l06 Peer Tutor Syllabus

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Peer Tutor Syllabus

Course Description:
Students attending this class will have an opportunity to work with and
develop a relationship with students who have disabilities. You will become
aware of various disabilities and learn to be an advocate for people with
disabilities. Peer tutors will be responsible for providing assistance to
students with disabilities in a daily living, social, academic, physical,
emotional, vocational, and community skills. You will learn to appreciate
these students and their abilities and the unconditional friendships that can
develop. You would leave this class with a better understanding of yourself,
people with disabilities, diversity, and worth of all individuals.
Peer tutors will learn compassion and understanding of those with special
I will know they have learned compassion and understanding by the way
they positively interact with those with special needs.
Through being a positive role model, I will work closely with those peer tutors
who struggle with this concept.
Peer Tutoring Responsibilities:
Peer tutoring can be a rewarding experience; you will have two major roles
as an advocate and tutor for students with disabilities. As a Tutor you will
learn how to instruct students with disabilities in various activities and
classes. This instruction may occur in the students classroom, a general
classroom, in the community, school, or wherever required by the students
schedule. You may be required to collect data and document it. As an
Advocate for person with a disability you will be expected to show care and
concern for their rights while here at school and in the community.
You will, as a peer tutor, be assigned to work with one or more individuals as
needed throughout the term. You will be responsible to help these students
as follows:
1. Attend a General Class:
You may have the responsibility of helping the student with a
disability get to class on time, take notes, work on class projects or
assignments, model appropriate social behavior, and help them
become involved in the general class. You are expected to follow
classroom rules of the regular teacher as well. Reports from the
general classroom teacher or disruptive behavior by the peer
tutor/aids will be justification for loss of participation points which
will affect your grade and possible loss of tutorship.
2. Special Needs Classroom:

You will work one-on-one with the student in their class or a small
group. Each student has individual goals and objectives that cover
many areas depending on the needs of each student. Data must
be kept daily so progress on goals can be documented and
recorded. You are expected to model good social behavior at all
times. Use the classroom time well. These students need and
deserve your full attention. Most Special Needs students require
more time to learn a goal than you do, they need your help and
direction to stay on task. You also need to understand that patience
is on your part.
You will also have a daily journal on the special needs student you are
assigned to work with. The information that will be included will be the
assignment for that class period, their accomplishment, and their attitude.
The journal is worth 25 points a day.
60% Daily participation
75 points per day.
50 points for attendance, being online, following instructions, and
demonstrating appropriate behavior.
25 points a day for filling out students progress.
20% Projects
You will have the opportunity of creating a lesson plan, a poster board,
or a 2-page research paper.
This project is worth 100 points
20% Worksheets
Worksheets will be provided every 2 weeks and due every 2 weeks.
Grading Scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59-Below
Confidentiality Statement:
As a peer tutor you will be working with with students with disabilities and
may be exposed to confidential information about other students. This
information may be verbal or in writing but should never be discussed with
anyone other than the teacher, staff assistant, or another school
representative. FERPA (Federal Education Right to Privacy Act) protects the
privacy of students and signing below you understand FERPA and agree to
respect the students privacy.

I have read this statement and by signing this statement I am aware of

federal and state laws of confidentiality. I will respect the students privacy.


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