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Amy Werner

ED 442
Brother Duque
Activity 6.04 Make Sum for Me
Activity type: Practice
CO: SWABT add using connect blocks independently.
LO: SWABT explain how to add using connect blocks.
AS: Students added using connect blocks independently.
Focused of the adaption: increased oral communication & visual

Write 4+3
4 students uses the connect blocks to show the set-up and solution
Keep record of answers
Independently select a problem and solve
Practice 8 times


Math Activity: 5. 12 See and Say

Activity Classification: Application
Writing trait focus: Ideas

SIOP Focus: Interactions

Content Objective: SWABT represent two-digit numbers using manipulatives
Language Objective: SWABT explain their thought process in regards to how they
completed the problem
Assessment Statement: Students represented two-digit numbers with manipulatives
Focus of the adaption- Increase monitoring and kinesthetic
Instructions: In groups of three
1. One student will say a two-digit number, the second student will form the number
with the manipulatives and the third will check the work of the second
2. Students will rotate 15 times

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