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Focus skilled:
Content Standard:

Learning Standard:

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives

Teaching Aids/
Thinking Skills:
Added value / Crosscurricular Elements:
Reflection Mainstream:

2 Bestari
14th October 2016/ 11.00 - 12.00 p.m (60 minutes)
World of Knowledge
Unit 15: Save the Sea Creatures
Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm
and intonation.
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
a) answering simple Wh-Questions
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Talk about the animals in the picture using wh-questions.
Answer wh-questions based on the short story read.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Talk about the animals in the picture using wh-questions.
2. Answer wh-questions based on the short story read.
a) Picture of Daphney Dolphin and Whippy Whale:
1. Teacher shows the picture of sea creatures in the sea.
2. Teacher asks students about the sea creatures using wh-questions.
Eg: What is this?/ What is the name of this animal?/Why do they look sad?
b) Listen to the Story:
1. Teacher reads the story of Daphney Dolphin and Whippy Whale and students listen to it.
2. Teacher asks students on what happen to the sea creatures.
Eg: How many of sea creatures live in the sea?
What happened to them?
Why did they look sad?
c) Worksheets:
1. Teacher guides students on how to answer the wh-questions.
2. Students answer the wh-questions of How, What and Why.
3. Teacher and students discuss the answers together.
Short story Daphney Dolphin and Whippy Whale, sea creatures picture and worksheets/ generalizing ideas, Knowledge Acquisition,
Thinking Skills, Values and Citizenship
Love and Appreciate the Sea creatures, / Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Reflection Linus:

Focus skilled:
Content Standard:

Learning Standard:

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives

2 Bestari
17th October 2016/ 8.10 - 9.10 p.m (60 minutes)
World of Knowledge
Unit 15: Save the Sea Creatures
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognise words in
linear and non-linear texts.
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and nonlinear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within given context:
(f) /:/ (au) (g) /e/ (a-e)
2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by:
b) reading and grouping words according to word families.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Say the sounds ae and au correctly.
Circle three words with phoneme au and ae respectively.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Say the sounds ae and au correctly.
Circle three words with phoneme au and ae respectively.
a) Say The Sounds:
1. Teacher introduces the sounds of phonemes au and ae.
2. Teacher demonstrates the sounds with correct pronunciation.
3. Teacher asks each student to pronounce the sounds respectively.
4. Teacher introduces the word lists on au and ae sounds.
b) Read the text :
1. Teacher reads the text of Little Paul the Astronaut and students follow after.
2. Students identify words with phonemes au and ae.
3. Teacher asks students to identify words with sound au and later ae.
c) Worksheets:
1. Teacher asks students to group the words into the correct sounds.
2. Students list out the words into same group of sounds based on the text read before.
3. Teacher and students discuss the answers together.

Teaching Aids/
Thinking Skills:
Added value / Crosscurricular Elements:

Little Paul the Astronaut text and worksheets/ generalizing ideas, Knowledge Acquisition, Thinking Skills, Values and Citizenship
Love and Appreciate the Sea creatures, / Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Reflection Mainstream:
Reflection Linus:

Focus skilled:
Content Standard:

Learning Standard:

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives

2 Bestari
18th October 2016/ 10.30 - 11.30 p.m (60 minutes)
World of Knowledge
Unit 15: Save the Sea Creatures
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including
cursive writing.
3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a
range of purposes
3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:
b) simple sentences
3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance:
a) simple messages
3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Write a message to a friend to ask for a help.
Write one way on how to save the sea creatures.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Write a message to a friend to ask for a help.
Write one way on how to save the sea creatures.
a) Read the Message:
1. Teacher introduces the message from Daphney to Sara.
2. Teacher read aloud the message and students follow after.
3. Teacher asks students about who is Daphney and what does Daphney asks for help.
b) Suggest ways to help :
1. Teacher explains what happened to Daphney and his friends and they are in need for help.
2. Teacher asks students how can they help Daphney and his friends.
3. Teacher and students write the suggestions on the whiteboard.

Teaching Aids/
Thinking Skills:
Added value / Crosscurricular Elements:

c) Write a Message:
1. Teacher guides students on how to write a message.
2. Teacher explains that Whippy would like to ask for help from Pat.
3. Teacher asks students to write to choose other animals and other causes to ask for help.
Help Us message and message card/ generalizing ideas, Knowledge Acquisition, Thinking Skills, Values and Citizenship
Love and Appreciate the Sea creatures, / Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Reflection Mainstream:
Reflection Linus:

Focus skilled:
Content Standard:
Learning Standard:

Learning Objectives:

Learning Objectives

2 Bestari
19th October 2016/ 11.30 - 12.30 p.m (60 minutes)
World of Knowledge
Unit 15: Save the Sea Creatures
Language Arts
4.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling pupils will be able to express personal response to literary texts.
4.3. By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.
4.2.1 Able to respond to:
a. book covers
b. pictures in books
with guidance.
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on:
c) stories
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Talk about the pictures in a book.
Produce a slide on keeping the sea clean.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Talk about the pictures in a book.
Produce a slide on keeping the sea clean.
a) Talk about the book:
1. Teacher shows the picture in a book about sea creatures.
2. Teacher asks students about the importance of keeping the sea clean.
3. Teacher asks students about what type of sea creatures they know.
b) Produce a slide :

Teaching Aids/
Thinking Skills:
Added value / Crosscurricular Elements:
Reflection Mainstream:
Reflection Linus:

1. Teacher instructs students that they have to make a slide on the title Keep Our Sea Clean.
2. Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
3. In pairs, students browse and choose a picture suitable with the title and add the title on top of the picture.
c) Present the slide:
1. Teacher asks students to present their work in front of the classroom.
2. In pairs, students present their work.
3. Students for the best work.
Picture book and slide presentation / generalizing ideas, Knowledge Acquisition, Thinking Skills, Values and Citizenship
Love and Appreciate the Sea creatures, / Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, Critical Thinking Skills

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