use as much detail to explain their
favorite part to their elbow partners. I will circle the
room listening for describing words and reasoning.
What and how will you assess during independent
Completion of the sentence explaining their favorite
part and why. Students need to use detail from the text.
They are to finish the illustration of the bug they
What and how will you assess the social skill during
Students were able to listen and follow directions
appropriately. I will circle around the room to listen for
positive conversations. Students were able to describe
specific details from the story. There was appreciation
over each students art work.

contributed during collaboration.

How will you teach the social skill? Will you use a looks like/sounds
like/feels like chart, a book, modeling, etc.?
Must be attentively following along with my instruction.
I will use prior activities involving setting expectations for good listening
with the use of What It Means To Be A Good Listener poster.
Use sentence frame My favorite part wasbecause for additional
support if needed.
Brick Words:
Damselfly, bombardier beetles, arachnids, clever, gossamer strings, and
Which language demand(s) will you need to teach in order to achieve
the content objective? (Write them/it out.)
Retell and justify
Language Objective(s) (language demands):
SWBAT (a) retell and justify (b-dok1) in pairs their favorite part of the
story (c) using key details from the text. My favorite part was

How will you CFU?

Students are to practice writing and reading the words
on their own white boards.
Students should be able to identify that bugs have more
specific names. Students would use certain words to
answer questions about the text.
What and how will you assess during collaboration?
Circle the room to listen for students using vocabulary
to describe their favorite part of the story.
What and how will you assess during independent
Students would use certain words to describe their
favorite parts.

Multicultural/Social Justice:

How will you CFU?

What and how will you assess during collaboration?
What and how will you assess during independent

This lesson continues the students curiosity of bugs that was introduced the day prior in science. The
students investigated the life cycle of a grasshopper. This book allows students to see a silly side to bugs.
Students can then connect their own experiences to the story. For instance, there is a contest for the bugliest
bug, the students can share about a time they were involved in a competition. This book is simply to
entertain and de-sensitize students fear of bugs.
White board/ELMO
23 small white boards
23 expo markers/erasers
23 plain worksheets with sentence lines/box for illustration
The Bugliest Bug book
Modification of the ________________ based on _____________ because
classroom element

student trait

Lesson Implementation
Focus Lesson
Today, we are going to practice how to recall and describe certain parts of a story in order to gain a deeper
understanding with the reading of The Bugliest Bug.

Hook- Discuss when students have been in a competition before. This will get them excited for what they
are going to hear about in the story.
Objectives are stated in student friendly language
I will be able to recall and explain my favorite part of the book.
Clear explanation of purpose and relevance
We are learning all about bugs this week, especially the life cycle of a grasshopper. This lesson is to
challenge the students on thinking about what made them laugh or the most excited in the story. They are to
also see how the main character is affected by the story. The students are then to decide what they thought
was the best part and use context to explain why along with an illustration of their own bug.
Building Background
o Links explicitly made between past learning and new concepts
Discuss some of the students favorite books they have read before and why they liked it.
o Concepts explicitly linked to students background experiences
Discuss how students decided which book was their favorite. Students should be examining
what made the book so likeable to them.
o Key vocabulary emphasized (e.g. introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for students to
Prior to reading, I will discuss that anytime a word is said that students do not understand,
they should raise their hand for clarification. I will introduce some vocabulary words: damselfly,
bombardier beetles, arachnids, clever, gossamer strings, and squadron.

Modeling of the new learning (think aloud and/or demonstration)

What strategy will you use to model? Will you use think aloud, demonstration, pictures, or any other
technique of the visual nature? Please write which strategy you will be using:
Before the reading:
Discuss/list the vocabulary words on the white board.
Students are to explore the definitions of the words I write on the board
Instruct students to write the word on their boards.
Have students closely observe the cover of the story.
Prompt students to use describing words: I see on the cover.
During the reading:
Reference the What It Means To Be A Good Listener poster.
Reflect on classroom photo used to display proper carpet seating.
Engage students in the text with emphasis on certain words/parts of the story
Choosing voices to allow students to differentiate characters
After the reading:
Summarize for students what happened with volunteer answers.
Reference certain pages when students discuss the sequence of the story.

Guided Instruction
Before the reading:
What do you notice about the cover? Whats on it?
During the reading:
Pg.3- Whos in the contest? Have you ever been in a contest? Connect to students personal stories
Pg. 9- What did Dilly think was odd about the judges?
Pg. 11- Why did the judges lick their lips?
Pg. 15- Will this be the end for the bugs? What do you think will happen?

Pg. 19- Confirm prediction made about what will happen to the bugs.
End of the reading:
What did Dilly win?
How was Dilly brave?
Was she always this way?

Explicit Teaching of Social Skill and Activity

Beginning of the lesson:
Model to students how to be good listeners. Use What It Means To Be A Good Listener poster.
I will say: Good listeners are sitting quietly, hands are free, eyes are watching, and your bodies are
During read aloud:
Model the What It Means To Be A Good Listener again if necessary
Students are to be aware that only quiet hands will be called on to share.
During collaboration:
Prompt students that they are to encourage their partners.
Give them sentence frame on board if students are struggling: My favorite part wasbecause..

Students are to meet with their elbow partners to share what part was their favorite. They will also
share the pictures they have drawn and explain why they drew that bug. When discussing they are to
explain why this was their favorite part. They are encouraged to show their pictures and read their whole
sentence with as much detail as possible.

Student Reflection
Did you explain why this was your favorite part? Did you describe why the bug represents you? Did
you let your partner share their favorite part?
How did you like sharing your favorite part? How did you like sharing the picture of their bug?
Were you listening attentively to your partner while they were sharing? How did it feel to share with your

Independent Learning
Students are to complete a sentence describing their favorite part of the book and why. They are to
draw their favorite bug from the story in the box at the top of the worksheet. Students can use the pictures
from the book as reference.

Student Reflection
What was your favorite part? What bug is your favorite? Why? Did you use enough detail in your
sentence to explain why?
Did you use the book for reference? Did you use specific examples from the story to explain why it
was your favorite part?
How did you decide which part was your favorite? How did you choose which bug was your
Teacher Reflection

(This reflection does not require fully formed paragraphs or copious amounts of evidence. These are
questions that you should address after each lesson but you may use short hand, bullet points, etc. to
1. What specific examples of student learning show that students met or made progress toward the
2. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher candidates) actions and/or strategies that
contributed to and built on successful student learning?
3. What specific examples of student learning show that students struggled to meet or make progress
toward the objectives?
4. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher candidates) actions and/or strategies that
interfered with student learning? Describe any missed opportunities.
5. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?
6. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps in future
instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?

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